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code red: i broke my smartbox


code red: i broke my smartbox
October 7 2007 at 2:03 PM lexy (no login)


i dropped my smartbox very easely. a while back i dropped it badly and it still worked. now just a slight 2 feet fall and it won't start. tryed brand new batterys and nothing. i know this is a long shot but any ideeas what i could try?

Author Reply
(no login) Re: code red: i broke my smartbox October 7 2007, 7:52 PM

Fold the tubing back on itself twice then use a bulldog clip or clothes peg to hold (could probably even tie string around it as it's the folds that stop air escape) - that will at least give you an airlock in the meantime

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(no login) Re: code red: i broke my smartbox October 7 2007, 8:32 PM

i made myself some corks long ago from european style plugs that are very good for an airlock. fit perfectly. been using those during the day for months and they are perfect. my problem is when i'll lose seal over the night. oh well... i'll see

i managed to open up the smartbox and locked inside but i see nothing obviously wrong. tomorrow i'll go to an electrician and maybe i get lucky.

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Frisky Sheep
(no login) Re: code red: i broke my smartbox October 8 2007, 9:07 AM

It might be something simple that can be fixed easily. Those smart boxes are a bit sensitive though and stop working easily, so I wouldn't describe them as very robust. Good luck anyway.

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(no login) Re: code red: i broke my smartbox October 8 2007, 10:42 AM

When I dropped mine the contacts that create a circuit by touching the battery seemed loose so I used a screwdriver to pull one of them upwards making the battery fit tighter - this did fix it but I've not really used it since as I don't know if it's reliable.

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(Login Diana1978)
SENIOR MEMBER agree about the contacts.... October 8 2007, 1:56 PM

My contacts loosened up also, I just put a little bit of folded paper behind it and caused it to stay tight against the battery, mine worked fine after that, my kids had dropped mine.....hope this helps...

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(Login Alcest) Re: code red: i broke my smartbox October 8 2007, 11:53 PM

If all else fails, there is a woman on ebay who sells smartboxes--- I bought an extra one just in case mine does break. Unfortunately they're $200....

Good luck...

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(no login) thank you all October 10 2007, 8:49 AM

i'm sure it wasn't the contacts, i tryed that. i was using folded paper too. i took it to a profesional engineer (one of those places where u fix TVs and radios). he looked at it and it actually made a noise like it started when he touched something. he said 97% it's fixable. hope he's right. now i'm just waiting for a call.

thx for the ebay link. may come in handy if the bad 3% happens ( with my luck i wouldn't be surprised) 200 is way better then the 550 brava is asking for it.

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(no login) yeeeeeeeeeeyyyyyyyy October 12 2007, 2:25 AM

got my smartbox today. taped for now but working. i'll to glue it back but i'm afraid not to move anything inside while i'm at it. anyway i'm very happy.
just as a wondering... maybe i got used to a bit of extra suction but it's like it used to suck more in the begining. and this has nothing to do with my breaking it now. am i crazy or...?

thx for the support. i'm so happy.

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(no login) Re: code red: i broke my smartbox October 12 2007, 9:45 AM

I dropped mine and although I got it going again I always think when it stops pumping is that because it's done enough or because it's not working properly so I don't trust it. I prefer the airlock anyway. With the XL domes I find the bra uncomfortable (it pushes them in and puts a lot of pressure on the sternum - without the bra they diverge and the pressure is more even all the way round) but without it they need to be sucked on quite tight if I'm not just going to lie on my back all day.

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(no login) Re: code red: i broke my smartbox October 13 2007, 4:44 AM

i use airlock too during the day but at night i lose suction and if i don't have the smartbox to get back on ( as lil sucktion as it applys) i wake up fully deflated. this way at least i wake up as swollen as i went to bed.

i'm curious if i'd swell with the smartbox only. like i did the first few days using it...

i wake up every morning with the sportbox off and i have no ideea why
July 6 2007 at 9:58 AM lexy (no login)


this has been happening for about a week and it's quite funny since i wear it for long hours during the day and it never happens. i go to bed, make sure i have a good seal, plase it face down so i don't turn it off accidently, turn it off and back on to make sure it's working, turn on the alarm and fall asleep. and then i wake up it's turned off.

for 6 weeks before this started happening i always lost seal during the night but i even heard it before the alarm went on. hugged them to get the seal back and went to sleep again. could it be that lately i don't even hear the alarm? i seriously doubt that.

i checked the alarm, i checked everything and it seems to work fine. the batteries have just been replaced.

this is a complete mistery to me. if anybody has any ideeas of what may be happening i would be open to any sugestion. i just don't know what to do anymore. i can't even imagine how much i'm moving backwords with all this cause not every day i get 10 hours of daytime wear.

Author Reply
(Login Seri_Flamehair)
SENIOR MEMBER why is my smart box off? July 7 2007, 6:51 AM

You lost seal during the night and the alarm went off and you slept through it. Annoying i know has happened to me a couple times. I woke up for some reason and didn't feel the pressure so i checked and it was off reset it got pressure back in the domes and went back to sleep. all you can do,

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(no login) that's the only valid explanation July 7 2007, 2:59 PM

i did all kinds of tests to the sportbox. seems to be working just fine. yet i don't get myself. how can i not hear the alarm every night for a week? i used to get up before it went off just by hearing the buzzing sound.
last night i slept very stressed. got up several times to check. and one of the times it was off. this is very frustrating. i still get nice swelling cause i wear it over 15 hours but i have no ideea how many hours i lose at night Sad

thx for replying. good luck with ur goal

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(no login) Re: i wake up every morning with the sportbox off and i have no ideea why July 8 2007, 1:06 AM

Try NOT turning your sportbox off again after achieveing your seal. You can test if it's on by just pressing your alarm button until you hear the beep. If the sportbox is powered on, you'll hear the beep.

Good luck!

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(no login) Re: i wake up every morning with the sportbox off and i have no ideea why July 8 2007, 8:47 AM

You either turned off your smartbox on accident or you slept through the alarm. There is no other explanation.

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(no login) yup July 8 2007, 6:31 PM

caught myself last night sleeping thru the alarm. i remembered the moment when i got up. i'm probably getting used to it or something. god this sucks. i probably need a sound detector with a bigger alarm and one of those that drive you nuts. i'll atempt to handle this.

thx and let's all hear only succes storys in the future

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(Login Seri_Flamehair)
SENIOR MEMBER Try this July 8 2007, 7:19 PM

Once you put the domes on take the smart box off the tube and suck a little extra air out of the domes you should hear the smart box turn on. once you have a little more suction on the domes reattach the smartbox while still running. A bit extra suction should help keep a better seal. make sure you use the skin prep prior to putting the domes on and the surrounds as flat as possible around the outside edge.

You do not want any rolling of the surround. and try to keep on your back.
I sometimes roll over to my side and i can feel the cool air going in when i break a seal sometimes so it wakes me up.

I do the extra suction and ensure everything is working then go back to sleep. after almost 3000 hours of wearing brava i have got it down so i don't need to even turn on the lights to do it.

As of midnight last night i only needed 21 hours to attain the 3000 hours. Might be able to do that today depends. May have to go out for a few hours.

Good luck

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(no login) Seri, July 11 2007, 9:52 AM

you said you had the same problem too for a while, not hearing the smartbox. did you fix that somehow or did it just go away on it's on. i keep counting the days i don't get enough hours and it ain't fun. today i think i'll go see someone who does electronics and ask if i can have my alarm modifyed. i don't see what else i can do.

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(Login Seri_Flamehair)
SENIOR MEMBER Smartbox July 11 2007, 7:27 PM

Unfortunatly you will have to break the smart box apart to get into it. they are not ment to be repaired. I did take one apart and fix it lasted for a couple months before the piston failed. One of the reasons why brava says dry clean them now not wet clean alcohol ruins the rubber inside eventually.

Try this take the smart box turn it on activate the alarm and let it run for 10 minutes or so the alarm should activate if not then your smartbox is defective. Which would explain why you don't hear it.

The alarm should run for a couple minutes before the box turns itself off. wish the dang thing would just run till you deactivate it but don't know why they decided not to.

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(no login) found my solution. July 12 2007, 1:43 AM

my smartbox alarm works fine. that was the first thing i tested. but it only stays on for a minute before turning the smartbox off. anyway i have a huge exam soon and i'm pretty stressed and maybe too tired. plus i think i might have gotten used to ignoring the alarm.

anyway i found my solution. may sound really funny. and it isBig Grin
i connected my smartbox to the PC. took a very small microphone and torn it apart to keep only the actual device, and placed it in that lil box covered with rubber that you can remove to clean it. the microphone is tiny so it won't stop the air from coming out. i just put it there and placed the rubber cover back on. so whenever i lose seal that buzzing sound is reproduced very loud in my speakers.
took a nap this afternoon to test it. it made me jump right up. i'll have to lower the volume on the speakers or my neighbours will think i have the appartment under construction. the only thing i have left to do is buy a matrice cause i only have a couch in the PC room and that's not too comfy.

sometimes i'm amazed of what hilarious things i'm willing to do to make this work. if i were to start all over i'd probably think twice. but i won't accept the ideea of having gone this far only to give up.

my smartbox has gone crazy!
February 3 2007 at 11:08 PM diana (Login Diana1978)


i dont know wha happened. all of a sudden it went into overdrive. it started sucking really hard and would not stop after it had optimum real pressure. i finally took the batteries out and replaced them but i decided to let my boobs breath for a minute. i have hickeys on the side of my boobs by my armpits. i had just had them on for six hrs and 22 min. i will let them rest for a minute. and put it back on in a couple of hours. IF the hickey marks go away. i will still get my hours in. anyone?

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(Login Diana1978)
SENIOR MEMBER okay February 3 2007, 11:30 PM

Its cleared up and i put the domes back on. now i know why i never got in trouble with my parents for hickeys. they never stayed long! that was scary. has anyone had this happen to them?

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(no login) Re: my smartbox has gone crazy! February 4 2007, 12:03 AM

i am now positive that the smartbox was a cheaply made piece of equipment that they just threw together so they could get it on the market fast...

but it has been out for a few years now and why they don't make some drastic changes is beyond me. i feel like a lot of their complaints would be eliminated if they did. there will always be people who can't put in the time or effort. but what about the die hard's? US!

just doesn't seem fair.
got 10 weeks in...16 more to go - but if my nipples get any bigger im QUITTING!

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(Login Diana1978)
SENIOR MEMBER i am at opposite February 4 2007, 2:09 AM

I just finished 6 wkp and plan on doing ten more. and you are right. the box is piece of crap. it should come with some kind of guage and a way to turn it up or down according to our own personal comfort level. totally agree with you. back to the boob sucker. lol.

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(no login) Re: my smartbox has gone crazy! February 9 2007, 6:48 PM

Diana, that smartbox thing is notoriously temperamental. Lots of women had problems with it, so you're not the only one. Don't worry about it misbehaving occasionally, I think that's pretty normal actually.

smartbox settings
January 13 2009 at 12:49 PM CousinRose (Login CousinRose)


Me and my smartbox

I have been wearing Brava for 11 days now. Two nights ago I heard my smartbox pumping for about a second and then stopping and repeating this maybe 3 times. Sounded like it was on the minimum pressure border. I unplugged it without letting any air out and then plugged it in again and the smartbox pumped for some time and I felt the pressure raising. Strange since I thought it maintained the same pressure approximantly but I could really feel it.

Last night after I had put on the domes and let the smartbox draw the air out and it stopped pumping, I unplugged it again without letting any air our and plugged it in again and it pumped for a little while and the pressure got higher. Last night the smartbox never started pumping but usually goes off about one or two times each night.

So I have always had the settings of the smartbox on the lower pressure and I am wondering if this is normal for a smartbox to do this or if mine is faulty. Does this happen with your smartbox as well?

And another thing. I really prefer the lower pressure, even if it wakes me up one time in the night, so I am wondering if it matters which one I use. This night I got a red mark on the side of my breast and only wore it 12 hours, I usually wear them 14 hours with lower pressure. I didn't really notice any difference in swelling, I don't swell a lot, maybe half a cup, but I am one of those that believe it is the retention that matters not the swelling Wink and I am only 11 days in. I still notice some difference when I put the domes back on in the evening. So I seem to retain for a while.

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(Login roakie)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: smartbox settings January 13 2009, 5:14 PM

I had no idea the smartbox had pressure settings. Where do you regulate the pressure?

I had to send my smartbox back for replacement after the first two weeks cause it simply quit working. The new one seems to work fine (into my eleventh week) but I don't see any way to regulate the pressure setting. I thought this was out of my control.

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(Login CousinRose) Re: smartbox settings January 13 2009, 10:38 PM

I'm not sure I was very understandable. I re-read my post and wasn't very clear. It is difficult to explain your thoughts in a foreign language Wink

If you let the smartbox draw the air out on it's one and then you unplug the smarbox holding the tube so no air goes out and reconnect again, does the smartbox draw more air out and give you more pressure? Mine does. I'm not sure if this is normal behaviour for a smarbox so maybe mine is broken. I have only had one smartbox so I don't know which pressure is "normal". But there is guite a difference in those two pressures.

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(Login kd006) Re: smartbox settings January 13 2009, 11:25 PM

Probably "Normal" my tests showed mine was pulling 50mm Hg vacuum, when it is rated for min 15mm restart and 33mm shutoff. Not sure how accurate the sensor is or if it gets fooled by disconnecting and reconnecting. My suggestion is if you are happy with the lower vacuum then don't disconnect and reconnect the tube.


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(Login Louise1982)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: smartbox settings January 14 2009, 12:06 AM

The stronger the better if you actually want it to work! I'd be worried about only getting half cup swelling, the ver first time I used it for 3 hours I probably got that much - are you sure you're keeping the seal all night?

Keep the hours low the first couple of weeks or you'll probably get skin trouble. Also you'll probably find you stop getting much swelling with the smartbox after few weeks and will need an airlock anyway.

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(Login roakie)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: smartbox settings January 14 2009, 2:06 AM

Somewhere, somehow, I got the impression that it can ruin the Smartbox if you use it, disconnect it to suck the air out, and then re-connect it. I don't know if the same thing could happen if you artificially disconnect it and then connect it again. I know there have been a few times I have had to do so to adjust the silicon rims under my arms, but I don't usually make it a practice. However, I do notice that it goes on and off a few times during the first hour, which the manual explains it will do. So, each time if goes on for a few moments after the initial suctioning, a little more air is drawn out and I feel it getting tighter. Then, unless I do something to dislodge the domes, it tends to stay tight all night long.

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(Login CousinRose) Re: smartbox settings January 14 2009, 2:09 PM

Thanks for the replies girls Smile Really helpful.

Kristin - I am really glad you did your research Smile I guess the pressure range is noticeable and this is probably normal.

Lousie - I'm not sure how much half a cup size is but I am swelling about 2-3 cm, about an inch, but my breasts are fuller in the evenings when I put the domes on again. Strange how little I swell compaired to the rest of you. I am not loosing suction in the night. I am sure of that since I use the smartbox and am a very light sleeper.

Roakie - Hmmm, maybe I should stop experimenting since I can not afford ruining my smartbox :S

July 2 2007 at 4:32 AM Melinda (no login)


My smartbox has gone haywire! It will not shut off and it just keeps on sucking and sucking Sad I purchased my system on ebay 6 weeks ago and this started happening 2 days ago.

Does anyone know how much it would cost to purchase only a smartbox directly from brava? Or are there any alternatives? I purchased a check valve from petco and when i used it yesterday but it doesn't hold the suction all night. I woke up and disconnected the tubing and there wasn't the usual hissing to show the pressure leaving Sad I don't to lose 6 weeks of hard work to a malfunctioning smartbox.

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(Login Seri_Flamehair)
SENIOR MEMBER Smartbox July 2 2007, 6:12 AM

Is it the kind that has removable batteries? if so take them out and then replace if not let it run till it dies. Hopefully that will do it. If not i have a repaired one that has new rechargables in it that can be replaced. If you need it let me know they run around $300 from brava out of warranty and i don't think you can buy one without having paid for the entire system prior.

smartbox not working
October 10 2009 at 2:09 AM bizybizy (Login bizybizy)
I had posted previously. I gave up on Brava after a week or so and started it again about 3 nights ago. My smart box isn't working now! I can't get it to turn on. I clean it with a syringe until it turns on and then the suction doesn't stop until the battery's dead again and the cycle starts over again... I bought my Brava off ebay for $650. Neither set of domes is too sticky anymore, so I lose suction. At this point, I'm pulling the air out with my mouth and then pinching the tubes with clothes pins. I don't think I can keep this up much longer and I can't imagine anyone wanting to pay anything for this set-up on ebay, so I feel that I've thrown $650 down the drain! Any help is appreciated!!

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(Login roakie)
Re: smartbox not working October 10 2009, 6:03 AM

Actually, many of the Brava users do not use the smartbox as it provides so little suction. An airlock like you are doing by mouth, tied off with an elastic, is a good alternative.

(Login bizybizy)
re: broken smartbox October 10 2009, 8:21 AM

Thank you for the info.! I suppose I could just keep sucking the air out myself. The main problem is that I lose suction, and if I've fallen asleep (finally) I won't know and I could go hours without suction. This is SO DIFFICULT! I appreciate the help! I'm glad this forum is here!

(no login)
Re: smartbox not working October 10 2009, 2:50 PM

I've never used the smartbox since mine didn't work either. I'm on my second time around with Brava and have always just sucked the air out then plugged up the tube, The little cap that comes with the syringe is perfect for that. If you create enough suction the domes will stay all night even if not very sticky, but I have read here that you can use a product like "It Stays" which helps create a seal. Just don't create so much suction that your breasts turn purple inside the domes and stay that way (they will usually be red at first though). Basically, don't go to the point where it's really uncomfortable, but enough to keep your suction and make your breasts swell up.

(Login bizybizy)
great info! October 11 2009, 10:45 AM

Thank you both! This is great info! I don't know why I'm losing suction. I thought I didn't have a great seal. I do use the aloe gel before.

Smartbox Alarm
January 31 2009 at 4:32 PM Rox3 (no login)
Has anybody had trouble getting the alarm to go on? It worked for about one week now I can't get it on. Only after it's been on for about three hours then I push it and it beeps on (usually). Should I call the company? I don't want to exchange it if it means I can't wear it for a couple days.

Also, do people ever skip a night if traveling, etc. or do you try to wear it for 12-30 weeks without ever missing a night?

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(Login roakie)
Re: Smartbox Alarm January 31 2009, 7:15 PM

I have never tried to use the alarm on the smartbox. I have always heard the smartbox turn on in the night if I lose suction so I have never felt that I needed it.

As for traveling, I think most people try to use it every night for their set number of weeks. If I had boobs to begin with, I might not be so afraid to miss a night. But being totally flat, I have not missed a night yet, even after thirteen weeks. I don't think missing a night matters at much when you have put in about ten weeks, but missing an entire night before that is supposed to set you way back. It explains it pretty well in the manual from what I recall.

smartbox pressure
January 24 2010 at 5:51 PM linda (Login lindaess)
I have been using the brava system for 2 weeks and have a question about the smartbox. It creates a seal within 2-3 minutes when I first put it on. I notice sometimes after wearing it for a while it feels like there is very little pressure in the domes. If I press the domes against me, the smartbox will start running. It seems like my creating a little pressure makes it kick on. Is that normal? When I don't press the domes against me, it will turn on perhaps 2-3 times in a 10 hour period. However, it turns on more frequently (4-6 times in a 10 hour period) if I press the domes against me a few times an hour. Is this normal behavior for a smartbox?

Also, sometimes the pressure is really strong after the smartbox runs, but often it seems just like mild pressure. Should the pressure be fairly constant or is it normal for it to vary?

Author Reply
(Login kiagirl)
re: smartbox pressure January 25 2010, 4:30 AM

Hi Linda,
It sounds like pretty normal behavior for the smartbox. When you press the domes toward your chest you are forcing air out of the domes which triggers the smartbox to turn on. The question would be, do you have visible swelling in the morning after wearing the domes? If you do, then you know you have had a "successful therapeutic session"-as Brava calls it. If you don't, there could be something wrong. Make sure that you are letting the smartbox run at least 10-20 minutes after every use & more if you have had extended hours of use. The Brava coach told me that if I perspired alot or wore the domes for longer hours, to let it run for an hour at least a couple times a week. Also, to check to see if the smartbox is functioning properly you can turn it on, then put your finger over the port on the top. If it turns off when the port is covered or blocked, it is working correctly. Good luck on your Brava journey!


January 24 2010 at 2:58 AM jean (Login jan31961)


Hi! I just stated using Brava this week. I am getting condensation in the domes after about 5 hours, and the smartbox starts to run but shuts off every 15 minutes or so. The 1st 5 hours it may kick in once or twice. Could it be the moisture in the domes?? It feels like the edges of domes are slowly liftng after 5 hours and skin is damp around armpit area. I lightly press edges down and they do seem to reseal. Is this normal?? The domes almost fall off in the morning when I disconnect the smatbox. I am getting alot of swelling after only 2 nights of 10 hours. I am petite frame 5'1 tall 110 lbs. and small Acup. I am surprised to see so much swelling so soon. It lasts for about 6 hours. I have heard of rapid responders, could I be one??? Also, I bought he Brava sport from Brava direct and my smartbox seems to be working, but I can hear a rattle sound, like something may be loose inside it when I turn the box over. Is this normal or should I try to send it back?? Thanks for any answers an help from you experieced girls!!!

Author Reply
(Login kiagirl) re: smartbox January 24 2010, 5:35 AM

Hi Jean,

I am on my 3rd session with Brava. I started in Jan'09 and did 16 weeks, took a 3-4 week break, completed another 30 weeks, took another 3-4 week break, and now I am on the 2nd week of my 3rd session. I started out flat as a board--basically looked like a boy. I now am a full A-small B cup. I am shooting for a full B cup this time--I don't know if a C is realistic! Also, I don't know if I want to "do the time" to get there! Condensation is normal in the domes. You can help minimize it by fewer blankets or somehow trying to sleep cooler. The edges do lift when there is a lot of moisture. If you get too hot and sweaty you are more apt to lose a seal. It is not normal for the smartbox to be running all the time. It should only "kick in" when there is a need to restore therapeutic pressure in the domes. If you hear the smartbox turn on, you can press the domes against your chest gently and that will help the smartbox restore pressure a little more quickly. Be sure you are attaching the filter to the smartbox because that helps keep the condensation, sweat, etc., from damaging it. It's great that you're getting good swelling--I also have always gotten good swelling from the beginning. Only time will tell whether you are a rapid responder. I hope you are! Since you bought your Brava from the company directly, you have a great resource with the Brava coaches. I would definitely call them about your smartbox rattling or any other questions you may have. I have found them to be very helpful, especially one named Darlene Haire. Your smartbox is probably still under warranty and they are very expensive to fix or replace after the warranty runs out, so don't take any chances. I hope this helps! Good luck on your Brava journey! Remember, PATIENCE is key!! It takes the body a long time to grow new breast tissue, but it is so worth the time and effort!!

(Login ShyBoobs)
SENIOR MEMBER MHO January 25 2010, 6:29 PM

I just had to comment. I'm glad people are getting results with Brava, but to spend so much money and having to wear it for 16 HRS each day...for 30 weeks? Wow, I would be really annoyed lol. I better have some DD's for all that!

Don't wanna ramble but I would gladly take Noogleberry over Brava anyday, even tho it's manual most girls have impressive results within a year of use and they're not pumping for half the day to get it. XD

kiagirl, I hope you can get that C-cup 1 day or at least a big B. Good luck! :-)

lost a brava piece!
August 5 2009 at 1:30 AM Kristin (Login napahills)


I lost that little part that you push on to the top of the smartbox, and then it connects to the little filter which connects to the tube. How can I get another one? Any ideas?

Author Reply
(Login roakie)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: lost a brava piece! August 5 2009, 2:17 AM

Oh my gosh! The same thing happened to me awhile ago. I posted on here and another Brava user had a spare part and sent it to me. Perhaps someone out there has another one that they are not using???? Lots of women have given up the Smartbox and might part with their little part! I would send you the one that was sent to me, but I am starting to use the Smartbox to get the suction started again.
Aside from that, I didn't use the Smartbox for months so you really do not need it. You can use manual suction and get more pressure than the smartbox will ever give you.

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(Login napahills) Re: lost a brava piece! August 5 2009, 4:35 PM

GRRRRR....I used the noogle pump as my suction last night, and woke up this morning to the domes resting lightly on my chest and no swelling. OMG, I'm so frustrated. I feel like just when I start making progress, something happens and I miss a night due to a malfunction. Then I get kicked back. Ill call brava and see if they can send me one. I feel l like I could just cry.

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(Login roakie)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: lost a brava piece! August 5 2009, 5:09 PM

Are you using the no-sting prep wipes or aloe vera gel to create enough stickiness for the domes to really adhere to your chest? I have never woken up with absolutely no suction and I have been using the noogleberry pump for months. I have lost suction when I move and I have to get up and pump again, but have never lost suction when just lying flat. But, then again, I am a really light sleeper with these domes. I don't think I have slept through the night for the 40 weeks I have used them.

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(Login tr1gger) Re: lost a brava piece! August 9 2009, 1:50 AM

bummer Kristin, I hope brava will help you. They probably will, but it'll cost ya! They're def. in the business of making money off of us, however they can. I find their customer service unpleasant to deal with, and you have to be extremely assertive to get anywhere with them. Perhaps they've dealt with so many women in that hysterical stage we all go through in our first couple of months and have become defensive.

I also have lost only two nights with using the noogle pump in four months. And this was because the domes were old, had lost their sticky, and were plain just worn out. If you get a good suction happening, those babies won't go anywhere - even if you sleep on your side as I can, but only when the domes are in their first few weeks and sticky as hell. After that, it's on the back for me. But still, they stay on.
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