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Twister_Mama's Program


Hi everyone! I've been on here awhile, and I finally just now got around to posting my own program page. Blush

About me:

Age: 33
Sex: Female
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 122-125lbs
Race: Caucasian
Children: 2 (did not breastfeed)

* I had a hysterectomy in August 2009 (uterus and cervix removed); but I still have my ovaries. I no longer have periods; and I have no clue what my cycle is anymore.

I started my program on June 2nd, 2010; so I've been at it just over three months now.

My starting measurements were:
Under bust: 30"
Across bust: 31" (pathetic Sad )
Over bust: 31.5"

My program is:

Wake up:
- 1 BB pill

At least one hour later (with food)
- 1 L-Tyrosine capsule (500mg)
- 1 Maca capsule (500mg)
- 1 Raw Adrenal Glandular capsule (350mg)
- 1 Iodoral tablet (only on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays)
- 1 Flaxseed Oil softgel (1,000mg)
- 2 Sea Buckthorn Oil capsules (450mg x 2)
- 3 Spirulina tablets (500mg x 3)

* I just started the Sea Buckthorn Oil about four weeks ago; and I just started the Maca almost two weeks ago. Everything else has been there since practically the beginning.

Then I do chest exercises with my Easy Curves exercise bar, and follow it with my whey protein shake (Body Fortress brand).

After dinner:
- 1 Raw Adrenal Glandular capsule (350mg)
- 1 Flaxseed Oil softgel (1,000mg)
- 1 Vitamin E softgel (400IU)
- 2 Sea Buckthorn Oil capsules (450mg x 2)
- 3 Spirulina tablets (500mg x 3)

Sometime later, I do my second set of chest exercises with Easy Curves, followed by my second whey protein shake.

At bedtime:
- 1 BB pill

* The Raw Adrenal Glandulars and the L-Tyrosine have brought my temp up from 97.7F to a stable 98.5F. Smile

* I also take Prilosec (reflux); Claritin (allergies); and Melatonin (5mg, to help me sleep).

Also need to mention that I have been using fluoride-free toothpaste since the beginning, too, per the recommendation of BB.

And I wear a bra at home, but I leave it unhooked so my chest isn't getting compressed. I only hook it if I leave the house, or someone comes over. Blush

I was really good about doing massage in the beginning; but have totally slacked off the past two months. My family and I put our house up for sale, finally sold it, and moved during the past two months, so maybe that's why. Tongue

I finally got the soft foam rings for my NB last week, and I've done only 3 sessions with it, about 30 minutes long each (all I have time for now). And I've only used it on my right side, which is significantly smaller than the left (like a whole cup size or something). I'm happy to report that in those 3 sessions of NB, the right side is now miraculously nearly the same size as the left! And it looks fuller than the left! So I did about 17 minutes on the left one today, too. Now I think I'll do them both evenly. Smile

I have been having some pretty good pains right along, most of the time. The past few days, however, I've been in a LOT of pain. Hooray!!! Big Grin

My measurements as of today are:
Under bust: 30" (same)
Across bust: 34" (+3")!!! Big Grin
Over bust: 33" (+1.5")
Bra size: 34AA (need to buy some - only have old, tight bras now)

Whatever I'm doing, it must be the right thing to do for my body! I'm planning on sticking with this program until I reach my goal of 34C (hopefully!).

Sorry this is so long; I take a lot of pills! And I'm doing a lot of different NBE methods together. Thanks for reading my page! <3

Wow Twister_Mama is amazing you get 3 inches in such a short time! You outgrowth me. LOL! I must work harder to grow! Big Grin

Btw, glad to have you back the forum has been really quiet since you were missing. Blush

Big Grin

Yeah, I had a lot of reading to do to catch up! I tell ya, there has been TOO MUCH DRAMA with selling our house and moving; I can't begin to describe how much money we LOST on the deal (thanks to the worthless bank appraiser). And the time we spent trying to get things figured out. And the STRESS! ARGH!!! It's been comforting to me to get settled back into my routine of popping 25 supplements a day and vigorous exercises. Tongue

I figure if I want to grow boobs, I gotta attack it from every angle. Hence, the BB pills ... the SBT oil ... the endless supplements ... the chest exercises ... NB ... and I just started listening to my subliminal message mp3's last night again. It seems to be working! My short-term goal is to fit into my new 34A bra by the end of the year. If I keep going at this rate, I may make it by my Birthday (end of October). Keeping my fingers crossed that it doesn't stop and go away! But I'm still in wicked pain right now, as I type! Big Grin

Glad to be back! I missed being on here while we didn't have internet. Sad

I think it is the economy crisis that got all the properties value in the USA to drop like crazy. Everyday I read the through online and often came across celebrities that make huge losses selling off their properties.

In Malaysia however things just got a little twisted in this kind of economy. The properties are getting high and quite fast thanks to those rich people who create this demand. Sigh!

You know is a little selfish of you to keep all those growing pain by yourself. LOL! (Just teasing) I wish I have some in this cycle. I am dying for some kick and jolt on the boobies dept. Unfortunately it feels like it ain't happening. Sad. I need to really pop those BB pills next cycle. Better still I would do like what you did combine it with SBT oil. I seriously hope to grow soon.

Btw, have you gain any weight after getting 3 inches?

I don't think I've gained weight; not more than a pound or two, if that. I measured my waist and hips the other day, and they were the same as always (I'm a pear shape; so, larger butt and thighs, and small upper half Sad ). My clothes still fit the same. I've been around 122-125 lbs for a loooong time now. I've been trying to keep an eye on my weight, cuz I read from others how having too much of the protein shakes can put on extra weight. If I noticed I was gaining a pound or so, I'd cut back on my late-night snacking (my downfall!), and I'd go back down to my usual weight. As long as I'm not eating a full meal right before bed (which is bad to do anyway), my weight has been stable. Wink

Well, I accidentally Noogled a bit too hard last Thursday, and ended up with a giant hickey on my whole right breast. Blush That's the last time I try to Noogle in the dark while in bed. It's finally faded enough that I can resume Noogling later today. Which I totally need to do, cuz my left breast has been growing some more recently. Now my right side looks very small in comparison again. I've been getting some really good, deep aches, but only in the left side lately. Probably cuz I broke the right side with the NB bruising. Sad For the past 5 days, I've been massaging only the right side. Just doing circles; up on the outside, down on the inside. I start around the nipple and go outwards. I try to do about 250 circles, once a day, before doing my Easy Curves exercises and protein drink. Hopefully it'll help boost some extra growth! I see the left one in the mirror and wish the right one were that same size. Sad I know the NB will help with this. I just gotta be careful with how hard I pump!

I decided to add MSM to my program. Partly because of all the wonderful things I've heard about it on this forum, and partly because it helps support cartilage, tendons, ligaments, and skin. I have a type of arthritis that affects my tendons, ligaments, and skin; and at the very least, the MSM could help with the pain. I'm ordering it (from Swanson's, of course) right now. They're 1000mg capsules. The bottle says to take one capsule three to five times a day. I'm aiming for three times a day. Gotta be better than nothing!!! Big Grin

I'm also gonna get started on Vitamin C. Mostly cuz cold and flu season is upon us. I've been fighting a cold for nearly a week now. I felt pretty bad yesterday; just slightly better today. I have my 4-year-old son on high amounts of Vitamin C for his autism; and my cold really started hitting him yesterday morning; but by evening, he was totally back to his old self. Today he is fine. I got my daughter drinking orange juice twice a day now, too.

I do have a "before" picture, wearing a bikini top without any padding or foam lining. It's pretty embarrassing. Blush I'll try to get another picture in that same bikini top soon to show my progress. I'll probably have to drink three glasses of wine to get up enough nerve to post them though. Shy

I still haven't received my MSM from Swanson's, so I checked on it today and found out they sent it to my old address, and it was delivered four days ago, darn it! Dodgy Supposedly they're gonna try to retrieve the package. GRRR, it could be weeks before I get my package now!

I was planning on buying a new 34AA bra, since my old 32AA's are uncomfortably tight. And I was hesitant to wear my new 34A cuz it looked so huge. Well, I tried on my 34A a couple weeks ago, and I actually filled it about 2/3; so I've been wearing that one ever since. Yesterday I noticed I fill it about 3/4 now. Big Grin I notice that my nipples are a little "smushed" when I take it off; so I know that I'm projecting outward good enough for an A cup. But it's still gappy at the top; so I have a ways to go before totally filling it really good. Lately, I've been going without a bra during the day while at home. I can't believe I actually have what looks like breasts poking through my shirt! I've like, NEVER had that before!!! Big Grin I'm still having occasional pains every day. Some days are more pronounced than others.

I finally had to put away my measuring tape. I was getting obsessive-compulsive with it! I'd measure like two or three times a day. At least I got really good practice measuring; so now I know how to measure in exactly the same way each time. Last time I measured was Monday, I think; and I saw I had gained another 1/4". So now I measure 34 1/4" across my bust; which is a 3.25" increase since I started my program on June 2nd. I'm gonna try to only measure once a month, on the 2nd, since I started on the 2nd.

My bruising from the NB I did a few days ago is practically gone now (arnica gel is miraculous!), so I'm gonna resume Noogling on just my right side. It's still noticeably smaller than the left one. I started using a heating pad only on the right side at night, too. It automatically shuts off after 45 minutes, which is good.

Hopefully I'll be able to take a new picture sometime this weekend. I'm curious to see if my progress is as visible as it seems to me! I need to figure out how to post pictures on here.

Well, the past two nights I did about an hour and a half of Noogling (each night), only on my right side (smaller one). Then I followed it with my heating pad, only on the right side, for about an hour and a half each night too. I didn't get much sleep, LOL! BUT -- boy, is it working! I have got MASSIVE pains today! And mostly in my right side, thank God!!! I can't wait to see if there's any change in the measuring tape when I allow myself to measure again on October 2nd. Big Grin

So, moral of the story: Massage + Noogle + heat = PAINS!!!

And oh, be really consistent with your pills, supplements, and protein, too. I never skip those. Smile

Well, this is against my better judgment, but here's my pictures. Blush I've never tried to post a picture before, so I apologize if I somehow screw this up and nothing shows up! (If that's the case, could someone help me, please???) The first one is from the end of June; the second one is from the end of September (today). I was REALLY disappointed to see that there doesn't LOOK like much difference in the picture; but the measuring tape, and the mirror, and my bras show otherwise. Maybe it's just a bad bikini top to pose in; I don't know. I go braless during the days I'm just at home now; and I look so much bigger in my shirt, poking outward. Maybe I'll get a couple pictures just wearing my shirt tomorrow? I'm still having moderate pains daily, so hopefully that will result in more growth. My breasts seem a teeny bit fuller today than the past few days; hopefully it's not just in my head!

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And here's the diagonal-side view. Since this was taken from my webcam, my smaller breast (right one) is on the left side of this picture. Again, the picture on the left is from the end of June; the picture on the right is from today. It's really hard to see, but when I took the first pictures, the bikini was totally EMPTY. Now, there's actually something in there. Most of my growth has been up above, and on the insides. My breasts have gotten wider, too; and of course, that doesn't show up in a bikini top. I definitely need to get pix of me wearing my shirt tomorrow ... Dodgy

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