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New year, new program. Monthly photos!


Hey, everyone. It has been a minute! I have tried to restart nbe after seeing some decent growth but every time I tried to start, something would happen. Basically I saw great results, got the mirena IUD which made me a miserable person and I had to quit until I could get it taken out. I wanted to give my hormones time to rebalance, and then life happened... long story short, started a new job.... parents divorced and I became the "fixer" in both of their lives... father has been battling alcoholism too and that has taken up a lot of my life.

Things are better now and I am finally at a place where I have time to focus on myself. I don't really have an end goal in mind, and eventually I would like to get implants. I know, I know... what's the point of nbe then? Well, basically I want them big enough that I can get implants without them looking super fake. If my boobs grow to the point where I don't need them, then great!

As for my program, I have unfortunately gained weight. I work in a salon and I am bad about eating unhealthy things because it's all I have time for. I do not have a scale right now, but I am up to around 160. My ass is awesome, but I have a belly. Weight hasn't seemed to effect my boobs much, but I am tall and fat has to go other places first I guess. I would like to get back down to 145 or so, and be toned. I plan on eating more plant-based foods, but I won't be able to go full vegan due to my husband and the fact that it's expensive to have two completely different grocery lists.

Right now I am focusing on massage and taking maca. I will do hypnosis as well. I have ordered PM and fso because I had great luck with them before, but I am trying to decide what else to take. I want to start simple and go back to enjoying doing something for myself. I think I over-complicated my first program and that is one of the reasons I couldn't stick with it.

I will update this thread with measurements and such. I also plan to post a progress photo monthly!

Measurements as of 3/31/16

Across nipple- 34 in
Tops of breasts- 33.5 in

Across belly button- 32 in
Lower belly- 33.5 SadSadSadSadSad

Ass- 40!

Now if only I can keep the 40 while shrinking the rest lol.

Listened to rockmelon ringtone 2x
Did 100 chi massage rotations
60 female deer... I am on the last day or so of my period, and apparently you aren't supposed to do those while menstruating.

Breakfast: Vegan protein powder in almond milk, maca capsule, and a probiotic capsule.
Snack: Large-ish banana
Lunch: Green beans, 2 tiny red potatoes, onion, whole lotta kale stir fry with an egg on top. I used coconut oil. It's a weird choice, but I had to use up leftover veggies from this week.
Pm snack: apple and probably some almonds while I'm at work.
Dinner: leftovr stir fry, minus eggs. Will probably top with a tablespoon of flaxseeds.

Really wanting chinese food. lol.

So it begins! I am also looking for a potential surgeon. I found a close one nearby who does phenomenal work and I know a few people who love him. He also charges less than most surgeons around here because he is one of the smallest cities. I am going to save my tips up for the next 7 months and that should give me enough cash to pay for surgery if I don't see much growth. If I get good growth... well, shopping spree! lol. (looking at you, Sarah!)

Sooo my scale came in yesterday and I am down to 152 pounds! A month or so ago I cut my knuckle mostly off at work (kid's cuts are the worst) and when they weighed me at the doctor I was pushing 160. Even though I don't feel like I look different, my clothes have started fitting me differently.

FSO and PM also came in... started massaging with the FSO and I am waiting on the herbal stuff. Amazon stopped carrying my usual PM and the stuff I got is mixed with a bunch of other stuff... the reviews were good, though. We will see.

Hi E.
Good luck with programme.
Did you list your underbust?
Starting pics? (Sorry don't mean to sound like a perve :s )
Must be good to be back

Underbust as in ribcage under the girls? It's aaaaaalmost at 31.

I did take starting pics and I plan to post them at the end of the month along with progress photos! I feel weird posting them... not because of my boob (they're all over my old thread lol), but because I have never been this size in my belly before. Gotta quit the bread! And make myself actually go to the gym.

I'm actually excited to see what changes over the next month since I am only doing hypnosis and massage until my next cycle. I have always done straight herbs from the get go.

Found my kangzhu cups! this is the first time I have ever appreciated the fact that my husband and I work different shifts. I can pump away now. Smile

(04-04-2016, 15:04)echapman Wrote:  Found my kangzhu cups! this is the first time I have ever appreciated the fact that my husband and I work different shifts. I can pump away now. Smile

Does he have something against you pumping, or are you just that self-conscious even with your husband? I'm not even married to my bf yet (heck, forget married, he hasn't even asked me to marry him) and I have no problems pumping with my Noogleberry in front of him. My only problem with using it right now is that it's just too damned cold without sweats on and my sweat tops don't play nice with the domes.

(04-04-2016, 15:23)AbiDrew85 Wrote:  
(04-04-2016, 15:04)echapman Wrote:  Found my kangzhu cups! this is the first time I have ever appreciated the fact that my husband and I work different shifts. I can pump away now. Smile

Does he have something against you pumping, or are you just that self-conscious even with your husband? I'm not even married to my bf yet (heck, forget married, he hasn't even asked me to marry him) and I have no problems pumping with my Noogleberry in front of him. My only problem with using it right now is that it's just too damned cold without sweats on and my sweat tops don't play nice with the domes.

He's seen me pump, and I used to pump under a blanket while we watched tv... there's just something about being able to sit around pumping not thinking about how weird your boobs probably look all suctioned into your cups or worrying about your belly. Lemme get back down to like 140 and I won't care as much.

I am by no means chunky or anything, and I still look skinny clothed. I just don't feel cute anymore naked. Dodgy

(04-04-2016, 15:42)echapman Wrote:  He's seen me pump, and I used to pump under a blanket while we watched tv... there's just something about being able to sit around pumping not thinking about how weird your boobs probably look all suctioned into your cups or worrying about your belly. Lemme get back down to like 140 and I won't care as much.

I am by no means chunky or anything, and I still look skinny clothed. I just don't feel cute anymore naked. Dodgy

Oh! I'm downright obese atm, still doesn't bother me, he knows I'm fat right now and he knows why too, it's the same reason he is. We've been living on ramen and other cheap shit for months now. If all goes well he should start making better income in a couple weeks, and by next month we can start to change our diet again. Hopefully he manages to keep this higher paying job for a bit longer this time... It's temp to hire again though, so... Dodgy

(04-04-2016, 19:22)AbiDrew85 Wrote:  
(04-04-2016, 15:42)echapman Wrote:  He's seen me pump, and I used to pump under a blanket while we watched tv... there's just something about being able to sit around pumping not thinking about how weird your boobs probably look all suctioned into your cups or worrying about your belly. Lemme get back down to like 140 and I won't care as much.

I am by no means chunky or anything, and I still look skinny clothed. I just don't feel cute anymore naked. Dodgy

Oh! I'm downright obese atm, still doesn't bother me, he knows I'm fat right now and he knows why too, it's the same reason he is. We've been living on ramen and other cheap shit for months now. If all goes well he should start making better income in a couple weeks, and by next month we can start to change our diet again. Hopefully he manages to keep this higher paying job for a bit longer this time... It's temp to hire again though, so... Dodgy

Those are terrible! I hope they hire him on for good. We were SO broke when we first got married... we lived in a one room house we called the hobbit hole lol. If I got mad I had to storm off two feet beside the couch where our bed was.

I don't even have an excuse for my weight gain other than I'm tired. I work 2-9 and on the weekends I am at the salon with 0 breaks most of the time. There is a mexican restaurant right next door and ordering pizza is so easy. People bring in cookies and stuff for us all the time. It's so easy to scarf down three donuts and someones leftover pizza when you feel like you're starving. I try to bring healthy stuff but when it looks sooooo good....

My hubs doesn't care about my weight gain... but he has made comments about my health. It's mostly me in my own head that is causing me to trip out about it. I've always had a really unhealthy relationship with food.

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