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Nipple crisis please help!


Nipple crisis please help!
March 28 2007 at 5:37 PM Fiona (Login fingerscrossed21)


I've been wearing the domes for 5 weeks and was happy with the swelling, however i got worried as every time i took the domes off my nipples were rock hard/pale/painful/wrinkly and MASSIVE!

When i left the devise off for a few hours the effects didn't subside much.

I've taken the system off for 24 hours to see if it would go down, they have gone back to the same size but are still painful and wrinkly...

I'm afraid that if i continue to wear the device for another 15 weeks that it will permanently mess up my nipples leaving them big and ugly.

I'd rather have small boobs with nice nipples, than slightly bigger boobs with nasty nipples.

Have any of you experienced anything similar?

Do you think I should stop?? I really dont know what to do Sad

I called BRAVA a few weeks ago about the same problem and they said just dont wear the system for a day and they should go back to normal, well they haven't.

Any suggestions will be much appreciated.


Author Reply
(Login Seri_Flamehair)
SENIOR MEMBER Big nips March 28 2007, 5:47 PM

Yes i see the same thing but mine usually go down after a few hours. Are you using the smartbox or manually doing it or a combo of both? to much suction will increase the swelling and enlargement of the nips. Aswell as from experience cause the silicone on the domes to fail much quicker.

If you have alot of time invested already take a few days off like Diana did. It may help then go back to using the system.

Hope this helps.

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(Login fingerscrossed21) thanks March 28 2007, 7:21 PM

thanks for the advice, its been 24 hours now and they aren't back to normal, so i think i'm going to have to stop as i dont want to make them worse, so depressing as i'd put a lot of effort in and really believed it was going to work for me, i'll leave it another few days but i dont think they will go back to normal Sad

never mind life goes on!

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(Login Diana1978)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Crisis please help! March 28 2007, 8:00 PM

Mine would always go back down in a couple hrs. i dont know why yours would stay that way. good luck.

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(Login Sarabell239) Re: Crisis please help! March 28 2007, 9:26 PM

Have you tried to tape down your nipples while using the domes, maybe using soft first aid gauze?

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(Login fingerscrossed21) Re: Crisis please help! March 29 2007, 7:37 PM

i've decided to give up, i just dont think its worth the risk, and sadly 2 days on my nipples still haven't quite returned to normal... I think they got stretched too much and changed the structure of skin.

Good luck to you all, i hope you manage to get the results you want!


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(no login) Re: Crisis please help! March 29 2007, 9:04 PM

Brava is known to be rough on the nipples, but so what, that's life, everything has a price.

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(no login) Re: Crisis please help! April 26 2007, 7:45 AM

Unfortunately some women do suffer from permanent adverse effects to the nipples. This has always been a problem with Brava.

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Worried Sheep
(no login) Re: Crisis please help! December 20 2007, 8:37 AM

Has anyone else had to give you with any of these pumps because of permanent damage to the nipples?

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(no login) Re: Crisis please help! December 20 2007, 3:13 PM

Are you using the smartbox or manual suction? If you're using the manual suction, perhaps you're doing too much. If you're using the smartbox, perhaps they can send you a loaner and you can send yours back for testing to determine if the pressure is correct. Also, check the holes in the dome port where you attach tubing. Is it open completely or is there some plastic blocking the opening that make it too small? I sent my first set back because of this and they sent me a new set. Also, don't press the domes onto your body too tight (almost like a suction cup) or they may add to the pressure and break down the domes. Good luck!

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(no login) Re: Crisis please help! December 20 2007, 5:54 PM

Nearly all left side domes suck stroger than right side because the port where you attach the tubing on the right isn't opened as fully - push a screwdriver or drill bit through to open it further.

I think nipple damage is a personal variaion. Mine are more sensitive if anything and I've so far used Brava fir average 15 hours daily for 23 weeks and I suck them on and press them on HARD! My nipples are big and white when I take the domes off but this is gone in about 20 minutes.

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(no login) Re: Crisis please help! February 18 2008, 8:51 AM

If you stretch the nipples TOO MUCH you will undoubtedly alter the structure of them permanently. The key to protecting the nipples is to keep the suction to a level that will not pull them too hard.

have i ruined my nipples!!
August 31 2008 at 9:55 AM dandelion (no login)


three weeks in- 12 hours average, and tonight as i got ready to put my domes back on after a full day without them on, my nipples were different! they are 'extrovert', completely and totally. before brava they were neither introvert nor extrovert, just 'there' and when cold got slightly pointier (lol), but now they were like square-like, and longer! longer because they poked out like crazy and were total extroverts!
does anybody have experience like this while using brava? and do they go back down to their regular shape after use?
already since using suction they are different, as if suction stretched them out so they are more 'ripply'..and less tight. i could deal with that - but i do not like their extrovert appearance at all! help

Author Reply
(Login HappyHopsGirl) Re: have i ruined my nipples!! September 2 2008, 11:17 AM

Some women say their nipples did not go back down and stayed like that.
I think for some women there is a problem with what things like Brava do to the nipples. I have heard before of women saying that their nipples were adversely affected by Brava and pulled out of shape.
Hopefully they will go back down in your case, but I'm afriad the answer to your question might be yes that your nipples have been permanently affected. At any rate this is what some women say happened to them.

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(Login Louise1982)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: have i ruined my nipples!! September 2 2008, 11:53 AM

Some people have said their nipples grew. Looking at pics mine haven't really just tend to look a bit more erect which I prefer as it looks more adult. Some people said it took a few months for their nipples to return to normal and some people have found they either became more or less sensitive. I'd say mine were quite a bit more sensitive after Brava but this descreased a bit with BB to be the same or a bit more than originally. My nipples are very unreactive to suction, even when I wore for nearly 5 days straight they were back to normal in about 30 mins!

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(no login) Re: have i ruined my nipples!! September 5 2008, 2:32 PM

Mine did exactly as you describe. They also went darker. I had a long break - a year or more, and they sort of softened and didn't stick out so much when it was cold. I can't honestly remember if they completely when back to normal (cna't remember what they were exactly like previously, but they did improve.

However, the bumpy irregular surface of the nipple was 'exaggerated' for want of a better word, and that hasn't changed.

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(Login dandelion1) Re: have i ruined my nipples!! September 19 2008, 4:18 AM

im getting so self -conscious about my nipples...
tonight I am taping them down, hopefully the tape stays throughout the night.
After taping i tried using the noogleberry but the tape came off right away, but its been an hour with the brava and so far so good fingers crossed. tomorrow morning i hope to wake up with the same nipples as tonight - no swelling in the nips!
anyone else tape them down?

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(Login Louise1982)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: have i ruined my nipples!! September 19 2008, 8:11 PM

Yeah - I'm allergic to the hypoallergenic medical tape - not a nice place for a rash!

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(Login dandelion1) Re: have i ruined my nipples!! September 20 2008, 2:11 AM

louise you tape them? i didnt know. i used regular scotch tape yesterday lol, but it worked! i will get better tape

louise have you always taped them?

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(no login) Re: have i ruined my nipples!! September 20 2008, 4:59 AM

No, I taped them about 3 times but came up in funny itchy red pimples everywhere the tape touched so never bothered since. Don't think my skin responds well to sticky. My nipples used to get huge swelling but it always went away really quickly. No they don't really swell at all - guess they can't be bothered!

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(no login) Re: have i ruined my nipples!! September 20 2008, 11:32 AM

Have any of you tried a bandaid over each nipple? I was so flat before brava, I used that as a strapless bra a few times and it stays put!

My nipples haven't changed at all using Brava. They are huge and very pale when I take off the domes, but they go back to normal a few hours later. But my nipples are small, so it doesn't worry me to think they may grow. If mine were big, I'd be nervous!

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(Login dandelion1) Re: have i ruined my nipples!! September 20 2008, 7:21 PM

for anyone wanting to use tape, i found the perfect brand!!!

Its called nexcare, and its beige. its kinda foamy,too, not quite a cushion but much thicker than regular tape. Its waterproof (i had them on, took a shower, and now still using them!), and it stays put - i can use as much suction as i want. best thing: it's stretchy. so it definilty helps keep down the swelling of the nipples, but it molds quite well to the body. On the package it says that it's good for elbows - they were right.

It comes in a 3 metre package for a little less than 5$. I definitly recommend it, its better than a bandaid by far (i have already tried bandaids)

purple nipples!
December 18 2007 at 5:38 AM Woolly Sheep (Login dandelion1)


so i've used the brava about 30 times, each time trying to start a cycle but something would happen that would interupt it. so i've re-started for like the fifth time and am more determined than ever to finish a 20 week cycle. very first day: purple nipples. so purple its scary. I am not using more suction either. I was on vacation and could not use th brava as planned and so i did grow yours massages for about 3 days only. then i used brava and in the morning there was a lot of liquid in the domes from my nipples, probably like 10 drops per breast. i am trying to use less suction (which is somewhat difficult as there is no more tackyness to the domes) to avoid the liquid to no avail. the purple also lasts several hours, i think yesterday it lasted 12. help!i dont want to re-start yet another cylce...

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(Login dandelion1) Re: purple nipples! December 18 2007, 6:06 AM

the last post from me, not 'wolly sheep', dont know what happened there...weird.

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(Login Louise1982)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: purple nipples! December 18 2007, 8:18 AM

I once noticed in the shower that one nipple was purple and the other was half purple - I poked about with them and they returned to normal - have a fiddle!

Have you been pregnant before? Have you got palpable lobes? One of the men using suction found something like this, I get quite a lot of cloudy looking sweat drops (yuck!) but definitely not lactating.

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Cutie Pie
(Login cutie.pie) Re: purple nipples! December 18 2007, 8:29 AM

Better be careful. Some women complain of permanently desensitised nipples after using Brava.

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(no login) Re: purple nipples! December 18 2007, 1:50 PM

I've not had purple nipples or any type of liquid. The only thing I notice is when I first take off the domes, my nipples and whole areola are swollen and don't have much feeling (almost numb) but are normal colored. Within an hour, they are no longer puffy but several hours later the nipples are much more sensitive. This is my second cycle (started after Thanksgiving) and after my first cycle which was 11 weeks long and ended in June, my nipples were back to being the same as before I started Brava, so there was no permanent change. The permanent change I had was my breasts were slightly more filled out and less deflated looking after 2 pregnancies and breast feeding. My bras also fit better. It was not a noticeable difference to the average person but obvious to me and my husband who see me braless. Personally, I am a cautious person and am too afraid to try manual airlock or suction. I stick with the sportbox because it has been tested for the amount of pressure applied and I am afraid that I might cause damage or stretch marks by using manual suction. There are many women who are experienced with it and have had success. I would say it's a personal choice. I think the women with the manual suction may get more swelling and quicker swelling than those of us using just the smartbox or sportbox but I am happy with the full "C" swelling I get with the box and would prefer just to try to maintain most of that over this cycle. I would be worried that huge swelling that doesn't maintain may lead to stretch marks but I have no proof of this - just my uneducated opinion.

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(Login ManyQuestions) What are the cloudy drops? December 18 2007, 2:35 PM

"One of the men using suction found something like this, I get quite a lot of cloudy looking sweat drops (yuck!) but definitely not lactating."

Does anyone know what these cloudy looking drops coming from our nipples as a result of suction are? Not regular sweat, and not milk, --what is going on? Are the nipples getting activated and going partway into lactation, but perhaps without some necessary hormone?


(Login dandelion1) Re: purple nipples! December 18 2007, 3:14 PM

ok , so it might not be lactation (i've never had children so i just assumed after doing 'grow yours' that anything coming out of my nipple would be lactation), but it is definitly a cloudy subtance....not of any particular colour, its like a cloudy waterdrop. if i dont clean my domes right away it can cake to the sides or turn a slight yellow and then after a few days it smells (ok, i went on vaca, used the brava twice and then put it away for four days and only took it out of my bag when i got home and thats when it smelled - washed it right away and the smell is gone). i think the 'grow yours' massages i did beforehand is the cause as I did not do the grow yours right before doing the brava in the past and this did not happen, so i dont recommend it. I will just keep on using the brava and hope it goes away after a week. and if not...well...i'll deal with it then

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(Login Louise1982)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: purple nipples! December 18 2007, 6:17 PM

Sounds like sweat to me, just wash them domes and the skin after each session and don't worry about it.

I never worried about loss of nipple sensitivity as mine weren't very sensitive to start. If anything the actual nipple is slightly larger, more senstive and more erect. I also have huge white swollen areoli when I remove the domes but it's gone in about 20 minutes.

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(Login ManyQuestions) Is it just sweat? December 18 2007, 8:48 PM

The first 50 or more times I applied suction there was no liquid of any type coming from my nipples. Then the nipples became soaking wet after only 15 minutes of suction, and each nipple produced many drops of additional liquid as well. Something must be going on other than the production of ordinary sweat.


Let's talk about NIPPLES
May 4 2007 at 7:54 AM
Miss Monet (Login friskyflirt)


Sooo it seems there are some differing stories on what Brava does for the nipples. Seems like for everyone it enlarges the nipple and makes it quite sensitive, though what happens afterwards is what gets me... I've read that after a few hours the nipples go back to their normal shape, color, and/or sensitivity. Though I've also read that the nipples DO NOT return to normal -- that they either stay large, stay sensitive, and/or LOSE sensitivity. I'm really interested in buying Brava, so I would like to know the low-down on Brava's effect on nipples before I purchase the thing. Thanks, girls!

Author Reply
(Login minhina) Re: Let's talk about NIPPLES May 4 2007, 1:45 PM

I am one of those for whom nipples DO NOT come back to normal state. At some point i stopped wearing the system for 3days, see if they would come back to their normal selves which they did not.
I was very upset by this so decided to buy nipples cover but they have not arrived so haven't tried yet..

When i stopped for some days, my nipples were almost all the time white, huge,ultra sensitive and very hard...Although i have not tried the cover and would do so to protect them when i get the covers, i think the effect on my nipples as slightly improved, so that after some hours my nipples, although constantly hard and very sensitive, are pink again, and smaller.

i cant tell you how long will this last, and whether the effects are temporary or you i have read all sorts of stuff, trying to find an answer. apparently there is no such answer...different people respond in different ways and for some brava works, for some it does and some are very very dissatisfied...

as you can see i am nonetheless going ahead with it..maybe i think it is worth trying and that my nipples will come back to their normal selves...


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(no login) nips May 4 2007, 7:41 PM

i have been off brava for a month - i used it for 20 + weeks. my nipples are still not normal =(
and sadly - none of my "growth" stayed.

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(Login minhina) Re: Let's talk about NIPPLES May 6 2007, 3:01 PM

and how are they?? when you say not normal what do you mean, what has happened to them???quite upsetting really especially coz you say all the growth is gone!

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(Login misskatherine) Re: Let's talk about NIPPLES May 6 2007, 10:59 PM

yeah that sucks. i feel that my nipples are a little bit larger right after. and when they are hard, they are FREAKIN HARD!!! and my nipples are more sensitive than usual. however, i didn't experience any discoloration. man, i hope they don't last forever Sad

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(no login) Re: Let's talk about NIPPLES May 7 2007, 11:20 AM

If you get increased sensitivity in your nipples this will most likely go away again. But I know some women's problem with Brava is loss of senstivity in the nipples. This is more serious and is likely to be permanent, so if you fell you're losing sensitivity that's when you really should start worrying about it.

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(Login ScottishGal20) Re: Let's talk about NIPPLES May 9 2007, 12:59 AM


For nipples go larger, harder and more sensitive just after I take the system off...this lasts a couple of hours at the most but once the swelling goes down a bit, my nipples go back to normal! x

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(Login misskatherine) Re: Let's talk about NIPPLES May 9 2007, 3:57 AM

oh yeah i talked to a brava coach today and i happened to ask her about if nipples get larger when using the system. she told me that they only grow in proportion to your breasts. she said that its like a balloon, if you draw a dot on a balloon and when its expanded with air, the dot will increase in size. there are no tissue cells in nipples so it will not grow, the areola will expand like normal skin.

"Scary" nipples!! =O
March 15 2007 at 10:09 AM
Miss Monet (Login friskyflirt)


Ok, a lot of pics I'm seeing of Brava users (on the internet in general, not on this forum) have scary nipples. Not in the sense that they're deformed or anything, but from the fact that before they used Brava that had small, colorful, normal nipples and then *after* Brava they have huge, discolored or NO color nipples!

This frightens me! I really like my nipples! haha As sad as that might sound, I really do. I don't want Brava to mess up their beauty! I can understand them getting a bit larger since the breast itself is getting larger, but discolored?? Seriously, I saw some pics where the girls' nipples were almost colorless and they weren't before they used Brava!

I don't know about anyone else, but this really bothers me. It kinda turns me off, actually... I'm wondering if any of you have experienced this?

I also heard something about nipple desensitization... has *this* happened to anyone? I *just* got my nipple sensitivity back after having lost it to birth control pills, so I'd really like not to lose it again!

Author Reply
(Login Diana1978)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: "Scary" nipples!! =O March 15 2007, 12:31 PM

i didnt even have to in to the web site i knew what you were talking about. dont know why that happened but i really havent noticed difference.

(Login fingerscrossed21) nipples March 15 2007, 9:04 PM

I've been wearing the brava system for 3 weeks and i'm going to be honest with you my nipples look very scary when the machine comes off the are almost white, and enormous, but by the end of the day they are back to normal, i called brava and they said that it is completely normal and nothing to be alarmed about.... hope that helps - and i dont know why the nipples in the brava pictures are different colours, possibly because it is new skin it takes a bit longer to gain colour? absolutely no idea, but the girls pictures on this sight dont seem to show any nipple difference.

Good luck!

Miss Monet
(Login friskyflirt)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: "Scary" nipples!! =O March 16 2007, 9:26 AM

Ok, that's really good to hear! Yeah, I called up Brava and one of the representatives told me the same thing... that they might swell up and stay like that for a few hours after taking off the bra, but then later on they go back to normal. She also said that the "scary" pictures I saw were probably taken right after they took the bra off the girls, which makes sense 'cuz they want to make the boobs look as big as possible. Advertising, baby... Wink

Anyway, yeah, so long as this swelling isn't *permanent* then I'm good! LOL

(no login) Re: "Scary" nipples!! =O March 18 2007, 11:28 AM

Brava is known to be rough on the nipples, but so what, that's life, everything has a price.

(Login ScottishGal20) Not as bad as it looks... March 18 2007, 4:55 PM

Ive been using the brava system from 1st january this year so about 2 and a half months. I also looked at those photographs before starting and the thought of them going like that scared me! I also like my nipples the way they are! haha. Anyway, the only difference is they look a little bit different when i take the system off (usually only if ive had it on for 12hrs +) but they soon go back to normal. I have not noticed any change in colour, size or feeling so dont worry about it unless it actually happens! =)

dry, cracked nipples from using BB
July 26 2008 at 5:09 PM Glee (no login)


Using BB and it really drys out my nipples does anyone have any solutions???

Author Reply
(no login) Re: dry, cracked nipples from using BB July 26 2008, 7:48 PM

I had that to when I just started. Put some vitamin E oil (or another oil or nivea or something like that will also work)on your nipples before you start, they will be alot less painfull afterwards

Good luck,

(no login) Re: dry, cracked nipples from using BB July 27 2008, 7:49 AM

All these pumps can be tough on the nipples. You're well advised to try and protect them in some way.

(no login) Re: dry, cracked nipples from using BB July 27 2008, 8:58 PM

Thanks guys.

Does brava work and with what complications? Anyone who has been on it for over 10 weeks?
April 25 2007 at 8:55 PM Lisa (Login dumdizzy84)


I'm considering getting this to try out but from what I am reading from everyone it seems that everyone is still on it after 10-12 weeks, I am also concerned about how it will affect my nipples. I guess what I want to know is after 12 weeks do I need to continue using the product to keep size and how many people have actual problems with it messing up their nipples. Please advise

Author Reply
(Login ScottishGal20) Re: Does brava work and with what complications? Anyone who has been on it for over 10 weeks? April 25 2007, 11:12 PM

hi there,

ive been using brava for 16 weeks and have not had any problems. the odd skin rash but clears up by the next day and wont happen at all if you use some skin prep, keep the domes clean and take care of your skin. i recently went a couple of weeks without using brava and managed to retain my growth of one cup size (i started as a small 34B and am now a 34C). I am very petite and light so didnt expect brava to work for me as well as it has, i am very pleased with my results and will continue to use brava for another month or so. I would recommend that you give it a try - you dont know until you try it! at the worst, you might not like it and can sell it on ebay and get youre money back!

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(no login) Re: Does brava work and with what complications? Anyone who has been on it for over 10 weeks? April 26 2007, 7:37 AM

Quite a number of women have reported permanent loss of sensitivity in their nipples, so that's something you need to watch out for. Many women have also used it for a whole lot longer than 12 weeks.

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(Login Seri_Flamehair)
SENIOR MEMBER brava wear. April 27 2007, 7:20 AM

I have worn the brava system nonstop for the last 125 days average hours per day 14.6 total hours 1825 April 27 will be 18 weeks.

I plan on wearing the system for a minimum of 2100 hours 3 times the minimum that brava recommends. 10 hours per day 10 weeks equals 700 hours.

My nipples do get larger aswell and very sensitive after wearing but usually go back down to normal after 2-3 hours.

nipple swelling not boob swelling!!!!
January 2 2007 at 3:15 AM nikky (no login)


i was doing so good! i don't get it! the last two mornings i have taken off the brava to huge hard nipples but no swelling on the boobs. I don't need bigger nipples thats for sure!

is this a major setback? did i put the domes on wrong??? i felt like i put them on just like always.

any help?

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(Login Diana1978)
SENIOR MEMBER thats weird January 2 2007, 9:43 PM

mine did the same thing this morning. the nipple had swollen and was hard to the touch, solid. they are fine now, but could it have been placement? any feedback would be appreciated! thanx.

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(no login) Re: nipple swelling not boob swelling!!!! January 2 2007, 10:52 PM

Remember that some women claim that using brava caused them nipple insensitivity, so be careful if you seem to be having nipple problems.

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(no login) Re: nipple swelling not boob swelling!!!! January 3 2007, 3:56 AM

if anything - its opposite - my nips are OVERLY sensitive! but it didn't happen last night so I'm not sure what to think of it. i should get on the phone and call the brava coaches

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Vicky A
(Login VickyA) Re: nipple swelling not boob swelling!!!! January 4 2007, 8:51 AM

If the nipples are being made to feel sensitive now, is there any danger that this will eventually lead to desensitisation? What Peaches says is true, some women on brava have complained about nipple desensitisation.

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(Login Diana1978)
SENIOR MEMBER did it again! January 5 2007, 1:39 PM

maybe its the amount of hrs i have it on? i kept it on for 16 last night. maybe i will just stick to 15. good luck to all!

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(no login) Re: nipple swelling not boob swelling!!!! January 6 2007, 5:56 PM

My nipples are always sore after using brava. quite painful actually. I heard you can tape them down to stop any nipple problems. but I wasn't sure what the best thing to use to tape them down was.

(no login) Re: nipple swelling not boob swelling!!!! January 6 2007, 8:22 PM

Nipples are sensitive. It is not surprising that they feel the suction more than anywhere else. I tried covering mine but it didn't really work and still they get very sensitive. I don't think you should worry too much about sensitive nipples.

(Login Diana1978)
SENIOR MEMBER hi January 6 2007, 11:57 PM

its Just bothersome if anything. it does go down about two hours later them they look great. oh if they would only stay that way. its only a two inch difference in chest circumference but it makes such a difference to me! good luck girls. nice to hear people over here and not just an echo! lol

raised bumps on nipples
August 20 2009 at 7:17 PM kristin (Login napahills)


My nipples got quite a few extra raised bumps from Brava. I forget the name of those thingies?? Anyway, they are pretty big...and I'm so hoping they will go away with time??? Anyone know anything? I wore blister bandaids for most of the time on brava...when they first started showing. The brava lady told me it's normal, adn they will go away a few months after using the system. I don' tsee how they would though. I had some prior to brava, and they never went away. Oh for this breast obsession to go away!!!

Author Reply
(Login CousinRose) Re: raised bumps on nipples August 22 2009, 1:19 PM

Hey Kristin,
this happened to me as well but it disappeared after I finished.

Does Brava enlarge your areolas?
June 30 2008 at 3:16 PM CousinRose (Login CousinRose)


I was wondering if the Brava system will enlarge the areolas? I sure don't want them any bigger.

Author Reply
(no login) Re: Does Brava enlarge your areolas? June 30 2008, 5:27 PM

Yes, it did mine.

I'm still using, but I place something flat pressing on my nipples, which makes contact with the side of the dome.... in other words, so the nipple doesn't receive any suction.

I think it's working - they don't go rock hard and massive after using anymore, anyway.

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(Login Louise1982)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Does Brava enlarge your areolas? June 30 2008, 8:00 PM

I was worried about this and they got huge with suction each day but I don't think they're noticably bigger now and I clocked up over 3000 hours in total. I think my actual nipples are slightly bigger so the whole shape looks more adult and in proportion instead of puffy and horrible!

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(Login Tori365)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Does Brava enlarge your areolas? July 1 2008, 10:23 AM

My areolas have got very slightly bigger, but proportionally with how much they've grown so I don't mind.

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(Login silv1)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Does Brava enlarge your areolas? July 1 2008, 10:04 PM

mine are noticeably bigger and also much darker. I missed my pink areoles! Anyways, I think by taping the nipples down helped a lot. My areoles and nipples stopped growing any bigger but sometimes the tape is kind of irritating to my skin so be careful if you do decide to tape your nipples.

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(Login CousinRose) Re: Does Brava enlarge your areolas? July 2 2008, 3:09 PM

Thanks for the info girls Smile Very helpful. I will definitly either tape them down or put something flat on them. Best of luck Smile

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(no login) Re: Does Brava enlarge your areolas? July 6 2008, 8:49 AM

Logically the areolas should get bigger, as if they are being subjected to suction why wouldn't they?
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