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Oh i just had some glutamine! Hope it doesn't upset my tummy :s I know some people react to it others find it very good.
Fingers crossed..

Ps did u see the "seed rotation" and hormones? I missed a bit so wasn't sure how you apply it..

(16-03-2016, 01:43)ellacraig Wrote:  Yeh I had soo many " shit that's me" moments watching that too!
If it helps any I'm going gluten free (as much as humanly possible" and it's not too hard, the family is on gluten so for me I just have say a piece of meat and salad or steamed broccoli and a baked potatoe or sweet potatoe etc.

The candida thing freaked me out too ESP a parasite being behind hers!

Good your libido is up, plus several girls go up in boob size on vitex too.

Okay Ella you convinced me!! I've gone gluten free least we can do it together!! haha. I actually just started the gluten-free diet on Wednesday! Today is my 4th day on it. How is it going for you??
When I started it, i had plans to do it for three days to see how things went but its clear i need longer than that. So I'll do it for a few weeks. It's pretty easy so far though.
But what do you think about eating foods that were processed in the same factories/machines as gluten-containing foods? My boyfriend thinks I'm crazy and says it's fine because I don't have a gluten allergy but I think I need to eliminate gluten 100% for the reintroduction to work. Still not sure

I'm roasting some potatoes for my dinners for the next few days too Tongue You can always do white rice as a side even though it has no nutritional value really. I'm just trying to gain weight so I added rice to my diet.

Yes the candida thing was interesting! Luckily I don't get UTIs - I've only had one before and it was from my tampon applicator scratching me lol.

I actually screenshotted parts of the video hah before I found out the same video was on youtube.
But heres a pic of the seed rotation thing. I thought it sounded pretty neat too. And actually I picked up some sunflower seeds today and silly me -- I was in a rush and figured sunflower seeds are for sure gluten free but i was looking at the package while eating some and after about a handful I noticed it said "processed on the same machines as gluten-containing products." ....well GREAT lol I felt like four days just went down the drain!! And again the bf thinks I'm crazy because 20 minutes later I had a mild stomach ache and I'm pretty sure it was from the seeds although he thinks it's just in my head... I guess that's a sign though that I might have a sensitivity to gluten!

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SAD Update

Today and yesterday I noticed my breasts have gotten a little smaller! It either is because I lost weight (again) now that I'm on my GFD (gluten-free diet), the extra vitex pill was too much and caused a stimulatory effect and possibly increased estrogen, OR the extra estrogen I took in the beginning of my cycle is still affecting me.
BUT I also have noticed a huge change in my mood aligning with the decrease in size.. my breasts changed size when I stopped taking 3 vitex pills a day and went down to 2.. and i have once again become SO irritated, moody, and easily frustrated! It could be from my GFD though too...
Don't you hate all of the variables in nbe?


In other news though,

I was doing some more research on my stomach issues and I already knew a huge problem related to that is not absorbing nutrients.
Vitamin b6 and b12 and really important in balancing hormones (in my case hopefully increasing progesterone and decreasing E) I thought I was getting enough since I take multivitamins with 100% of my DV but I think I need more.

The video above says the best source of vitamins and nutrients is from food but when I looked online, b6 and b12 are exceptions BUT only for people with stomach issues that cannot absorb vitamins and minerals properly. It said fortified cereals (enriched with vitamins b6 and b12) and supplements are better.
I lost the site where I found this..had it opened on my laptop a few days ago but you can easily find it with a google search if you want!

I picked up some GF fortified cereal today Blush Hopefully my boobies thank me for it.

I need to massage more. I've only been massaging about 5 minutes a day too :/

Well I felt good Thursday.... So what did I do... Had a couple of beers that night.... BIG MISTAKE. So either it was the gluten OR it was a candida flare up? But I'm same as you , never had a yeast infection in my life so I dunno if I buy the candida bit...

Honestly thou it takes 6 weeks of gluten avoidance, I know how hard it is cause EVERY bloody thing is processed on a soy gluten manufacturing line...

Nuts can do a number on me too, I think too hard to digest unless you chew them to mush..

(19-03-2016, 23:35)msnewboobies Wrote:  SAD Update

Today and yesterday I noticed my breasts have gotten a little smaller! It either is because I lost weight (again) now that I'm on my GFD (gluten-free diet), the extra vitex pill was too much and caused a stimulatory effect and possibly increased estrogen, OR the extra estrogen I took in the beginning of my cycle is still affecting me.
BUT I also have noticed a huge change in my mood aligning with the decrease in size.. my breasts changed size when I stopped taking 3 vitex pills a day and went down to 2.. and i have once again become SO irritated, moody, and easily frustrated! It could be from my GFD though too...
Don't you hate all of the variables in nbe?


In other news though,

I was doing some more research on my stomach issues and I already knew a huge problem related to that is not absorbing nutrients.
Vitamin b6 and b12 and really important in balancing hormones (in my case hopefully increasing progesterone and decreasing E) I thought I was getting enough since I take multivitamins with 100% of my DV but I think I need more.

The video above says the best source of vitamins and nutrients is from food but when I looked online, b6 and b12 are exceptions BUT only for people with stomach issues that cannot absorb vitamins and minerals properly. It said fortified cereals (enriched with vitamins b6 and b12) and supplements are better.
I lost the site where I found this..had it opened on my laptop a few days ago but you can easily find it with a google search if you want!

I picked up some GF fortified cereal today Blush Hopefully my boobies thank me for it.

I need to massage more. I've only been massaging about 5 minutes a day too :/

Yeh it truely sucks. Thing is though in the short term and going g free we have to make a sacrifice of weight BUT if we don't heal our guts.. It ain't gonna work anyway..
Brown rice fried and spiced up can be delicious , potatoes and sweet potatoes will have to pile on the weight...

(20-03-2016, 00:11)ellacraig Wrote:  Yeh it truely sucks. Thing is though in the short term and going g free we have to make a sacrifice of weight BUT if we don't heal our guts.. It ain't gonna work anyway..
Brown rice fried and spiced up can be delicious , potatoes and sweet potatoes will have to pile on the weight...

6 WEEKS? omg I dont know if I can do it lol but I will definitely try. and Oh no to the beers!! maybe it was the gluten then if you were starting to feel better. I feel like I was getting better with glutamine and then at some point leveled out -didn't get worse but also didn't continue to get better which I think is because I still haven't found the root cause but now i feel like I am slowly getting better which gives me hope that it is the gluten.

It really does make it tough that gluten is in practically everything! I just accidentally ate a bite of fish today that possibly had gluten in it. One of the ingredients was "modified food starch" which may or may not contain it but I did feel a slight stomach ache a little after.

Brown fried rice sounds really yummy Tongue
i just found a recipe for gluten free chicken pot pie I'm trying tonight. BF loves chicken pot pie so hopefully this will be an okay substitute!

(22-03-2016, 23:43)msnewboobies Wrote:  
(20-03-2016, 00:11)ellacraig Wrote:  Yeh it truely sucks. Thing is though in the short term and going g free we have to make a sacrifice of weight BUT if we don't heal our guts.. It ain't gonna work anyway..
Brown rice fried and spiced up can be delicious , potatoes and sweet potatoes will have to pile on the weight...

6 WEEKS? omg I dont know if I can do it lol but I will definitely try. and Oh no to the beers!! maybe it was the gluten then if you were starting to feel better. I feel like I was getting better with glutamine and then at some point leveled out -didn't get worse but also didn't continue to get better which I think is because I still haven't found the root cause but now i feel like I am slowly getting better which gives me hope that it is the gluten.

It really does make it tough that gluten is in practically everything! I just accidentally ate a bite of fish today that possibly had gluten in it. One of the ingredients was "modified food starch" which may or may not contain it but I did feel a slight stomach ache a little after.

Brown fried rice sounds really yummy Tongue
i just found a recipe for gluten free chicken pot pie I'm trying tonight. BF loves chicken pot pie so hopefully this will be an okay substitute!

Dude thats the prob EVERY MOTHER .... THING has gluten in it :s
yeh im startingvup on my intestinal formula with glutamine in it again.
Soooo sounds like you haveca gluten intolerance! Maybe leaky gut... hands down i reckon i do .
Good luck with the chook Smile

You might like this Ella especially if it's hard to digest nuts and seeds.

I found this on the web for increasing progesterone. I think I am low in p so I'll probably do this for the next cycle but this can be done just during luteal too.

This site says (and includes studies to back up their info):

These methods have been shown effective for increasing progesterone levels:

750 mg vitamin C per day (increased progesterone 77% and improved fertility)
600 mg vitamin E (increased progesterone in 67% of patients)
6 g L-arginine (increased progesterone in 71% of patients)
Increasing beta carotene (boosts progesterone levels in dogs and goats)
Increasing vitamin B6
Supplementing with Vitex Agnus Castus (increases progesterone and fertility)
120 mg Black Cohosh on days 1 to 12 (increases progesterone and fertility)
Supplementing with selenium
Consuming dairy products (shown to raise progesterone in men)
Weight loss
Avoiding overeating
Improving insulin sensitivity (metformin increases progesterone levels 246%)
Replacing saturated fat in the diet with unsaturated fat
80mg progesterone cream (shown to be as effective as 200 mg oral progesterone prescription)
Eating a high protein, low carbohydrate diet
Lowering TSH levels in subclinical hypothyroidism

The only one I did not agree with is the black cohosh. I have seen conflicting studies on it so I personally would not use it. I have read that it does not have any effects on LH and can increase estrogen. Also, the study that the article cites was done by giving women black cohosh AND clomid so it could have been the clomid that caused them to ovulate and not the black cohosh.

But the Vitamin E one is actually very interesting. Sunflower seeds are an excellent source of vit e which I think is why they are part of the seed rotation in that video. ALSO, I cant remember the user's name on here, but she posted a video about making your own breast cream and she added PM, fenugreek, fennel and a few other things to it but the video said to use a VITAMIN E cream. Coincidence?? Or maybe they're on to something Wink
For those that may not know this or simply forgot, vitamin E has a lot of health benefits but the main one is its antioxidant properties.
Taken from the web:
Antioxidants remove free radicals — the unstable compounds that damage the cell structure. Immunity levels improve when vitamin E is consumed. Another important benefit of vitamin E is that it reduces cholesterol and the risk of developing cancer.

So vitamin E can help increase progesterone levels AND it helps your body build healthy cell structures for bigger boobies!

Il take a look thanks.
just got my bloods back and progesterone seems WAY HIGH..... and E normall....Huh

So, based on that last post, these are some things I am doing now to increase my progesterone levels. I am on day 24 of my cycle right now so I should be starting my period soon.

- Once I start my period, I want to add ground whole flaxseed to my diet. I'll start with 2 tbsp a day in my oatmeal or yogurt or just on anything and then see how I feel and possibly add more. Flaxseed has a lot of fiber in it and I already get a good amount from my diet alone.
The reason for the flaxseed is because it is a SERM (selective estrogen regulating modulator) which means it can down regulate estrogenic activity by blocking estrogen receptors in some parts of the body and up-regulate estrogenic activity in other areas. I'm hoping this will help regulate my estrogen.
Might take from day 1- 12.

- I will continue taking vitex through my period since it seems to work better taken from day 1 of your cycle. 450mg/day.

- I upped my vit c to 1000mg a day(divided doses).

- Add more vit e rich foods and keep taking vit e pill (400iu nature made). Also, continue using my vit e and aloe lotion. I put it all over my entire body and use it to moisturize my breasts after massaging.

- Add more vit b6 This is a big one for me. I think I haven't been getting enough vitamins and minerals because of my stomach issues. The easiest way for me to get b6 is through cereal. The one I am eating now has 25% of your dv of b6 in 3/4 cup but I usually eat 1 1/2 cups of cereal. Also, I take a multivitamin with 100% dv of vit b6 too.

- continue taking l-arg

So basically just keep doing what I'm doing but in greater quantities Blush

Also, I am changing my massage time from 20 min to 15 min. it's hard for me to get 20 min in since I've been busier lately and I think mentally, I can say okay 15 min isn't that long I can do it! lol

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