BCP may prevent NBE?!?!
October 16 2006 at 1:26 PM Moon (Login -Moon-)
Hi ladies, I have this important issue that I think all of us should debate who are trying to grow our boobs. BCP may prevent NBE?
This is not sth I read, but a conclusion or more like a relevant question that I reach on my own. I'm not a scientist, but I know sth about biochemistry from my study, but I have no idea if I'm right, so I would like everyone's oppinions.
In another topic someone talked about whether or not herbs could intervene with BCP and why. So the thing is; pill estrogens and phytoestrogens all bind to same receptors, so that would depend on which ones have bigger affinity to the receptor. If I'm not mistaking, it's BCP estrogens, because they are still our own (human) hormones and so the most fitting to our receptors, while phytoestrogens are similar to human estrogens, so they bind to their receptors, but with smaller affinity. Conscequentially, phytoestrogens can't prevent BCP from working. (Though I've heard that saw palmetto supposedly can do that, which could be because SP contains phytoestrogens with ~same affinity to receptors as our estrogens.)
But besides affinity, there is another important distinction between phytoestrogens and human estrogens and that is their potency or strenght of the signal they induce. We know phytoestrogens are a lot weaker than the strongest human estrogen - estradiol, but they are strong enough to cause breasts to grow. And BCPs differ in what sort of estrogens they contain, you have from the weakest to somewhat strong. So if one is taking a weak BCP (contains weak estrogens), this would hinder NBE, because receptors would be taken up by weak estrogens which don't cause breasts to grow and herb phytoestrogens couldn't do their work.
As for practical indications, I have myself - I was on a routine of herbs and massages (pretty much what everoyne does) for 5 months without any sucess, and I was also on a weak BCP. So I'd like to know what all of you think about it and if anyone has observed anything at themselves that could give a clue on this issue.
Lisa 121
(Login Lisa121)
Re: BCP may prevent NBE?!?!
October 16 2006, 3:00 PM
Hi Moon, I don't know about the science of this, all I can do is talk of my experience with this.
I have been on single herb routines for about 11 months now, with breaks in between. I first started without taking BCP but am using it again since June, and since being back on the herbs with BCP I have constant growing pains during the month, versus only about 5-9 days before, and my boobs seem to grow faster as well.
There are others who have grown really well on BCP and herbs, Christina for example. I think it depends on the pill you are taking and on your general hormone balance. Mine are really out of whack normally and I think that the BCP just controls them so far that the phytoestrogens that I am taking on top of that are just working really well.
Take care,
(Login -Moon-)
Re: BCP may prevent NBE?!?!
October 16 2006, 3:41 PM
Hi Lisa. Which BCP are you taking? I read about Christina's experience which is exactly what gave me to think about it. If I'm not mistaking she was on ones that are rather strong, cause that alone made her grow. I notice that they usually perscribe a moderate/strog BCP and not the weakest one, but I'm on the weakest - Logest. I haven't heard anyone else here say to be taking those. That's what I'm thinking too, that it depends on which BCPs you're taking.
Some feedback from ther girls on which BCP you are and your NBE progress would be a good insight, thanx!
(Login Holly34)
Re: BCP may prevent NBE?!?!
October 16 2006, 6:46 PM
I've been curious about this topic as well. I keep wondering if my bcp is preventing me from growing. I am also taking a weaker one (demulen)and I am not having much success at growth. I have my anual appointment next week and was thinking about changing my pill type.
(Login -Moon-)
Re: BCP may prevent NBE?!?!
October 16 2006, 7:08 PM
Thanx Holly for the info. Do you parhaps know which hormons exactly your pills contain?
I'll ask my doc to give me other pills for sure. As I have yet to make an appointment, I'll have to wait a couple of months, but in the meantime I though about going off from Logest to see if I get any more pains and signs. Only the period will be killing then.
(Login Callitfate07)
Re: BCP may prevent NBE?!?!
October 16 2006, 7:20 PM
Hello...I am interested in this as well. I am on ortho trycyclin and I was wondering if herbs will interfere with the effectiveness of the BCP, and what BCP others are taking that they have had growth with...like Christina. Thanks!!
(Login -Moon-)
Re: BCP may prevent NBE?!?!
October 16 2006, 7:56 PM
I think Christina said she was on same as you are. Herbs are not suppsoed to prevent BCPs from working, except saw plametto.
@Holly - I though Demulen was a stronger BCP...?
(Login Laniboo)
read my old post
October 16 2006, 8:02 PM
hi girls, i wrote a post about this (kinda) when i was having trouble with my program. it seems that i did grow better on BCP, but i can't be sure bc I was only on BCP and NBE combined for ab 3-4 weeks. but there was a difference in my pictures and some pains here and there, and then when i went off BCP and started over with NBE ( had a month break due to surgery), i had no difference after about 5 weeks of taking just NBE alone and no pains whatsoever. I don't know why, but maybe I am similar to Lisa...( I am on WU, SP, and EPOE btw)
Anyway, I was wondering how you can tell if your BCP is weak or strong??? I am on Ortho tri Cylen Lo. I'm guessing it is weak because it has lower levels of hormones than the original/regular Ortho tri cyclen... Could somebody tell me? It is a combined pill:ethinyl estradiol , and norgestimate. Please help!
(Login Callitfate07)
Re: BCP may prevent NBE?!?!
October 16 2006, 8:21 PM
Is there anything that you can substitute for Saw Palmetto if you are on BCP?
(Login tms81)
Re: BCP may prevent NBE?!?!
October 16 2006, 8:32 PM
use nettle insted of saw palmetto
(Login Holly34)
Re: BCP may prevent NBE?!?!
October 16 2006, 9:22 PM
I'm not sure which hormones or amounts are in mine but I thought my doctor said it was low. Pills usually make me sick so they figured they would give a lower dosage. I go next Monday so I will ask and see what she has to say.
(Login -Moon-)
Re: BCP may prevent NBE?!?!
October 16 2006, 9:23 PM
@Lani - Well, I'd say that the potency of BCPs depends on which hormones they contain (always one of the group of estrogens and one of the group of progestines, and among those there are stronger and weaker) and on the ammounts. Which is true, but with some more research I learnt that all BCPs have the same estrogen - ethyl estradiol, but the progestin differs. So this appears that my supposition (that certain 'weaker' BCPs could prevent NBE) was incorrect. But I did also read that progestins are metabolised into intermediates that do bind to estrogen receptors and have a weak estrogenic activity. One thing that is apparent is that how hormones work is very complex, so much even that the practical trial and error method is probably more effective than trying to find the answers in theory to know what to do in practice.
So apparently, some BCPs are good for NBE. Several girls have reported until now that they grew better on Ortho tri cyclen. I was thinking that maybe the pill I'm on is bad for NBE, but I have no means to finding that out other than trying NBE with a differnt pill, so I'll be going to my doc and asking her to prescribe me something else.
(Login Holly34)
Re: BCP may prevent NBE?!?!
October 16 2006, 9:30 PM
I just looked mine up on-line and I am on the lower dose 1/35. They also have 1/50. Mine has 35 mcg of ethinyl estradiol and 1 mg of ethynodiol diacetate.
(no login)
Re: BCP may prevent NBE?!?!
October 16 2006, 10:42 PM
What does BCP stand for?
(Login -Moon-)
Re: BCP may prevent NBE?!?!
October 17 2006, 11:01 AM
BCP = birth control pill
Holly thatnx for the info.
Lisa 121
(Login Lisa121)
Re: BCP may prevent NBE?!?!
October 18 2006, 4:11 PM
Hello Moon, sorry for taking so long to get back to you, I am on Yasmin, it is an androgenic pill, which I think is what is helping me since I am androgen dominant and I guess it is supporting the effects of the nettle root.
(Login Callitfate07)
Re: BCP may prevent NBE?!?!
October 18 2006, 7:02 PM
How can you find out what hormone dominance you have? It seems that certain things are better for people with certain dominances etc.
(Login C4ME)
BC & Herbs Work Together!
October 18 2006, 11:06 PM
Hope this can help!
I began to take herbs the same exact time that I started with birth control pills, (Ortho Tri Cyclen Lo) and grew from an a A cup to a B. I'm not kidding!
I don't know if it was the herbs or the birth control to make me grow but this was proof to me that you can grow while taking both herbs and bc pills.
I didn't use single herbs but I used Tobustan, which is the same thing being that it's made up of all natural herbs.
(Login js89)
Re: BCP may prevent NBE?!?!
October 18 2006, 11:11 PM
I've been on Ortho Tri-Cyclen on and off since I was 16 years old. I've never noticed growth from it. I've often wondered if it inhibits growth for me - if it causes me to have excess estrogen.
Lisa 121
(no login)
Re: BCP may prevent NBE?!?!
October 19 2006, 12:04 AM
Callitfate07, I found out about my hormone imbalance because I went to the doctor and had a hormone test done.
If you google "androgen dominance women" and "estrogen dominance" lots of info on symptoms etc. should come up, if you check those out and they sound familiar then I would recommend going to a doctor and doing a blood test to get it checked. It can be a dysfunction of your thyroid so if you do have real problems with your hormones you should get it checked.
(Login C4ME)
October 19 2006, 1:40 AM
Jen do you think that maybe the "LO" formula is alot different from the regular Ortho Tri Cyclen?
Maybe it was Tobustan that made be grow afterall, although it has been proven that woman can grow with birth control.
(Login js89)
Re: BCP may prevent NBE?!?!
October 19 2006, 2:29 AM
I think it has been said that some women can grow from birth control. I don't think I am one of them. You may be.
From what I understand, or just read, Ortho Tri-Cyclen delivers low levels of progestin over the course of your cycle, Ortho Tri-Cyclen Lo delivers a lower amount of estrogen. I should probably look into switching!
(Login -Moon-)
Re: BCP may prevent NBE?!?!
October 19 2006, 3:33 PM
Ok thanx for answers everyone. So Ortho tri cyclen would be good if you're estrogen defficient? I know that the pill I'm taking contains a quite strong progestin and I think I'm estrogen defficient and progesterone normal. I don't know if BCP is what's stopping me from growing, but I'll find out.
(Login Holly34)
Re: BCP may prevent NBE?!?!
October 19 2006, 6:26 PM
Ok, I did a hormone test again on-line and I seem to have a lot of symtoms indicating I would be estrogen dominant. Which bcp do you think would be best?? Should I try yasmin like Lisa?? Also I guess I should add wild yam to my program? Do you think I should increase sp as well? I am currently taking:
fenegreek 1830mg
hops 350mg
SP 1350
borage 2000
these are my total amounts daily.
(Login -Moon-)
Re: BCP may prevent NBE?!?!
October 19 2006, 6:38 PM
Hi Holly. I don't know exactly what wild yam does. If amyone does, I'm interested in hearing too. SP I think has anti-testosteron and anti-androgen effect.
I'm not sure, but maybe a BCP that is lower estrogen would be better for your NBE, but I know that some girls need a high estrogen pill otherwise they have inter cycle bleedings. But it's not dangerous, so you can try switching the pill and if you get the bleeding, you just switch back.
For which pill to take this site is very nformative:
(Login Callitfate07)
Re: BCP may prevent NBE?!?!
October 19 2006, 6:38 PM
Where are some good sites to take the hormone tests? Because I couldn't find any that were free to take.
(Login -Moon-)
Re: BCP may prevent NBE?!?!
October 19 2006, 6:40 PM
Oh btw, could you put the link to the site where you can determine your hormonal im/balance here please?
(Login Holly34)
Re: BCP may prevent NBE?!?!
October 19 2006, 8:56 PM
Sorry, it took me a while to find the site again. Here it is.
(Login Callitfate07)
Re: BCP may prevent NBE?!?!
October 20 2006, 1:24 AM
Thank you very much! I took the test and it says I may be progesterone defficient, so should i take herbs for this? where do you find progesterone cream?
(Login Holly34)
Re: BCP may prevent NBE?!?!
October 20 2006, 1:54 PM
I was thinking it might be a good idea if everyone added wether or not they are on bcp and what kind in their program stats. It could help us figure some things out.
Lisa 121
(Login Lisa121)
Re: BCP may prevent NBE?!?!
October 20 2006, 3:45 PM
I would not rely on an online hormone test to tell you what your hormone balance is, I just took it and I am oestrogen dominant as well as being oestrogen deficient, androgen dominant and more.
The only thing that I really do have is androgen dominance, so if any of you are worried about any of those symptoms listed there, go to a physician and have it checked out properly. I would not start treating symptoms that have not been diagnosed properly.
I am no big fan of doctors, but those only tests are really unreliable, and I would not base any of my herb taking decisions on those because that may just be plain wrong, as it was in my case there, and by taking the wrong herbs for your body you can mess your hormones up in a way you really don't want to.
(Login dandelion1)
Re: BCP may prevent NBE?!?!
October 21 2006, 12:24 AM
after taking a look at the bcp info page and taking the test: i've confirmed that yasmin should be the pill i should take. I doesnt have androgen suppressants, however i do not believe it to be absolutetly necessary in my case. i am estrogen dominant and yasmin is the pill that offers the most progesterone (equivalent to 4.5mg = the most of all other pills).
i'll start my switch from Diance 35 in 2 weeks, and i;ll keep you all posted on whether this makes a difference
(Login -Moon-)
Re: BCP may prevent NBE?!?!
October 21 2006, 1:19 PM
@Lisa - What does everyone have against doctors, I'm gonna be one!
Lol, kidding with you girl!
I deffinitely agree that an on-line test is not something we should rely on. Depression, mood swings, tiredness, etc. - this can all be a conscequence of so many other problems and conditions. I think you can somehow know for yourself what you are more likely to have when you know your body well and have learnt a lot about how it works through research which all of us on this forum must do. I'd really like to have tests done, but I'm not sure if my presonal doctor is the one to ask, or what I'll tell her when she askes why...