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Exercise and Breast Enlargement


September 9 2007 at 10:20 AM sugar2spice (Login sugar2spice)

I have been taking Wonderup for a little over 3 months now. I'm on my 4th bottle and have ordered another 4 month supply.
I am 19, 125lb, about 5'6" and am thinking about doing a figure contest in the future. It is not a bodybuilding contest where women look like men. More feminine look with muscle definition. Tying to look cut, but I know i won't be nearly like the ripped bodybuilders you see for those competions, nor do i want to be, haha.
If in a few months I start training, would my breast size decrease and Wonderup cease to work for me? Training would include intense working out and a very strict diet. I don't know very much about the diet, but a friend of mine doing it said that in the end they carry mainly water weight and then it goes before the competition for that cut look. This isn't a yr round thing. Its purpose is for competing. Takes about 3 months training.
So, how would this effect that part of my body? Wonderup??

(Login Alexia1981)
Re: bodybuilding
September 9 2007, 10:54 AM

You may want to check the posts from a girl that did triathlon but I think the same will count for you if you overdo it

Lost Sheep
(Login sugar2spice)
Re: bodybuilding
September 9 2007, 12:56 PM

I just want to build some muscle. It would only be for 3 months. I know it is not a forever thing. After the 3 months I am not remaining on such a strict diet. I already exercise and lift weights daily, but not quite as intense as it would be for the figure contest. It sure does not cause me stress. I love working out.

Lost Sheep
(Login Buffeee)
Re: bodybuilding
September 10 2007, 12:03 PM

I think it's admirable that you want to participate in this contest. Why not just do it and deal with your breasts afterwards? You probably will lose some from your boobs, but are you willing to let two lumps of flesh take over your life?

Lost Sheep
(Login sugar2spice)
Fit matters to me so i want to keep my body that way+more.
September 10 2007, 11:11 PM

Thank you. My main concern is my chest and that it shrinks. I know it would because the diet cuts out almost all carbs and body fat... I have no problems with my weight, but I do know that a couple personal trainer (btw I'm studying for certification too) friends of mine have been really pleased with the results of their training.
The contest is an all natural bodybuilding figure contest so there are not steroids, etc and big manly women. I think doing this exercise training and diet specially for competition and having a goal like that is worth while.
I know i will look great if i succeed. After all I don't have so much fat to lose so the focus will mostly be on muscle building. Just the boob part is a disadvantage and i guess i will have to concentrate on that later. I mean its not all about boobs.. great toned body is what i WANT!

(Login HS29)
Re: bodybuilding
September 11 2007, 11:29 PM

Unfortch, in my experience- that's a hard road. I took BB for almost a year- made about 1.5 inch gain. Started working out hard and running. I have lost ALL my growth. Just bought smaller bras. I am more interested in gaining muscle and losing fat at this point, so I have given up on the boobs. I think I maintained my growth while still taking the BB, but as soon as I quit, my boobs shrank. Any fat I gain tends to go to my middle and thighs before ever hitting my chest. Sad

Good luck on your figure contest. I am thinking of trying that one day... maybe b4 I hit 40! HA!

Lost Sheep
(Login sugar2spice)
Re: bodybuilding
September 12 2007, 9:46 PM

I do not plan on quitting NBE, hopefully the pills will still be effective. If not, then i guess they're not for me because i want to keep an active lifestyle.. not give it up just for a pair of boobs. I know the diet will have a lot of protein and fiber so i hope for great benefits all around. Cross my fingers and pray!!!!!!!! Boobs, don't go!!

Lost Sheep
(Login sugar2spice)
Re: bodybuilding
September 15 2007, 5:34 PM

I read this:

Since growth hormone is naturally produced during deep sleep and intense exercise, women over 30 can increase the effectiveness of their breast enlargement routines by getting regular workouts and plenty of rest each night.

Notice: during "intense exercise."

(Login waxingmoon)
Re: bodybuilding
September 15 2007, 8:47 PM

Yes, it is intense exercise that produces an increase in growth hormone. Specifically deep muscle contractions cause this effect. (the contractions that produce the greatest GH response are those that are near muscle failure points)
Not all intense exercise produces this response, for example intense aerobic exercise does not promote the release of growth hormone. This is because it is not causing intense contractions, rather it is intense due to endurance reasons.

As far as growth hormone, yes it can promote all body building, including breast enhancement - however, any exercise that is causing too much body fat loss will interfere with body building of all types - muscle and boob.

For muscle growth to be accomplished, the body must remain in a positive nitrogen state. That is why body builders spend their time working out, eating and sleeping (up to 12 hours of snoozing per day).

Body builders spend the first part of their training developing thier muscles and then the final week/weeks dieting to lose as much body fat as possible (which gives that cut/ripped look to the muscles). Competition body building is not healthy. Period. The things body builders do in order to achieve their looks are at the far end of the body enhancing spectrum. Like the triathlete or marathon runner they are going after a goal that does not have health in mind. In my opinion, competition can ruin many things.

Now I know you are not getting into this with the 'extreme' body building in mind, but watch out. You will possibly be told a bunch of stuff that may or may not be true. Doing something to achieve an effect for a competition is not the same as doing something healthy.

The best thing you can do is take everything you are told with a grain of salt. Look things up for yourself. If is sounds extreme, it is extreme.

Good luck in you quest,

Lost Sheep
(Login sugar2spice)
that helps
September 27 2007, 9:29 PM

That actually makes me feel a lot better. I have cut my cardio and am training on muscular strenght with free weights. I'm still trying to figure out the right diet for my body, but i do know, however, that I CAN EAT! I am not trying to lean out, therefore not lose weight, but gain.. gain muscle that is. I especially have to get lots of protein. The point is gaining so I won't be burining myself out on cardio and endurance.

chest exercise?
June 5 2007 at 2:36 AM mel (melissa) (Login lissamae)

does anyone know if doing chest exercises helps or inhibits growth??

is exercise bad for nbe?

(Login Kittyluv09)
Re: chest exercise?
June 5 2007, 3:38 AM

From what I know chest exercises help to build the muscles under you breasts making them appear more firmer and possibly seem larger. However you can not gain a cup size from doing chest exercises. And if you can, I haven't heard of it.

As for inhibiting breast size. My little sister hates how big her boobs are (i wish i had her problem) and says that doing arm exercises above your shoulders makes your boobs get smaller. I told her that's crazy, but she says it has helped her boobs to become the same size because one was bigger then the other. I still don't see how this could work.

mel (melissa)
(Login lissamae)
Re: chest exercise?
June 5 2007, 3:48 AM

I've heard that exercising can help improve the shape of breasts but I didn't know if it would have any effect if done in conjunction with NBE. I've always heard that when you start working out/losing weight, the boobs are the first thing to go... I just hope that isn't true lol!

(Login Kittyluv09)
Re: chest exercise?
June 5 2007, 4:13 PM

Well the reason why they say your boobs are the first to go is because they're made of fat. Just like when men start to lose weight it first starts coming off their stomach because this is where they store most of their excess fat. Us women have boobs and saddlebags, lol. So if you were to lose A LOT of weight then yes, your boobs 'may' get smaller. But this is anywhere from a 15 to 30 pound weight change. However, I gained and lost 30 pounds and did not have any changes in breast size.

As for chest exercises, they can't hurt to do them. If you check out Tiger Lily's program, she had amazing results and she did push-ups every day. So it wouldn't hurt to try! Either way it's exercise, and exercise is always good. Smile

Alien Sheep
(no login)
Re: chest exercise?
June 5 2007, 5:16 PM


In the testimonials on this site:, people have gained an inch from exercise using a sort of breast exerciser thing.
Also, if you search the forum for electronic toning - there's a girl who gained a cup size.

I'd do this myself, but I don't want them to be any higher - I wouldn't mind if they sagged a bit - I think it makes them look bigger!!

(Login -Moon-)
Re: chest exercise?
June 5 2007, 8:00 PM

I actually wanted to start a topic on chect excercises! I think they might be great and have started doing them.

I think you actually may be able to increase breast size with excercise. Think about this - women have very very thin pectoral (chest) muscles. We can easily feel our ribs throguh them (men can't), and for some of us they are so thin it doesn't feel like there is any mucle at all, just ribs under the skin (provided our boobs are so small we can feel through them as well Tongue). And between our ribs are horizontal depressions called intercostal spaces. So if your muscle is thin, a lot of your brest tissue resides in these depressions! But if your muscle was ticker, those depressions would be evened out and more of your breast tissue would stick out.

You can get an increase with excercises, not like several cupsizes, but not as little as most people think either, I think it's possible to get a noticable increase.

And you don't need those electronic devices, the excercises are easy. They usually say bring your hands together in fron of your chest and push them together. But personally I find that it's even better if you have somehting between your hands, I use a door. Just open a door, place your hands on the edge, one on each side, and push together. You will feel your chest muscles immediately.

Aside from that, excercising the chest muscle will increase your blood flow into the chest and breast gland as well and that will be great for growth!

And there is no worry of excercising away fat from the breast - fat doesn't get burned in the area you excercise, but all over the body.

(Login annieboobs)
Re: chest exercise?
June 5 2007, 8:36 PM

Thanks for the tips ladies. gonna start doing some chest exercise.

(Login lissamae)
Re: chest exercise?
June 5 2007, 9:53 PM

There was actually a pamphlet that came with my boob pills that shows a few chest exercises to do that I think I'm gonna try. One was putting your hands together in front of your chest and pushing (I think Moon covered this one) and then holding your hands (with fingers interlocked) in front of your chest and pulling. Cant hurt to try I guess SmileI'm hoping the exercises will give me a little lift Wink

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