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Too much caffeine?
April 23 2007 at 3:54 PM Anonymous (Login Kaysmom)

I was told caffeine is a big no when taking nbe pills. Other people say wait two hours before and after taking your pills to drink caffeine. So, I decided to take my pills when I wake up and then wait two hours before drinking any caffeine. Is this ok? I only drink MAYBE 2 cans of Dr. Pepper a day anyway. The rest of the time I ususlly drink milk or juice. I hate water, but I drink it if I have to.

(Login lilmama40)
Re: Too much caffeine?
April 23 2007, 4:08 PM

Yes, waiting 2 hours to have caffeine, or having it 2 hours before taking your pills is fine. Otherwise, some say it interferes with the absorption of the herbs, but of course some people feel that's misinformation to begin with. To be safe though, what you've said sounds fine.

(Login Kaysmom)
Re: Too much caffeine?
April 23 2007, 4:20 PM

Thank you! I'm new to this ( I know y'all hear this all the time) and I'm trying to learn all I can. I haven't got up the nerve to take a picture and put it on here. I need to, but y'all haven't seen little until you see me! lol

(Login Ann5)
Re: Too much caffeine?
April 23 2007, 4:31 PM

I just want to add that your water intake should be good while on NBE. Especially with herbs. You have to make sure that your getting enough water in between meals so you dont become dehydrated. The herbs will work better if you do also. So please make sure that your getting a moderate amount of water during the's important.

September 2 2006 at 6:23 PM SassiP (Login SassiP)
Should one completely cut out caffeine from diet to get best results?

I only drink one cup or less in the morning, but was wondering if I'd get better results if I drank no caffeine.

Anyone else drink coffee and still getting results or vice verse?

(Login Mingmei)
Re: Caffeine?
September 3 2006, 8:06 AM

It's different for each person. Some people are more sensitive to the effects of caffeine than others.

(no login)
Re: Caffeine?
September 3 2006, 2:06 PM

I just like the taste of coffe and I drink caffeinefree coffe, it is perfect!

(Login gingerD)
Re: Caffeine?
September 4 2006, 4:15 PM

Im still drinking caffine Ilove coffee, but itry to have only 2 cups a day
I cant say my caffine intake has affected my NBE

(Login coffeegirl77)
Re: Caffeine?
September 5 2006, 10:01 PM

I too drink a cup or less of coffee a day. I have read that as long as you have it a couple hours before or after taking herbs it shouldn't effect it, especially with that small of an amount. I have been concidering quitting to see if it helps boost my growth, but caffine withdrawls are awful and make it hard for me to function. I have had some tingles and increased fullness while keeping my coffee, so it's up to you! It would be worth quitting if you wanted to see if it helps! I may do it one of these days...

(no login)
Re: Caffeine?
September 6 2006, 1:27 AM

The problem with caffine is that it really dehydrates the body... which is bad for NBE. So if you are drinking coffee you should up your water intake by 2-3 extra glasses of water for every cup of coffee. Also the caffine is said to interfere with the hormones and confuses the messages being sent from the pituitary gland. That is why it is also suggested that you stay away from carbonated drinks, chocolate and other things containing caffine while on NBE. I think an occasional treat is ok but for the best results it would be good to avoid these things altogether.

(Login SassiP)
Re: Caffeine?
September 6 2006, 2:10 AM

Well, I dont know if this is coincidence but I have skipped a day of coffee and have noticed more fullness in the left breast(the bigger side).

I have had 1 cup or less in the morning regurlarly for about a year now. With that little amount I am getting bad headaches from withdrawals.

Im going to continue weaning myself of to see if I have more growth.

NBE and caffeine
March 12 2006 at 9:56 AM -Moon- (Login -Moon-)

Hello! I have a question regarding negative influence of caffeine on effectiveness of herbs. As I'm a student, I'm having a really hard time living without coffee. Before I started NBE, I drank at least one cup per day, sometimes two. Now since I had to renounce coffee, I'm sleepy all the time. I'd like to know if there is a way to be able to combinate herbs and coffee - for example, I though that if I took herbs in the evening, before bed, then I could have coffee during the day. Can somebody answer what exactly is the interaction between coffee and herbs - does the caffeine destroy the phytoestroges and other molecules we need, or does some kind of inhibition occur? I understand caffeine stays in the body for about 4 hours. Then can we drink coffe, if we make sure we haven't drunk it 4 hours before we take the herbs? Thanx for answering!

(Login Jamerai)
March 12 2006, 10:31 AM

Are you sleepy all the time, or do you have trouble getting up in the morning, when is it that the sandman attacks you? I know there are herbs that are not caffeine that help you stay awake and some to get you alert when you wake in the morning, and I know that gargling icewater when you wake up can get you ready for the day. The herbs I really don't know about but I will look up. I know Mint is one that can wake you in the morning and make you peppy, a little in you icewater will do. I have some more tips it's just too late for me to think. 4 am here... baby woke me so I thought I would hop on.

Bonne Chance, and Bigger Boobies!

(Login liquidSunset)
March 12 2006, 5:10 PM

Steph said that she drinks a POT of coffee a day and she HAS grown.
However I know your concern. I think once the caffine is out of your system it would be ok to take herbs.

The only thing is that I heard you should take herbs every 8 hours, to keep a steady stream of them in your body for NBE. So if you ONLY took herbs at night, I dont know if you could grow or not. You probably could, but it might take EVEN LONGER to grow that way than it already does to begin with.

Jam had some good ideas, hopefully she can give you some more tips!

(Login -Moon-)
Re: NBE and caffeine
March 13 2006, 4:59 PM

Thanx for answering! My sleepiness in mostly during the day, I think I'm inclined to it, my epiphysis just seems to be working like that - a little to much. Now I'm taking half of my herbs in the morning and then through the day I have coffe and in the evening I take the remaining of herbs, so I'm trying to spread the routing through the day as much as I can.

(Login liquidSunset)
Sounds good
March 13 2006, 5:06 PM

I think you'll be just fine. Try not to stress to much about getting every detail just perfect. There are so many diferent do's and dont's you'll go nuts trying to keep up with it all.

Make the ajustment that you can, and dont sweat the rest. I wish you well on your program. Smile

Is caffeine really a bad thing?
October 13 2006 at 7:29 AM Catherine (no login)

I'm confused about this whole thing of caffeine. Some people are saying you're not allowed to have it, but others seem to take it okay, and then there's a suggestion that it depends what you're taking whether you have have caffeine or not. I just think this is a subject that needs to be cleared up.

(Login GoldSnowflake)
Re: Is caffeine really a bad thing?
October 13 2006, 11:20 AM

Most NBE formulas will advise against consuming caffine and carbonated drinks. So there must be something to it. Switch to decafe if you can. Maybe it doesn't affect everyone, maybe just some people. I think if you smoke or have an occasional drink this should be taken into concideration too. I have 2 cups decafe coffee in morning, but I smoke too. So I try not to overdo any of the taboos. Good Luck to you!!!

(Login tinyhope)
Re: Is caffeine really a bad thing?
October 13 2006, 2:35 PM

I didn't realise their could be a caffeine restriction. I'm on Wonderup... Can I have my cup of tea? I've had a couple of coffees over the last few weeks, I hope that is ok... I don't want to jeopardise any chance or harm my body...
Would anyone know? Thanks...

(no login)
October 13 2006, 3:03 PM

You shouldn't have any within an hour of taking your herbs, you can have some just not lots. Tea has caffeine in it also, so does chocolate and mountain dew (or it used to I don't buy it anymore...)

Michelle Choi
(Login chelle_choi)
Hi Girls
October 13 2006, 4:30 PM

Didn't mean for my comment about not having to stay away from caffeine with bountiful breast, to spark up a debate or uncertainty. But, I did look up wonderup's FAQ section and it said:

Will eliminating caffeine intake help?

Extreme use of caffeine can affect progress because it stresses the glandular system, but moderate caffeine intake (up to 5 caffeinated beverages per day) is unlikely to pose any problem. However, it might possibly help if you don't take caffeinated drinks within an hour either side of taking the tablets.

So it looks like moderate intake is good and if you ask me 5 caffeine drinks a day is alot that can be consumed without interferring with results and like it said it's probably just best to drink those within an hour before or after the pills and you should be fine. I do know that most other herbal products say the caffeine will interfere with results, like breast gain plus says:

Why is it important to cut back on my intake of caffeine and carbonated soft drinks while taking Breast Gain Plus ?
Unfortunately, there are chemicals associated with carbonization and caffeine that can counteract the productivity of certain herbs in our proprietary blend.

But again as long as it's a moderate intake and you try to take in caffeine an hour at least from your dosage it should be fine. I myself don't even drink 5 caffeine drinks a day, I drink like 2-3 diet cokes and a cup of tea.

(Login coffeegirl77)
Re: Is caffeine really a bad thing?
October 13 2006, 9:01 PM

As my name suggests, I am a big fan of all things coffee. I was drinking 1-2 cups a day of coffee when I first started my program, and while I had some pains, they did increase when I quit drinking it daily. I have not given up coffee completely-- I still have an occational Starbucks caramel machiatto, because I would go crazy if I didn't, but I am convinced that daily intake may effect some people. So don't go crazy cutting it out of your life, but just be conservative in your intake and you should be fine. I noticed that in the month or two that I quit I DID have a 1/2 inch of growth.

(Login faerycat)
Re: Is caffeine really a bad thing?
October 13 2006, 9:30 PM

One thing's for sure: You'll feel better if you cut back on caffeine. It's a stimulant, so it increases your heart rate and metabolism and can cause insomnia, nervousness, and headaches. It contributes to heartburn by stimulating the secretion of stomach acid. It's a diuretic, so it makes you pee more often and become dehydrated more easily. What's more, it has no nutritional value — in fact, it causes your bones to lose calcium.

These beverages contain compounds called phenols that make it harder for your body to absorb iron and other nutrients such as herbs.

............Sorry girls!


=^_^= x

(Login henriettahippo)
Re: Is caffeine really a bad thing?
October 13 2006, 10:21 PM

Just remember when cutting out caffeine, to do it gradually, otherwise you can get some killer headaches, and withdrawal symptoms ~ This is the whole reason why I haven't stopped it altogether, I just limit the amount I have per day and the times I have it.

(Login Epiphany.)
Re: Is caffeine really a bad thing?
October 14 2006, 10:26 PM

I read somewhere that caffeine can have a negative effect on the glandular system, so it would not be helpful to take it if you were trying to promote breast growth, regardless of what product you were taking.

(Login GoldSnowflake)
October 16 2006, 4:39 PM

Carbonated drinks gradually DEPLETE calcium from your bones. Calcium is also important to cell regeneration and heart and artery function. Maybe calcium would also be important supplement to take during NBE as it helps with weight management too. Just really wanted to bring this to light, cause alot of us are hooked on our colas, but it is improtant to protect our bones as we age.

(no login)
caffeine is a bad thing
October 21 2006, 4:03 PM

Hi ladys I am new to this message board.
You asked if caffeine was bad(yes)Sweet are bad for breast growth and
the reson I say that is because caffeine pushs any thing you take throw your bady and do give it time to do what it is supost to do and sweet puts to much of male hormones in your body.Don`t just stop caffeine all at one do it slow and try decaff.When I started out I was a 32aa I mean I didn`t have boobs because of haveing kids then I did a lot of research and I found
saw Palmetto
mexican wild yam
These 4 herbs has helped me grow from a 32aa to 36B IT took me about 12 weeks to see anything but I did but I also stoped caffeine and sweets.

Caffeine Affects Growth.
November 6 2008 at 7:01 PM Kittybeth82 (Login Iza82)

After reading the post (and other articles on the internet) saying that it is very possible that coffee affects breast growth, I felt the need to post my personal experience with it.

I honestly believe in my experience that coffee DEFINITELY is not good especially if you are spending hundreds of dollars on supplements, like myself. At first I really didn't want to believe this, as I have been drinking coffee and other things with caffeine since I was fourteen. I love the taste of it and I love the way it makes me feel. Ironically enough I have had really small boobs my whole life and I definitely believe it was at least partially due to overuse of caffeine, and poor health (I had an eating disorder in my teens, and even after that didn't understand the concept of nutrition, and also drank too much as well as poisoned my body with other substances). I have always been healthy in the sense that I work out a lot and have been doing so since I was very young, despite everything else I did to destroy my body. The reason I'm posting this is because with my experience using herbs (Wonderup specifically) I have noticed a direct correlation between my coffee habit and breast growth.

I took Breast Success for six months and noticed a little bit of fullness. During this time I did not quit drinking coffee. When I went on Wonderup which is supposed to be much more potent, I quit for three to four months and definitely noticed growth. I feel like my breasts definitely retained the little bit of increase and fullness from these three months on WU. Then, I got the job from hell and needed coffee just to stay awake, and got back into the habit full swing, at which point I was still taking the WU, but for about a month didn't notice any increase at all, at least not the rate I felt like I was experiencing it before. Okay, it's not like I grew *that much* but when I look at my before photos I can definitely tell that my boobs are way rounder, more grabbable and I can lift them up higher (I know that sounds weird but before they didn't move or go anywhere because they were just too little). I actually wonder at this point if I was a size A and have grown to a small size B and just miscalculated my breasts before. The funny thing is, I didn't have a computer for two of the three months I was on WU. When I ever compared myself to my starting pics I was amazed because I didn't think I had grown at all.

Anyway, so when I got back into the habit of drinking coffee, I stopped with NBE because I felt like it would be counterproductive, since I had done it for a month and seemed to be getting nowhere.

Once again, I have quit drinking coffee and it's only been four days. I have also been taking the rest of my WU but only two pills a day to space it out until I get more. I have been massaging regularly and I feel like I am having signs of growth again. They feel a little sensitive and tender and they are definitely at least a little bit fuller. I also think that before I may have overloaded my body with too much WU because I was breaking out like crazy and when I did the stalling method I felt like they were sore for a couple weeks afterward, though I didn't grow any more (I don't think).

I didn't really give it my all the first go with staying away from the caffeine. I definitely and even if only intuitively with a little bit of evidence, feel like caffeine affected my growth. It is so damn hard for me to stay away from coffee, as I come from a long line of incessant coffee drinkers, I'm apt to believe it's in my genes! Bottom line is that I don't think it is beneficial to spend a lot of money and to really want this for yourself if you are just thinking drinking coffee is no big deal! I think it will definitely affect your growth and if only for a time you should stay away from it. Also, it's great to have coffee once in a while on occasion but I think it's bad to rely on caffeine on a daily basis. That is just my opinion but I feel like NBE is also about health and putting the right things in your body to achieve your full potential (not just breast size).

There is no doubt in my mind that overuse of coffee, drugs, alcohol and poor nutrition when I was going through puberty is a direct affect on my health and consequently my breast size. I was an early bloomer when it came to breast growth and randomly stopped at the age of thirteen, when I started getting into bad habits.

Sorry this is so long, but I just wanted to throw this out there because before I was like, "Eh, some people grew while they drank coffee, I can too." and I definitely ignored this factor. The point is, everyone is different, and it may be affecting your growth even if it doesn't affect someone else's. I hope that by posting this it helps other people realize that it may actually be a big variable in achieving results. And if I can quit drinking coffee, you definitely can too!

(Login -Moon-)
Re: Caffeine Affects Growth.
November 6 2008, 7:31 PM

At the time when you drank lots of coffe and did NBE, did you usually have coffee and herbs at times close together, not spaced out? I believe that in high ammounts coffee deffintiely can be an obstacle for growth, but not in small to moderate ammounts. I drink 1, sometimes 2 cups per day and never felt in interfeared with my NBE. I make sure I space out my herbs and coffee.

(Login Iza82)
Re: Caffeine Affects Growth.
November 6 2008, 8:16 PM

I did try to space them out. If I drank coffee first I would wait two hours to take the herbs. If I took the herbs first I would wait two to three hours.

I do think that these kinds of things are different for different people though. I feel like I am really sensitive to things in general, like caffeine and alcohol and it's possible my body is really responsive to drugs and supplements. I'm not really sure, but I have always felt that things affected me more intensely than a lot of people. Even in general, I have to keep a pretty strict diet and watch my sugar/carb intake because I get addicted to them very quickly, and if I don't keep up a regular exercise routine I get exhausted and depressed very quickly.

Everyone is different. When I read the article that was posted here about coffee affecting breast growth, I noticed they related it to an actual gene that they said about 50% of women have. So it's possible it's not affecting you at all. I have a friend who has big boobs and she drinks coffee regularly, so it's not definite for everyone.

If you think that it's not affecting you, then I think you should be fine. Have you ever tried going a month without caffeine though and try to measure the difference? I feel like I wouldn't know unless I did quit for those three months or so, and would probably still have some growth but not as much. Also, I generally drink espresso as opposed to coffee, which is probably worse.

When I get my new supply I'm definitely not going to be drinking coffee and if anything will probably drink green tea now and then if I really feel I need a boost. After these four months I think I will know for sure how much it at least affected me personally. Should be interesting!

(Login -Moon-)
Re: Caffeine Affects Growth.
November 6 2008, 8:33 PM

I remember the article but I don't remember that about the gene, that's interesting. Or maybe it was a different article. I did once stop drinking coffee for NBE and didn't feel it made any difference, that was at a time when I wasn't having any sucess with NBE. Later I had some sucess while drinking a small/moderate ammount of coffee. It definitely makes sense that it's different for different people. I am still careful not to increase my coffee intake tho, better safe than sorry. I'm very dependant of coffee tho so it would be disasterous for me if I had to quit it lol.

(Login frankielovesu)
Re: Caffeine Affects Growth.
November 6 2008, 9:07 PM

Thank you for telling your story. I have been drinking at least two cups a day (normally more) since I was 14. I am suspicious as well that this is one of the reasons I am flat as a board my whole life. I am trying to cut back to one cup to see if it makes a difference. I completely agree that if you are spending money (and lots of TIME) devoted to this you might as well cut back on coffe. Let us know if you thinks it helps this time around!

Caffeine and Breast Soreness
October 22 2006 at 4:53 PM Anonymous (Login C4ME)
Hi all,

Can caffeine cause breasts to hurt? I'm on nbe but it might be the caffeine to be what's making me hurt, maybe?

(Login henriettahippo)
Re: Caffeine and Breast Soreness
October 26 2006, 2:08 AM

Hey just saw this post.

I would say the answer can be yes. For many women caffeine can cause the breasts to ache/hurt and also have painful lumps. My mother and I get painful lumps from caffeine. I get them in my left breast, and my mother gets them in both breasts and her left armpit area. She gets hers from any form of caffeine ie. soda, chocolate, etc, and any amount. She also has a couple of friends that have the same problem. Mine only come from a large amount of caffeine, or if I drink Coca-Cola (Coke). As long as I stick with a soda, or a cup of tea, or a piece of chocolate, then I am fine, anymore then that and its quite painful for about 2 weeks. The symptoms appear for us about the time the caffeine completly hits our systems.

I bet if you google it, you could probably come up with alot.

Your boobs could also hurt from NBE. My suggestion if you haven't already, is to cut out the caffeine for a few days, or limit your amount and then see where you go. Of course, if you never had a problem before nbe, you might not have a problem now. I've have just recently started to battle this, like within the past year.

(Login Moonkissed)
Re: Caffeine and Breast Soreness
October 26 2006, 2:58 AM

As a side note, in "First" magazine (Oct. 30th issue), there is a section in 'Private Health For You' about breast pain, and how artificial sweetners from diet sodas, or sugar-free cookies can create noncyclic breast pain. There is some evidence that it hinders production of female hormones, messing up estrogen and progesterone levels. Caffeine is also listed as a pain trigger, but is not elaborated upon.

(Login gingerD)
Re: Caffeine and Breast Soreness
October 26 2006, 3:32 PM

slight chage to subject but when people have said fizzy drinks give them pains my mate has always complained that if she drinks larger or beers she gets excrusiating pains under her arms and outer breasts and i always said she was talking rubbish-Cheers 4 the info it proves you can learne somthing every day

(Login Shonsgirl)
Re: Caffeine and Breast Soreness
October 27 2006, 12:24 PM

I've been experiencing breast soreness for about a week now - and I don't drink sodas or coffee...
I'm just starting (my cacao butter is arriving next weekend, and I'll get WU with my next paycheck), I do a little bit of massage - and they hurt! I'm being careful with the massage, and it doesn't look like pre-period soreness, so what could it be???

I'm perplexed.

(Login C4ME)
Thank you!
October 27 2006, 11:25 PM

Thanks ladies!

It's hard at times bc you can't figure out what is causing the pain, the caffeine or nbe. Anyway, now that I started my new program, I've actually decided that I am going to just live it up and have all the caffeine I can take, I have to make up for the hell I went through when I had to be off the caffeine!

The bottom line is, now from your responses I will keep in mind that it could actually be the caffeine causing pain.

Henri, you're right, I should test this by going off the caffeine for a week to see if the pain stops or continues!

(Login henriettahippo)
Re: Caffeine and Breast Soreness
October 29 2006, 8:21 PM

C4me, I would just be careful with your caffeine intake. When mine start to hurt, its really painful, to the point that I can't even wear a bra they are that sore, and to be hugged or anything that puts slight pressure is unbearable. Mine also turns rock solid, so its unplesent. I personally still drink caffeine, just not large quantities on a daily basis.

Good luck, and let me know if you ever decide to test it out!!!

(Login C4ME)
October 30 2006, 12:59 AM

Hey's everything going with you??

As for the caffeine I only drink one cup of coffee per day in the morning, no more than that...who knows where I get my pains from..... I can't seem to figure out anything anymore switching from one thing to's hard to keep track anymore.

Anyway, I started with the BO (bountiful breast pills) and so far so's actually weird bc first my breasts were sore with these pills and now it's not my breasts anymore but my nipples have been sore, weird right?

One great thing that I've noticed is that my boobs are full on a daily basis now! They actually feel like water balloons ha ha, heavy you there's water in them, so this is good.

I have to tell you, the protein shakes which i have to take with the pills twice a day are a real pain for me bc you have to take those and the pills within a certain time frame not to mention also having to intake kelp and l-tyrosine to increase your body temperature to a certain level....yes it's a process!

Anyway, I'm just thinking positive about it all, it's actually way early to notice results but at least so far the heaviness in my breasts is a great feeling, the boobs are very bouncy it's great so far. I'll keep you posted on this whole BO stuff.

The Mirifem Cream, well i like it bc it seems to stretch out my breasts (in a way) and it makes them very soft and full, I find.

Let's see now what this BO can do in comparison to hebs and Tobustan!

Theory on caffeine - ISN'T bad for NBE...
November 11 2006 at 4:33 PM Moon (Login -Moon-)

Hi ladies, while I do my research I sometimes come across info that makes me realize something or pose a theory and I thought I'd share it with you.

It has been said since always that caffeine is bad for NBE, but lately we could hear that it's not sooo critical, like that 5 caffeined drinks per day are ok and as well seen sucess stories of girls who drink coffee. I was told that cafeeined is supposed to be bad for NBE becasue it causes raised insuline and testosterone levels in the body. While reading on estrogene defficiency I learnt that this is actually causes by too low activity of the enzyme aromatase, which converts testosterone into estrogene (estradiol?). If I understand correctly, that is the only way estradiol is formed in our body (someone correct me if I'm mistaking). So what we want to do is increase the activity of aromatase.

Wikipedia says:
Factors known to increase aromatase activity include age, obesity, insulin, gonadotropins, and alcohol. Aromatase activity is decreased by prolactin, AMH, and smoking. Aromatase activity appears to be enhanced in certain estrogen-dependent local tissue next to breast cancer, endometrial cancer, endometriosis, and uterine fibroids.

So if insuline increases testosterone levels, that's ok cause it also increases activity of aromatase. I think we shouldn't try to get our androgens as low as possible, because then we won't get any estrogens either. Alcohol of course wouldn't really help our NBE becasue of its noumerous other bad effects.

Just thought I'd share this with you, if anyone has additional knowledge or oppinion, feel free to contribute. Smile

(no login)
Re: Theory on caffeine - ISN'T bad for NBE...
November 13 2006, 2:05 AM

I dont have anything useful to add......just wanted to say I hope you are right!!! I love my coffee and found it hard enough going without thru 2 pregnancies.

(Login -Moon-)
Re: Theory on caffeine - ISN'T bad for NBE...
November 15 2006, 2:42 PM

Hehe, I understand perfectly, it was hard for me to give up coffe for NBE because I am totally useless without it, but it has shown in practice as many girls grew on coffee too, we must not over do it of course.

(Login Sylvie)
Re: Theory on caffeine - ISN'T bad for NBE...
November 16 2006, 12:05 AM

We have seen in this forum of course that some coffee drinkers have grown on NBE programs.

October 11 2005 at 5:40 PM Jen (no login)

Another thing i noticed about these breats enhancing creams/serums is that they containe caffeine.......whereas most of these sites and searches i've done tell you to AVOID caffeine?

(no login)
Re: Caffeine
October 11 2005, 8:30 PM

Caffeine increase blood flow in capillaries near the surface of the skin. That would be a benefit in a product that wants other ingredients in the product to get circulated. It doesn't exhibit its diuretic qualities externally.

(no login)
Re: Caffeine
October 23 2005, 8:42 AM

I think the amount of caffeine present in a cream would be pretty modest anyway. You couldn't compare it to the amount of caffeine you might consume in foods or drinks.

(no login)
Re: Caffeine
October 23 2005, 3:37 PM

I've no idea what quantities of caffeine are used in cream, but it's increasingly used in cosmetics and anything meant as a transdermal application.

I don't think it's ever been determined how effective caffeine is when applied topically.

why not coffee...
September 18 2008 at 6:42 AM veronika (no login)

why not coffee...problem is fenugreek makes me tired, so know I definatly need it
Why do you think coffee is a no no..or rather "caffine"
is the the dehydration and can drinking more water help with it all?

(no login)
September 18 2008, 9:07 AM

Hi, I have been taking fenugreek for a month or so and pumping 10-15 min. each breast for a couple years, a few times a week with an Evenflo electric pump. Fenugreek is a galactogogue, and will increase your size by stimulating milk glands.

It is VERY important that you drink a couple quarts of water every day and eat well. Take naps, even for just 20 minutes; it really will make it easier.

(no login)
September 18 2008, 9:08 AM

By the way I do drink coffee but if my fluids get low I try to drink hot tea to make up for it. Doesn't seem to be any bad effect from caffeine.

(Login -Moon-)
Re: why not coffee...problem is fenugreek makes me tired, so know I definatly need it
September 18 2008, 12:12 PM

Coffee is not a no no if you space it apart from taking herbs and drink additional water. However if FG is making you tired it would definitely not be a solution to drink coffee. You're tired because FG is making your shuggar levels drop. The solution is to substitute FG with a different herb.

(Login Louise1982)
Re: why not coffee...problem is fenugreek makes me tired, so know I definatly need it
September 18 2008, 8:31 PM

You could try drinking something like Lucozade but if you have too much sugar it turns to testosterone and creates other problems.

September 25 2006 at 1:11 AM Anonymous (no login)

Has anyone continued to drink excessive amounts of coffee and had luck with wonderup? i can't bare the thought of giving it up...

Vicky A
(Login VickyA)
Re: Coffee
September 27 2006, 8:42 AM

What amounts of coffeee do you regard as excessive?

(no login)
Re: Coffee
September 27 2006, 6:19 PM

6 cups ish a day

(Login kiana2)
Re: Coffee
September 27 2006, 11:34 PM

WOW that is alot. Your body obviously has built up a tolerence to it. Coffee raises blood sugar levels and disrupts insulin and hormone balances in the body. It also triggers inflamation which makes the body highly suseptible to early aging. Also did you know that coffee is one of the most highly sprayed crops in the world with pesticides. All this makes for a no good effect on your NBE effort. I would like to know too if anyone has been successfull while keeping up their coffee intake. It was hard for me to give up also but i have definately noticed a difference since stopping. A better alternative (if you really need that hit) is green tea. It still has the caffine which will give you a buzz but somehow doesn't seem to affect the body the way coffee does... and i have been told it is ok to drink while on NBE. Plus it is loaded with antioxidants. Just don't forget to have a good water intake too.

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