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Will not be around as much, but thank you.


Hi everyone, im not going to around as much anymore, this has nothing to do with Kerensa, he is entitled to his opinion and we all get anoyed at times with people and so on, and as many know NBE can be hard and confidence sapping when its not going well so we are all alowed to vent are anger from time to time, so no hard feelings Kerensa and i do honestly wish you success. My life is not all success and happy days as it may seem to people, i have been lucky with NBE and feel blessed with what i have achieved, but there has been alot of other stuff thats not been good that i dont talk about on here as its not the place. At the moment i feel like im in a no win situation, i have had fantstic results with NBE and ofcourse my hormone condtion which added me, but my success is kind of working against me, some think im fake and was born a woman and some think im just up myself because of the success i have had, i also dont want people to look at me and think if i use what Cheryl uses ill end up with E cup boobs, i dont want people to get there hopes up and be dissapointed if they dont succeed, as we all know NBE is hit and miss, and im starting to feel guilty for having success and growing so well, if i could id share my boobs with all of you lol and i really mean that, i just so wish everyone could have the same success i have. Im in a bad place at the moment as its been a bad couple of months and its time for me to sit back from this forum. My forum is still staying active so if you need to contact me then feel free too, i still want to help as much as i can and my forum is more general to this one, more general chat and stuff with NBE in there as well so i can do that lol but i want to thank all the lovely people i have met on here and the people that have helped me on my journey, its been a nice place to be for along time and i love you all. Good luck and big boobie wishes.

Lots of hugs Cheryl xxxxx

Cheryl, you will be missed! Sad Thank you for all of your advice, and for sharing your NBE experience with all of us. As many others have said before, you have been one of the biggest inspirations to us all! Big Grin I think realistically, most of us realize that NBE is hit and miss; and that we all may not end up with E cups. Even if I took BB and used NB for 5 years, and never got bigger than a B, I would not hold that against you (although I may seriously have to look at surgery, at that point LOL!).

I sincerely hope that happy days are on their way to you really soon. *hugs* You deserve it! And I'm glad that you will still have your forum so we can get a hold of you if we have more questions, or just wanna chat. Wink Stay true to yourself; and don't let anyone else get you down! All it takes is a few bad apples of the world to ruin the bunch, I know. But you are a beautiful person, inside and out; and your helpfulness and kindness will not soon be forgotten by us! Smile

Take care, and thank you again for sharing your NBE experience with all of us!!! <3

First off cheryl.
Thank you so much for sharing your story of what NBE has done for you. Posting pics and talking about some of the things that was happening to you. During what was a very personal time could not have been easy. Yet, You have always put on a cheerful attitude. You have been and still are an inspiration to anyone wishing to change their body to better match their body image. Your story has helped prove that NBE can work for males or females.

You should not feel bad for having such good results. You put money and a lot of hard work into your program. I agree with twister _mama. Anyone who comes on here, or other NBE sites. And does any amount of reading will realize that results vary from person to person. We hope and plan for the best. As a good attitude is healthy for NBE. But sometimes biology has other ideas and we accept that somewhere in our heads. We are going to fight it anyway. :-)

As for others claiming that you were not male at all. Take it for the compliment it is. You know the truth. As for sharing your breasts.:-> Hey, Even if it was possible, I am growing my own, no give aways needed here. Anything in this world worth having has a price tag. There is always a cost. Something to be remembered I think. I'll get there in my own journey in my own time. Just as you did. And like everybody else I'll pay my dues along the way.
Take some time to rest up and rejuvinate. You will be missed. The road you are on is not an easy one. No road really is. You have simply hit some potholes and a bad stretch of road. They are agravating, as they come from out of nowhere unexpectantely on what was a beautiful day.

Excuse the road analogies I am a biker at heart and the road is how I see things most times.

Ok, I think I am done.
My best Wishes to you, Good continuing journey, and
"Peace, Love and Happiness" So says Black Hippie


A bit of sunshine gone from my day. Cheryl, you will be very sorely missed. Your advice, guidance, and support has helped a lot of us here and has been greatly appreciated. I don't think that there hasn't been even one of us here that hasn't been touched by you. Thank you for all you have done here.
I am probably one of the very few here who hopes to not have your success. I will be satisfied having a full A cup. Anything bigger than that would be a disaster. But even so you are an inspiration and an encouragement to me. Best wishes to you and may you find the happiness you so richly deserve.

Cheryl, I can't thank you enough for sharing your story and success with us. I know life can be very hard sometime, but you keep a positive attitude and continued helping all of us. You weren't afraid to show the true you and I love that about you. You are a true inspiration!! You have proven that you are beauty inside and out. There were soo many people trying to bring you down here, but you held you ground and continued giving advice. You never bashed or disrespect people that denied your success or insulted you. You simple responded to them in a calm and civilized manner. It takes a strong person to hold back their frustration and anger. You never fought fire with fire. It takes powerful and intelligent person to realize you can only put out a fire with the calmness and purity of water. I really wish there were more people like you in this world. You remind your that there are still great and caring people in this world. You will also bring a big smile to my face! Big Grin Take care!


*sighs* Well I know you must do what you must do, but I wish you would stay Cheryl. I know it's hard to do but I think it would be best to simply ignore the negative ones and only focus on the positive ones. I believe the majority here love you and always will. I think by you leaving you are letting the negative ones win, giving them exactly what they wanted. They wanted to get to you, break you down and make you leave. I think you should stay but you know no matter what your decision is, you have my email address, you know how to reach me, and I will always be here for you. I'm with wishful in not wanting 36E's on my petite frame that would be too much, but it looks great on you. I don't know why people have to be so jealous and then take it out on you. I wish you all the best!

Yes, it wouldn't be the same here without you, Cheryl. You really can't focus on anything negative, coming from anyone being negative. If people were in the right place, they wouldn't be negative towards you, so you never have to take it personally!

You are well loved and appreciated here, and that is what is important. You are a great inspiration to both m and f and everyone in between. Wish you wouldn't leave.... Huh

I'm really sorry to hear you have been having such a hard time. I really think you being here has been a positive and think any of the negative people can't contribute even a fraction of the positive reinforcement here that you have. It will be a great loss to the board if you leave Cheryl.

As for feeling guilty about having such a good response, I can understand that a bit as I feel bad when the BB pills don't work for someone as well as they worked for me either, but all in all, I think it gives hope and determination to keep trying until someone finds what will work for them and that's what counts.

I hope you will reconsider, but if not, you will be missed on here a ton.

Hugs, Mel

That´s too bad Cheryl, you´ll be missed lots on this forum! Not only because you´re a very sweet helpful civilized person, but because you´re an inspiration to us all! I don´t care if you´ve been more succesful with nbe than others, your experience has given us all the hope that it is possible to go from nearly flat to sexy. Please don´t feel guilty about your success!!
You know it´s such a positive surprise to find nbe exists and works after many years of just trying to accept the fact that you´re never going to be one of the lucky big breasted women. I had the idea ingrained in my mind that my small size was just what I was born with and good luck with that, now that I´ve gotten to know all of you (and especially your story) it´s like a whole new me is emerging! I´d never have thought of trying out the NB if it weren´t for you and Anastasia (didn´t even know it existed), and I just feel so lucky to have found this forum!!
So anyway I think we´ll be seeing each other on your new forum, if not, I wish you all the best and thank you thank you thank you for all you´ve done for all of us!

Hi Cheryl,

I am new to this forum but have been reading some of your messages. I live in Uk too but and my native language is not English. I was not born here. I get some kind of racist act too. I feel so isolated. Racism is not about if you are born as a female or not. Racism can be anywhere or any part of the world . What I think , you are too open to everyone and want to help people in NBE area. Some people are so narrow-minded and can not see it.

As Einstein says 'It is harder to crack a prejudice than an atom' . No matter what your intentions are you are not going to change some people's opinions. So instead of answering them or let them ruin your life, you get in control and live your life. You can be your worst enemy if you let them.

And from what I can see , you helped lots of women here and they do appreciate it. If you think you helped 10 women for example and not 2 . Your success is 80 % . You can not expect 100 % all the time. I do not know if these are making sense to you but I just wanted to say it.

One last thing, you are a beautiful young female who achieved what most women can not achieve. Let them admire you and jeolous of you. You should not feel sorry for any of us just because we can not achieve 36 E. Every body is different genetically. This forum contains enough information if someone wants to achieve 36E. I just met this forum last year. If I knew it before I would be trying a lot more. I would be 36 E in three years Smile just joking.

Take care and hope you stay,

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