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[archive] Bra inhibits growth?


BRa Question`
August 10 2007 at 7:13 AM Dogfreak  (Login dogfreak)

I am wearing a considerably tight bra everyday to prevent sagging. Wondering it it hinders NBE growth? watcha think?

Please advise

(no login)
Re: BRa Question`
August 10 2007, 11:49 PM

It's very possible. I'd say find a good supportive bra that's comfortable without being restrictively tight.

(Login sophie9)
Re: BRa Question`
August 12 2007, 2:05 AM

i don't know dogfreak. i actually do the same exact thing for the same reason! It hasn't hingered my growth personally.

(Login Aleya1)
Circulation is important
August 12 2007, 2:39 AM

I think it is important that there is good circulation for breast growth and breast health. Blood circulation and lymphatic (fluid between the cells) circulation might be blocked if your bra is too tight.

It's okay to wear a bra for fashion reasons that might be too tight or uncomfortable, but not every day. Rotating the bras you use each day is also a good idea to keep circulation restriction to a minimum.

(Login sophie9)
Re: BRa Question`
August 12 2007, 5:06 AM

I understand why people believe this and I understand the reasoning behind it, but from my personal experience, it has had no effect. I went from not wearing a bra much at all to wearing one of some sort most of the time. It has had absolutely no effect on my personal growth. I personally don't think it makes a big of a difference as others believe. Bras are not restrictive if you are wearing the correct bra. I doubt propping them up a bit isn't going to make much a difference in terms of growth.

Important question concerning growing breasts
May 28 2008 at 7:56 PM Tamara (no login)
Important question concerning growing breasts: Does wearing a bra inhibit your breast growth? (does it affect your circulation? and what if it's a tight bra or even what if it's an underwire bra?)

(Login -Moon-)
Re: Important question concerning growing breasts
May 28 2008, 8:02 PM

I don't think wearing a bra has any effect on circulation in the breasts, as the arteries as well as the veins that supply them run under the ribcage so it's impossible to compress them. It could however compress the vessles that supply the skin on the breasts and cause accumulation of toxins there, so a tight bra deffinitely isn't beneficial.

This message has been edited by -Moon- on May 28, 2008 8:03 PM

(Login kieyah)
Re: Important question concerning growing breasts
May 29 2008, 5:47 PM

Moon, while we are on the subject of bras, what is your take on the body bra things that are supposed to redistribute fat? Do you think they can really have longterm effect if worn for a long period of time do you think it could eventually help to move the fat permanently? Do you think it could cause any circulation problems? what about wearing the whole system (like a girdle from thighs to breasts) could that cause any circulation problems? I know that people on their feet all day sometimes wear compression stockings/pantyhose that are supposed to improve circulation in the legs, but what about these? would they work like that? Any precautions? I know it's a lot of questions! But I wanted to get your opinion on these Smile I have the things that go around the bra and waist area and I'm looking at getting the other parts to make the wholebody fat transformation. My boob growing is at a stall and I'm looking at hitting this from every angle I can find now! I guess I've been at this so long now my boobs are mad at me! I need to wake them up and get them going again Smile hehee

(Login -Moon-)
Re: Important question concerning growing breasts
May 29 2008, 10:18 PM

Hi Kieyah, I can't say I'm sure. I've heard of the Riplu bra that gathers the fat from the axils and channels it forward which sounds like a good idea, but I've never heard of whole body transfer systems, from thight to breasts, I don't imagine exactly how this works... The compression stockings do improve circulation on the legs, because they work similary to the natural mechanism (compression of veins by skeletal muscle while moving) that prevents the fluid from gathering in the tissues on the legs, which would otherwise easily happen because of gravity, and channels it thorugh the vessels upward towards the heard. So I gather these fat trasfer systems use pressure to mechanically redistribut fat? We can logically see that the compression mechanism is only needed on the legs, because they are affected by gravity, but it wouldn't really have a circulation purpose on the chest. But I can't say whether it would be harmful or not. I believe sustained mechanical pressure can affect the shape and redistribution of tissues, but I think tissues amy wary in how resistent they are to it. I know muscle is very susceptible, but it's just my hunch that fat may be more resistent. So the conclusion is I can't really give thumbs up or down on those fat transfer systems. Tho, I don't see a really apparent reason that they would be harmful, but I'd say I'm sceptical in how they could work.

(no login)
Re: Important question concerning growing breasts
May 31 2008, 8:33 PM

Hi Kieyah,

Which lingerie exactly r u wearing? Have asked the same question to Jelly as I ve just read the testimonials on Ripply website which say that the girls'boobs went flat after they stopped using the system for a while.. You can see what I mean at

How long have you been wearing yours? And have you seen any difference?

(Login kieyah)
Re: Important question concerning growing breasts
June 1 2008, 3:34 AM

I only have those cheap chic shapers the long version and the short version. i don't find them terribly comfortable. I haven't really been wearing consistantly. I plan to eventually but will probably wait for cooler months before starting it.

(no login)
Re: Important question concerning growing breasts
June 1 2008, 12:26 PM


thanks. I know now which ones you r using as I read the other long thread on this forum 'Cool bra that gives you major cleavage'. I ve also found a link to the Ambrace lingerie range on ebay which must work the same as your ChicShaper. I am gonna do the same actually, wait for the summer to end and get the ChicShaper or Ambrace to boost my NBE during the winter months. I live in Greece and the summer here can be extremely hot so I could not possibly imagine how I would survive all wrapped up in these tight corsets... lol

(Login kieyah)
Re: Important question concerning growing breasts
June 1 2008, 5:33 PM

yes that's what I'm going to do but I am trying to buy them piece by piece now so I will have them. I figure I can bra now, and possibly the panty. I will wait on the waist piece until fall/winter. I cannot find anyone on ebay who sells the panty to the chic shaper and they don't have a bra. the ambrace brand has all three pieces so I will probably get the ambrance bra and panty. I only see that brand on ebay. Wish I could find the manufacturer.

(no login)
Re: Important question concerning growing breasts
June 17 2008, 9:14 AM

It seems logic to me that a tight bra could restrict the breast growth. What does everyone think?

(Login jellyboobs)
Re: Important question concerning growing breasts
June 17 2008, 12:15 PM

I belive you should always have a wellfitting bra = not restrictive but at same time contains your entire breast !!!!! so many women are badly fitted and are missing out on extra boobage !!!!!!

re if shaping lingerie keeps figure. if you use an entire system Im sure it does eg just to shape your boobs wear proper fitting garments fromBust to girdle (not many young girls will bother doing this) but even at my age ( I was fifty when I bought this investment) changed my figure tremendously. The human body moulds into the shape we pour it into. example chinese womens feet werepainfully bound in olden days for tiny feet and they changed shape.

18th century women wore miniscule corsets to achieve 15 inch waists (and a few split ribs) its time and effort.
as we get older if our body including boobs, tummy, bottoms thighs and even upper arms dont workout or have support they will go south.

the body shaping systems out there re distribute fat and now I love my Bum lol...... love Jelly.......

(Login kieyah)
Re: Important question concerning growing breasts
July 8 2008, 1:38 AM

So i received my Ambrace revolutionary shapewear body shaping bra. I got a size bigger than my normal bra size. But It doesn't look like I fit it my boobs. It fits nicely everywhere and feels great but seems like I am spilling out quite a lot more than I should up top. I look like I have a plumbers bum for cleavage and my nipples keep flopping out. Am I doing something wrong or is this how these are supposed to fit? I hate spillage. I love how it smooths out the back and the armpit fat stays put though. Is there something I can do to stretch out the cups or is this normal?

To bra or not to bra - that is the question?
November 22 2006 at 9:45 AM Donna (Login sadkow)
Hi everyone.
Hoping someone can shed some light on this little dilemma for me. Just wondering if it is best to wear a bra or not to wear a bra around home whilst on NBE. Have heard arguments for and against, such as wearing a bra will restrict growth and not wearing a bra may increase droopiness. Now I am totally confused because I am already small and already droopy. HELP PLEASE !!!!!?

(Login faith_full)
Re: To bra or not to bra - that is the question?
November 22 2006, 9:59 AM

Hey diana, i'm a bit confused about thw whole bra thing too. Personally i do see how it can restrict growth unless you wear one thats too small for for and there for being tight and restricting blood flow. Lots os peoples boobs who havnt been on NBE, breasts have grown quite alot with them wearing bras.

(Login gingerD)
Re: To bra or not to bra - that is the question?
November 22 2006, 10:59 AM

Well i never really go with out in the day, but i do try to let my little boobies breath once i get home-U imagine been squashed up with a peice of wire round you squashed against a gel bag, ud be glad to get freed wouldnt you-LOL

My mum always said never sleep in a bra as they restrict growth- could be an old wives tale but i never do, and i supose while your relaxing in the house whos gona see any way?

So id go with out a bra at home

(Login Diana1978)
no bra
November 22 2006, 12:25 PM

i guess since i am home all the time anyway its easier not to wear one. makes it more convenient when it comes time to massage. them when i do wear a bra, i see if there is a difference.thats just me. lazy reasoning!lol good luck.

(Login GoldSnowflake)
For overall breast HEA:TH!!!!
November 22 2006, 12:25 PM

Its best to go without a bra whenever possible. The lymph glands can drain and circulate( clean out toxins) better with any kind of bra. Exercise and message helps clear out any toxins. The glands work on muscle contraction, movement basis. Without proper drainage and circulation, Lymph glands become sluggish which would greatly stunt any NBE efforts.

(Login GoldSnowflake)
For overall breast HEA:TH!!!!
November 22 2006, 12:26 PM

Its best to go without a bra whenever possible. The lymph glands can drain and circulate( clean out toxins) better WITHOUT any kind of bra. Exercise and message helps clear out any toxins. The glands work on muscle contraction, movement basis. Without proper drainage and circulation, Lymph glands become sluggish which would greatly stunt any NBE efforts.

(Login Alcest)
Re: To bra or not to bra - that is the question?
November 22 2006, 3:13 PM

I think it's fine to wear a bra almost all the time, as I have friends who do this and are C's and D's. However, I sleep without is more comfortable, and you should let the skin at least breath there, or your skin won't be getting enough oxygen, etc.

Just seems to make the most sense to me.

(no login)
Re: To bra or not to bra - that is the question?
November 22 2006, 4:28 PM

Since I never had enough boobs to wear a bra I can only chip in with my mom's experience. As for getting saggy with a bra, my mom only ever wore hers half a day since she worked part time and never one with underwire. She is nearly sixty now and past menopause and still has lovely round boobs that aren't saggy. She must be about a B or C cup, I am not sure but her boobs never have changed much since I was small and she breast fed for about 10 months or so.
She swears that not wearing a bra has helped her boobs stay in shape, and to me it somehow makes sense. If you always wear a bra the tissue is going to get used to being carried and will lose elasticity and get saggy.
Also, as Snowflake pointed out it is much better for breast health to give your boobs and lymph glands as much space as possible.
I would leave the bra off when you don't need it just for general breast health since it is hard to tell if it would hinder growth.

(Login sadkow)
November 22 2006, 10:00 PM

My mum always told me to wear a bra during the day when I was growing up, but she is a 38DD or E so I guess she had bigger expectations for me instead of a sad little A/B. My sister is at least a D after 2 pregnancies (didn't breast feed) but wears crop tops a lot so is pretty saggy. So genetically I should have had some chance, the only thing I did differently was playing a lot of sport from the age of 8 - maybe that affected things. I never wear a bra to bed and being a stay at home mum, going without during the day will not be a problem. Thanks for all your replies and HAPPY GROWING TO YOU ALL !!!!

(Login faith_full)
Re: To bra or not to bra - that is the question?
November 22 2006, 10:15 PM

Most girls/women i know wear a bra during the day but dont sleep in them, and they are all a wide range of sizes so i dont think it makes much of a difference. I guess it depends on the individual. I'd have thought that wearing a bra too small could hinder growth but i was at school with someone who was wearing an A cup, then found out they were wearing a bra 2 sizes too smal and theys till grew another cup size. *sigh* lifes so unfair lol

(no login)
Bras and NBE
November 23 2006, 5:41 AM

I began wearing a padded push up bra when I was 15. I wouldn't leave the house without it for years. When I was 22 I began to notice a soar hard spot developing on the under right side of my right breast (the bigger one). I went on line to do some research because the scare of cancer crossed my mind and this thing felt pretty big. I found a website (which I have posted a link for below) from a female doctor who was conducting a study on bras and breast fibrosystic disease. I found out I was pregnant shortly after I signed up for participation in the study. Of course when you are pregnant your breasts get soar, especially during the first trimester. The study was 6 weeks long and you couldn't wear a bra, at all. It felt strange the first couple of weeks, but the spot went away and so did the soarness. I decided not to wear a bra anymore after that. I haven't worn one on a regular basis since then, and the spot has never returned. When I put on a bra now it's terribly uncomfortable, and I realize now how unnecessary it is. My breasts didn't get saggy until after I had my child and breastfed, naturally, but my breasts stayed firm without the bra during my pregnancy. My husband commented on how much softer they felt since I quit wearing the man made torture device! I had breast fibrosystic disease and I firmly believe the bra caused it. There is much speculation about the link between fibrocystic disease and cancer. whether or not to wear a bra is a personal choice, I personally wouldn't advise it, and if you absolutely feel that you must wear one, don't wear it for prolonged periods of time and invest in a spandex sports bra.

The following links will give you plenty of information about bras and breasts and I believe anyone attempting to enhance their breasts naturally can benefit from the information they give. Lots of luck to you!

Question about bras when going through NBE?
January 31 2007 at 9:27 AM Heather (Login Heather1984)
Hi Girls,

I know this might be a silly question, and/or it may have been answered before (but i cannot find anything about it)

Is it ok to wear your 'normal' bras when going through NBE? I was once told that wearing a bra alot inhibits the growth of breasts? But also that if you don't wear a bra it makes them drop? (not that i've got much to drop!!)I am confused!! My chest bone(where the cleavage is meant to be!!) sticks out so i have to watch the underwire cups in that area as it leaves bad marks there - whether the bra is on the tightest or least tightest latch.
Any advice ladies?
Thanks heaps!!

(Login -Moon-)
Re: Question about bras when going through NBE?
January 31 2007, 9:37 AM

It's good to wear a bra as little as possible, because it diminishes blood circulation into the breass. Or wear very comfortable loose sports bras. It's also good to do a massage in the morning before puting on the bra and if you wear it all day a couple of mor times during the day, just a few quick rorations to keep the blood moving.

(Login sunnyMark)
Re: Question about bras when going through NBE?
January 31 2007, 2:11 PM

i try to wear my bra as little as possible, it gets really uncomfortable some days when they are really sore, i wish i wouldn't have to wear one at all but i know that i would feel very self-conscious, especially at work, i can't even imagine not wearing one, sorry that this doesn't really answer the original question,

(Login gingerD)
Re: Question about bras when going through NBE?
January 31 2007, 2:30 PM

although bra's do restrict us and it is better to go with out-i,if u read tigerlillys massage page she has a tip for using our bra's to help in NBE-i only noticed it myself yesturday so iv not given it a try yet.
i always wear one,but do make a concious effort to take it off once home.

(Login js89)
Re: Question about bras when going through NBE?
February 1 2007, 4:29 AM

I heard some good things about Ripplu bras. It is a three-step system (three different bras) - the "Collecting Step 1 Bra", "Channeling Step 2 Bra", and "Lifting Step 3 Bra".

I have been wearing the Bradelis step 1 bra and love it. It collects fats from the back and sides and adds to cleavage. The bras are kind of spendy, so I haven't moved on to step 2 yet. When I first got the bra in the mail, I thought it looked kind of grandma-ish, but it is really comfortable, and it feels really good to actually have "everything" in my bra where it belongs (and stay there), giving nice cleavage which I never really had before, and giving such a nice round shape when I take it off. It's way different than a push-up, padded bra.

Heather - my chest bone also sticks out. Before starting NBE I swear it stuck out further than my boobs. I'm happy to say that's no longer the case. Smile

I don't know if this bra would hinder NBE or help it, and I'm not claiming either case. It's probably, once again, an individual thing and to each their own. I just thought I would share.

(Login selhunt)
Wouldn't they grow droopy?
February 1 2007, 5:11 AM

Wow. I've been wearing an extra tight, un-padded push up bra every day thinking it would help with the shape of my boobs as they grow. I go ra-less when I sleep. I can get away with not wearing a bra in order to help my boobs grow, but will they grow droopy?

(Login cutevelvet)
Re: Question about bras when going through NBE?
February 1 2007, 11:08 PM

since i began nbe i started taking my bra off during sleeping but now i m trying wearing my bra at night and i must say. its changing the shape in which my breasts are growing. i think i will continue wearing one to bed for a couple of weeks.

(Login mountainkat)
Re: Question about bras when going through NBE?
February 1 2007, 11:52 PM

That's something I was going to ask on this forum! Have you wondered if wearing a bra that is shaped a certain way can make your breasts shape that way also? I think it can because I used to have really spread out breasts, meaning that they were flat, but they were wide and round. When I hit 17 I started wearing a wired bra that pushed me up so I would look like I had something and I was just looking in the mirror the other day and noticed something astounding. My breast shape fitted that shape of the bra! They are not a wide or round as they used to be. And underneath, where the wire sits on my skin, I have no breast fat there. It is like it has pushed my breast fat up further and now my nipples are located closer to the bottom of my breasts. I never thought this could be possible, but it has to be. I don't really like my new shape now because it makes my breasts look like a smaller circle instead of the larger circle they used to have.

Am I strange or has anyone else noticed that a wired tight pushes the fat in your breasts into a different area?

(Login Magickwomun)
Bra links
February 2 2007, 11:39 AM

Here are some informative links to addtional information on the topic, hope these help answer some of your questions.

(Login sunnyMark)
Re: Question about bras when going through NBE?
February 2 2007, 11:48 AM

whitney, thanks for the links, i just had a quick look but they look really informative. i was wondering, do you actually go bra-less all the time?

(Login gingerD)
Re: Question about bras when going through NBE?
February 2 2007, 12:28 PM

Mind be an old wives tale but my mum always said never wear a bra in bed, i used to as a kid and she would say it was really bad for me, i don't know why

Also question for JS89-iv not herd of these bra's before where did you get them and how much are they approx,so u reccomend them do you feel, the fat is now molding into breast?,sorry to ask odd questions but im curious

(Login js89)
Re: Question about bras when going through NBE?
February 2 2007, 1:24 PM

Yes, I really like this bra. I've had the Step 1 for a while now and am ready to move on to Step 2, just can't buy it quite yet. I really feel the Step 1 takes the tissue from the back/sides and holds/moles it to the breasts. It gives a nice round/tear drop shape - and very nice cleavage - which I've really never had before.

This is a description from their site:

Step 1
A widely angled underwire gathers breast tissue from the sides for a smooth backline and fuller cleavage.

Step 2
The Step 2 bra is designed to push breast tissue in from the underarm, and create a rounder breast. It has a narrower underwire and extra support on the sides of the cups.

Step 3
The extra support gives a lift to the new tissue that was channeled in from the sides in Steps 1 and 2. Its narrower underwire and deeper cups makes a visually 3D breast line, creating a higher cleavage.

I really like this bra and would recommend it to anybody. Like I said, when I first got it, I thought it looked kind of grandma-ish and was very skeptical. But after wearing it, I want to wear nothing else! Depending on what I am wearing, I might wear a different bra. At those times I can really tell a difference. They don't pull the tissues from the sides, and I can definitely tell the difference.

Check out the website.
Take care, Jen

(no login)
February 3 2007, 5:19 PM

Does the Ripplu bra move the tissue only while you are wearing the bra, or does it actually move it permanantly over time and that is why you move to a different bra???

Thanks so breasts are all in my armpits! would love to shape them.

(Login Myjourney)
February 3 2007, 5:33 PM

Oops I hope this doesn't double post, I forgot to log in.
Are the Ripplu bras supposed to move the breast tissue permanently, and that is the reason for the three step bra? Or does et merely move the tissue while you are wearing the bra?


(Login Myjourney)
February 3 2007, 9:13 PM

I checked out some of the websites above. One of the main ones, the lady does not have very large breasts, so I don't see a need for her to have a bra. But, I have always worn a bra to keep from looking like those saggy stretched out boobs that I have seen in cultures that do not wear bras or shirts for that matter. If going braless is great, and you won't sag, then what happened to those women?
Anyone have any imput on this?

(Login fennelfairy)
Re: Question about bras when going through NBE?
February 3 2007, 9:28 PM

Perhaps the women in those "topless" cultures you mentioned have breastfed six children by the time they are 25...

(Login Myjourney)
LOL!!! ;-)
February 3 2007, 9:36 PM

Actually, I myself have breastfed 5 children and I am only 34...(and I am not as saggy as them!)...and I have read a lot about that...the info seems to point in the direction that breastfeeding is healthy for the breast. But, nevertheless I have always worn a I don't sag! I mean gravity is gravity right?

(Login js89)
Re: Question about bras when going through NBE?
February 3 2007, 9:37 PM

I think the bra does pull the tissues from the sides and helps to shape them. As far as permanent, I wouldn't be able to answer that, but I believe that is the idea of the 3 step system. I'm anxious to move on to step 2 to see. Even though I only have A breasts, I would not want to/be able to go braless during the day.

(Login Myjourney)
Thanks Jen
February 3 2007, 9:44 PM

I am intrigued now....I think I will try it too. I have been buying bras from walmart and they are starting to not fit to well as I slowly grow...which is good...but they hurt and that is bad.

(Login Myjourney)
anybody have any other
February 4 2007, 2:51 AM

Advice or comments on Bras???

(Login Magickwomun)
Re: Question about bras when going through NBE?
February 4 2007, 5:34 AM

Mark, Probably 85-90% of the time I am braless and have been for the last 6 years. Prior to that I wore a bra constantly and developed fibrocysts so I quit wearing one. It didn't have an effect on the appearance of my breasts they just felt softer. I also realized I am much more comfortable without one, but, not long after I quit wearing a bra, I got pregnant and breastfed, so I'm not sure if the sagginess and flattened out appearance my breasts now can all be contributed to having a child and I don't care, I'll never go back to permenantly wearing a bra because it's uncomfortable and terribly unnatural and i.m.h.o. unsafe. However, I do wear one on special occassions and I am contemplating wearing one during my NBE program.

(Login Diana1978)
hey now Smile
February 4 2007, 8:27 PM

i was 28 and had breastfed 5. not like you can tell. i had no real ptosis. anyway i had a question about that bra. how long are you supposed to wear each step bra? a couple of weeks each? thanks.

(Login Myjourney)
February 6 2007, 2:00 AM

I am wtill interested in comments on this so I hope it is ok to bump it up.

(Login gingerD)
Re: Question about bras when going through NBE?
February 6 2007, 9:50 AM

RIPPLU-They start from a 30B!!-So they wont fit me any way Sad

(Login fengshuiTW)
Re: Question about bras when going through NBE?
February 6 2007, 10:29 AM

Check their bra charts, 3 steps each have a different chart, they are Japanese brand, sizes are smaller.

(Login gingerD)
Re: Question about bras when going through NBE?
February 6 2007, 11:59 AM

Oh thank you

(Login js89)
Re: Question about bras when going through NBE?
February 6 2007, 12:09 PM

Yes, their sizing is a bit different. You need to follow their size charts and measurement instructions. Normally I am a 34A, and with Ripplu I am a 34D. When I first got it, there was a little room, but now I completely fill it up.

It probably says somewhere on the site how long to wear each step for. I'd say a 2-3 months, or when it feels right for you. If it doesn't say, you could probably e-mail them and ask.

(Login gingerD)
February 6 2007, 2:11 PM

Do u take it off at night-Sorry if uv said already, couldnt go all the way to the top-
Wouldnt it be lovely to be a real D,i can tell everyone i wear a D-YES!!!

1 other thing, i always wear gel bras with underwiring, does the way the bra squashes you in make you look bigger than normal or if your as obsessed with gel like i am would you beable to put gel pockets in (are there those spaces behind where you can pop them in)
Sorry to go on n on

(Login js89)
Re: Question about bras when going through NBE?
February 7 2007, 3:25 PM

Yes, I take the bra off at night. And yes, it would be lovely to be a real D and tell the truth in saying it. hehe

The bra pushes the tissues in and up. So it does give a little cleavage, and also fullness. It gives a nice round, tear-drop shape. But for more revealing tops/shirts, I wear my regular gel bras. The Ripplu does not have a pocket in it for putting gel or padding into. I think it’s probably considered a full-coverage bra that gives some cleavage.

Take care, Jen

(Login fengshuiTW)
Re: Question about bras when going through NBE?
February 8 2007, 12:06 PM

the new version of step 1 has pockets for pads, just costs a little more. i think it helped for my shape. they recommend to wear it daily for at least a month or until your shape are improved, in my case it took over 4 monthes for me to see improvement for gathering fats from underarms. But maybe my improved massage technicques helped, too. Do take bra off when go to sleep, gotta let the girls to breath and grow.

(Login js89)
Re: Question about bras when going through NBE?
February 8 2007, 12:59 PM

I've probably been wearing mine now for about four months or so. I think I'm ready to move on to the next step because throughout the day I will "adjust" my boobs and fats from the sides, and I'm finding that I don't have anything to "adjust" anymore.

Thanks Fengshui - I didn't know there was a new version that you could put pads in. That's awesome. I really like the shape that this bra gives.


(Login Buffeeee)
Re: Question about bras when going through NBE?
February 8 2007, 2:20 PM

I know most girls on here are very skinny... Do those of you who use these special bras have noticable fat (or at least noticable to you) below the armpits, or wherever you are trying to pull it from? Or is this fat very subtle?

Most of my fat is in my bum, so it would be really hard to pull from there. I was wondering if the reshaping works even if you appear to have few fats to move.

(Login Myjourney)
February 8 2007, 3:15 PM

I am not totally skinny, but I definately have always had breast tissue in my armpits, even when I was "stick" skinny. My breasts have always grown very wide apart. When I lay down they "disappear" into my armpits.
I also have some "padding" above my breasts where the arm connects to the these bras help with that?

I just ordered a couple, and am hoping it will help me...I saw that they also have a sleep bra...that keeps it pulled up front in the night, but in a less restrictive way. That might be an option for those who don't want to hear any wires, etc.

(Login fengshuiTW)
Re: Question about bras when going through NBE?
February 8 2007, 11:05 PM

yes, those 3 step bras are designed to reshape you breasts, and help to push underarm fats "into" your breasts. it takes time(and effert to keep adjusting the fats), tho. it takes longer if your are born with fat in underarms, a lil faster to adjust them back if the fats are caused by ill-fitted bras.(that's what i read in taiwan's forums), in their brochur that comes with the bra shows you how to wear the bra correctly for better shape. (very important, always hand-wash your bras and air-dry them)

(Login gingerD)
Re: Question about bras when going through NBE?
February 9 2007, 4:28 PM

Back to the bra's again-
Does any one have any idea where they can be got from UK-i mean its quite expensive to buy on line with out trying it on 1st


(Login gingerD)
Re: Question about bras when going through NBE?
February 9 2007, 4:47 PM

right iv been on ebay, cant find the bradelis but iv found some under wear by Susa unfortunatly not my size-however if you do a search for Susa they seem quite cheep, so for any one just thinking of trying them out may be worth a look

which one is better wearing a bra or not wearing a bra???
May 20 2007 at 7:27 AM ladeda (no login)
which one is better wearing a bra or not wearing a bra???..b/c im willin not to wear a when u don't wear a bra ur boobs jiggle..whenever u take a step and that could maybe possibly make your boobs smaller if you don't wear a bra 24/7 cause the average person walks 10,000 steps per day????

(Login Kittyluv09)
Re: which one is better wearing a bra or not wearing a bra???
May 20 2007, 2:54 PM

I'm not sure I understand your question. But, it's good for all sizes to wear bras, (especially sports bras when you exercise!!) because the "jiggling and bouncing" you get when you don't wear a bra causes your boobs to sag over time. Even the little boobs! This is because the repeated motion breaks down the cells/collagen and makes them less elastic.

However I hear it's not good to wear a bra 24/7 (like when you're sleeping). I think I heard on this forum because it can obstruct lymph flow, but also your skin is covered in bacteria, especially when you sweat throughout the day and your bra is going to collect a lot of that sweat and bacteria, so it wouldn't be a good idea to keep it on overnight.

(no login)
Re: which one is better wearing a bra or not wearing a bra???
May 20 2007, 3:27 PM

Several sites that sell NBE pills suggest that NOT wearing a bra is beneficial when you are trying to enlarge the breasts because the bloodflow to the breasts is restricted by a bra.

Jiggle might cause sag over time but I can't see any reason why jiggle should make the boobs smaller like the initial post states.

(no login)
Re: which one is better wearing a bra or not wearing a bra???
May 20 2007, 11:33 PM

I can understand why an ILL FITTING bra would restrict circulation.

A bigger bra.. necessary?
August 27 2005 at 4:08 AM Chatbox (no login)
Is it good to wear a looser bra during this enlargement period so that your breasts are allowed more space to grow?

(no login)
Re: A bigger bra.. necessary?
September 1 2005, 3:18 PM

i only time ive ever heard that a women should buy and wear a larger bra is in the D-Bra program for transwomen doing natural NBE. It is a weird process but if you believe in the Brava and pumps like it then this would be a small stretch( No pun intended). the developer of this program discribes that she (born a male though) grew from an A to a C doin this program without any hormones. you take a bra and you squeeze, stretch and pull your breast tissue into the new cupsize. over several months the breasts begins to grow to fill a larger cupsize simular to the brava where you suck the breast into a new cupsize.

Other then the D-Bra, ive heard that is good to HAVE a larger cupsize bra (prefferably the same brand and model and 1 of your smaller bras) just to compare growth. You first should have a bra that you already completly fill without any spaces or padding. Then you buy the same brand and model bra at least 1cup-2cups bigger. You dont have to wear the larger bra. Your smaller(regular size) bra wont hinder growth. The only type of effect that a larger bra will have if warn is a mental one. if you wear a bigger bra you see you self bigger and the mind will accomidate your body to fit the new profile that is in your mind(kida like hypnosis). Stuff like this has been researched and proven to acctually work in journal unlike herbs which still cant be proven effective at growthing breasts.

In short dont worry about growth slowing down cause of a tight bra. as you grow just buy a new bra that fits well as you grow.

(no login)
Re: A bigger bra.. necessary?
September 8 2005, 3:53 AM

will sleeping on your breasts stop their growth?

(no login)
RE: Sleeping on your stomach
September 8 2005, 4:27 AM

No, I do not believe that sleeping on your stomach has anything to do w/ breast growth or non-breast growth. Many of my friends or family members have large boobs and sleep on their stomachs. And I know of several "tom-boys" who didnt want to grow boobs and actually wrapped their boobs so they wouldn't show and so they wouldn't grow. Guess what, they grew anyhow. So if you want to sleep on your stomach, sleep on your stomach, it isnt going to hinder your boobie growth.

(no login)
RE: Sleeping on your stomach
September 9 2005, 7:55 PM

I don't think wearing the right size bra would stop the growth of your breasts.

Are there any bras that help/hinder NBE?
August 6 2007 at 5:20 AM Lonely (Login LonelyLadies)
Can the type of bra we wear help or hinder our success at NBE? I wear flimsy bras when I just don't care and heavily padded ones when I want to have a figure. I put a flimsy one on today and wondered was I helping myself or hindering any chance at growth.

(Login momXseven)
Re: Are there any bras that help/hinder NBE?
August 6 2007, 10:00 PM

I can't say for sure but I had read that you should try and go bra-less when you can.

I'm a stay at home mommy and don't leave the house but about 4 times a week and most of the time only a few hours. So the only time I were a bra is when I leave the house.

(Login LonelyLadies)
Re: Are there any bras that help/hinder NBE?
August 6 2007, 10:40 PM

Thanks momXseven! I was a stay at home mom too. I homeschooled my children all through high school. So I know what it's like. Now that schooling is over and children are grown up, I'm trying to put myself together. Boy, what a chore this is! Well, it sounds great to go braless. I'm a 32AA, if that, so it really doesn't matter if I wear a bra or not. I really only wear one to make me feel like I'm of the female persuasion. I just thought there might be a "helpful" bra out there. Thanks again for replying!

(Login Diana1978)
Re: Are there any bras that help/hinder NBE?
August 7 2007, 1:46 PM

I thought that there was a bra that helped redirect things. um, i believe i had heard a couple mention this. just a thought, i dont know if this is what you meant, but good luck!

(Login momXseven)
August 7 2007, 1:59 PM

Yes I have a Ripplu and it's good for redirect the fat. I really feel you need to be a B cup or larger to really help. Unless you have a good amount of breast fat on the sides. Here's photos of mine (sorry they are out of order) I have before (ones dated 7/23/07), just putting on the bra and than after I pulled all the fat in place.

(Login js89)
Re: Are there any bras that help/hinder NBE?
August 7 2007, 5:26 PM

I also have a Ripplu and think it works well. It gives nice cleavage, is very comfortable and gives a very nice shape. When I put a different bra on after wearing the Ripplu, it just feels wrong and not the same.

(Login Louise1982)
Re: Are there any bras that help/hinder NBE?
August 7 2007, 6:56 PM

Without wanting to sound like a complete idiot I assume the Ripplu bra only improves your shape whilst you are actually wearing it and not a long term benefit?

(Login momXseven)
August 7 2007, 7:10 PM

Oh no, Ripplu does help long term. If you were the step 1, 2 & 3 they re-shape you. Ripplu says most have to were each step 1-3 months before you are re-shape enough to more to the next step. I can already see that I don't have as much fat off to the sides as I did.

(no login)
Re: Are there any bras that help/hinder NBE?
August 7 2007, 10:48 PM

Going bra-less is actually bad for your breasts. They need the support or they will become saggy. Gynocologists actually suggest even sleeping in a bra to get the best support for your breasts. I definitely don't want what little I have sagging and looking even flatter!

Fluffy Sheep
(no login)
You are wrong Meg. Sleeping with a bra cannot be good.
August 9 2007, 8:50 PM

You are wrong Meg. Sleeping with a bra cannot be good.
I'd rather sleep with someone I love.

No seriously;

Quite ironically, what may cause the most unhealthy restriction of the breasts is not found within the breast tissue but outside of them: bras have been found to severely constrict lymphatic flow in the breasts and impede blood circulation. Indeed, because of this, bras may just be the single most important factor behind breast cancer. It is not just coincidence that breast cancer rates are highly correlated to the bra’s cultural popularity - an invention solely promoted by fashion in the 1930’s as we’ve seen breast cancer rates increase over the past 50 years. They offer no real medical benefit, and even when they were first promoted, some health professionals spoke against bras because of the possible restricting effects it has on the lymphatic network.

Researchers at the British School of Osteopathy in London have found that fashion bras (anything designed to push up and push out) and sports bras constrict women’s rib cage expansion by nearly two inches. That, says lead author Charlotte Wightman, puts stress on bones and muscles, which can cause a host of health problems, including breathing difficulties, neck pain and irritable bowel syndrome.

You are told NOT to wear underwired bras during pregnancy (and breast feeding) as the underwire can restrict the growth of the milk ducts. I suppose it is pretty logical to assume that if they damage milk ducts, they will also restrict flow of blood and lymph.

Kinda dumb question...will a tight bra prevent growth?
July 23 2008 at 12:33 AM Tianna (Login Tianna_86)
I started my program (well, i started Beths prgram lol) on July 8, and while I havent measured yet, im definitely filling out my bras. So much so that they are pretty tight. I dont have money to get new bras for a couple weeks and was just wondering if this would hinder my growth? Thanks ladies!

(Login -Moon-)
Re: Kinda dumb question...will a tight bra prevent growth?
July 23 2008, 9:07 AM

A tight bra can obstruct lymph drainage, which means accumulation of toxins, so it's not the best thing for NBE. It would be good if you didn't wear it for too long and do a few quick rotations in between when you can.

(no login)
go braless
July 28 2008, 7:45 AM

For now, don't wear too-small bras! Go braless for extra attention or save your $$ and get some Warner's bras (01035 is the model I like) with no padding so you can see your nice figure.

(no login)
go braless when you sleep
July 28 2008, 7:09 PM

Don't wear a tight bra when you sleep. That's the important thing.

Does going braless help?
February 16 2007 at 9:13 PM LovesButterflies (Login LovesButterflies)
I have increase in size a bit (another 1/4 inch!), so my bra is getting smaller (yayyy!). So I'm going to get a bigger size. But anyway, does going braless help? I'm going to go as braless as I can when I'm home alone, but has anyone noticed whether that has helped or not?

(Login lilmama40)
Re: Does going braless help?
February 16 2007, 9:18 PM

I think it's important to go braless when you can, yes. By the time I've been in my bra for almost 10 hours of the day at work I can't wait to get home and unleash the "gals" so they can breathe! I don't think you'd want to go braless as you're growing all the time, because there's something to be said for the support a proper fitting bra will provide for a portion of the day to prevent sagging to some extent.

(Login LovesButterflies)
Re: Does going braless help?
February 16 2007, 9:32 PM

That makes a lot of sense, I'd sure want the support part of the day, but it sure is nice to unleash them too, as you say.

(Login fennelfairy)
Re: Does going braless help?
February 16 2007, 9:33 PM

I remember way back when I was breastfeeding, I was told how important it is to stay away from underwired bras because they make circulation bad and block the milk flow. I am not sure how bad a wired bra would have been but it seems to make sense that hard wires pressing against the area under the chest might block something essential. I guess an ordinary bra without wires give enough support without pressing anywhere.

(Login -Moon-)
Re: Does going braless help?
February 16 2007, 9:58 PM

Bras are known to cause restriction in blood flow and lymph drainage. When you have to wear bra a lot, like at work, do a a few quick massages (like when going to the bathroom if there are people to see you otherwise), just a few quick rotations every once in a while to get the blood going.

(Login lilmama40)
Re: Does going braless help?
February 16 2007, 10:15 PM

That's a good point. I do that whenever I can at work when nobody's looking, especially if they are having a full/tingly/painful day, it helps.

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