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My journey to D/DDs


(12-02-2016, 22:49)daisy134 Wrote:  beauxgrosseins- thank you!! Smile I have been taking the aguaje since December 23rd with a 2 week break. Actually maybe it was 2 and a half weeks hah. I take 3 or sometimes 4 500 milligram pills a day. So roughly 1,500 to 2,000 milligrams a day. Even though I haven't put on any weight like I wanted to I do feel like my hips have filled out more and my butt. And it does make me feel relaxed. I also have noticed it keeps my skin 100% clear and I think my lips look bigger. My breasts have filled out more and look and feel quite a bit bigger. I first got my aguaje when I got my breast pump & oil in the mail from Amazon. (Palmers moisturizing body oil)

Dianna, I appreciate all the information you provided and it explains a lot actually. Ever since I started taking the bcp I have felt emotional, anxious, and depressed. My bf & I have been fighting more and I do feel like I've lost control of my emotions Sad I read these symptoms would subside within a couple months but I have been taking the pill for more than 3 months now. It's definitely worth looking more into. My mom keeps telling me she took the pill for years and there's nothing to worry about but I do notice a distinct difference in my general mood since taking the pill.

Truth is, birth control pills have changed massively over the years. Not long ago, you could almost transition from them.
Now, you have such small differences in the hormone levels, it's like a low-grade allergen or something. It has the desired effect of stopping ovulation, without stopping the overall design of female body.
So she's always "almost pregnant."
Strikes me as being similar to eating a little arsenic every day.... You'll live, but the chemistry isn't great, and bothers the body...


Ally- thank you for sharing your experience! I am hoping when I go off of it I can balance my hormones completely. That gives me hope. My mom said her friends daughter had to take it for years for medical reasons and got pregnant when she went off it it.

Dianna how long ago are you talking? Like early 2000s even? I have read a lot about how it mimics pregnancy in a way. I've always been afraid of the pill because I had heard of so many side effects. I almost went on it in high school to try to help with acne (I wasn't sexually active) but it freaked me out too much

I was just thinking about how I'm upset I'm not at the measurement I want yet then I remembered something. A year ago when I first started trying to get bigger breasts (after losing weight from being sick for a month) I was measuring 32 in across my bust. So that means I've grown 3 inches in the past year which makes me hopeful. Especially because I am currently putting forth more effort than ever before

Also, a year ago and even 5 months ago my butt was measuring 34 in and now it's 36 in. Last year when I got my breasts to start growing some my butt was a lot more stubborn

(12-02-2016, 22:49)daisy134 Wrote:  beauxgrosseins- thank you!! Smile I have been taking the aguaje since December 23rd with a 2 week break. Actually maybe it was 2 and a half weeks hah. I take 3 or sometimes 4 500 milligram pills a day. So roughly 1,500 to 2,000 milligrams a day. Even though I haven't put on any weight like I wanted to I do feel like my hips have filled out more and my butt. And it does make me feel relaxed. I also have noticed it keeps my skin 100% clear and I think my lips look bigger. My breasts have filled out more and look and feel quite a bit bigger. I first got my aguaje when I got my breast pump & oil in the mail from Amazon. (Palmers moisturizing body oil)

Dianna, I appreciate all the information you provided and it explains a lot actually. Ever since I started taking the bcp I have felt emotional, anxious, and depressed. My bf & I have been fighting more and I do feel like I've lost control of my emotions Sad I read these symptoms would subside within a couple months but I have been taking the pill for more than 3 months now. It's definitely worth looking more into. My mom keeps telling me she took the pill for years and there's nothing to worry about but I do notice a distinct difference in my general mood since taking the pill.

Thank you for responding to my questions, Daisy!! i definately want to order aguaje and try it since it seems there are no side effects for you, and on the plus side it gives you relaxation. Although when I was reading the reviews on Amazon I read one woman complained about her messed up period. That happened to me when I took fenugreek. But I want to take a chance and give it a shot.

I would like to ask you you said you ordered your pump from Amazon. Are you using Kandzu pump? what size domes? Also, How often do you pump and for how long? I have NB but I have not used it yet. Do you think that most of your success comes from pumping?

Thank you again!! Wish you best of luck!!Smile

oops sorry I just went to your previous posts and yes you are using Kandzu cups but can you share your pumping schedule. Also I read you took maca, I am thinking about it too. Did it help you? Thanks!!!

(14-02-2016, 05:16)beauxgrosseins Wrote:  oops sorry I just went to your previous posts and yes you are using Kandzu cups but can you share your pumping schedule. Also I read you took maca, I am thinking about it too. Did it help you? Thanks!!!

I feel like I've actually had much more swelling since I went off of the maca. But everyone reacts differently. I was pumping for 2 to 4 hours a day but lately I've been doing 2 hours max and focusing a lot more on massage. I use a heating pad before massaging/pumping & use Palmers moisturizing body oil. When I massage I use the inward circle technique & I've been doing the lymphatic drainage massage. Also when I massage & pump I shake my breasts bc I read it can increase the blood flow & the hormones to that region. It seems to be helping! I did get good swelling from the pumping alone, but with massage and pumping it has increased greatly.

I'm gonna post another pic soon bc I am definitely noticing some changes Smile

(06-02-2016, 20:51)daisy134 Wrote:  
(06-02-2016, 19:08)ellacraig Wrote:  I'd stay off the pill I really would.
There's good reason. All my girlfriends who spent long periods on various contraceptive pills even low dose had fertility problems and polycystic ovaries.
Take breaks if your on it and bear in mind the boobs go back to normal size once your off it.
FYI I had sex for a lonnnggg time and never once got pregnant. As long as you fit condones properly and worst case if you have an accident you can get the morning after pill.

Anyways I ordered some Aguaje after researching it off a place called rainforest pharmacy. Goodness knows how long the delivery time will take cAuse I opted for standard international shipping :s

I researched they are high in phyto e's , suspected as such since they work on boobs and butt.
Apparently the oil is really therapeutic too. But yeh couldn't even source the pills in my country let alone the oil Smile

Woah that's scary! This sounds awful but my bf really wants me on the pill so I'll probably stay on it for awhile. I will take breaks though and I am going to consider the Mirena thing but the idea of them putting it in freaks me out & I hate going to the dr for like stuff involving that region lol. It always makes me so uncomfortable & embarrassed. I have read some terrible things about the pill. This is my first time ever taking it because I've always been afraid I'll have crazy side effects. I did try the depo shot or w/e when I was like 19 though.

About the aguaje! That's awesome you were able to order some! It's good stuff. When I ran out my skin broke out a little bit & didn't look as good. I also wasnt sleeping as well and I noticed when I take it I feel really calm and it reduces my anxiety. This could be helpful for you as I know you mentioned you get stressed out. I get stressed too and I noticed this stuff really helped with that. I didn't know it helps with breasts too I thought it targeted the butt, hip & thigh area but that's awesome! 2 birds w/ one stone lol

I tracked my Aguaje. It's arrived at he sort facility in my country so by rights I should get it tomorrow.
Still on the fence where my hormones are at, ie once again my cycle was 4 days early, then only lasted 3 days instead of 7!
REAL early menopause runs in my fam which means fluctuating estrogen is on the cards so I need to confirm what effect the Aguaje will have. Taking PC creAm might offset any negative effect bu t that's guesswork ..

(15-02-2016, 06:35)ellacraig Wrote:  
(06-02-2016, 20:51)daisy134 Wrote:  
(06-02-2016, 19:08)ellacraig Wrote:  I'd stay off the pill I really would.
There's good reason. All my girlfriends who spent long periods on various contraceptive pills even low dose had fertility problems and polycystic ovaries.
Take breaks if your on it and bear in mind the boobs go back to normal size once your off it.
FYI I had sex for a lonnnggg time and never once got pregnant. As long as you fit condones properly and worst case if you have an accident you can get the morning after pill.

Anyways I ordered some Aguaje after researching it off a place called rainforest pharmacy. Goodness knows how long the delivery time will take cAuse I opted for standard international shipping :s

I researched they are high in phyto e's , suspected as such since they work on boobs and butt.
Apparently the oil is really therapeutic too. But yeh couldn't even source the pills in my country let alone the oil Smile

Woah that's scary! This sounds awful but my bf really wants me on the pill so I'll probably stay on it for awhile. I will take breaks though and I am going to consider the Mirena thing but the idea of them putting it in freaks me out & I hate going to the dr for like stuff involving that region lol. It always makes me so uncomfortable & embarrassed. I have read some terrible things about the pill. This is my first time ever taking it because I've always been afraid I'll have crazy side effects. I did try the depo shot or w/e when I was like 19 though.

About the aguaje! That's awesome you were able to order some! It's good stuff. When I ran out my skin broke out a little bit & didn't look as good. I also wasnt sleeping as well and I noticed when I take it I feel really calm and it reduces my anxiety. This could be helpful for you as I know you mentioned you get stressed out. I get stressed too and I noticed this stuff really helped with that. I didn't know it helps with breasts too I thought it targeted the butt, hip & thigh area but that's awesome! 2 birds w/ one stone lol

I tracked my Aguaje. It's arrived at he sort facility in my country so by rights I should get it tomorrow.
Still on the fence where my hormones are at, ie once again my cycle was 4 days early, then only lasted 3 days instead of 7!
REAL early menopause runs in my fam which means fluctuating estrogen is on the cards so I need to confirm what effect the Aguaje will have. Taking PC creAm might offset any negative effect bu t that's guesswork ..

Awesome! I hope it can help you Smile It seems to be helping me. Yeah I probably should've investigated more prior to taking it but it just seemed too good to be true. I tried to get a hormone test and my doctor literally would not do it lol she thought there was no reason to. I guess I've always thought more estrogen is better but recently I read up more on estrogen dominance and I want to avoid that! So you're saying progesterone can balance the excess estrogen? I have progesterone cream but stopped it when I started taking birth control. I read not to combine those

(15-02-2016, 15:51)daisy134 Wrote:  
(15-02-2016, 06:35)ellacraig Wrote:  
(06-02-2016, 20:51)daisy134 Wrote:  
(06-02-2016, 19:08)ellacraig Wrote:  I'd stay off the pill I really would.
There's good reason. All my girlfriends who spent long periods on various contraceptive pills even low dose had fertility problems and polycystic ovaries.
Take breaks if your on it and bear in mind the boobs go back to normal size once your off it.
FYI I had sex for a lonnnggg time and never once got pregnant. As long as you fit condones properly and worst case if you have an accident you can get the morning after pill.

Anyways I ordered some Aguaje after researching it off a place called rainforest pharmacy. Goodness knows how long the delivery time will take cAuse I opted for standard international shipping :s

I researched they are high in phyto e's , suspected as such since they work on boobs and butt.
Apparently the oil is really therapeutic too. But yeh couldn't even source the pills in my country let alone the oil Smile

Woah that's scary! This sounds awful but my bf really wants me on the pill so I'll probably stay on it for awhile. I will take breaks though and I am going to consider the Mirena thing but the idea of them putting it in freaks me out & I hate going to the dr for like stuff involving that region lol. It always makes me so uncomfortable & embarrassed. I have read some terrible things about the pill. This is my first time ever taking it because I've always been afraid I'll have crazy side effects. I did try the depo shot or w/e when I was like 19 though.

About the aguaje! That's awesome you were able to order some! It's good stuff. When I ran out my skin broke out a little bit & didn't look as good. I also wasnt sleeping as well and I noticed when I take it I feel really calm and it reduces my anxiety. This could be helpful for you as I know you mentioned you get stressed out. I get stressed too and I noticed this stuff really helped with that. I didn't know it helps with breasts too I thought it targeted the butt, hip & thigh area but that's awesome! 2 birds w/ one stone lol

I tracked my Aguaje. It's arrived at he sort facility in my country so by rights I should get it tomorrow.
Still on the fence where my hormones are at, ie once again my cycle was 4 days early, then only lasted 3 days instead of 7!
REAL early menopause runs in my fam which means fluctuating estrogen is on the cards so I need to confirm what effect the Aguaje will have. Taking PC creAm might offset any negative effect bu t that's guesswork ..

Awesome! I hope it can help you Smile It seems to be helping me. Yeah I probably should've investigated more prior to taking it but it just seemed too good to be true. I tried to get a hormone test and my doctor literally would not do it lol she thought there was no reason to. I guess I've always thought more estrogen is better but recently I read up more on estrogen dominance and I want to avoid that! So you're saying progesterone can balance the excess estrogen? I have progesterone cream but stopped it when I started taking birth control. I read not to combine those

Yeh I wouldn't take anything alongside pharmaceuticals.
But yeh I know PC is a strong source of progesterone, not to be taken lightly unles I think you test and see you need the stuff cause it builds up in the body and takes months to leave so I've only ever lightly played around with it.
It's all a big mind @$$& really Blush

I just can't see a lot of info on our Aguaje though, maybe it's a truely exotic fruit and hard to come by who knows.
Il Wikipedia it and see what comes up Rolleyes

Daisy are you still taking Maca? It is supposed to help the body make the hormones that it needs, I've read it called an"adaptogen" from many sources. So if you are low on Progesterone or E or whatever other one it is supposed to stimulate the hormones you need. I agree with Ella, def. shouldn't mess with pharma without your doctors advice to do so.

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