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Soy milk is working !! *I think*


Soy milk is working !! *I think*
August 3 2007 at 10:36 PM Sunshine (no login)
Hey ladies, I thought I would share with you..
Okay I've been doing NBE for at least a year now with no real success. I mean, I've gotten a little fuller but no increases in cup sizes from taking all kinds of herbs religiously (fenugreek, fennel, soy, hops, barley) and massage.

I kind of gave up for a while. But for the past few weeks, I've been drinking a lot of soy (a lot might be an understatement, I go through almost a 2L carton a day - hope that doesn't have any ill effects!), and doing Tiger Lily's knuckle massage, AND I feel like I'm really responding to this. Finally!

They've gotten so much fuller, I'm pretty much spilling out of my 32Bs, and even though i've only been through one period cycle, so it's difficult to really judge, the fullness has not left with my period. So I'm pretty excited!

All I really do is use my knuckles to pretty much 'dig' into my breasts until the soreness I feel premassage is relieved (does that make any sense?). And I do this as often as I can throughout the day. I find this combo is necessary because there were days in this month when i ran out of soy and those days I experienced some deflation. So maybe it's not so permanent (it's too soon to tell) but even if it isn't, i'm happy with the results I'm getting.

I'm going to continue doing this, hopefully it works for me.

Thanks for listening !!

(no login)
Re: Soy milk is working !! *I think*
August 4 2007, 8:06 AM

I forgot to mention, the best part is that my right breast has completely caught up to my left !! All year, any growth I'd experienced seem to go straight to the left, making then even less proportional than they initially were. But now the two seem pretty symmetrical. yay!

(Login Halome)
Re: Soy milk is working !! *I think*
August 4 2007, 10:23 AM

Oooh that is awesome! I tried drinking Soy milk at least twice a day but it always made me feel icky if I drank too much :/

Congrats on your potential growth!!

(Login angelstr08)
Re: Soy milk is working !! *I think*
August 4 2007, 1:54 PM

wow, congrats to you, sunshine. and, I was thinking of also trying some soy products, but I've read that taking too much is bad for I don't know what's good and bad anymore. But, it's great to hear it works for you!

(Login bonnette)
Re: Soy milk is working !! *I think*
August 4 2007, 8:48 PM

about soy milk...i have read the ingredients and i have wondered that there is actually just a bit of soy in there, and how can it really work. just wondering.


Tiger Lily
(Login tiger.lily)
Re: Soy milk is working !! *I think*
August 6 2007, 8:28 AM

I think soy important. When I was on booby project I eat soy bean receipe every day.

(Login Davi-lee)
kind I drink
August 6 2007, 11:30 AM

The soymilk with the most isoflavones per ounce that I could find is Edensoys Organic Plain.It has 69mg.of isoflavones per ounce.
You want to look for that percentage,its the active compounds.

Black Sheep
(Login angelstr08)
Re: Soy milk is working !! *I think*
August 6 2007, 8:34 PM

so, do you girls think that it's better to take soy with milk or protein so it's not all by itself, or would it be better to take soy isoflavones in capsules?

(Login Angela)
Re: Soy milk is working !! *I think*
August 9 2007, 4:37 PM

To that last question I'd say debatable and no clear answer known.

How many glasses of soymilk??
June 24 2009 at 5:34 PM sunny (Login sun333)
I was just wondering how many glasses of soy milk equal 1 gram of soy. Sound silly maybe, but I just can't find it on my pack of milk...or on internet or anywhere.

Any of you girls know? Thanks soo much

(Login lemonvanilla)
Re: How many glasses of soymilk??
June 25 2009, 6:14 PM

My old grandma used to make us fresh tofu, so I believe that by checking out a homeade recipe you can get an idea of what is inside the commercial products.

(Login Angela)
Re: How many glasses of soymilk??
June 25 2009, 9:46 PM

The key piece of information I gathered from those links is that it takes about 125 g whole soya beans to make 1 liter of soy milk.

(no login)
Home made soymilk (video demo) - For the newbies
February 16 2009 at 4:37 PM

here is a link that tells you step by step how to make your own soy milk. It also has video demonstration in the bottom.


Soy milk being bad during NBE program???
July 28 2006 at 1:24 AM MisFortune (no login)
I read in a posting a while back that taking soy products or drinking soy milk is bad while on NBE program. Is this really true? Because I've seen other blogs that said they drink soy milk while on the program. Will someone clarify this if you know? Because I like drinking soy milk but I stopped because I read a blog that says it was dangerous. Can't seem to find where the blog is right now but I hope someone can tell me some truth to this. Thanks!! :-D

(Login Jenneelle)
Re: Soy milk being bad during NBE program???
July 28 2006, 9:51 AM

Soy is actually a common ingredient in breast enhancement formulations.

(Login Epiphany.)
Re: Soy milk being bad during NBE program???
July 30 2006, 11:39 AM

I read somewhere that soy milk was recommended for breast growth.

(Login Jacka-b)
Re: Soy milk being bad during NBE program???
July 30 2006, 6:06 PM

Soya is good , it's low in colesteral...I know there was a book written by some clever money maker, and he tried to find ways to make soya out to be negative, really this only applies to people who have been pouring soya milk down thier kids throats from day one, and turning them into little there really is nothing to worry about. It's about as good as writing a book about why chocolate is bad, or sugar for that matter.

(Login Tap69)
Soy Milk
July 31 2006, 5:38 AM

I've been on soy milk that has pearl barley and kelp in it ... the results have been noticable compared to the cycles i didn't drink it. I use 150ml to wash down my pills, 3 times a day.... I think a key to soy milk is to find a product with NO CANOLA OIL OR CANOLA PRODUCT IN IT. The best (and unfortunately most expensive) soy milk i've found is VITASOY. Good ingredience for NBe!!!
Good luck.

(Login fengshuiTW)
to tap
July 31 2006, 6:27 AM

Dear Tap, what brand of soy milk has barley and kelp in it and where can i find it? is it vitasoy? i've never seen anything like that and am very interested. thanks a bunch!!! :-)

(Login tms81)
Re: Soy milk being bad during NBE program???
July 31 2006, 8:54 AM

my son is allergic to cowmilk so i get soyamilk from the farmasy it contains all vitamins and it is high quality.

(Login jellyboobs)
tap !!!
July 31 2006, 9:04 AM

ok Tap you got me interested !!! I'll go buy me some vitasoy !!!! love jelly,......

(Login Tap69)
Soy Milk Brand
July 31 2006, 12:35 PM

Hi girls
yes the brand with pearl barley and kelp is VITASOY. there are high calcium ones in the range but it is the original/plain vitasoy that has the kelp. It is made from organically grown soy-beans... and tastes better than the other brands... I am in Australia, but i think vitasoy is in the U.S. also.

Cooking with Soy
October 18 2007 at 9:50 PM Louise (Login Louise1982)
A lot of people mention soy milk, reading the pack this is 5% soy and the rest water. Does tofu or the actual soy bean have the same booby benefit? How about soy milk yoghurt? The soy beans - would dry or forzen beans be ok? I read somewhere that isoflavones are easily denatured so a lot of processed soy has no isoflavones - would it be good to take isoflavone supplements (similar to PM)

(Login fengshuiTW)
Re: Cooking with Soy
October 19 2007, 6:56 AM

I have read a thread in TW forum about girls got growth from isoflavones caps, but that thread didn't get too many responses, so I have never tried.

About tofu, most common way to make it is to add in gesso in soy milk, gesso is pretty cold I think, but rich in calcium, maybe by adding some hot spicies when cooking would balance it, wouldn't be my first choice for NBE, it is healthy, though.

I used to use dried soy beans to make soy milk, now I just use soy powder for convienance, but I would add a little ginger powder in it, cause soy is kinda "cold".

(no login)

Re: Cooking with Soy
October 21 2007, 3:16 PM

Soy milk is such an easy thing to take - just use instead of cow's milk.

Soy Iso Protein Powder
August 13 2008 at 4:14 AM wanttobecurvey (Login wanttobecurvey)
Ok ladies....I am going to try something new-Iso Soy Protein Powder I got at the vitamin store. It has 103 mg soy isoflavones. My soy milk has 47 mg I think. So I had tone soy milk and one soy protein drink made with the powder and soy milk.

When I first tried soy milk a couple of years back it really made me a lot fuller-but then I seemed to adjust to it. I stopped and went back to it. But I need a kick.
I have been wanting to try the herbs again-but I am going to try this first. Last year I took herbs for about 9 months. I was so emotional, my guy hated that. I would cry at silly things that normally wouldn't bother me-plus I started getting super tired and achey. But I keep getting that urge again to try again. Plus they used to make my hair fuller I think. Hmmmm..will advise if have any luck with this powder.

Has anyone had any good experiences with soy?

(Login frostedmint06)
Re: Soy Iso Protein Powder
August 13 2008, 6:44 PM

Soy is one of the best booby foods. A number of people have had good results with it-Eve, Tigerlily, Fengshui, Beth and others including myself.

(Login wanttobecurvey)
Frosted Mint-question
August 16 2008, 4:42 PM

You mentioned you have had results with soy. What do you do and what else is in your plan?
Have you experienced growth?

(Login frostedmint06)
Re: Soy Iso Protein Powder
August 16 2008, 10:08 PM

I have a program page. I will be updating it again very soon. As far as soy goes, I drink a glass of soy milk a day and take 2250mg of soy isoflavones daily from Vitamin World and also use it topically as well. So far I've grown 3 1/2 inches bigger in the past year (from a barely AA to a full B). Hope that helps. Cheers.

Could soy milk and lotion cause problem with cycles
July 23 2008 at 4:25 AM wanttobecurvey (Login wanttobecurvey)
I have tried NBE herbs and stopped end of 2007. Now I just take soy milk and use a breast cream.My last period was more than 2 weeks and then slowed down with spotting and continued until I have my regular period again now. So I have been bleeding for 5 weeks. This all started after using the creme. I used the cream for about 3 months now. The first month my period lasted about 2 weeks. Then next month was just alittle longer and now this month 5 weeks of it. So I am stopping the creme to see what happens after this cycle. Does anyone think a cream could cause this? When I took the herbs before it seemed to make my periods easier less cramps etc. I have endometreosis and fibroids. So I always kind of worried because I had read the herbs can sometimes make these conditions worse. I had some growth on the herbs, but I saw some pics from when I was taking them and I did look larger, but it did't stay. I felt bummed because I came across the pics recently that my guy had taken, and I definitely looked larger taking them. I want to again, but he thinks they are bad for us and doesn't want me to. Plus they get me emotional and he says I smell when I take them. Thoughts?

(Login frostedmint06)
Re: Could soy milk and lotion cause problem with cycles
July 23 2008, 5:10 AM

My daughter says I smell like pancakes and maple syrup! I can think of worse things to smell like so I'm not complaining.

(Login waxingmoon)
Re: Could soy milk and lotion cause problem with cycles
July 23 2008, 12:48 PM

Hi Wanttobecurvey,

What kind of cream? What are the ingredients? Because yes, some things you apply topically can be absorbed and create a hormone imbalance.

It could also be just the soy milk. Soy is very estrogenic. Some people have a big problem with this. It is known to interfere with the thyroid.

Some of your symptoms sounds like estrogen dominance, but it also sounds like a fibroid too. Excess estrogen can worsen fibroids. With your history I would suggest you get checked out by your doctor.

Stop the soy milk and the cream. There are other NBE methods that do not create such hormone chaos. Start looking at the massage and suction methods.

Best wishes,

(Login wanttobecurvey)
Email to Moon
July 23 2008, 6:23 PM

I stopped the loton after this past Sunday, I really hate to stop it cause I feel like it plumps me up a bit. My guy think it does. But this specific problem with longer and longer cycles seemed to start very shortly after I started it. Soy milk I have used on and off, mostly one for a few years and it didn't seem to cause that. Altho' I guess it could be starting to.....I am so frutrated. I was sort of giving up on NBE, because the herbs just made me emotional and my guy didn't like me taking something he was concerned might be harmful and he didn't like the smell, he said I would taste, smell and sweat them out. Before I even started NBE I used soy milk and right away my breasts got a lot bigger. Even my guys mom was like you just drink that cause it makes you va voom. She didn't even really know that'w why. But then it seemed to stop working so much. That is when I started NBE, and still somtimes drank the soy. It did make them a bit bigger, but then again seemed to level off, and I went off them for the various reasons mentioned. Altho I just came across some pics my guy had taken and they were quite a bit bigger when I was taking them, so now I am frustrated and wanting to do something. Thus, the soy and lotion but now I have had my period for 5 weeks or 6, not sure. I am having the regular one again, so I am hoping when this ends, it will be done. I continued to spot all month after this last one which lasted like 2-1/2 weeks. Talk about a hormone rollercoaster.

(no login)
Email to Moon
July 24 2008, 10:27 PM

A friend of mine told me years ago that her breasts got bigger (temporarily) whenever she drank soya milk. I must admit I was sceptical about it at the time.

I got some growth...
May 6 2009 at 4:35 AM CuteLittleBunnie (Login CuteLittleBunnie)
I started drinking soy milk and I have noticed my boobs are fuller and heavier. I love itSmile I will continue to drink it...

Has anyone else had growth from drinking soy milk???

(no login)
Re: I got some growth...
May 6 2009, 3:20 PM

Congrats on the growth! I just love my vanilla soy milk too! I've had some growth but dont contribute it alone to the soy milk, more of a combination of things. I think massage is really important too!
But if it is working for you, keep it up. NBE is different for everyone.
Happy growing,

(Login LaReve)
Re: I got some growth...
May 6 2009, 4:53 PM

Isn't it the greatest feeling to have that fullness?!

Soy milk has been a part of my plan but I don't know exactly what helped me grow. I have been approaching NBE from every angle!

(Login CuteLittleBunnie)
Re: I got some growth...
May 6 2009, 11:05 PM

What kind of soy milk do you drink? I have been getting it in my Starbucks drinks. They feel so full while I am drinking it....

What else are you doing to achieve growth?

(Login LaReve)
Re: I got some growth...
May 6 2009, 11:27 PM

Whoo, girl, you will find out more than you ever wanted to know on my program page- it's all there, including my crazy rantings and revelations that have happened along my journey.

I drink soymilk that I buy at Kroger, it's called Naturally Preferred Organic Soy Milk (plain flavor). I make a smoothie with it every day with a banana and some spirulina powder.
Also I do hypnosis every day, massage, eat boobie foods (seafood, papaya, asparagus, chicken feet soup), and I take fenugreek, saw palmetto, and horsetail herb. Also vitamins.

(Login amorebeautifulme76)
Re: I got some growth...
May 11 2009, 12:29 AM

Congratulations! May they continue growing until you want them to stop.

(Login CuteLittleBunnie)
Re: I got some growth...
May 19 2009, 7:38 AM

My breasts are slightly fuller now. I just started drinking vanilla soy milk about 4 days agoSmile

Mel C
(Login mcovert)
Re: I got some growth...
May 19 2009, 12:16 PM

Congrats to you!It's a good feeling,huh?

(Login CuteLittleBunnie)
Re: I got some growth...
May 19 2009, 8:26 PM

Yeah, it does! But I am nowhere near the size you are Mel C!!Sad

Mel C
(Login mcovert)
Re: I got some growth...
May 19 2009, 9:14 PM

Oh,wow,thanks! It has been a long time since someone even remotely suggested my breasts were a good size.Don't get me husband has always loved them,when they were big and when they had gotten small.A lot of girls I have known and know now until recently would say how petite and cute I was and how well proportioned......if only I had boobs.OUCH! That would really hurt.I remember even back in November going to a Sugar n Spice party with my friend.She has weight issues,but she is by no means overweight.It's really issues about herself in her own mind.Her tummy bothers her,but I have never said anything negative about it when she did.She is a gorgeous girl and always looks nice.She is a size 36C,but she does need a bra to push them high.We were all talking at the party about what lingerie outfits we were going to buy.She mentioned it's hard to fit her because of her huge boobs.....they are big,but not huge.She then looks at me and asks in front of everybody if I thought I could find a top small enough to fit me 'cause I have no boobs! She then said I was all ass.This is one of the girls that tells me how proportionate I am.Thankfully,the other girls took up for me and said I would look adorable in every single outfit because I could be a model.One of these girls has had a boob job done.I don't feel I could,nor do I have the interest,but they made me feel good again.Talk about slamming back some margaritas then!She does not do this anymore,though.She's been asking me what I've been doing and asking if there is anything she could do to get her volume at top back.So,I really think stuff was just bothering her.She actually said she used to be tiny when I let her know this really did bother me because I used to be a 36C.I showed her the wall pushes.We all have insecurities about ourselves and I refuse to tear people down to feel good about myself.I think she realized that was what she was doing.She is a really sweet person.She would give you the shirt off of her back and she all the time brings me nice clothes she can't wear anymore.Now she will say if they are a little too snug on me then I know you can wear them.
So,Lil Bunny,I really,really appreciate you saying that.I bet you are on your way to getting to your ideal size.And just because boobs,breasts,tits,whatever are small-----does not mean they are not fabulous! There are many,many girls on here that are small and working on NBE,but have great looking tatas none the less.There are even some girls on here I wonder what are doing here because they are already big and have great shape.So,it's all a personal thing.Good luck to you!

(no login)
May 20 2009, 7:21 AM

hey!! there!!

how long does the drinking of soy milk took you??

please i need your answer, i'm also having a problem regarding it

(Login -Moon-)
Re: I got some growth...
May 20 2009, 3:47 PM

Vanilla soy milk is that like flavoured soy milk? I hope I can find some cause I hate the taste of soy milk yuck. I wanna include it into my diet tho.

Mel C
(Login mcovert)
Re: I got some growth...
May 20 2009, 4:16 PM

Yes,Moon you can get it in different flavors.I don't know where you are located and I know you don't wanna say,but I get mine at Aldi's.They have it in vanilla and chovolate.You can also get this at Wal-Mart,Kroger,etc.It does taste much better.I know some people that blend fruits in their regular or vanilla flavored soy milk.

(no login)
Re: I got some growth...
May 20 2009, 5:29 PM

Moon, you should be able to get flavored soy milk at any grocery store, or at least the larger chained groceries if you are near any Smile

I also hate the way soy tastes, but with the vanilla, it's like drinking a milkshake!

I stopped drinking it for awhile last year because I got sick of the taste, but at one point I was only drinking it with no other NBE and got fullness from it alone! so I've started drinking it again for the summer. I've also been adding papaya to the milk (both ripe and unripe because it's hard to get through a whole fruit before it ripens) as well as a little gelatin powder. I hope this makes a difference. I'm feeling fullness already so early in my cycle (period ended a few days ago and my swelling didn't really go down) but I don't want to think too much of it in case I scare it all away!! Haha

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