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[archive] Macrolane - my experience


Macrolane - my experience
March 19 2008 at 10:18 AM highlandcow  (Login highlandcow)
It seems many are curious to hear about the Macrolane procedure so here is my experience so far....

I was going to wait a few weeks before posting about this because I am still in the recovery period and haven't achieved a final result yet. I'm now two weeks post procedure.

It did hurt both during and after and was rather more traumatic than I was expecting. It's not just a 'simple injection' as some of the advertising would like you to believe. A small incision is made in the breast crease, about 1 to 2 mm, and a canula is inserted to take the needle. The needle itself is like a knitting needle in thickness and about 20cm long. Scary.

Ten injections of 10ml each are made into each breast, the whole thing takes about 45 minutes.

At first I was shocked by how my breasts looked, really distended and swollen, quite freakish in fact. What they don't tell you is how hard the material is at first, your breasts feel tight like a drum for about a week. My first day without painkillers was 8 days post procedure.

At two weeks post procedure the swelling has gone down but the injected material still feels like a very firm rubber ball and looks too high and rounded and a bit lumpy. Not at all natural yet.

I've gone from a small, saggy 36B to a very full 36B, probably a C in some bras.

So far I have to say that I'm not very happy with the result but I'm hoping that in the next few weeks they will soften up and the shape will improve.

It cost 3000 pounds. At one year I should see a visible decrease and by 18 months it should be completely gone.

I'll post a follow up in two or three weeks.

(no login)
Re: Macrolane - my experience
March 19 2008, 3:51 PM

Hi HighandLow

I wish you luck in your recovery. Hopefully everything will smooth out in time. If it helps any, I had restylane injected in my face and also got hard lumps but after a few weeks they smoothed out completely. I know it is not the same product, but similar anyway.


(Login highlandcow)
March 19 2008, 4:25 PM

Thanks for that Miles, I'm a bit worried at the moment but hopeful for a good result in the end.

In fact Macrolane is very similar to Restylane, it's also hyaluronic acid gel and made by the same company Q-Med. Apparently the main difference is it has a larger molecule size to Restylane and so the body retains it for longer.

(Login Louise1982)
Re: Macrolane - my experience
March 19 2008, 4:29 PM

How much did you get injected?

(Login highlandcow)
Re: Macrolane - my experience
March 19 2008, 4:43 PM

100ml in each breast. That's the maximum. The surgeon, who has performed 26 of these procedures so far, said she always injects the maximum unless it is to even out unevenly sized breasts.

They do look and feel quite large to me now but I'm very small, only 4 foot 9, so I imagine 100ml makes more of a difference for me than it would for a taller woman.

(Login Louise1982)
Re: Macrolane - my experience
March 19 2008, 4:49 PM

I'm 5'1 106 lbs so not exactly Wonderwoman! 100mls not much though, less than 1 cupsize. Average with Brava's supposed to be 155. I probably grew more than 100. Maybe I'd be better using suction first to get the maximum. After your description and having had the results I've had I probably wouldn't do it anyway - hope the lumps even out!

(no login)
Re: Macrolane - my experience
March 19 2008, 6:50 PM


I've also been tempted to try macrolane.
I was going to make an appointment to have it done in April, but I'll maybe just wait a bit, and see how you say it ends up.
Please write back with how it progresses - it's great to hear proper experiences instead of just the sales pitch.
Hope it goes well...x

(Login highlandcow)
Re: Macrolane - my experience
March 19 2008, 7:29 PM

I would agree if you are looking for a big size increase that Macrolane is not a good solution and of course it is not permanent.

I was just looking to improve the shape and plump up a bit to put back what I lost through recent weight loss and the natural aging process. (I'm 40)

Though even at this stage the result looks pretty impressive in underwear or a low cut top. It does give the impression of a very full, rounded bustline.

(Login highlandcow)
Re: Macrolane - my experience
March 20 2008, 10:35 AM

Katie, I would advise caution and to choose your surgeon carefully. I may have been too hasty, time will tell.

I think some of the current sales pitches are certainly misleading. I had read some that promised 'instant' results with an immediately natural looking shape, no pain and no recovery period. This has simply not been true in my case.

I will post my progess in a week or two.

(Login gingerD)
Re: Macrolane - my experience
March 20 2008, 10:49 AM

hi i have made a decision to have this done, im just saving up right now,
highland cow, im sorry there is pain etc ,but sharing your experience will at least maybe stop us thinking it is a quick no pain thing, so when i /we do go for the procedure we wil at least expect pain, cos i have to be honerst i thought no pain, 45 min, bigger breasts yay no implants or general anesthetic.
Im really disapointed your not happy, will u keep us up to date on texture/appearence etc as they settle down?
I know its to early to decide but will u have the top up?
I don't want to put presure on u but as u r the only person to have had this procedure would u post your b4/now/after pics? (sorry im not trying to offend)
Just helps on here.
Im only 4 foot 11 tee hee hee

(Login highlandcow)
Re: Macrolane - my experience
March 20 2008, 1:19 PM

Hello GingerD. I imagine the pain does not compare at all to real BA surgery i.e. it is much less, more extreme discomfort really.

Most of the procedure isn't too bad but the last two or three injections (there are ten in total) did cause me brief moments of pain.
I'd advise you to take the sedative offered before the procedure and the gas and air during. I didn't, which was with hindsight a mistake.

Straight afterwards my breasts were extremely uncomfortable and looked really terrible. Misshapen, swollen and distended. Honestly, I did think 'My God what have I done to myself'. So don't expect the result to look great immediately.

I took painkillers every 4 hours for the following week, I wasn't in agony but there were aches and twinges. I had the procedure on Wednesday and went back to work on the following Monday.

For the first ten days or so I really did not want to look at my breasts in the mirror, they were very hard and still misshapen looking. Not a pretty sight.

I can just about look at them now but I'm still not happy yet with the feel or shape. The surgeon advised me to massage them quite firmly every day, after the two week point, which is a little uncomfortable but does seem to have a positive effect.

I really don't know if I will have the top up later. It all depends on how they turn out in the next few weeks.

I want to wait for a final result before posting the before/after pics, probably another 3 or 4 weeks. Nobody seeing my picture right now would want to have it done, it still looks very unnatural. I don't want to put people off and it could be that some women are delighted with the result but I can only speak about my own experience so far.

(Login gingerD)
Re: Macrolane - my experience
March 20 2008, 2:17 PM


(Login highlandcow)
Re: Macrolane - my experience
March 20 2008, 3:31 PM

Actually the one thing I don't have is bruising. I've had none at all.

(no login)
March 24 2008, 11:56 AM

Hiya Highland Cow

How are thing's going with the macrolane?
I am just about to make an appointment to have it done, so if you have any tips or know anything about who to go to I'd be grateful for the advice.

I've got slight stretch marks from where I lost weight so I'm hoping the treatment will fill these out, but I'm also hoping that they don't give me new ones if it stretches the skin.

If you don't mind me asking, why did you choose to have it done, was it more for reasons of shape or size? (I'd like both to improve!)

(Login highlandcow)
Macrolane tips
March 26 2008, 11:28 AM

I'm now three weeks post procedure and still not entirely happy with the result. Though it has been improving slowly. The Macrolane is still too firm and the shape is too high and round. I'm hoping that I will get further improvements in the next four weeks or so.

My surgeon was Dr Glancey at Glancey Medical Associates. I could not honestly recommend her as I'm not happy with my result so far.

Mr Chris Inglefield at the London Bridge practice is supposed to be the most experienced with this procedure and he has some good before and after pictures. But it can take a long time to get an appointment with him.

I also had some stretch marks and they are far less obvious now that the skin is more filled out. I had this done more for shape than size. My breasts had become quite saggy after losing weight.

They are certainly more uplifted looking now but in an unnatural looking way. What I've got now looks like small implants, not natural breast tissue.

(Login highlandcow)
An important point....
March 26 2008, 11:40 AM

At the consultation be as clear as possible about what shape you are hoping to achieve. Bring photos, draw pictures, anything that will make it clear as crystal what you want and what you don't want. Then ask the surgeon if it is realistic and achievable in your case.

I think I was not clear enough about this with my surgeon. After all 'natural looking' can mean different things to different people.

(no login)
Re: Macrolane - my experience
March 26 2008, 2:38 PM

Yes, I'd have to second what highlandcow said. Unfortunately, in this decade, "natural" to many (at least in some countries) actually means fake implant boobs. There was a time, when that too large, hard, sitting on the chest like 2 grapefruits 'stripper' boobs look was considered a very bad operation or a mistake. Now, people actually request that look. It's funny how people's ideals have changed. For the record, i find that stuck on look to be highly unattractive and to look deformed.

(Login Louise1982)
Re: Macrolane - my experience
March 26 2008, 10:39 PM

I agree, a lot of us have grown but are hung up on filling out the top of the breast, I actually read in an anatomy textbook that breasts are hemspherical so they are not supposed to have the round look it's just that nearly everyone in the media who has much of a bust is fake! One of the main reasons I wouldn't have implants is because even without the risk of complications there's a fairly high chance of them looking round fake and hard and not feeling normal.


Are your's any better now?

(no login)
April 2 2008, 9:34 AM


Thanks so much for replying.
I have booked an appointment with Chris Inglefield in six weeks but I am very nervous about it.
I totally understand that you didn't want it to look like implants, even small ones, and I have the same concerns.
I'm also worried that it will stretch the skin a lot and then if I don't continue the top ups I will have worse stretch marks than I have now.
How are thing's going with you now?

(Login highlandcow)
Four week update
April 2 2008, 5:12 PM

Katie, I'm now four weeks post procedure which is the point where my surgeon said I would have a final result.

Well I hope this isn't final because I am still not entirely happy. There has been some improvement in the last two weeks which I think is largely down to the daily massage I've been doing. They don't look so freaky anymore, just a bit strange and unnatural. From the front they look almost believable but from other angles it's clear they are not natural also the shape is not exactly the same between the left and right.

There is still too much volume in the top part of the breast and the profile isn't very pretty. Though I'd settle for normal looking at this stage. The texture is still too firm, more like muscle than breast tissue. I also still have some lumps, they're not visible at first glance but if you feel around the breast you can detect them.

I don't think this procedure would make your stretch marks worse, they can only inject 100ml after all, it doesn't vastly increase the size. The breasts would have to increase bigger than they were when you were at your heaviest, D to DD in my case, to stretch the skin any further. But do ask your surgeon about it.

I'll post more updates in the coming weeks.

(Login annieboobs)
Re: Macrolane - my experience
April 2 2008, 5:31 PM

Hope they come to ue desired shape ,Highlandcow..
All the best to ya...

Asian girl
(no login)
Re: Macrolane - my experience
April 3 2008, 9:45 AM


I couldn't agree more about the pain factor. I just posted a message on another thread about how sore my breasts are 2 days after the injection. However, I only had 50cc injected into each of my breast (guess that's because 100cc might be too much for an Asian woman) so maybe the pain will go away sooner? I certainly hope so.

For those of you who are considering getting the injection done, this is definitely not a painfree procedure and no, you will definitely not be able to resume your normal activity afterwards because of the pain!

(Login highlandcow)
Macrolane - not pain free
April 4 2008, 9:58 PM

Asian girl, I also found the procedure really uncomfortable. I had pain for about a week and discomfort (tightness and tenderness)after that for a few more weeks. I had 100ml injected and my breasts were very distended after the procedure.

I'm now just over four weeks post procedure and the pain has gone but I still get a bit of tenderness now and then.

I'd be interested to know what you think of your result so far. I'm not happy with the shape the surgeon gave me, it's a bit uneven and fake looking. I hope, after all the pain and discomfort, you are happier with your result.

Asian girl
(no login)
Re: Macrolane - not pain free
April 8 2008, 9:09 AM

Hi highlandcow,

It has been exactly a week since I had the injections. While my breasts are a lot less sore than 7 days ago, they still feel a bit tight when I try to raise my arms high. I was (and still am) worried that the tightness is due to some other complications but the people from the clinic had reassured me that the tightness is absolutely normal. I just hope that it will go away sooner.

As for the result, my breasts are definitely looking fuller and perkier (no uneven patches so far) but I won't say that I am thrilled about the outcome, just within expectations. Like I said, I don't think I am ever going to put myself through this again.

In fact, I may not have gone for the injections at all had i seen your review a couple of weeks earlier.

(no login)
April 8 2008, 11:33 PM

Hi Highlandcow and Asian girl,

How are you going now with your macrolane experiences?
I am booked in for the treatment in a month's time at the London Bridge clinic but am getting nervous about the procedure.
Did they talk to you at all about what macrolane's made up of and reassure you that the product is totally safe for the body?
What do you think of your results now?
I really appreciate getting feedback on the procedure that isn't promotional, so thanks again for posting.

(Login highlandcow)
Macrolane - 5 week update
April 9 2008, 12:00 PM

My surgeon didn't tell me anything about Macrolane itself, I had already researched on the internet and felt reassured it would be safe. Macrolane is a hyaluronic acid gel. It's essentially the same as Restylane which is a facial filler that has been used extensively and safely for years.

It's chemically identical to synovial fluid which is the stuff that lubricates your joints and makes up the gel in your eyeball. It can also be found in the dermis of the skin.

Macrolane is synthesised chemically i.e. not taken from humans or animals. This is a good thing becuase it means there is no risk of catchihg a disease from it.

I'm sure if you ask your surgeon he will tell you all this.

As for my results, I'm now five weeks post procedure and happier but still not completely satisfied. The macrolane has softend up a lot, it's now like very dense breast tissue or relaxed muscle though still not as soft as my natural breast tissue.

I'm not fully happy with the shape, still too much volume in the top of the breast, the shape is also uneven between the left and right. Worst of all, I've developed some soft lumps at the top of one of my breasts which look unsightly like squishy blisters. My surgeon has advised me to massage these to disperse them, I'm trying but they're not gone yet.

By the way, when they tell you in the promotional material that after the procedure the Macrolane is like 'firm breast tissue' this is nonsense, it is hard as a rock. I would describe the progression like this...

week 1 - frozen chicken fillet
week 2 - very firm rubber ball
week 3 - flexed muscle
week 4 - semi relaxed muscle
week 5 - relaxed muscle

P.S. One mistake in my previous posts. After measuring the incision mark I realised it's more like 4 to 5 mm in size, not 1 to 2 mm as the promotional material says.

Asian girl
(no login)
Re: Macrolane
April 16 2008, 4:25 AM

Hi all,

It has been two weeks since I had the injections. While the pain that I mentioned in my previous posts has subsided, it still feels a bit tender in certain areas of my breasts. And as highlandcow mentioned before, they do feel a bit rubbery to touch but I am hoping that the situation will improve over time.

My boyfriend seems to like the results but I guess he wouldn't dare say anyting negative anyway given the pain and suffering that I had to go through! I haven't let him touch them yet though as I'd like to wait until they become softer first before letting him do so.

That's all from me for you. Will keep you all posted on how things progress.

Asian girl
(no login)
Re: Macrolane - 5 week update
April 16 2008, 4:41 AM

Hi Katie,

My surgeon did explain to me clearly what macrolane is, the pros and cons of the procedure etc but there wasn't anything that I haven't already read on the Internet myself. Also, the surgeon whom I consulted is quite famous in the country where i live and I had found that reassuring as I thought he probably wouldn't want to ruin his reputation by performing unsafe procedures on his patients.

(Login highlandcow)
Macrolane - 6 week update
April 16 2008, 9:59 AM

Asiangirl, the tenderness will continue for a few weeks more. I found it was 4 weeks until they felt more comfortable. I'm at 6 weeks now and I still have a little bit of tenderness now and then.

The softness has really improved and they now feel like dense breast tissue as advertised. This is still denser than my own natural breast tissue but I don't think they're going to soften up any more.

The shape of the right breast has improved, though it's not the shape I was hoping for originally, it is not too bad and I'm reasonably satisfied with it. Unfortunately the left breast is not the same shape (it looks strangely droopy)and I'm less happy with it. The squashy skin bumps on the right breast are still there and still causing me concern. Massage helps to make them look flatter but they are not reducing much yet.

Asian girl
(no login)
Re: Macrolane - 6 week update
April 16 2008, 3:47 PM

Hi highlandcow,

Thanks so much for your update. It really is very reassuring to hear that the tenderness will go away eventually and the softness will improve :-)

(Login gingerD)
Re: Macrolane
April 17 2008, 3:06 PM



Asian girl
(no login)
Re: Macrolane
April 23 2008, 5:13 AM

Hi gingerD

It's a bit more expensive over here in Asia. I had a total of 100cc injected and it had cost me around USD8,800/GBP4,500. The clinic where I had it done normally charges USD1,100/GBP550 per 10cc.

Hope this helps.

Asian girl

(Login helpneededplease)
April 26 2008, 10:37 AM

Hi Highland cow, or asian girl...
Wanted some advice!

I have just had 100 ml inject per breast and although they look fabulous - the initial swelling has gone down and they are completly even LUCKILY....HOWEVER one is softening and the other is relatively lumpy, i have 2 large lumps under the skin - near to the injection site (has been like that since i had it done).. it isnt visable but i can definatly feel it if i run my hand over, and is still quite sore. Is this possibly bruising that is going to go down, did you experience the same? If so has it gone?? It has only been a week...but i am starting to worry i have had an allergic reaction and am going to be stuck with lumps...have tried to google lumpy macrolane or nodules and cant find anything other than this post.


(Login helpneededplease)
April 26 2008, 10:38 AM

Hi Highland cow, or asian girl...
Wanted some advice!

I have just had 100 ml inject per breast and although they look fabulous - the initial swelling has gone down and they are completly even LUCKILY....HOWEVER one is softening and the other is relatively lumpy, i have 2 large lumps under the skin - near to the injection site (has been like that since i had it done).. it isnt visable but i can definatly feel it if i run my hand over, and is still quite sore. Is this possibly bruising that is going to go down, did you experience the same? If so has it gone?? It has only been a week...but i am starting to worry i have had an allergic reaction and am going to be stuck with lumps...have tried to google lumpy macrolane or nodules and cant find anything other than this post.


(Login highlandcow)
April 27 2008, 12:29 PM

I had lumpy feeling breasts for the first three or four weeks. I found this general lumpy feeling did go away over time.

I'm now over 7 weeks since the procedure and I do still have a small, very firm, rounded lump in each breast at the injection site just adjacent to the incision mark. You can't see it at first glance but you can feel it through the skin. I think this scar tissue caused by the canula and may be permanent but I could be wrong. This may not be what you have though because you say your lumps are large where mine are very small.

I also have soft, squashy, blister like bumps on the surface of the right breast. These appeared at the 3 week point. When I massage them I can actually see the Macrolane moving around just under the skin. As if all that isn't enough, I also have one small nodule at the top of one breast about the size of small flattened pea. It feels different from the blister bumps, much harder to the touch and it does not move around when I massage it.

I would wait at least 4 weeks before worrying too much. If you are still concerned at that point you should go back to your surgeon.

Asian girl
(no login)
April 28 2008, 6:26 AM

Hi, am on my fourth week. I am finding the area surrounding the nipples a bit hard or one would say lumpy too. Not sore, just a bit harder than normal breast tissue. I am going to wait for another 2-3 weeks and if the situtaton doesn't improve by then, I will visit the clinic again.

(no login)
my experience w macrolane
May 19 2008, 5:00 PM

Hi ladies,

Interesting to read your experiences, not dissimilar to mine and certainly not what i was told to expect. I like to think i have a high pain threshold but the procedure was absolutely excruciating. I nearly fainted. The pain was quite severe for 2 days, and now on day 6 not so bad but still present and slightly upsetting. I have very hard lumps in both breasts, worse in one than the other. Am starting to massage them and it seems to be helping but it is a bit unsightly and I'm sure contributing to the pain and discomfort. I really hope they resolve quickly, I have just started seeing a new man and not sure what to say about it to him! Seems that the procedure is being mis-sold in the UK? Having said all this, i am quite happy with the result apart from the lumpiness. Not sure if I could go through with the pain again though.

(no login)
October 12 2008, 12:52 AM

Hi there,
Any update on the progress of your macrolane injections?

(no login)
Re: Macrolane - my experience
October 12 2008, 8:08 AM

You can find the recent posts on macrolane injections on the breast surgery forum page.

(no login)
just had macrolane done yesterday
January 13 2009, 3:43 PM

Well, after reading so much about it and finally deciding o get it done i wanted to share my experiences with you.
Honestly, truely, I found the whole experience excrutiating and was in agony. To begin, when he was putting in the local I thought, 'ok, i can deal with this'. Then the last few injections were absolutely terrible. The nurse did her best but I was in such pain. She gave me gas and air which did nothing and i felt stopped me from concentrating on my breathing. They were concerned about me so checked my BP.
By the end of the first one I counldt imagine having to do it again on the other side! but of course it had to be done! So it was done and, even though it was painful didnt seem quite so bad as the first side but maybe because I knew what to expect!
After the end they slowly raised me up so i could see them. they looked great but to be honest i was in so much pain i wasnt much interested!! I can describe it as feeling like a tonne of bricks was on my chest, which is exactly how a friend who had her BA described it.
I was given some time to recouperate. I must say they did ask me how I felt about if i had been given the opportunity to be 'more out of it'. I would have MUCH rather that! They did say a GA wasnt optional but an injection that made you feel 'drunk' could potentially be an option in the future.
The nurse also told me that it seems ladies who have breast fed possibly felt less pain than those who hadn't. Maybe due to more skin tissue etc.
I said I didn't know how I'd cope with the top up after that, but the DR told me that the next time would be fine as there was space for it now.
This was all yesterday. I was given strong pain relief and have taken it! and anti biotics for 3 days. I'm not a pill-taking person but I'm on the pain relief meds for sure! And am strapped tightly into TWO sports bras which seems to be helping a little. I woke up every hour on the hour last night and took 2 codine in the middle of the night.
So, you ladies do need to know how painful it is (and I'm really not a wimp!) the dr kept saying I may faint but I'm not a fainting person but I got a pain through my arms and a feelig like pins and needles down to my finger tips for a while.
I hope that the Drs will offer more pain relief during this procedure as its really NOT a breeze at all! There is no way you could go back to work the next day - I couldnt even make my lunch appt today as I couldnt get dressed easily, let alone drive! you will def need a few days to recover after and taking a deep breath is painful even with the pain meds it feels uncomfortable.
Hope this helps!

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