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Journey With BB


LOL Super Boob! You got me there.

I am finally able to get hold on the internet and a laptop to surf. Anyway I didn't take any protein at this cycle since I left Malaysia few weeks back. I manage to buy a protein liquid mix just now (I am in London right now). I down it and it tasted like cough mixture. My period should be due this week while I am here in London.

I was touring around Europe for the pass 10 days and the tour was like mad as I was changing hotel everyday taking bus from one country to another. I toured with a group of people from Singapore (I got the tour package from a travelling agency). I was being discriminated because I am a Malaysian. The people who discriminate me and my Malaysian friends are also Chinese like myself. I am so glad that my tour with them has ended and now I am in London on a extended holidays.

Sorry the last part is a little off topic but I just want to pour my heart out.

I am on my 24th week of BB pills. Didn't manage to keep my last cycle growth, reason being I am not consistent with the whey protein isolate while I am in Europe. I only manage to do 2 days of protein (whey protein) throughout my whole journey. So in the future when I don't have my protein I will also stop the BB pills because it is seriously a waste of money and time that I end up not gaining anything. SOB SOB!

I am also recuperating from a cold I bring back from London. I am trying to catch up on my growth and I refuse all kinds of medicine and only sticking to my supplements. Crazy me! Everything is still manageable. Hope the recovery will be complete this week.

Hi crystalelle,what a bummer that you couldn´t keep your growth, but at least you know what the problem was, and can fix it.

im curious though, what where your messurements right now??

Hi Nessa,

My initial measurement is
Bust Measurement Ribcage = 28 1/4"
Bust Measurement Around = 29 3/4"

My current measurement is
Bust Measurement Ribcage = 28 1/4"
Bust Measurement Around = 31 1/4"

So is still and exactly 1.5" of growth.

My target growth is C cup which is going to be 35" and it will need 4" more to go. If I am consistently growing 1/2 inch per month like I use to I need about 8 months to complete.

I am silently praying hard that it will go well.

I was suppose to have ovulation pain last week. I didn't officially spotted any pain and I was trying to expect it, because every time the pain hit me I know the next day my breast will have growing pain. I don't have ovulation pain this time around could it be that my DIM-plus has been reduce. So I up it again to 4 a day. I haven't have growing pain at all this time and my menstrual will start end of next week.

My libido is up this time unlike the previous month where it is very low though.

A little anxious now!

Forgot to log my entry last week (26th week). OK last week I have 0.5 inch of growth though I don't feel soreness only some crazy tingles. I had my menses last Friday evening so after 4 days the measurement is still there.

I begin my journey with a 32AAAA after 1/2 a year I manage to grow 2 inches and knock 2 As out from my list of As so now I am a 32 AA.

For this cycle I am going to take 1-2 months break depending on situation. Now what I am going to do this month is I am going to do a NAP parasite cleanse which is going to take me 20 days. A parasite cleanse is good since I have been taking plenty of raw glandular for so many months and I don't know what kind of unseen creepy crawlies that is in the glandular. After 20 days of the parasite cleanse I will do a 10 days of liver cleanse either milk thistle or the liver and gall bladder flush. I can't decide now because at this moment Malaysia seems to run out of bottled organic apple juice which is a must for the cleanse.

I am also quite tempted to try Faerycat recommendation Sea Buckthorn oil. I am going to do a little more research on that first. Came across some relevant review of Supercritical Omega 7 that some of the women mention that it enhance the female figure. Sounds tempting but they didn't put emphasis on where it actually enhance because of the lack of scientific fact and afraid they might misled others. If I fall into temptation (assuming) I will stop my BO for sometime being because I am not sure is the phyto-estrogen in Sea Buckthorn that is doing the trick. No I am not selling of my BB of cause. Just that I want to try different thing as I am getting a little bored popping BB pills everyday for the pass 1/2 year. Tongue

Wow crystalelle, your growth is pretty amazing. I bet you will reach your goal in no time!Smile

Also sorry for not replying to your last post. I was away from the internet and all.
Yea I've heard about some of the discrimination in Europe. My boyfriend (who is Japanese) just went to Spain and France, and I was actually kind of scared that he might run into something like that, but he didn't. Which is good. I guess it really depends on where you go and who you are around.
Anyways, I'm sorry to hear that you experienced that. People can be so cruel.

Super Boob : Yeah discrimination just run everywhere and I thought I am living in an age that consider as civilize. Sigh!
6th day into my menstrual cycle, lucky me that my 0.5 inch is still here. So I guess is going to stick. Today is also 6th day into NAP parasite cleanse. I kept having the feeling and the urge to visit the toilet for some reason maybe body is trying to purge all parasites out.

Latest plan for this cycle. After the NAP parasite cleanse ends (14 more days to go) I will do the liver detoxification and regeneration by NOW until the end of the cycle.

I am taking a break from BO for now but I am going to experiment with Pharma Nord Omega 7 Sea Buckthorn Oil for 2-3 months. I will need to purchase it first from Amazon UK and pray hard that I could find a distributor that will ship it all the way to Malaysia.

crystalelle: Meh, just wait til you see a country that is overly sexist. Oh! or talking to someone who admits they are a white supremacist. :s

What does the Pharma Nord Omega 7 Sea Buckthorn Oil do by the way? I haven't heard of it before.

Hiya Super Boob,

You probably miss the thread set by Fearycat. She says she have amazing growth with Sea Buckthorn oil by Pharma Nord. Out of curiosity I went google searching for information for Sea Buckthorn and I found good amount of information about it and some even claim it makes their body more feminine though they can't specific says how because according to them there is no intensive research on that area so they can't specify it. My guess is their boobies or hips become bigger that is how you will usually tell people that your body become more feminine right. LOL!

Since I am taking a break on BO after 1/2 year taking it everyday, I tell myself what the hell just go ahead and try Sea Buckthorn oil since I still want the girls to grow and grow. I am planning for 2-3 months of Sea Buckthorn oil before going back on BO.

char, one of our sweet member here inform me yesterday swansonvitamins is selling Sea Buckthorn oil which is very affordable but the oil only comes from the fruits and not the seeds while Pharma Nord oil derive from both the fruits and the seeds. So I am not sure yet which one I should choose. So far I know seeds of all fruits contain more nutrition and is more potent compare to the fruits. I will check with her again on the results since she is going to buy it I think.

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