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Thought this would be helpful


Recently I have been getting quite a bit of e-mails from people about my NBE program. I'm not sure why a few people are drawn to my program because I've only gained 1 cup size although it has been a fast growth. Maybe its because I'm using an Ainterol PM product which some people have posted some bad things about. Well, just to be helpful I thought I would post one of the e-mails I sent out to one of the girls who asked me about my program. I took her name out of it for her privacy just in cause and just left all of the useful information.

"I'd be happy to answer your questions. PM has been working great for me. I started in late April/early June and Ive been taking it for about 2 months. I was orginally a size AA and I've gained 2inches so now I am an size A. That is not my goal but it is a great start considering its only been 2 months. My growth has slowed but I can feel tingles and soreness coming back to my breast so I think I was just on a slow growth cycle for a few weeks. The recommended dosage for ainterol PM according to the ainterol website is 2capsules which is 1000mg. But because I've heard that ainterol's PM is grown in the wild and may not have as strong of an effect as other expensive PM products I take 3 capsules daily which is 1500mg. There is another website called that has a lot of useful information on PM if you look under their FAQ section. It helped me a lot and I believe it will help you. I also take Saw Palmetto and Fenugreek 3 times daily with my PM because the ainterol website says that these herbs really help with the growth process (I'm currently researching Fenugreek because Ive heard that it works against PM but from my growth results it does not seem that way.) Saw Palmetto helps to cancel out testosterone which is very helpful for me because I have higher then usual levels of testosterone for a female. So, if you have high levels of testosterone I recommend that you take Saw Palmetto with your PM herbs. Along with the PM, Saw Palmetto, and Fenugreek I take two other supplements called PABA and GABA. I have been researching them the last few days to get more information about these two supplements. PABA is suppose to be in the B-vitamin family but it is not a vitamin (weird right? hah). PABA is good to take with any herbal mix because it helps with cell division and developing healthy red blood cells. That means that it really helps speed up the process of breast growth and its really good for you in other ways! I take 200mg of PABA daily but if you decide to take PABA also make sure you do not go over 400mg daily (I learned that in an article about PABA I researched one time). If to much PABA is taken then it gets left over in your liver and can cause an unhealthy liver (kind of like taking to much tylenol) but that has only happened to people who have taken over 1gram of PABA daily. Now, GABA on the other hand, can be taken in much higher dosages. I have been only taking 750mg daily of GABA but I just found out today that the best results come from taking 2grams daily. GABA stimulates the body in a certain way to make it produce a natural Growth Hormone which helps with the production of protein! This is a great supplement to take because I noticed that my growth slowed down very fast when I ran out of GABA and wasn't taking it for a few weeks. Here is a link to an article about GABA on, it really has a lot of helpful information!:

If you read the article is says it also helps prevent aging and helps you lose weight! I haven't really noticed these effects myself but as soon as I start adding more GABA to my routine I will let you know. The best thing about GABA and PABA is that it is really cheap =). With all the supplements I take now its way cheaper then buying a company made breast enlargement program and it works better because its just for me! I really recommend that you check your hormone levels so that you know which products are best for your body. If you have low levels of progesterone then I suggest that you use a progesterone creme (which you can buy online) and use it during your breast massaging. I do not have to worry about progesterone because my birth control causes my progesterone levels to level out perfectly.

Another thing to know is that a PM NBE programs shows its top results after 6 months. At least that's what I have read on this forum and on PM informational websites. So, after 6months on PM that's about as big as your going to get. As soon as my 6months on PM is over I plan to switch to a different program...maybe a bovine ovary program? I'm not sure yet.

I really hope all of that helped!

Also, for your other questions. Yes, my size has stayed and my goal is to get to a size C but I'm sure that will take a lot of time and effort which I'm willing to do. =)"

That is not the exactly e-mail because I had to fix a few typos but its pretty much the same. =)

mmm... i read the article and it said that Gaba helps fat preventing, because it stimulates HGH, i mean if breasts are basically adipose tissue, then wouldn't Gaba prevent their growing, or does the fat preventing part is to minimal to actually prevent breast growth???

But on the other part i also think that we all have HGH on some level, and Gaba is only helping us produce more, so if were encouraging breast growth we need HGH, and since were ''supposedly'' not doing anything to prevent fat, then that souldn´t be an issue on breast growth?? right?

(26-07-2010, 03:55)Nessa Wrote:  mmm... i read the article and it said that Gaba helps fat preventing, because it stimulates HGH, i mean if breasts are basically adipose tissue, then wouldn't Gaba prevent their growing, or does the fat preventing part is to minimal to actually prevent breast growth???

But on the other part i also think that we all have HGH on some level, and Gaba is only helping us produce more, so if were encouraging breast growth we need HGH, and since were ''supposedly'' not doing anything to prevent fat, then that souldn´t be an issue on breast growth?? right?

I hope this answers your question Nessa. I originally came across the idea of using GABA in the Flat2Fab NBE program book. In order to grow breasts you need to have a balance of estrogen, progesterone, prolaction, testosterone and growth hormone. The book helps by saying there are two ways to help increase your natural production of growth hormone. These two ways are (1) supplementing with GABA and (2) diet, exercise, and good sleep habits.

By using GABA, although it does help you lose weight, it helps your body balance to a healthy weight which will help you grow your breasts. Just because your losing weight it does not mean that your not going to grow any more breast tissue. I, myself, am a very thin person and I still have been trying to lose weight on problem areas but my breasts are still growing at a very nice rate even though I am still losing weight.

GABA is already naturally found in your body. In the Flat2Fab book it actually says you probably don't need to worry about taking GABA unless your over 30 years of age because that is when your growth hormone production starts to slow down but I am still taking it for an extra boost. I know that it has been helping me with my results. The growth hormone just helps you stimulate your body to say "HEY! Start growing and fast!".

Here is the section about GABA in the Flat2Fab program (I hope I don't get in trouble for this...but I really suggest that people buy this book because it has a lot of really useful information!) :

Supplementing with GABA

GABA is an amino acid (a protein building block) that is naturally found in your body. GABA's job is to communicate messages through brain cells; there are large amounts of it found in the hypothalamus gland. Because the hypothalamus gland regulates the pituitary gland - which is primarily responsible for manufacturing growth hormone - researchers have discovered a link between GABA and growth hormone.
Since GABA is an amino acid, it can be made into a nutritional supplement from protein. Many studies have proven GABA's ability to effectively increase growth hormone levels. In one study, researchers found that supplementing with GABA led to a five-fold increase in growth hormone levels after only ninety minutes!
GABA is recommended for women over the age of thirty. By taking a moderate dose of GABA before bed, you can easily boost your body's production of growth hormone. It can even help you get a good night's sleep: GABA promotes sleep and relaxation so effectively, it is known as the brain's "natural Valium."

NOTE: Because taking GABA increases growth hormone so quickly I try taking it at night. Ill take it about an hour before my nightly massage because it supposedly is at its peak then. I'm not sure if this is true but I try to do my massage around that time hopes that it may help stimulate breast growth faster and concentrate more on the breast tissue. Does this just sound silly or does anyone think this may help? I'm just trying different things never know what will really help you.

Thank you so much for answering my question, now I understand that It helps you getting a Healthy weight, and I think thath taking Gaba at night makes sense, cos when you sleep Is when your body recovers, that's why 8 hours of sleep Is so important.

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