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Calilove236's Program


Hey guys so I've been ghosting around on this site for several months now and decided it's time to really start in on an NBE program. A little background about me: Im a 22 yr old female. Ive been unusually slender and baby-faced since childhood. I had a LOT of stress in my childhood paired with a terrible diet of mainly starch and fast food. By the time I hit puberty at 13 I had chronic stomach and sinus issues that doctors diagnosed as stress-related. I was a picky eater and preferred candy and bread to fruits and vegetables. My periods were irregular from the start, they would go missing for months at a time and when they did show up they were either really heavy or really spotty. I wasn't involved in any sports of any kind from 13 to 21 yrs old! It wasn't until recently that I even understood the concept of fitness. To make matters worse, I played with different birth controls all during those 8 years. I was terrible with it, Id be one on brand for a month, switch to another for 3 months, forget to take it for days at a time, switch again, and on and on to the point where I was spending mornings throwing up from the hormonal imbalance I was putting my body through. I ate mainly pizza and junk and developed a drinking habit during this time. Additionally my mom seems to have an imbalance as well with terrible mood swings and her menopause took her out of work numerous times. She has a similar body to mine but her mother and sisters are all very curvy. The women on my dads side are also very well built so Im thinking there was a hormonal shortage between my mom and I.
My body has barely changed in the last 10 years. I feel like I have a 12 yr olds body with the only curve being my booty. 5ft 4in, 115lbs and 32-26-37 those are my measurements. I don't think im supposed to look like this! I've put my poor body through hell so this is going to be quite a long journey of establishing fitness and healthy eating habits plus NBE habits. Id like to you guys on my progress of not only NBE but healing chronic issues I've had for years.

Right now I have a lot of symptoms of hormonal deficiency. I've been off birth control pills for almost 2 years and I've almost stopped drinking completely save for an occasional beer with friends. Id like to stop altogether AND stop drinking coffee as I've heard its crucial for starting NBE.
I appreciate ANY advise, especially from people who have a similar background to mine and were successful. Thanks for reading!

Current Program:
PC monthly from last day of period to first day of next period
trying desperately to eat more veg and cut out starches and sugars completely
I just began taking Maca extract, a full round of vitamins, and a Women's Libido herbal supplement.
Detox tea 2-3 cups a day
And need to stop drinking caffeine

Current Symptoms:
menstrual fatigue like extreme can't move my muscles fatigue
irregular bleeding
flat chest + big butt which I've heard is e-dom
very skinny and can't gain weight
chronic sinus infection
chronic bacterial vaginosis
vaginal dryness and sexual issues prior to infection
dry eyes mouth and skin
itchy crawling feeling on whole body with no rashes at all
hair changed from soft and silky to frizzy dry and unmanageable
hot flashes and irregular sweating even on non menstrual days
muscle weakness

That's where im at right now, barely starting! Measurements are 32A-26-37 and im shooting for a full B to start with, but hoping for a full C or small D like the other women in my family.

Good luck :) let us know how PC works on girls with big butts, I read it's meant to work the best but I cant find anyone who sells it in UK :(

Goodluck CaliWink
And Amanda what about dr John Lee's pc cream?

(26-10-2015, 22:08)Hannah14 Wrote:  And Amanda what about dr John Lee's pc cream?

Oo, thanks, I have look it up and it is available in the UK, but currently out of stock, I will keep my eyes pealed though Smile

(23-10-2015, 23:47)amandakix Wrote:  Good luck Smile let us know how PC works on girls with big butts, I read it's meant to work the best but I cant find anyone who sells it in UK Sad

Thank you! Yes Ive read that estrogen dominance + progesterone deficiency means small breasts and a large butt so im hoping to make it right with PC

10/30/2015 Day 7 (Week 1 Update)

So I had started my cycle, but it's been going on waaaay longer than usual. Im wondering if this is from Maca Root? It is estrogenic. I also have acne and my hands and feet are FREEZING. My fingers feel like icicles and being around the fridge or if the AC is on, it chills me to the bone. Im a little moody top. Im not sure if this is good or bad? Does it mean I have too much estrogen or is my body just becoming accustomed to the hormonal changes?

Current Routine:
PC cream dollop about the size of a quarter
Maca extract 673mg 3 times a day
Gaia Herbs Women's Libido capsules 3 times a day
Women's One
Candida Support
Theanine 100
St Johns Wort

I was drinking a detox tea but I didn't drink it all week
Still drinking coffee in the mornings :/ Not sure how to stop since I work 7 days a week it doesn't afford for a time to detox.
I haven't noticed any significant changes in my body besides acne, body temp, and a long period. I've lost weight because I'm not eating well or much which isn't so good for NBE.
I recently found out that late onset of puberty does run in my family. One of my moms sisters didn't start developing until she was 16. I started showing slight signs at 14 but that's still kind of late. I was rail thin all through my teen years and subsisted on a diet of mainly sugar and bread during the day with only one good meal of chicken, rice, and broccoli in the evening. I think I had one apple every 2-3 days. So it must've slowed me down and also it set in some bad eating habits that I've carried until now. I drop weight really fast!

11/19/15 (Week 3.5 Update)

So at the advice of some well known users on here I dropped both Maca and PC because I was experiencing chills and ice cold hands and feet. My body just wouldn't warm up and I was extremely cold-sensitive which is a symptom of E-Dom still. I feel a lot better if not slightly moody. I've noticed my moods take an extreme dip right before my cycle starts, I suffered from PMS all of my life.

Current Routine:
Trying to eat right!
Taking vitamins daily

Unfortunately I started smoking again and I still drink coffee. Now I get to quit both! Im trying to get my diet right and gain weight and neither smoking or drinking coffee helps.
I discovered some new possible ideas as the underlying causes of my health problems. Adrenal fatigue, malabsorption/leaky gut, and liver stagnation. All of these things really can be solved with diet though so again, trying to focus on eating properly before I try hormonal herbs or an exercise regimen.

Hi calilove, your story sounds really similar to mine! Your measurements are pretty much spot on with mine. I'm really slender and have a baby face also, it sucks honestly lol. I hate getting underestimated because I look like a high schooler. So hopefully getting boobs will help haha.

So what hormonal herbs were you looking into? Right now I'm doing a BO program since it's pretty simple and it's good for us ladies that felt like we didn't go through puberty as we were supposed to. Also it is good for ladies who are estrogen dominant or progesterone deficient. I know some people are wary of BO but I haven't had any bad experiences with it.

Good luck with growing!Smile try adding a spearmint tea maybe? It inhibits testosterone as well.

(19-11-2015, 22:08)sweets93 Wrote:  Hi calilove, your story sounds really similar to mine! Your measurements are pretty much spot on with mine. I'm really slender and have a baby face also, it sucks honestly lol. I hate getting underestimated because I look like a high schooler. So hopefully getting boobs will help haha.

So what hormonal herbs were you looking into? Right now I'm doing a BO program since it's pretty simple and it's good for us ladies that felt like we didn't go through puberty as we were supposed to. Also it is good for ladies who are estrogen dominant or progesterone deficient. I know some people are wary of BO but I haven't had any bad experiences with it.

Good luck with growing!Smile try adding a spearmint tea maybe? It inhibits testosterone as well.

Hi, yeah it really gets old after awhile to hear "you don't look 22" or "I thought you were a high schooler!". I was using vitex when I very first looked into NBE. I felt good on it but then I read a post on here about avoiding vitex while you're still in your early 20s because it can make your boobs flat? Then I tried shatavari and that is supposed to amplify the hormone levels you already have. I was already e-Dom so it magnified my poor hormone levels and I ended up with nausea, sweating, diarrhea and chills. that one is recommended to take AFTER you balance your hormone levels with each other first. then I tried maca root extract. that one I enjoyed because it gave me energy and libido but I lost a lot of weight on it and I noticed my body became less feminine and I got acne. it's estrogenic but it amplifies your testosterone too I guess?
im a little wary of taking BO, what's your experience with it so far?

11/28/15 Week 4 Update

So I stopped completely taking PC and Maca and my hands have pretty much gone back to normal. I feel like I did before I ever started taking them. I still have random cold sensitivity and other symptoms of e-Dom but its relieving to at least have knocked out a couple options when there are so many to choose from with NBE. I added Apple cider vinegar & water to my daily routine to heal my body because I've heard it's really good for your pH balance. after taking several courses of antibiotics and eating poorly for years AND drinking, I have chronic sinusitis and chronic feminine bacterial issues (also linked to e-Dom). The ACV and water is supposed to help.
Current Program:
Eating 3 healthy meals a day
Women's Multi
ACV + water 1-2 times a day
Sleeping at least 8 hrs

I had picked up a smoking habit that im trying to stop as of today as well as im still drinking coffee. Quitting coffee may take a long time because I work 7 days a week and I don't have time to withdraw from coffee. I lost some weight from smoking which im not too happy about so im hoping that i can gain it back if I stay away from it.

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