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Kiss and Makeup thread


I suppose this is a good place to put it. In hopes that any and all will post their makeup questions and/ or tips and links for those who are just starting out, or want to try a fresh look :p.

I know i am always looking for something new Smile

(26-11-2015, 00:15)Tanya Marie Squirrel Wrote:  I suppose this is a good place to put it. In hopes that any and all will post their makeup questions and/ or tips and links for those who are just starting out, or want to try a fresh look :p.

I know i am always looking for something new Smile
contouring,, right now id like to get that down.. also i know this is slightly off the subject,, but hair color... For some reason black hair doesnt work for me, it intensifies the harsher features i have,, is there a use of makeup that might soften those more manly parts of my face.
I know this is probably beginner stuff, my question,,, but im a beginner so go figure.

There are quite a few videos and tutorials online, I have not mastered the contouring yet. From what a see your going to need to buy tonnes of makeup and lots of brushes.

Like building a house, you have to first lay the foundation. In this case... first step BEFORE you even think of applying makeup, is to moisturize. If you decide to do layers of moisturization, start with the lightest/ thinnest viscocity moisturier. I am partial to a hyaluronic acid application , then a vitamin E enriched moisturizer. The hyaluronic acid helps plump the skin, filling any tiny wrinkles, it is hrydrophillic and will absorb water, so make sure your face is moist before applying. Once your moisturizers are absorbed, apply your foundation ( best to apply makeup before getting dressed. )

As i mentioned in another thread. I used to use a "pan' stick one shade darker than my skin tone, and mineral powder one shade lighter than my skin tone so it all evened out to my natural tone.

I find it necesary to apply in this order:
1. Moisturizer
2. Foundation.
3. Eyeliner.
4. Blush or bronzer and eyeshadow
5. Mascara
6. Clear lip liner
7. Lipstick
8. Lip gloss.

I know this is a no brainer for most, however, for those new to the makeup scene, its just a place to start.

Also to note: beware of the 'mask' look ...that is when you only do makeup from chin up..if your tone is off, it will look like you are wearing a mask.

I like using a liquid foundation, it helps even out any uneven surfaces.

I prefer using a bronzing powder over using blush. Since i have dark hair and my skin tone is on the lighter side, it helps me not look as pale ( especially in winter when you really dont get enough sun to tan naturally). It also brings out my Hazel brown eyes. :p.

I also go with the smokey eyes. It goes along well with my dark hair.
If i try to use too much bright colored eyeshadow, it wouldnt look right on me.

When applying blush. First take your hand, locate your cheekbone. Start from slightly below and brush from front to back. Another thing to mention. As you load u your blush brush, like an artist painting a canvas, tap the excess off the brush before applying. It is easier to add more than to remove it, and your foundation in the process. In my opinion, blush should only 'hint' at being there, just enough to contour your face.

Bonus tip with eyebrow pencil and bronzing powder: to make your cleavage more noticable on webcam, using a brown eyebrow pencil, draw a 'Y' between your breasts like this:

( @ ) Y ( @ )

Next, smudge the 'Y' with your index finger to soften the line. Next, use bronzing powder on the outside of the Y. ( follow the rounded contour of your breast). If done correctly it will enhance your cleavage in the webcam. You only want to use enough to give your cleavage a sun kissed look and shadowing.

The thing i cannot stress enough is practice, practice, practice.
Applying makeup is an artform. You are your own artwork. Take the time to research, fiddle around try something new or different , if it doesnt look right to you, just wipe it off and try again.

When i first started, i got all sorts of magazines like vogue to look at the professional makeup artists work on the models ( you thought they did their own makeup?)
And yes, there are plethoras of websites that instruct you on a step by step how to.

Put your best face forward :p

Bonus tip: do not sleep in your makeup. Not only will it ruin your pillowcase, it can ruin your face. Over time, sleeping in your makeup can age your skin. It can clog your pours, cause acne and other skin maladays. I like using makeup remover wipes..


Our skin builds up layers of dead skin and other evironmental things ( hair spray, cleaning chemicals, etc).
The skin is the largest organ of the body. So we need to take care of it.
Most important is hydration. If you are dehydrated, you are prematurely aging your skin. Drink plenty of water.

Take collagen suppliments and eat gelatin. Both are good for skins elasticity.exfoliate at least once a week. I like using a himalayan pink salt scrub. With 84 trace minerals, Hps helps feed the skin.

I also use a cucumber melon face peel. Its cold and gooey going on, but dries and tightens the skin.peel it off and you can see dead skin .yucky but fascinating.

And when your done.....moisturize, mosturize, moisturize!

Bonus tip: to show uou how fast your skin absorbs things, if you put lavender oil on your wrist, fifteen minutes later, your breath will smell like lavender.

I believe a trip to a makeup artist or a good makeup store like Sephora can train you to use the right colors and shades and even how to apply it. I heard of a beauty shop for transsexuals in New York for complete makeovers. Also, some places do nails, wax, and do hair/extensions/threading/tattooing makeup. These skills can be learned there.

(26-11-2015, 11:20)jannet.duff Wrote:  There are quite a few videos and tutorials online, I have not mastered the contouring yet. From what a see your going to need to buy tonnes of makeup and lots of brushes.
Yes Jannet,, already ordered some hun,,lol,, its been pretty crude work so far, for like advanced finger painting,,,. Its amazing the range of shades they have,, so you really have to plan out a look, dont you. Ive wanted to experiement with Theda Bara type vamp makeup, but im intimidated by the
It does look interesting though,, just have to do it one night, and see..a bit more research first.

(26-11-2015, 16:10)Tanya Marie Squirrel Wrote:  Exfoliation!

Our skin builds up layers of dead skin and other evironmental things ( hair spray, cleaning chemicals, etc).
The skin is the largest organ of the body. So we need to take care of it.
Most important is hydration. If you are dehydrated, you are prematurely aging your skin. Drink plenty of water.

Take collagen suppliments and eat gelatin. Both are good for skins elasticity.exfoliate at least once a week. I like using a himalayan pink salt scrub. With 84 trace minerals, Hps helps feed the skin.

I also use a cucumber melon face peel. Its cold and gooey going on, but dries and tightens the skin.peel it off and you can see dead skin .yucky but fascinating.

And when your done.....moisturize, mosturize, moisturize!

Bonus tip: to show uou how fast your skin absorbs things, if you put lavender oil on your wrist, fifteen minutes later, your breath will smell like lavender.
That cool Tanya,,, it effects your breath,,? wow,,, that sounds like a very powerful reaction from the body,,, be careful hun.
I use lavender and tea tree oil in my lotions and bath water,5-9 drops, If used regularly ,,its supposed to jump start, gynocomastia,, especially younger individuals ,, or guys my age or Funny it works that way on pubescent teenage boys and older men,, a boob building offering,, that excludes 20ish to 40ish males isnt that odd you'd figure you'd benefit all the way to your male peek at 30-something..

Anyway before i forget my original point,,, lavender , tree tea oil, GOOD STUFF,, But always use a medium to mix it in oil etc, lotion even better im thinking. 100 % absorption so be careful Tanya,, putting any of those directly on your skin,,,.
A person can if there not careful build up a condition of toxicity ,, by increasing contact or internal use of a variety of things and overloading the body..
So if you do experiment with it as it seems you have( with undiluted stuff),, space out your usage.
I was poisoned in a similar matter by over contact with something else and became gravely ill.
So always use a carrier-lotion or oil for your potent elixer's .

AND i didnt miss the message! Hydrate, hydrate hydrate!lol.thanks !Smile

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