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HypnoticBody Hypno Program


I was on WonderUp for probably 6 months or so with little results. I mean, I grew a little, but it deflated and never came back. Dodgy I think maybe I was just retaining water. So, I decided to try to make my diet more breast friendly..yeah..that didn't last long. It was driving me nuts not being able to eat certain things. :s

I haven't been on the forum for a long time. The one day I actually decided to check things, I saw that there was a free hypno program. Smile An entire set of hypno cds that I can try for free! I've tried BlakeTalks (free), Dobson (paid), Steve G. Jones (paid), and even Rockmelon (free). I didn't really stick with any of them for various reasons. I'm definitely going to stick with the HypnoticBody one, though. It's been a week and I already feel a slight weight and a couple twinges last night. I was asked to answer a few questions, so I thought I'd share them:

Are the CDs relaxing?
Very much. I find the bells/gongs/chimes to be very relaxing.
Is the program difficult or easy? Easy.
Do you find it complicated deciding which CD to listen to today? No, I've planned out a schedule for myself.
Do you have the patience? For the most part.
Is it difficult to set aside 30min each day? Sometimes. My husband has been sick, so I've been busy taking care of him and working on plushie commissions and review assignments all at the same time.

Are you noticing warmth, tingling, puffiness, weight, firmness or glow? A little warming, plus a twinge and a slight weight. My bras feel a bit different, no tight, but different.
Do you think about breasts all day? (your own or other people's?) Not all day, but quite often.
Are you suddenly eating more? <-> Please email me if that's the case, I want to know WHAT you're eating more of, as this may be a good indication for some extra help. No, not really.

So, who else is on the HypnoticBody program? How long have you been doing it and do you feel anything yet? Did you spend a whole lot of time going over the manual to figure out a schedule for yourself, too? (I kind of wish an actual schedule would've been given instead of just guessing. Still, everyone is different and I guess it's better to figure out your own schedule.) What has your schedule been and how has it worked out for you? Mine has been:

Sunday: CD1
Monday: CD1
Tuesday: CD5, CD1
Wednesday: CD1
Friday: CD2
Saturday: CD1, CD4
Sunday: CD2
Monday: CD1

Hey! Thanks for sharing! I'm participating in the program as well. How much progress have you made so far? Today is my fifth day, and I've been listening to the recordings religiously every night before I go to bed. I didn't plan a program ahead of time, I'm just deciding what to use each day based on my needs. So far I've only used CD 1, which I loved, and CD 2 on the third day. I can't wait to listen to everything, but I think I'm not ready yet.

I hope other members will share their progress so far.

Start your CD2 soon, its a training CD and you can't use CD3 or CD6 without having completed the deep trance training (3-4x) first.

CD1 is fine, and it is the CORE program, but if you have lingering (hidden) issues regarding your breasts from your teen years, you will make more improvement with the CORE program if you've completed the CD2 and CD6 'Inner work' also.

CD4 and CD5 are boosters that teach you how you can reinforce your growth at any time in the day - adding to your toolbox.

Go for it! Do the other CDs!
If you need help with creating a program, you can email me directly (or some of the other girls on this forum can help you) its a good idea to create a plan, so that you don't forget to use CD3 and CD6 - or use them to often!

CD4 and CD5 you can learn as you get comfortable with the program.


Thank you, Anthony! I'm gonna try CD 2 right now, then do CD 1 again at night, as usual. I'll create a plan today and let you know if I need help.

Regarding listening to the CDs twice a day, is it better than once a day, worse, or it doesn't matter. I was thinking that doing it more often should make the program more intensive, and effective, but have been doing once a day because of time. I'll have more free time soon, and would like to know if doing it more often will be beneficial to my program or if it's too much. Thank you.

Very good question!
The main CDs are best to be used only 1x per day.
these are:

You can use CD4 and CD5 any time you feel you need to relax a bit or want to boost your focus on your breasts.

You'll quickly find that you can do the Energy Hands (from CD4)
and the Ear Pinch (from CD5) without the CDs.
In fact, it is recommended that you use the Energy Hands 1 or 2x per day (after you learn to do them without the CD) and the Ear Pinch ALL DAY...

You can do the ear pinch (and shout inside your head - without opening your mouth) anywhere! in-line at the ATM or grocery store, waiting for a bus, in the car while driving (without the CD!) really... the ear pinch is a great way to keep your body energy focused on progress.

Anthony :-)

Thank you for your response. I guess I already screwed up, because I did CD 1 and 2 on the same day a couple of days ago,Blush but I won't do it again.

Now I can't wait to move on to the other CDs, but I feel stuck because I don't get CD 2. I'm not sure how I'm supposed to feel, and I don't get this inner healer metaphor. What is it supposed to be? I was trying to figure it out on my own but I already listened to it twice so I thought I would ask, since the booklet says it typically takes 2 to 3 sessions on CD 2 before moving on to 3 and I don't want to get behind on my program because of it. Thanks.

Don't worry too much about screwing up. Its mostly just an 'energy drain' when you try and do too much at the same time.

Most of this hypno stuff needs to work on you gently over time. So forcing things is counter productive. Relaxing and allowing are key words with hypnosis.

as fo CD2- it is a deep trance trainer only. If you follow along with the story and allow yourself to relax super deep, your brain will know how to get to that relaxed state without needing a whole story to get there.

The relaxed state you're looking for is to relax your body so much that your body has gone to sleep, but your mind is relaxed and enjoying the peace and quiet of a simple, happy and content place.

Your body feels light and then you forget about it. It swallows and breathes etc. all by itself. No hunger, no thirst, no washroom... just nothing to do. And your brain usually thinks this is time for sleep... but while your body is so relaxed, and your mind is relaxed - but listening... alow your mind to drift and float, and let the CD do the rest. No need to concentrate on every word - in fact concentrating is counter-hypnotic.

Ask more questions, this is helpful for everyone on this program.


That makes sense. I think I was trying so hard to get it right, that I ended up making it harder than it had to be. I was like, ok, I got to the bottom of the pool, now what? Smile Now excuse me while I go listen to CD 2. Big Grin

Sorry I didn't respond earlier! I've had to reformat my tablet twice and our internet has sucked. I think I've made about half an inch of progress. However, I think some of the growth was due to swelling during my period. But that only happened once before I got off WonderUp, so I'll take it as a good sign. They don't usually swell during my period, so it must be my hormones working differently.

I was wearing my larger-than-my-breasts sports bras pretty much all of last week. Put on a normal bra today and it feels a little tight. Yay!

The only thing is, I have had problems a couple times relaxing too much. I've fallen asleep a couple times and wake up about 5 minutes into the next session. I hope that's ok. The only thing that worries me about that is that I don't remember anything from the session I fell asleep in. At least, I think I feel asleep. Could just be a deep trance, though.. I dunno.

Still getting random pains and itchyness. Yay! That means growth!

Has anyone else made any measurable progress?

Great to hear from you and congratulations on your growth! That's a lot!

My bras are fitting tighter too, but I haven't felt any pains or tingling or anything... which always makes me suspicious. The other thing is, I measured the other day and I'm actually a little smaller! but only 1 cm or so, but I'm much smaller everywhere else... I lost almost 4 inches around my waist and about an inch on my hips. [/u]

I don't know how much weight I lost but I know I lost a lot because of the way my clothes fit, and now because of the measurements... I was upset when I realized this yesterday, because I wasn't trying to lose weight, but considering how little I lost around the bust, and how the bra cups are actually fuller, I guess it's ok. We'll see what happens Smile

I was just used to that bigger number for the bust measurement, but as long as the boobs keep growing, I would love to keep the thin waist Tongue

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