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mind over matter


Back in my twenties and thirties i was heavily involved in the martial arts and did alot of reading as well as training.

I came across a story in either Black belt ,, or inside Kung Fu. magazine.
It was about a black belt that specialized in braking blocksof ice and tiles of stone, setting a number of records.

His name (i hope i get this rightlol) was Richie Barathy. He was a leader among these type of martial artists but suffered a terrible break of his bones of the hand , failing a world record.

Many thought his career was over,but Barathy was resolute in his hope that he could mend. So Mr Barathy began a practice at night, a exercise in visualization .

Each night as he lay preparing for sleep, he imagined a crew of guys going down his arm into his hand, and there they imagined them working all night on the damaged bone and tissue.

Now this might sound silly but it worked!,, apparently his skills of focus were strong enough that he healed very quickly and was able in a very short time to come back and Attempt the same brake again of a bunch of slabs of either rock or ice.

He succeeded and set that world record!
It seems to me if that is possible that that same idea could be used in a number of ways,, possibly a person could with sure belief, do this same form of visualization to possibly create growth? What are your ideas on it?

Yassss! I have studied this type of thing over the years, on and off. I learned about studies where children were taught to kill their own cancer cells, using the visualization of knights in armor at T-cells and stuff. What a great conversation to start.
I am totally into studies in the mind-body connection. I have, on occasion, convinced my body to work on some issue or other in my body. I experimented with "cell talking." I am currently studying this type of thing. I think that the toughest part of these techniques, is getting past the speed bumps in the mind. It reminds me of that scene in X-Men, where Prof. X is teaching Eric (pre-Magneto- oops, my geek is showing), how to manipulate objects- with the fine balance between anger and something else, to create actual power instead of trying to exert sheer force. I love that scene and every time I see it, I just get it, like that is the truth in ways that we may not understand, sometimes.

(28-09-2015, 06:19)char Wrote:  Yassss! I have studied this type of thing over the years, on and off. I learned about studies where children were taught to kill their own cancer cells, using the visualization of knights in armor at T-cells and stuff. What a great conversation to start.
I am totally into studies in the mind-body connection. I have, on occasion, convinced my body to work on some issue or other in my body. I experimented with "cell talking." I am currently studying this type of thing. I think that the toughest part of these techniques, is getting past the speed bumps in the mind. It reminds me of that scene in X-Men, where Prof. X is teaching Eric (pre-Magneto- oops, my geek is showing), how to manipulate objects- with the fine balance between anger and something else, to create actual power instead of trying to exert sheer force. I love that scene and every time I see it, I just get it, like that is the truth in ways that we may not understand, sometimes.
Coool,, exactly , and the example of the kids is really wild,and wonderful!,,, Im not sure if there's any psychic ability involved in it,maybe there is , but maybe theres just some latent ability in all of us we only see when stop to test ourselves that way. To see if our mind over matter is a reality. I did some experimenting with a camera 3 or 4 years ago and found i could concentrate and cause things to appear on film. I know that sounds crazy but i have 4 photographic examples of it happening .

I have been doing this for the last few nights- I use the example i spoke of early in my post, about the black belt repairing his hand , only i have imagined a crew going down into my breasts through tunnels in my chest and coming into this opening to hundreds of milk portals ?lol you know what i mean,lol. And they go in large and expand these areas during the night.( I try )to make sure i fall asleep imagining this,,i just started, we'll see where it goes if it works. (I know im crazier than batshit,,lol ) but ive found Char,( that the least expected isnt always the impossible.)BTW love the x-men films too.Smile


And how about the Matrix? Smile

(28-09-2015, 17:43)pom19 Wrote:  And how about the Matrix? Smile
Even with Keanu ,, it was goood!


Blush. and Wooohooo! I have definitely mentioned "The Matrix," in relation to strange events, even on this site about growing boobies. Hehehe. Let me be truthful with y'all and make a confession, here.
When I saw "The Matrix," I was a little freaked out for at least a week. I literally tested my finger on the wall and re-energized my interest in bending the not-spoon, just a smidgen bit! Ha! I tell ya, watching that movie was like a spiritual experience. It kind of summed up some suspicions that I had had in life and suddenly, there it was in technicolor! Later in life, I got into chaos theory, string theory, multi-verse theory, and of course the confounding theories of our "holographic universe." I am very thankful for my cranium. It is made of strong stuff, because sometimes the amount of stuff I tried to cram in there all at once, digest, and regurgitate to re-assess- was just mind blowing. It would boil an egg, y'all. Seriously, I wish I was the type to just wanna go buy shoes or watch reality television all day. It's exhausting just to think on it!

(29-09-2015, 06:35)char Wrote:  Blush. and Wooohooo! I have definitely mentioned "The Matrix," in relation to strange events, even on this site about growing boobies. Hehehe. Let me be truthful with y'all and make a confession, here.
When I saw "The Matrix," I was a little freaked out for at least a week. I literally tested my finger on the wall and re-energized my interest in bending the not-spoon, just a smidgen bit! Ha! I tell ya, watching that movie was like a spiritual experience. It kind of summed up some suspicions that I had had in life and suddenly, there it was in technicolor! Later in life, I got into chaos theory, string theory, multi-verse theory, and of course the confounding theories of our "holographic universe." I am very thankful for my cranium. It is made of strong stuff, because sometimes the amount of stuff I tried to cram in there all at once, digest, and regurgitate to re-assess- was just mind blowing. It would boil an egg, y'all. Seriously, I wish I was the type to just wanna go buy shoes or watch reality television all day. It's exhausting just to think on it!
LMAO,,,I wouldnt worry,,Your all right!,,They- say if a man ingests to much soy, too many phystrogen's it changes his mind as well as his body,,, well i had these strange preoccupations with mysteries,,, long before i took my first mouthful of
I wouldn't worry Char, there's something to be said for having a questioning mind,, i think your right where you need to be,,

My family thinks im lovable,,,, but defenitely out there,,,,and its cool, cause i like the air (out there) a little better anyway lol.
You love this stuff,, i got a book(a graffic novel) you need to read,, its called Jeremy Brood, (relativity) . Its by an artist named Richard Corben, and it has an heir to (the baroness of boobs throne .) Her name is char also.
Its weird and wild, but we probably wouldn't be interested if it wasn't would we? do a search on it, you might just have to have it,Smile


Cool! Thanks. I am definitely the "out there" one in my clan. Sometimes, I get the side-eye. But you know, they say there is water on Mars. You know what that probably means?! It might mean that they know a whole lot more than that! Disclosure is comin!!!! We'll see if I get the side-eye, then! Muhahaha! [Que rubbing hands together]Big Grin

(30-09-2015, 06:47)char Wrote:  Cool! Thanks. I am definitely the "out there" one in my clan. Sometimes, I get the side-eye. But you know, they say there is water on Mars. You know what that probably means?! It might mean that they know a whole lot more than that! Disclosure is comin!!!! We'll see if I get the side-eye, then! Muhahaha! [Que rubbing hands together]Big Grin
LOL,, your a trip,,! but defenitely a fun one,,,, I agree 100% its coming all right,, one of these day the people that laughed at Lori and i are gonna be walking by a window and suddenly do a double take at a few million pounds of machinery cruising by outside. And I just hope were there for just one good smirk. SIDE EYE!? Char,,You'll have people following you around wondering why (you) knew something they didn't. people hate that,lol

Mars, yep , some revelations are yet to come out of that rock,,,andwho knows for sure that the moon isnt a just a satellite , a hollow base? The astronauts suppossedly did tests and found there were reverebarations , bell like when they tested the surface. all good stuff!


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