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I got pregnant on PM.


(11-09-2015, 18:13)seraphic Wrote:  
(11-09-2015, 05:10)asl102392 Wrote:  The LadyComp has been so much more reliable and peaceful of an experience than charting alone-- I charted for 2 years and was always a nervous wreck... No matter which thermometer, it could never give me a clear temperature shift. My discharge without arousal was really hard to decipher as well Sad (also remember arousal fluid is different from regular discharge) I think I read on the LadyComp website that their thermometer measures to the highest degree for accuracy and is more accurate than tallying and comparing symptoms like FAM.

I've used FAM for 2 years and LadyComp for 3, almost 4 after. Never going back to FAM, but the knowledge is so useful!

I would consider giving LadyComp a try and chart for the first few months, it was a great transition. I believe their guarantee and return policy is good too? :wink:

Also thank you for the support. I wound up having to reschedule the surgery today because I was too early--they couldn't find anything on the ultrasound :/ I have to go back in 2 weeks. So much anxiety! *sigh*

Bleh. I wish the LadyComp wasn't so expensive. I am disabled and jobless. :/

True about the fluid, but doesn't taking it first thing in the AM before peeing and all that make it more accurate? Takes some time to get used to it. When I tried before, it wasn't easy to decipher for me, either.

So, are you going back to the LadyComp after this and not taking any herbs?

Sorry they made you wait. I found out around 5 or 6 weeks, was supposed to have it done within a week or two, and ended up having to wait until 9 weeks because of other medical conflicts and having too many surgeries that took precedence over mine. I was so miserable, because I had all of the pregnancy symptoms on what felt like full blast. I was a sick, hormonal, emotional mess at the end of it.

Oh yeah, be ready for your periods to be weird and irregular after the procedure for a while. It took me a long time to get back into being able to accurately record things because period was so messed up. I guess having a LadyComp might have helped during that instance.

I personally had a really hard time deciphering my fluids even first thing in the morning, so.. that was that. lol

I was thinking of going back on the pill... I haven't been on it since switching to FAM 5-6 years back, and perhaps weaning off it when I get married. I personally am not fond of the side effects I get on the pill, which is why I opted to go hormone-free. But I feel like this pregnancy is such a shock to me that I'd rather go on the pill and be safe until I can emotionally recover from this. :/

If Ladycomp is out of your budget, you can also try this thing called CycleBeads which is similar to Ladycomp's fertility window! I know they have a phone app called iCycleBeads and I use it along with FAM AND LadyComp just to get 3 separate measures of birth control. lol. Just log all your previous cycles and it should be all up to date Smile If you're interested in Ladycomp though try giving them a call? I know in Europe it's covered by health insurance I think, and they had a bunch of payment plans so I put down about $250 and paid it off in 6 months with a monthly of $50ish.

I'm emotionally bracing myself for the abortion procedure! I'm so glad I found a place that does general anesthesia AND covers unemployed/low income people with no health insurance (such as me, just lost my job 2 months ago including health insurance coverage), so I think it won't be as daunting as the abortion pill or getting the surgery done awake. I am trying to be positive!

maybe you could reconsider giving birth, and giving the baby up for adoption instead? you will gain a shit ton of boobs from the pregnancy. just a thought. and that way the baby gets a chance at life. and you might feel better about the situation. just wanted to throw some advice in, but it's your decision.

(21-10-2015, 02:44)princessisabella Wrote:  maybe you could reconsider giving birth, and giving the baby up for adoption instead? you will gain a shit ton of boobs from the pregnancy. just a thought. and that way the baby gets a chance at life. and you might feel better about the situation. just wanted to throw some advice in, but it's your decision.

If I was older, had a job and/or health insurance, I would have definitely taken that option. But seeing as I was laid off of work a few months ago and have had a hard time finding a job, I also haven't been able to afford health insurance either. And without a doubt, pregnancies requires a loooot of doctor's visits that I certainly wouldn't have been able to afford without income.

The procedure was quick and painless as I was put to sleep, but just because it wasn't troublesome doesn't mean it didn't come without the emotional burden. Although I believe it was the best decision for me at the time, I also partially regret the irresponsibility on my part and have faced the consequences. I've always been very careful about using the FAM method as I have been using it for many years, but regardless I can admit I was careless in not thoroughly doing my research and understanding how PM would affect my ovulation.

I'm still sad that my first pregnancy resulted in this, but I try to look to the bright side and see that when I am financially and emotionally ready to have a baby, I'll take care for it the best way I know I can. I just wasn't able to give a baby everything I wanted to this time around.

sorry to hear that. where I live, when you find out you're pregnant, you can get pregnancy insurance that will cover the doctor visits (United States) so any ladies out there worried about that here in the U.S., you don't have to be. and if you can't or don't want the baby, you can adopt it out. and there are zero copays for meds while pregnant.

(21-10-2015, 03:02)asl102392 Wrote:  
(21-10-2015, 02:44)princessisabella Wrote:  maybe you could reconsider giving birth, and giving the baby up for adoption instead? you will gain a shit ton of boobs from the pregnancy. just a thought. and that way the baby gets a chance at life. and you might feel better about the situation. just wanted to throw some advice in, but it's your decision.

If I was older, had a job and/or health insurance, I would have definitely taken that option. But seeing as I was laid off of work a few months ago and have had a hard time finding a job, I also haven't been able to afford health insurance either. And without a doubt, pregnancies requires a loooot of doctor's visits that I certainly wouldn't have been able to afford without income.

The procedure was quick and painless as I was put to sleep, but just because it wasn't troublesome doesn't mean it didn't come without the emotional burden. Although I believe it was the best decision for me at the time, I also partially regret the irresponsibility on my part and have faced the consequences. I've always been very careful about using the FAM method as I have been using it for many years, but regardless I can admit I was careless in not thoroughly doing my research and understanding how PM would affect my ovulation.

I'm still sad that my first pregnancy resulted in this, but I try to look to the bright side and see that when I am financially and emotionally ready to have a baby, I'll take care for it the best way I know I can. I just wasn't able to give a baby everything I wanted to this time around.

I am so very sorry Sad I hope that the future holds promise for you and gets better. I will pray for you. Hugs my dear!

I was wondering if PM increases or decreases fertility in the long run? I was always told it was hard for me to have kids, but lo and behold, the exact same thing happened to me. Except I was on Spironolactone and got pregnant literally within a month of being on it.. I feel your pain btw and my first pregnancy ended in abortion as well. This was last year. I was in school and jobless, and I was 3 months along. My periods were irregular then so I didn't think anything of it. I thought the pills would regulate my period and clear up my acne. After all was said and done the acne stayed away but I bled for months.. literally I soaked through a tampon and pad, and my clothes. I've gotten 4 true periods since then.

Anyways.. if anyone knows if Pueraria Mirifica will somehow decrease your fertility, maybe they could chime in. I honestly don't want that to happen, I want to stay on PM (if they wind up working) and still be able to get pregnant. I'm at that point in my life where I'm ready to have children, I'm done school, I have a great job, and I'd be crushed if PM somehow affected my ability to get pregnant. From what I've heard, it does the opposite, but hormones should be in a perfect balance for that to happen and PM only increases estrogen.

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