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Progesterone, vitex, and acne


I think I'm starting to make some connections here. I'd love to hear others thoughts.

So, I was on Mirena up until a couple years ago. Got off, didn't change much in the way of my mild to mild-moderate acne.

Tried another progesterone based IUD earlier this year (Skyla) and was immediately hit with the worst, nearly non-stop hormonal acne of my life. It was traumatizing for me and I have actual scarring now due to the severity, whereas my acne before never warranted such scarring. I got Skyla taken out a couple of months ago, and my skin was finally recovering, acne becoming less. My last cycle wasn't bad. But it's getting bad again.

A couple weeks ago I started on progesterone cream. My acne had been clearing up until that point, and my previous cycle not that bad, but a couple days following, bam. More acne. I tried not to blame the progesterone, and kept on for a week, but it was causing other issues, so I quit.

Skin started clearing up again and I was super happy.

Started vitex yesterday at 440mg, and woke up to another hormonal break out. Not sure it's possible I could react this quickly to it. I don't know. Could be more delayed effects from the progesterone, but I don't feel I took it long enough to stay in my system this long.

This really sucks, not to mention hurts emotionally and physically to have this sort of acne.

Any insight or sympathy is appreciated. Huh

Hugs and sympathy seraphic, I can't offer much in the way of insight, I read somewhere though that progesterone is fat soluble or something like that so it gets stored to be available later, or something along those lines, that's why very slim women with little body fat can have issues with progesterone deficiency, no fat to store it in. So it could well be from the cream. Try sticking with the vitex, give it time to have a proper effect and believe it will work for you, you mentioned hypnosis on my thread so I'm sure you already know the effects our beliefs can have on our bodies. Best of luck hun, hope your skin clears up soon Smile

Oh and for your scarring look up "carboxytherapy for scarring" I've been trying to research it for my stretch marks but there's no real proof to be found anywhere, photshop makes me very wary of Google images for these sort of things, I do plan on trying at least one session soon though to see if it works, if it makes any amount of difference I'll be sure to let you know Big Grin

(04-09-2015, 23:48)FireFly Wrote:  Hugs and sympathy seraphic, I can't offer much in the way of insight, I read somewhere though that progesterone is fat soluble or something like that so it gets stored to be available later, or something along those lines, that's why very slim women with little body fat can have issues with progesterone deficiency, no fat to store it in. So it could well be from the cream. Try sticking with the vitex, give it time to have a proper effect and believe it will work for you, you mentioned hypnosis on my thread so I'm sure you already know the effects our beliefs can have on our bodies. Best of luck hun, hope your skin clears up soon Smile

Thank you, Firefly. Hugs! <3 <3

I think that theory could apply to me. I will stick to the vitex to see if the symptoms pass. I definitely need to keep my mind on the positive. Things like this just set me backwards in that pursuit.

(04-09-2015, 23:52)FireFly Wrote:  Oh and for your scarring look up "carboxytherapy for scarring" I've been trying to research it for my stretch marks but there's no real proof to be found anywhere, photshop makes me very wary of Google images for these sort of things, I do plan on trying at least one session soon though to see if it works, if it makes any amount of difference I'll be sure to let you know Big Grin

I've never heard of this. Interesting (but scary because I hate needles and having anything injected!) Definitely keep me in the loop if you try it.

How about taking a much lower dosage of vitex. It could be a shock to the system as most herbs are. Why not go as low as 100 mg and work up as you see fit.

That would require buying a different bottle of vitex. The lowest I think I saw was 250mg. Ah well, maybe I will.

(05-09-2015, 00:30)seraphic Wrote:  That would require buying a different bottle of vitex. The lowest I think I saw was 250mg. Ah well, maybe I will.
Why don't you halve the pill or capsule, that's all I do

(05-09-2015, 00:41)ELLACRAIG Wrote:  
(05-09-2015, 00:30)seraphic Wrote:  That would require buying a different bottle of vitex. The lowest I think I saw was 250mg. Ah well, maybe I will.
Why don't you halve the pill or capsule, that's all I do

Can't really halve a capsule I don't have another capsule to split it into...unless it's ok to take without? I'm worried it won't be transported properly to where it needs to go without the capsule.

I think the acne is from the effects of increased LH (lutenzing hormone), and possibly the fatty acids in Vitex (linoleic acid) which is a polyunsaturated omega-6 fatty acid. Omega 6 can cause inflammation, aka ACNE. You'll need to add an anti-inflammatory (omega 3). Chia seeds are a good source of omega 3's. Don't use fish oil, (increases free testosterone). I wouldn't advise flax seed either. Imo krill oil for omega 3, but it's expensive. Chia seeds are about $10.00 for 12oz. Vitex is ok at 200 to 500mg, below 200 might increase prolactin. One study showed that Vitex compares to fluoxetine (generic Prozac).

Hey, no big deal. You live you learn. (We've all been through this). I should've told u all this yesterday, sorry. Like I said, I didn't want to hijack your thread. Rolleyes


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