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New Subliminals


Hi y'all.
Hope all is well and boobie dreams are coming true for the best.
Since we like to share, here are some subliminals and stuff that I have recently found on YouTube. I also tried some them because they don't require watching the video:

This is a series of 8 very easy on the ear subliminals. This is the play list, but they may also be listened to individually:

This is also a very pleasant one and short! Only 5 minutes, for that quick fix:

Speaking of short: This one is a tiny visual! It's about 20 seconds. As I prefer only listening, I cannot speak for it:

This is one of my favorites, as well:

This is another fairly easy to listen (though weird one), may be appealing to y'all:

It is fairly random how these things appear in You Tube, sometimes. I have tried various searches and sometimes the most obvious just don't come up in the list. Glad I found some of these!

Thank you for posting these Smile

You are very welcome! Big Grin I am going to make another post, promptly. I think this brain entrainment is really helping! I have tried other such programs in the past, but I think my new playlist is more effective. And it is so convenient for me to just listen to music a few times a day.
Here are a couple more subliminals that I have also added to my new breast enhancement playlist. Oh, by the way, make sure to drink plenty of water while doing brain entrainment. And make sure, as some videos advise to take breaks as you listen (to rest the mind/body so they can do the good workSmile)and listen for less than 12 hours a day.

Here is my master subliminal. I like this because it helps boost my confidence, helps me feel happy and energized. I read through the comments and it works great for lots of people. I decided to try it because I heard many good opinions about it on another forum. Most of us are working on other things besides NBE and this takes care of it all, pleasantly and neatly. I am happily enjoying by how great and clear I feel with it and how my body responds to it. I think some people have used this one, exclusively, for breast enhancement or other desires. I mostly just listen to it, but watch it once in a while to engage more of my mind because it shows the subliminal onscreen and that can help, too:

Here is a beat that I like specifically for lifting our lovely boobage:

I have posted about a couple of other Andre James' videos. Here a couple more. A subliminal boob job:

and a short sample that can also serve as a short boost:

Just for some variety, here are a couple of other short selections to add a perky zest to the life of our bosom. There are 9(?) posted on YT, but these are just the two that I find easy to listen to:


I am reposting another popularly successful one that I also employ and have previously posted:

In case you have heard of Boobster Xtreme, here is a refresher of the link:

Here is a bonus one for hour glass figure, that I have found just today. I cannot speak about using it, but as we have established that we many of us are working on more than breast enhancement, I thought it might interest some:

I regularly listen to several of the videos I have posted in this discussion. For now, I am focusing on enlarging my boobs, so some of the other videos I plan to use more regularly, later.
Good luck and much metta to y'all's breast dreams. Very glad for the us helping each other around here!

thanks for the new ones char.
do you need to "see" these subliminals ? Ive wondered that for all sublminial messages and only recently queried it when that really popular series of ones (I forget their name) put a footnote on one of their youtube clips saying it wouldn't work if you download the recording... not sure if that meant impaired sound quality or because you needed to actually see the images??

I'm trying to find the youtube clip convertor, that turns them into mp3s so you can put them on your phone!

So glad to share these in hopes they can help others, too. For myself, the ones I have posted and that I listen to don't have to be watched, though I have heard that it can help and mental visualization can contribute a boost, too. I prefer to just listen and read or zoom around the www.
I don't know that much about the specifics of downloading them. I have done that, but now I prefer to listen to my private playlist on YT, just in case that gives me that extra boost of the full effects. As these subliminals sometimes include precise frequencies, the authors might take that into consideration in consideration of the quality of downloads people can make. Also, the power of the intention of certain videos might be connected to the web and or website. Of course, there might be the the authors preferences to ponder.
I prefer to just listen because I don't connect with the ones based on visuals- partly because I don't want to have to look at boobs or whatever for ten minutes (especially as I use other's internet and just because I would rather be doing other things). But, as I mentioned, I do watch "Supernatural Beauty Subliminal" once in a while because I like that it has the words that I can absorb in a certain way.
Feel free to share what you find, too. Cheers to healthy beautiful bodies, minds, hearts, souls, and lives!

Thanks for sharing all of these links! I've been collecting more subliminals/binaurals, and I'm liking the music. Perfect background music. If anything, they are very calming and are helping put me in a good mindset, which helps a lot! We shall see if anything else happens. Fingers crossed. Wink

P.S. Listened to a few now. My breast finally started hurting during the Andre James ones. My left hurts more than my right - nooo! My right one is the one that needs the most growth!

(12-08-2015, 23:58)char Wrote:  This is a series of 8 very easy on the ear subliminals. This is the play list, but they may also be listened to individually:
Went to listen to them. They've been taken down. Sad

That´s funny, I also feel it most in my left breast. And I´ve read lots of other posts saying the same thing. Must be something to do with the left/right part of the brain.

Anyway, I do think it works! For me it´s easier with the sublimnals and binaural beats because I don´t have that voice in my head saying Nah this will never work, as I do with hipnosis.

Not sure if this link will work but I'm listening to the andre james one now and for ONCE its a relaxing, beautiful music with a soft heartbeat in the background, this is one I can listen too. Not like some of the ones which is hideous soul destroying noise and crackles Blush

(04-09-2015, 00:31)Bibi Wrote:  Seraphic:
That´s funny, I also feel it most in my left breast. And I´ve read lots of other posts saying the same thing. Must be something to do with the left/right part of the brain.

Anyway, I do think it works! For me it´s easier with the sublimnals and binaural beats because I don´t have that voice in my head saying Nah this will never work, as I do with hipnosis.

You know when I used to try hypnosis for any reason id always be "hearing" things in the background.. so while I was listening to it trying to concentrate my mind would be going "why didn't he choose a quieter room, I can hear cars in the background" or "his bloody fridge is humming I can hear it" or "have a sip of water later dude I can hear you swallowing!"..

I had a hypnosis session once years ago out of this ladies home, anyway partway through while I was lying on the couch and she was working on me, her huge cat pushed the sliding door open and came up to me smooching my legs and sniffing me lol I thought it was hilarious but the lady kept going like it was nothing, needless to say that hypnosis didn't work...


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