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will the gym help or discourgage my breast growth?!


I am joining the gym and i also want to do chest excercises. I am going to bulk because i am underweight. Since im going to be drinking whey protein a lot lately ive been wondering does that help my breast grow? Also i know the breasts arent really muscles but i heard creatine creates lean muscle mass while burning fat (except water weight) and my thing is if im doing chest excercises (even while bulking) would that make me loose fat from my breasts? I always notice girls who are actually weight training dont have that much breasts but then again they dont bulk, most likely they cut or maintain. Any help? Also my diet will be around protein & carbs (complex carbs to be exact).

(21-08-2015, 01:41)growthspurt Wrote:  I am joining the gym and i also want to do chest exercises. I am going to bulk because i am underweight. Since i'm going to be drinking whey protein a lot lately ive been wondering does that help my breast grow? Also i know the breasts arent really muscles but i heard creatine creates lean muscle mass while burning fat (except water weight) and my thing is if im doing chest exercises (even while bulking) would that make me loose fat from my breasts? I always notice girls who are actually weight training don't have that much breasts but then again they don't bulk, most likely they cut or maintain. Any help? Also my diet will be around protein & carbs (complex carbs to be exact).
If the amount of calories you take daily is more than you burn then, your body will not burn your body fat, but instead it will get it from your calorie intake.


Okay that is great! Thank you so much for responding.

Simple question, complex answers.

1. Caloric intake: to build breast tissues, you need protein. Also, to build muscle. So either way, lots of protein.

2. Depending on what you're looking for, you can build muscle in the gym; increase calories, and just grow "whatever" (depending on how you work out and what you do, you can build muscle, and/or build boobs - though that's hormonal, not gym development; and you may gain weight, which would likely include fat.)

3. In terms of working out: You can build the Pectoral muscles, and add some projection (perkiness); this may also increase band measurement. So you may get more "perk" and lose visual size due to increasing muscle mass elsewhere, e.g., underbust measure, overbust measure; increase shoulder musculature, deltoids, laterals, trapezius. This would have THE EXACT OPPOSITE result of what I believe you want.

Ultimately, nutrition and proper workout won't hurt you; but you can overdo it, and need to plan and diet carefully. That doesn't mean "go on a "diet" "; it means change your normal diet to nutrient-rich foods (Paleo, South Beach, Atkins, etc.) and include lots of protein, medium fat, and I feel better when I'm low-carb. <33 grams/day works very well. <20 is better, it will get you into a ketogenic state, which is supposedly great for losing fat weight - but also means, burning boobs. :-P

What you can do:
- Lower weights, higher reps
- Supersets for muscles (no rest between sets) - makes for smaller muscles.
- Stretch between sets (I know, contradicts the above) - keeps muscles from bulking up, I'm told, so you limit size growth (but can't beat bad training, E.G., heavy weights in the 8-10 rep range)

Now, with the right hormonal environment, the additional circulation will help, but if you're doing bodybuilding routines, nice and manly? Not going to get female curves, and boob growth won't work well.

How feminine do you want to get? If you want manly body and boobs, best bet is probably implants, no joke. Safest, overall. but they'll mess with your bench press, pushups, situps maybe, any pull or push to the chest, including pulling up the line of the body, E.G., High Pull. (Speaking from experience, and I don't think they're that large, they get in the way more than you'd believe, and catching something in the boob hurts, and can be fatal, I believe - it's like getting hit in the testicles, so the pain can cause severe trauma and stop the heart. You need to be careful this way, and the girls can tell you... ;-) )

Last note, as mentioned above, carbs are evil - they spike your blood sugar, even the complex carbs, and that leads to weight gain. Worst is high carb + high fat; then, high carb + high protein; then, high fat + high protein; then high fat, low everything else; then, you start hitting starvation methods, like Intermittent Fasting (has some good effects, too, and great if you need to lose fat); then, long-term fasting.
I'd drop the carbs and go to protein, and not do a bulking cycle - period. bulking won't make for a feminine physique, possibly even if you're a genetic girl. some women can bulk! (Look up "Iron butterflies" or go for "female body builders", google Nicole Bass, etc.)

Something important to keep in mind: you can train for strength and remain skinny (and not skinny-fat, either.) You need to be VERY active in the training, respond quickly to your changes (E.G., bulking selectively to improve visual shape, while cutting/toning other spots; "bulk" the deltoids, "Cut" the waist, "bulk" the Gluteals, especially the gluteus medius and gluteus maximus, and use machines more than free weights for that, to keep the focus on that muscle; do low-weight free weights for full-body strength, say the olympic lifts. you'll build feminine curves with the bulking, and avoid the size increases in other less-wanted areas, say across the back with the Lats and Traps, which will make you look more like an Orc than a girl. ;-) But big butt + even modest hips + no belly + thin waist + shoulder caps = hourglass shape visually, with feminine curvatures suggested....

But if you get a belly, you're a boy, OK? So easy on situps, crunches, leg raises, dead lifts, good mornings, side crunches, etc, etc, etc.

You can build mass later if you want to go "Manly" at a later date. Won't lose breast tissue, though.
It's the DEVIL IN HELL to LOSE muscle mass, though, even training for a marathon. Once you have the mass, you have to WORK to lose it - that includes starvation methods, because although the body won't intentionally keep more than you're using, it's not actively seeking to consume tissue unless it's starving and needs the protein.

Plan well, we can assist. :-)

What's your destination?

(25-08-2015, 15:29)Dianna1395 Wrote:  Simple question, complex answers.

1. Caloric intake: to build breast tissues, you need protein. Also, to build muscle. So either way, lots of protein.

2. Depending on what you're looking for, you can build muscle in the gym; increase calories, and just grow "whatever" (depending on how you work out and what you do, you can build muscle, and/or build boobs - though that's hormonal, not gym development; and you may gain weight, which would likely include fat.)

3. In terms of working out: You can build the Pectoral muscles, and add some projection (perkiness); this may also increase band measurement. So you may get more "perk" and lose visual size due to increasing muscle mass elsewhere, e.g., underbust measure, overbust measure; increase shoulder musculature, deltoids, laterals, trapezius. This would have THE EXACT OPPOSITE result of what I believe you want.

Ultimately, nutrition and proper workout won't hurt you; but you can overdo it, and need to plan and diet carefully. That doesn't mean "go on a "diet" "; it means change your normal diet to nutrient-rich foods (Paleo, South Beach, Atkins, etc.) and include lots of protein, medium fat, and I feel better when I'm low-carb. <33 grams/day works very well. <20 is better, it will get you into a ketogenic state, which is supposedly great for losing fat weight - but also means, burning boobs. :-P

What you can do:
- Lower weights, higher reps
- Supersets for muscles (no rest between sets) - makes for smaller muscles.
- Stretch between sets (I know, contradicts the above) - keeps muscles from bulking up, I'm told, so you limit size growth (but can't beat bad training, E.G., heavy weights in the 8-10 rep range)

Now, with the right hormonal environment, the additional circulation will help, but if you're doing bodybuilding routines, nice and manly? Not going to get female curves, and boob growth won't work well.

How feminine do you want to get? If you want manly body and boobs, best bet is probably implants, no joke. Safest, overall. but they'll mess with your bench press, pushups, situps maybe, any pull or push to the chest, including pulling up the line of the body, E.G., High Pull. (Speaking from experience, and I don't think they're that large, they get in the way more than you'd believe, and catching something in the boob hurts, and can be fatal, I believe - it's like getting hit in the testicles, so the pain can cause severe trauma and stop the heart. You need to be careful this way, and the girls can tell you... ;-) )

Last note, as mentioned above, carbs are evil - they spike your blood sugar, even the complex carbs, and that leads to weight gain. Worst is high carb + high fat; then, high carb + high protein; then, high fat + high protein; then high fat, low everything else; then, you start hitting starvation methods, like Intermittent Fasting (has some good effects, too, and great if you need to lose fat); then, long-term fasting.
I'd drop the carbs and go to protein, and not do a bulking cycle - period. bulking won't make for a feminine physique, possibly even if you're a genetic girl. some women can bulk! (Look up "Iron butterflies" or go for "female body builders", google Nicole Bass, etc.)

Something important to keep in mind: you can train for strength and remain skinny (and not skinny-fat, either.) You need to be VERY active in the training, respond quickly to your changes (E.G., bulking selectively to improve visual shape, while cutting/toning other spots; "bulk" the deltoids, "Cut" the waist, "bulk" the Gluteals, especially the gluteus medius and gluteus maximus, and use machines more than free weights for that, to keep the focus on that muscle; do low-weight free weights for full-body strength, say the olympic lifts. you'll build feminine curves with the bulking, and avoid the size increases in other less-wanted areas, say across the back with the Lats and Traps, which will make you look more like an Orc than a girl. ;-) But big butt + even modest hips + no belly + thin waist + shoulder caps = hourglass shape visually, with feminine curvatures suggested....

But if you get a belly, you're a boy, OK? So easy on situps, crunches, leg raises, dead lifts, good mornings, side crunches, etc, etc, etc.

You can build mass later if you want to go "Manly" at a later date. Won't lose breast tissue, though.
It's the DEVIL IN HELL to LOSE muscle mass, though, even training for a marathon. Once you have the mass, you have to WORK to lose it - that includes starvation methods, because although the body won't intentionally keep more than you're using, it's not actively seeking to consume tissue unless it's starving and needs the protein.

Plan well, we can assist. :-)

What's your destination?

Thank you for your tips and suggestions. Im actually going for the muscles lol so im going to be working out with heavy weights and low reps. I dont think i will look manly though because i dont have as much as testerone as female body builders. I was just wondering if even though im gaining weight, working out my chest, and eating a lot of protein would my breasts get smaller. But you answered that for me, thank you.

And by the way carbs are not evil. You need complex carbs to feed your muscles. Im under weight so i want to gainweight (ive bulked before and the fat went to my butt, thighs and breasts) but now i want to bulk and have a curvy muscular frame. Im also biologically a female btw. I saw somewhere in your post about me being a boy or something?

Hi, Growthspurt.
I think I missed a detail when answering you, so I need to apologize.
The "belly" bit is from a trans* page where the author indicated that, quite simply, without a belly? Males can pass as females who don't really have hips.
With a belly? Male. Period, full stop, can't overcome that. Not completely accurate, but a good rule of thumb.

Seeing as your genetics are different from what I thought.... Carbs are STILL the enemy, but not as bad as for me. Skip grains, pastas, rice, potatoes, or at least limit them.
Same with fruit.
Both spike insulin, meaning you get fat...

But you don't need to be as careful about it as I do.
And the more active you are, the less it matters.
E.G., if you're a nurse on the go all the time? Don't overindulge, just watch the macros. And a splurge now and then won't be a problem.

If you're an IT professional like me?
Stick to protein and fats, LOW CARB. Just not active enough to get the blood moving and burn it off.

Human body is meant to move, we computer geeks are just bucking the system - and losing, in the long run. ;-)


Thanks but i think youre missing the point here, bulking means gaining weight which is:high calories, high healthy fats, and high complex carbs also. I WANT to gain weight i dont want to be skinny with muscles i want to be hmm have you ever heard of "fit thick"? Its a body shape where your thick but youre still toned with muscles. I have a program and a meal plan im going to follow so nutrition and working out wasnt what i needed help in it was whether the fact that im gaining weight but still working out my chest will it cause me to loose the fat in my breasts even though im bulking. Of course i dont want to get soo huge or anything like that, once i get to my ideal weight i'll go into a maintence phase and eat my regular intake of carbs, fats, protein, and calories. I dont want to loose weight neither do i want to be a skinny toned shape i get what you are saying though but i dont want such thing. Also, insulin spike is another thing you need to build muscles lol. Lifting heavy will not turn any female into a manly muscular person unless she has a huge amount of testosterone in them which i dont have a lot of . But thanks for your help.Smile

Sorry if this is a bit OT but does your BMI have to be above 18 for this to work? Right now I'm taking Diane 35 and fenugreek and doing the two kinds of massage outlined on this site. My BMI is 17.5, but it is within the right range for my frame (15.5-21.9 BMI is ideal for Asian descent). I'm also a gym goer.

Are my probabilities good for going up a couple of inches or do I need to use force majeure of some type? Thanks in advance. I'm looking to increase by 3-4 inches, to balance out my pear shape and get rid of the sag from weight loss, while remaining lean.

My bmi is a 17.4 im trying to get it to at least a 20-21 i dont understand what you are asking. Will bulking (weight gain) work with a underweight person? Of course . Or are you asking can NBE work with a underweight person? Still a yes, i grew three inches so far with my breasts, hopefully when i gain weight it will add on to the three inches of new growth.

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