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[archive] Very natural looking boob job!


Very natural looking boob job!
November 13 2007 at 2:48 AM RandomLady  (no login)



I was actually looking around youtube for any videos relating to NBE, not much there, but I did come accross a video of a French plastic surgeon called Dr Philippe Chout showing one of the most natural looking boob jobs I've ever seen! I went to his website and found a much better quality version of the video I saw on Youtube and thought I should post a link for others to see.

I'm not so hot on the design of his website though, a bit too arty for a plastic surgeon in my opinion, (you'll see what I mean!) but watch the video anyway!

He works out of London and Paris, the price of the surgery in Paris is cheaper than in London though, or so I read when I googled him. Has anybody heard of this guy before or has anyone been a patient of his? I'd be interested to hear what you think of this.
Here's the link:



Author Reply
(Login original.cindy) Re: Very natural looking boob job! December 4 2007, 9:16 AM 

As boob jobs go I have to admit that it's pretty good. Bearing in mind I have seen some pictures of horrendous boob jobs, this does demonstrate what it's possible to achieve.

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(no login) natrual my ass December 4 2007, 10:09 PM 

they dont look natraul....there to stiff for how big thyey r show my some fake ones that giggle then i could potenionallly find them natrual looking?

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(no login) Re: Very natural looking boob job! December 8 2007, 7:39 AM 

but boob jobs usually look stiff don't they? i can't beleve there's any such thing as the perfect boob job. and if you're going to have it done you might as well go the whole hog and make them plenty big.

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(no login) They Look Great. January 12 2008, 12:04 PM 

I went to the link, they look natural. I wish I had them

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(Login Hopeful88)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Very natural looking boob job! January 15 2008, 3:59 AM 

I wish I had them too... I'm turning 20 right now if after 5 yrs from now I've had my first kid and my breasts didn't mature into normal adult breasts than I will officially know that there is no solution to my problem. So I'll thoroughly consider getting a boob job... until then I'm continuing with NBE, I'm off to have some fennel tea...

    This message has been edited by Hopeful88 on Feb 13, 2008 12:15 AM

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Black Sheep
(Login Boobsrock4life) They look as fake as ever February 3 2008, 5:08 AM 

Who started this post and said they looked real, they looked so fake it was sad, they just did not look that bad because she already had quite some breast tissue and she just got a c cup.

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(no login) Re: Very natural looking boob job! February 9 2008, 8:24 PM 

He does excellent work from what I saw on youtube. But I did research on the internet about him and I read very negative things from people who went to him. (but not much to be found however.

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(no login) Re: Very natural looking boob job! February 11 2008, 8:05 AM 

To me they look excellent. I know that not every boob job turns out well, but this one looks great to me.

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Katie Martin
(no login) Dr. Phillippe Chout September 20 2008, 10:54 AM 

Hi, was going to see Dr. Chout. However noted some people are not happy with their results! Anyone know/ had or read bad press relating to him. Would really appreciate it - I've already spent thousands of pounds on surgery with poor results and getting really fed up Sad Thanks! Katie

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Katie Martin
(no login) Dr. Phillippe Chout September 20 2008, 11:01 AM 

Hi, was going to see Dr. Chout. However noted some people are not happy with their results! Anyone know/ had or read bad press relating to him. Would really appreciate it - I've already spent thousands of pounds on surgery with poor results and getting really fed up Sad Thanks! Katie

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(no login) Re: Very natural looking boob job! September 20 2008, 9:02 PM 

Breast enlargement through implant surgery has about a 70% satisfaction rate, so I guess every surgeon has some dissatisfied customers. It hardly seems possible that it could be otherwise.

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your kidding
(Login mangz) Re: Very natural looking boob job! December 7 2008, 7:27 AM 

Black Sheep
(Login Boobsrock4life) They look as fake as ever February 3 2008, 5:08 AM

Who started this post and said they looked real, they looked so fake it was sad, they just did not look that bad because she already had quite some breast tissue and she just got a c cup.

you should know since your implants look as fake as can be!

i found the perfect boobs!
April 29 2008 at 3:10 PM dandelion (Login dandelion1)


check out this site :

its for breast augmentation surgery, with a doctor based in australia. The featured breasts (if you check out the pictures) are sooo nice they are all perfect and natural looking, amazing since the patients were flat-chested to begin with and they dont look like soccer balls! i wish that after my brava i get breasts like that...probably not but..........

anyways - this is for all you considering breasts implants and who live in australia

good luck with bigger boobies!

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Woolly Sheep
(no login) Re: i found the perfect boobs! May 2 2008, 10:36 AM

I think the key there is that the women don't choose to go too big. I like the first set of pics but the others aren't that exceptional, except that they aren't too big afterwards which causes the football effect.

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(no login) brava May 18 2008, 3:30 PM

Hello, I did read you are using Brava. Good luck. I really wish you that you will be luckier than me. I had almost no result and I did wear the thing for almost nine hours every night. Would never repeat the experience. A total wast of time.

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(no login) Re: i found the perfect boobs! August 2 2008, 7:00 AM

This works better:

And then click on Breast Enlargement

these fake boobs look amazing..i totally want mine to be like that...but real
July 22 2009 at 6:57 PM Aerie (Login aerie84)


I want my boobs--and HAIR to look like the girl in the middle!! lol yes they are fake but they look aWESOME!!!

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(no login) Re: these fake boobs look amazing..i totally want mine to be like that...but real July 22 2009, 10:10 PM

Yes, they do look great! That is the look I am going for but just not the fake plastic filled implants that the doctor had to cut me open to insert!

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(Login aerie84) breast implants July 22 2009, 10:57 PM

what do you mean? do you have implants already? I think the ones in the pic look awesome and if and when I decide to get them done Im going to take this pic with me to show them how i want mine!

How was your experience with implants?? Im def thinking about silicone...not saline..probably only 300-350 cc's to start...i want them inserted through the armpit which they do now but it is hard...I alreadt founf a doc who does this and the doc is surgeon to many celebs. the docs work is amazing but yeah Im def going for the look this chic has

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(no login) Re: these fake boobs look amazing..i totally want mine to be like that...but real July 23 2009, 6:06 AM

No, I don't have implants. I always wanted them but for some reason, I changed my mind. I think it was one girl on here who had implants but had them taken out and wished she never had them. And her breast were worse than before she had the implants. I would be worried about them not coming out so great. Its hard to say if your implants will turn out that the ones in the picture because everyone's breasts are different to begin with. You will still have the same shape just bigger.

I do think that her breast look really good though, that I cannot dispute. I was thinking of silicone gel as well before I came to my decision not to have implants. I could not afford implants though, so that is why I don't have them. I am kind of glad I didn't have the money becuase I would have gotten them done as soon as I turned 18.

I am hoping you will try to exhaust all the NBE options before you get implants because if you look at the pictures pages many people have achieved good results without getting implants. I know it's a long journey (I have been at it for 6 yrs!). It is not easy but it is well worth it. I am going to try 2 more NBE methods. I am hoping that it will be the last things I will try. I am pretty sure they will work.

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(Login aerie84) Re: these fake boobs look amazing..i totally want mine to be like that...but real July 23 2009, 6:44 AM

Oh I'll def try. That's awesome that you have so much patience. I on the other hand do not. I figure I'll tr it out while I'm on vaca. I have all my supplements and I'll do what I can but if I don't see any changes within a month or two I'm not gonna stick with it. I like that girls boobs and I think I can get goo redts cuz I like my breast shape just not size. Iv seen many before and after transformations of all kind of shapes that I think anyone can get a good result. Anyways keep me updated about your results. What ae you taking? And how much have you grown? Right now I'm starting out making my en cream with aloe gel, aveeno oatmeal lotion, fenugreek powder, msm powder, borage oil, royal jelly, chicken cartilage collagen and gelatin. I also obviously have all those in pill form and have papaya enzyme and drinking soymilk. Just started two days ago so I'm gonna try to take 500 mg of fnugreek and all the other supplements and massage twice day with the lotion.

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(no login) Re: these fake boobs look amazing..i totally want mine to be like that...but real July 24 2009, 12:32 AM

That is good you will at least try but it will take some time before you see results. Rome wasn't built in a day they say!

I have been on BO for about 4 1/2 mths, I have gained 3-4 inches (depending on the time of month). Now I am an A cup, so you could imagine what I started out with. I thought like you did at first. I did not think I had the patience to do it for all these years. But, I never gave up. I knew there had to be something I could do to increase my breast. I figured that I would try everything naturally to increase my breasts. They look better than before but they still are no where near where I wanted to be. I am hoping for at least another 3 inches. Even if it takes me a year to get there, at least they are mine. I would like to be a Full D, anything more would be just great.

Trying to get bigger breasts is something that I have become obsessed with, in a way. I think it is border line unhealthy. I know that as I get bigger, I will be less and less obsessed, which is why I don't mind doing this.

I may try a suction device (as I have never tried them before). My main reason is for the "implant type of look it gives after usage. I also have never trying PM (Pueraria Mirifica) either so I figure I might as well give it a try. Lastly, I have never taken wonderup either. That will be a last resort NBE method, in case the other don't work. Which I am confident that they both will, so I will not have to take wonderup.

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