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Feeling overwhelmed but determined to start my nbe journey. Help please


Hi Everyone,

I love that everyone is extremely supportive in these forums and that many of you have gotten beautiful results.

Through taking online tests it seems as though I am estrogen dominant and by reading past posts I assume that my breasts are underdeveloped due to the hormone imbalance.

Therefore, I think the best program would be for me to take vitex, maca, dandelion root, and green tea? eeekkk I feel so unsure if I'm on the right track. Can anyone give me advice on the dosage I should be taking for these herbs. I couldn't find any information on dosage sorry to be a pain.

I'm currently doing chi massages with coconut oil to stimulate circulation and listening to hypnosis mp3s until I begin my herbal program (and will mix it with my herbal program when I start).

Here are pictures of my mini me's.            
I would be very happy to turn them into mid-sized me's and maybe one day magnificent me's but any growth and advice would be much appreciated. Look forward to hearing from anyone in the forum xox


Hey there and welcome! I'm pretty new to this too, so I understand where you're coming from.

I've been doing a lot of research and I think your initial progam looks good, although, before assuming you're estrogen dominent, and taking herbs/supplements that may lower estrogen, you should really have your levels checked by a doctor. If it turns out you're not estrogen dominent, you could risk shrinkage. I have underdeveloped breasts, but I am not estrogen dominant. However, if you are E dominant, I would add in some licorice and red clover to the mix. You can probably take these anyway as licorice lowers testosterone and red clover can either raise or lower estrogen, depending on your body (it adapts). As for the dosages, take the recommended amount on the bottle as a starting point. If you feel it's not enough, up it a little and vise versa. Hope this helps!!! Smile


Thank you sooo much aliciabc93 you're an angel!
I'll add those herbs into my program. Been doing hypno and chi massage for 2 days now and can feel a slight swelling. How's your nbe journey going?

You're very welcome, dear! :3 I'm glad to hear your plan is working so far. Don't get discouraged is the swelling goes down! In the beginning, the swelling is usually an initial response to the stimulation to the massage and my fade. However, if you stay consistent and dedicated, the swelling will fade less and less. In other words, the more you do it, the more growth you'll see after the swelling.

My routine is going great! My initial growth was dramatic in just two days! After that, they still seem to be growing, but slowly. For instance, I started on the 10th, saw a major increase on the 12th, and today they feel just a little bigger. Big Grin I can't wait to add my noogle in the mix! I'll be updated my thread "Amazing results in just two days" in a moment with today's pics in comparison to the first two days. Smile

Hi. Agreed those online tests can be deceptive. Best get your hormones checked before taking any herbs. And once you know consult a naturopath or local health shop 're getting balanced. They will suggest vitex most likely and maybe Maca. Maca is a funny one too. Start low if you were to decide to use it based on your test results. Too high can result in the jitters and heart palpitations. You will see this if you Google. Also it can shorten your cycle like it did me. However I developed big intolerance s to herbs over a year of taking them and mixing up with no idea how they would effect me.
Licorice is another one. High blood pressure if you take too much and avoid if breast cancer runs in your family. Again this is backed up online.
Dandelion and green tea are great.
Good luck

You guys are amazing! Thank you so so so much! I'm kind of left out on the limb here as there aren't any natropaths in the country where I live and certain herbs are hard to find but, I will do my best. Once I've gotten all my chickens in one basket (done the hormone lab tests, sourced the herbs, etc) I'll start the program with what you both have recommended. Love the support and hope to see all of us reach great results xox

You're welcome! Keep us updated and good luck! Smile

(16-05-2015, 14:46)aliciabc93 Wrote:  You're welcome! Keep us updated and good luck! Smile
Second that. Best of luck

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