I looked at the pathways of hormones again, with different research papers, and with trying to understand the different names of hormones.
Too much Pregnenolone and low amounts of Progesterone are common with PMS symptoms during late luteal.
Relationship between symptom severity and steroid variation in women with premenstrual syndrome (See chart above: Pregnenolone is the precursor to Progesterone; "5 alpha-DHP" in the link is 5α-dihydroprogesterone in the above chart [check
MeSH to confirm]). Progesterone has many progestogenic metabolites that are neurosteroids that help with stress. Opposed to what I said above, alpha-reductase is useful to convert progesterone into some of these metabolites, during late luteal phase. (These was one paper which said there were contradicting results, and its conclusion was different than from other papers on certain dihydro-progesterones)
During luteal phase, alcohol lowers certain progesterone metabolites that are both neurosteroids and progestogens; these neurosteroids usually improve PMS mood symptoms.
Aldosterone is a mineralocorticoid produced by the adrenals that causes the body to keep sodium and water, while ridding of potassium. Potassium is a salt, but it must be in balance with Sodium. Potassium and Table Salt have different osmosis effects within cells and the bloodstream. Magnesium is also a salt that must be balanced with other salts, it must also be balanced with Calcium.