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[archive] I HAD MY OP!!!


June 4 2007 at 8:03 PM rose  (Login rose34)


Hi everyone...

I know i should be posting on the other forum but i just wanted to let you know i went for the implants and i had my operation yesterday afternoon,,,,all went well and i am now back home being looked after by my husband...still sore but bearable and not so heavy on the painkillers anymore i have to admit i was terrified and really scared but the group i went with were very good and really looked after me and made me feel at ease. i am glad its over and done with and so far i am happy with the results....any better go and rest

take care and happy growing everone..



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(no login) Re: I HAD MY OP!!! June 5 2007, 7:28 AM 

If you don't mind me asking, what size of implants did you have put in?

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(Login rose34) Re: I HAD MY OP!!! June 5 2007, 8:41 AM 

Hi Tiffany

i had 270cc put in silicone and behind the muscle thats about as much as my surgeon woud put in. She said that it would give me the right size for my body because i am quite petite to start of with.

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(no login) Re: I HAD MY OP!!! June 5 2007, 9:01 AM 

That sounds sensible to me. I think one of the big problems with boob jobs is that many women have too much put it. There's a temptation to think that while it's being done you might as well have as much put in as you can, which I think can be a big mistake.

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(Login gingerD)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: I HAD MY OP!!! June 5 2007, 12:05 PM 

hi rose-w how lonng did it take, from having a conceltation to having it done
Who did you choose i the end, imstill reserching but im still scared to death about actually doing it.
On a scale of 1-10 how much pain were u in from:
1.-streight after
2.couple of hurs after
How do they apear now? i get confused with the CC buisness, will that make you a large Bsmall C?

Well done,i hope u feel how you have always wanted to feelSmile

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(Login rose34) Re: I HAD MY OP!!! June 5 2007, 2:02 PM 

hi and thanks for the responses nice to be able to talk to people who know what we are going through...

to answer your questions i had a appointment with Transform which i had to wait almost two weeks for because i wanted it done by a female surgeon (just wasnt happy about a male poking abd prodding me there)..anyway after having met her she was really blunt and off handish and kept telling me that i had no right to only allow females to want to care for me...well i told her what she could do with her

so i phoned surgicare and got a ppoinment with them the next day i really liked the surgeon and she was very understanding about my needs and so decided to go ahead with surgery on the 3rd june ..i think the hardest part is actually waiting for your surgery date i had a long week of waiting which i know is not very long but to me it felt like ages...

Stright after i was more uncomfortable than in pain because my chest felt so tight and my anethesist assisant nurse was so sweet i told her i didnt want to feel sick after i woke up and she gave me somthing so i wouldnt... so at that time i was more uncomfortable. I couldnt move my arms as then it felt like it would hurt and on a scale of 1-10 i think about 6

Couple of hours later it was about 7 out of ten mind you i was having pain releif every 7-8 hours and during the night i think i kept waking up because i could only sleep on my back...i have to admit it was not as bad as i had anticipated and i was able to go to teh toilet my self eventhough the nurse waited outside.

Now i am still in pain but am able to move around cant stretch my arms and am moving slowly but mobile and still on mild painkillers and the pain is not unbearable. I have a heaviness on my chest but having been so flat chested all my life this is what it probably feels to have boobies on the you have to get used to them..

Yeh i only had 270cc put in and i think that will make me a c-cup i am filling out a c cup sports bra now so i am happy with that i didnt want to be huge just enough to have something on my chest....

If you have any more questions feel free to ask i have nothing but time on my hands at the

take care...

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(Login gingerD)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: I HAD MY OP!!! June 5 2007, 2:12 PM 

Oh rose-i see what you write, and think yup im doing it, then i just get scared all over again, then i think may be NBE will work eventully.
I saw transform, crap i hated how they work.
Iv tried many many places and i never really liked or felt comfortable with any of them.....sigh
Iv been fighting this for over 4 years now,and i still cant get on with it.

1 week didnt sound bad to weight, i bet its worse waiting for say 1 month.
How did you feel before you went in?were u really scared?
How did you feel just b4 they took you down for it doing?
I keep thinking i would simply run away once they stared taking me down.
My mum said the other day why don't you wait till u have had yr kids, that way, nothing will ever be as painfull, and i may end up with more boobs after-
Im not ready for kids but i have never been in any serious pain really, so i don't think i have a good pain barrioir
How long have you been thinking about this for?

Sorry to go on

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(Login gingerD)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: I HAD MY OP!!! June 5 2007, 2:26 PM 

ok, not babbling again-
Iv just booked a consultation with claremount,for friday morning.
Will let u know.
they said it was £3900 and can be done on interest free-does this seem right to u rose?

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(Login rose34) Re: I HAD MY OP!!! June 5 2007, 3:03 PM 

well...all week i was not thinking about the op otherwise i dont think i could have got through the week then on the weekend i had to cook for a few days it would be easy for hubby and kids. Sunday morning we had to drive down to manchester and i think i started to feel like oh no what have i done!!! but we got there early and ended up waiting nearly 3 hours....i had my own room and bought loads of mags to read plus had hubby to talk to. They keep asking you lots of questions i have to admit the staff were lovely they were really caring and it didnt feel like a cattle farm...and my anethesist came to see me he was nice and then the nurse came to ask me all the usual questions about allergys and stuff.

Once the surgeon came to see me and drew on me the markings and stuff then it felt really real but my nurse was really nice and gentle with me she could see i was terrified and she took my arm and walked me down to theatre it did look scary but they were all really nice and kept putting me at ease and within a few minutes of walking in there i was asleep. The next thing i remember is the assistant nurse waking me up telling me its all done..i was asking for my hubby and she took me back to my room where the other nurses took over. After that i just slept thats what i have read sleep through your recovery and even now i am walking round in pg's and just sleep when i feel like all honesty it really is not that bad you just have to make sure you are happy with your surgeon and the staff who take care of you are geniuine it all helps with your recovery.

Well i have had children and having children is far worse....because the pain is longer and more intense.. as far as pain barrier beleive me i am a complete softy i cant stand the sight of blood and i faint at the sight of injections which is embarrassing infront of the so you can't be worse than me...

i paid 3850 and that included over night stay so i would say 3900 is about right..

take care hun feel free to ask me anything else while its all fresh in my mind...


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(no login) cost August 16 2007, 9:54 AM 

hi rose,

can i ask how much it cost? I am seriously considering getting implants and am trying to figure out a way to save the 10k or so that it will cost.



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(no login) Re: I HAD MY OP!!! August 16 2007, 5:32 PM 


my op cost 3850 and i went with surgicare in UK they give you 3yrs after care i found them to be very professional and very caring in the way they look after you.


Why I had my boobs done
June 5 2006 at 8:06 PM Annie (no login)


Why did I have my boobs done? My boobs were bit wonky to start with (since adolescence), also I'd breast fed my daughter which seemed to make them even more lopsided, they looked like 2 deflated flat balloons afterwards, when I lent forward they hung down dreadfully, when I laid down they completely disappeared into my armpits, they looked really awful, I felt REALLY unsexy the thought of anyone looking at them let alone touching them made me feel quite ill. My boobs were used for the purpose they had been intended to feed a child, I was proud of that but as they were really small and lopsided to start with & the end result of breastfeeding was to completely ruin them. What some people dont seem to realise is that you can still totally 100% feel your nipples all sensations everything, while my boobs might feel different to natural boobs tissue to me they feel like they're my flesh, not implants, I cant actually feel 'implants' the skin and everything is still connected to all nerve endings ones that are cut, re-grow. I think its really weird when others seem to think that boob job boobs are not part of you, because they are. Saying all that though, I have heard of some really bad boob jobs, where the boobs are rock hard and the girls have no sensation, thats sad because then the boobs have beent totally ruined, I feel sorry for those girls, but a well done boob job can enhance much more than just your sillouette....

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Pink panther
(no login) Re: Why I had my boobs done October 28 2006, 10:00 AM

I have heard that 70% of women are happy with their boob job. Breast reduction is more successful and is more like 100%. because they never regret it. Boob job is too hit and miss for me, I am not tempted by it.

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(no login) Re: Why I had my boobs done March 20 2008, 9:38 AM

The most important thing about a boob job is never get it done on the cheap. This is one thing that's really worth paying for to get the best you can and to end up with what you really want.

5 days post op
May 26 2010 at 7:03 PM CT (Login Beanz82)


Hi All,

I had breast enlargement surgery on saturday morning and thought id join a forum to share my story and find out about other peoples experiences.

I went with Transform (consultations on new cavendish street and hospital in brentford) and have been impressed with them from the start. Had Dr B Lutz, anyone else had her?

I had my surgery as a day case, went in for 7.30am, up for the op about 8.30, woke up at 10.10 and was discharged about 5pm. Unfort i had a bad scary reaction to the anesthetic on the way home and had to be taken back for a little while.

Predictibly ive been in a lot of pain, but it has defo got better every day since ad ive hardly taken any painkillers today. Its more unfortable than painful mainly now. Ive had a lot of wierd sensations in my right breast, like somethings moving inside, but i guess its just the nerves. My right breast seems to be more swollen than the left also, but i was warned they wont necessarily heal at the same rate. Saying that they still look great to me Smile

Im 27, and only small - I went from AA upto a B (well that was the plan, we shall see when the swellings gone down); I just wanted to be in proportion and have always had a complex about them.
Everytime Ive ever mentioned it (and i have been talking about it for years) my mum went mad, so ive done this all without telling my family. There was no way she was going to support me, or change my mind, so i figured it was easier to just wait til after and show her how much better i look and feel about myself...if anyone has any tips of how to tell her im all ears!

I originally tried to make an appointment for a consultation with Harley Medical Group, only to be told my BMI wasnt high enough, which was nonsense. They didnt even send me their info pack, and i will be making a complaint. 5 weeks later though and ive got what I wanted proving them completely wrong...oh well there loss! Has anyone else had problems with them?

CT xx

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