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my experience with hypnosis

Positivity is definitely the key here. Just trying to maintain it is the big thing. I just had a conversation with my husband about it. He was asking me what was I listening to all this time. I told him I was using hypnosis to help me relax and focus on growing my breasts. He didn't say anything, but his facial expression made me defend myself in saying if I believe in it enough it will happen. He didn't question anything afterwards, and I'm glad he didn't. It's hard to explain without getting defensive for some reason. Insecurities I guess.

I think if I continue to practice daily, I will be able to focus more with a positive attitude.

I got the same reaction from my partner when I told him I was doing hypnosis for breast growth. It sounds crazy to anyone who hasn't read the results from the studies that have been reported. To stay positive while doing it, I now think it's best not to tell anyone, or yeh, "I'm doing relaxation therapy (or meditation)"
As for having to really believe in it, hypnosis bypasses the conscious mind to change the subconscious. Hypnotherapists say actual conscious belief isn't an issue, just the desire to change.That's why it is better than counselling/talk therapy for emotional problems. Most people have a little bit of doubt that hypnosis isn't going to work before or during their sessions.
I remember when I was desperate for a cure for my inappropriate blushing as a teenager. I sat in the hypnotherapist's chair just feeling relaxed and thinking, I'm not hypnotised, this can't possibly be doing anything. After 4 sessions I could meet people in the street or out shopping and NOT go red! I could crack jokes, which caused people to focus on me, and NOT go red! My whole personality changed and I don't blush to this day...40 years later!!!

Hee. Thanks. Glad Big Grin Oh! Really good stuff here y'all. I have been in the blushing thing, kinda. I was very shy growing up. I mean I would watch people on television and blush if they did something I thought would embarrass me and interacting with people sometimes made me want to hide under the table.
Also, with the telling my partner about some of my endeavors, there have definitely been times when I got responses ranging from me not needing to change my chest because he care for it a lot already to was I seriously listening to binaurals hypnosis for "that" to him even deciding to impress me by downloading me some free hypnosis with his tech savvy! :-)
Anyway, I think a common theme in the forum at large is this sort of question of what do others think?
As for me, I know that hypnosis has worked for me: relaxation, better sleep, even breast enhancement! And! Because of the www (I like to be savvy and frugal), it's almost free!
Anyway, I think it is important to keep certain things to oneself sometimes. There are a lot of doubting doubters out there, starting with the person in the mirror, eh? Why add more? I do value the input and opinion of others. But there have been times when even the people that loved me the most doubted my dreams or goals and I knew that certain things were possible. I was faithful and Tada! Eyes popped open. I now repeat to myself that I am thankful that what I desire is what I am already thankful to have actualized in my life! Because there are those that might really think they are doing others a favor by helping them be "realistic" or whatever. Well, if I had a list of the "impossible" come true even just for me, it would be a nice list. I had faith in sometimes what I couldn't even define or name. Positive, looking forward and upward faith. Happy faith. Bam! Awesome all up in here! Pardon me. Lol. I am listening to some really positive dub-step as I type this and dancing in my chair, but I am so serious while I am busting this shoulder dance out!
We know what we dream and desire and It Is Possible! That is what matters. Great things are possible! In the literature about the Law of Attraction and positive affirmations and even certain spiritual beliefs, they remind us to share our intentions from the heart with a higher source or a greater belief. Even the power of the heart is greater than the power of the ever tumbling and searching brain- scientifically, spiritually, and what have you. I add in my intentions that I aim for the best and highest good of all involved. Of course I accept for my boobie dreams to come true in a happy, healthy, and positive way. On the subject of maintaining positivity, why does one actually have to? I think that positivity can actually be like a practice, like mindfulness. Who do you know that can maintain anything all the time? I have known athletes that were totally into their sport and yet still had a life, but because of the practice, the mindfulness toward their sport, they excelled. Sometimes they were sad athletes having a bad day with a math test or happy athletes madly in love with a significant other: still, they were athletes, day by day, even in those minutes when all their focus wasn't on sporting. Athletes are people: multifaceted. NBErs are people: multifaceted, but still doing NBE. It helps to remember that the body can take an assignment and get it done. We can help with supplements or hypnosis or massage, but the body is using the tools to change us. One of the tools is the mind, so that is why it is okay to put it in there and let it go sometimes. It's like, "Yes, our human believes in us! We are an awesome team! Let's do this!" I have definitely done things better at times in my life just because someone, in an appreciative manner showed me how much they could easily have confidence in me. When we catch a sniffle, do we pick up a shovel and start digging a six foot deep hole because it's (life) over? Naw, of course not. We have figured out by now that sometimes it's as simple as giving our body some chicken soup and letting it rest and start the automatic, built in repair process! In fact, I have my soup, say, "Thank you for my healing." and let the program run with a smile on my face.
There is some amazing capability in our bodies and minds and hearts. Sometimes I don't know why my mind, body, heart, or life work the way they do, but I know that sometimes, especially looking up and out of the little box, looking forward, there is an amazing big world of sometimes shockingly amazing and yet, I would almost say simple miracles. Your being is an awesome creation! Be careful what you wish for, you just might get it. I used to think that was an expression. Whoops. We live, we learn. Or as it is said sometimes (figuratively, to some extent): If you look for it, you will find it/ it will find you. I was looking for breast enhancement back in the day, pricey supplements for example. I found Breast Nexus instead. Even Betta!
I practice respect for and of myself, others, and the Universe that I am a part of and that provides me with toes, rain, and even boogers and bigger boobies! Already have had some not so tasty helpings of the blahs and "oh, naws!" I think we all have lessons to learn- some tough, some stellar, some so easy we forget them. Well, with so many choices, let's say that even under an accidental pile of dirty clothes, woot, a $20 bill I didn't know was there. Not all day, every moment. But as I remember to tidy up a bit more often, I find more of them lovely bills. I'm aiming for the good stuff- in general. High fives and hugz, y'all!

Going off supplements for about a month, so I'm going to start this tonight!

Is there anyone kind enought to share the hypnosis video from Steve G Jones? I would so appreciate it Smile

(12-11-2014, 16:41)Oana Wrote:  Is there anyone kind enought to share the hypnosis video from Steve G Jones? I would so appreciate it Smile
I hope this helps you. POM

I just ran across the free Blaketalks hypnosis program for NBE. I know Kelly9 had great results with it in conjunction with PM and some other tools.

Has anyone else had positive results from this one?

Or another free one? I'm hesitant to pay for hypnosis at this juncture.

Xo, Soli


(27-09-2014, 18:16)Xiao_hoa Wrote:  Positivity is definitely the key here. Just trying to maintain it is the big thing. I just had a conversation with my husband about it. He was asking me what was I listening to all this time. I told him I was using hypnosis to help me relax and focus on growing my breasts. He didn't say anything, but his facial expression made me defend myself in saying if I believe in it enough it will happen. He didn't question anything afterwards, and I'm glad he didn't. It's hard to explain without getting defensive for some reason. Insecurities I guess.

I think if I continue to practice daily, I will be able to focus more with a positive attitude.

You should have him join in by massaging them for you! He has fun and you get bigger tits out it and, in the long run, he gets to have even MORE fun doing it when they ARE bigger!

(06-02-2015, 00:33)Soledad46 Wrote:  I just ran across the free Blaketalks hypnosis program for NBE. I know Kelly9 had great results with it in conjunction with PM and some other tools.

Has anyone else had positive results from this one?

Or another free one? I'm hesitant to pay for hypnosis at this juncture.

Xo, Soli

I'm new to hypnosis myself, but I've been doing Blaketalks for a bit now and I'm really enjoying it. I'm doing it in conjunction with herbs/massage, so I can't definitively tell how much of an effect it'll have.

Like other people have said, they can get pretty sexual. I don't mind it. Perhaps irrelevant, but the logic works for me: Arousal increases blood flow to the breasts and orgasm causes a significant spike in prolactin, so I don't see the harm in mentally tying breast growth to sexuality? I feel like a lot of the sexual stuff is covert; like, he'll start rambling about something that's seemingly unrelated, but use very sexually charged phrasing.

I tried the SteveGJones platinum and found that it relaxed me more thoroughly, because he's meticulous about that. Blaketalks are more casual and I might have gotten a bit bored/impatient listening to some of the long ones in the beginning. I feel like as I've been doing it more, it's been easier to trance out and get through longer ones.

Thanks Aurielle! I'll look into Steve Jones.

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