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Young girls with big breast


I am really bummed out since I have been trying NBE for a while now with no results. I never experienced any growing pain what so ever. I own a store at the mall and I see all kinds of people walking around and today I noticed that there are so many young girls that come to the store that are probably under 17 that have big breast that look like they belong to a mature lady. I am 27 and don't even have half their boob size. Am I missing out on something? I have not had my hormones tested yet but its seems that I am estrogen dominance. I have had severe pms cramping since I can remember. For anyone that could answer this, will testing my hormones help in anyway with boob growing? (I lack a lot of knowledge in this mater). Also, since I can tell that I am estrogen dominance, what options are out there to balance my hormones.

Thanks you,


What have you tried so far?


I used progesterone cream to get my estrogen dominance under control. After a year of working on that I then began my Bovine ovary routine. It has crossed my mind with as easy as I am growing on it, that I might have just kind of missed out on a big portion of my puberty, because I know I had major stress hormones disrupting things, since I was dealing with abuse at the time. Now I have everything balanced, including my happiness, and I am growing like crazy.

I have also said the same thing you have about the size of girls now and yes, it's really depressing when you look at it that way. I think though while they have the large breast they are going to have alot more issues down the road, because I feel this huge change in them is due to hormones and things we now have our meats and dairy saturated with. I feel it's also part of the cause of why so man women in their 30's and 40's are now finding themselves in hormone crisis long before menopause, and for that matter the large amount of young women bing diagnosed with breast cancer. Everything comes with a cost I think.

Hope everything works out and you find a routine that will work for you.


itsjust4fun, I know we don't know each other well, but I was raised that I never meet strangers. And if I were there I'd give you a big hug! I too had a rough upbringing, not my adoptive mothers fault. But there were things I went through as well that may have halted my growth, also when I was going through puberty we were going over some really rocky roads, food and money was scarce. I often worked doing whatever I could just for a meal to eat. So I think definitely stress and such can effect growth. Might also be the reason why I stopped growing height wise when I was 13. I've been 5'1 since I was 13. It also doesn't help that I have scoliosis and have nerve damage in my spine because of it, so without my spine in an S I might be taller. I'm glad you are happier now! I too have a very blessed life now.

anastasia, first I want to say you don't seem like a stranger because while I've been passing the time waiting to reach my goal so I could start using my noogleberry, I read through most of the noogleberry site and a good portion of your post as well. So it's nice to finally talk to you!

Thank you for all that you said. Most people view a past like mine as something tragic. I really don't. I've had alot of wonderful things happen in my life over the years and alot of things to be proud of, but the thing that I will always be the proudest of is surviving my past. As I like to say. "I walked through the fires of hell and came out the other side in tact."
I'm darn proud of that. So it is what it is. "A big part of me that made me a very strong person."

I think trauma, and stress can do a number on the human body when you are experiencing it, so of course I would say I personally think you could be right about why you may not have developed. I think if you are smack dab in the middle of puberty and suddenly have an event that sends your hormones all askew, then puberty can grind to a halt. Lucky for us, things aren't set in stone and it seems now that we in some areas get a do over.

Anyway, glad to see you visiting the board! I'm keeping my fingers crossed that we can get a nice group of members here to support each other and help people start this journey also.


I know what you mean about those younger girls with full busts.I used to be one of them,but that changed when I was about 18,and I've wanted it back ever since.I finally grew after years of trying on and off.You keep researching and you will find the right fit for you.

Stress will definitely halt your growth.So try not to stress.I know it can't be helped sometimes because I am dealing with a back and neck injury.I have started back up and have gotten a very good amount of fullness back.I kept my size,and starting again on right track.

I know as stressed as I was for the past 6 weeks,any program I did wouldn't work because of it.I was just too depressed from being restricted from doing certain things.But,you get a better perspective back,and then you feel better and are in the right state of mind.Good Luck!

itsjust4fun, I know what you mean about others thinking it's all so tragic. I've been involved in many public speakings, support groups etc. for raped and battered women. And everytime I tell stories of my past people instantly start crying, hugging me and telling me how sorry they are. I tell them, what are you sorry for? If it weren't for those experiences I wouldn't be who I am today, I wouldn't be here helping others in the same or worse situation. Yes, the things I went through were tough, but like you I made it through it alive, and that's alot more than some can say and that I'm proud of. Like I tell the women who have been in bad situations and contemplating suicide, stop being a victim and letting them win and start being a survivor. I often do motivational speaking and often get in their faces. Some are too sensitive or scared to do that, I'm not. If you are not on the right track I will get in your face and tell you what you can do about it. Some have called me cruel for it, but then a year or so later, I have women coming up to me and I don't even recognize them because they changed so much, and they tell me "I hated you for what you said to me, I hated you so much I wished you dead" I normally smile and say "it's only the good ones that die young, me, I'll end up living 100 years" then they say "but now I want to thank you with all my heart, everything you said was exactly what I needed to hear, you only know how to love toughly, and that's what I needed." and normally they have changed their lives completely for the better. It does often get irritating when you tell your story and people start crying and feel sorry for you, that is never my intention when telling someone about myself, I just want them to know me, learn from my mistakes, and appreciate the good in their life. To know it could always be worse. And you have to be grateful for what you do have or it will never get better. I lead a good life now, sure it's not perfect, but perfection is boring. I have a healthy and beautiful son, and a loving husband. I have 2 cats and a dog I love, and I live in a good place. There is never a day I go without something now. And my son will never experience that as long as I breathe. And yes stress does more to the body than most people know, which is why I will always be a short little feisty woman Wink haha

(06-12-2009, 23:04)Anastasia916 Wrote:  itsjust4fun, I know what you mean about others thinking it's all so tragic. I've been involved in many public speakings, support groups etc. for raped and battered women. And everytime I tell stories of my past people instantly start crying, hugging me and telling me how sorry they are. I tell them, what are you sorry for? If it weren't for those experiences I wouldn't be who I am today, I wouldn't be here helping others in the same or worse situation. Yes, the things I went through were tough, but like you I made it through it alive, and that's alot more than some can say and that I'm proud of. Like I tell the women who have been in bad situations and contemplating suicide, stop being a victim and letting them win and start being a survivor. I often do motivational speaking and often get in their faces. Some are too sensitive or scared to do that, I'm not. If you are not on the right track I will get in your face and tell you what you can do about it. Some have called me cruel for it, but then a year or so later, I have women coming up to me and I don't even recognize them because they changed so much, and they tell me "I hated you for what you said to me, I hated you so much I wished you dead" I normally smile and say "it's only the good ones that die young, me, I'll end up living 100 years" then they say "but now I want to thank you with all my heart, everything you said was exactly what I needed to hear, you only know how to love toughly, and that's what I needed." and normally they have changed their lives completely for the better. It does often get irritating when you tell your story and people start crying and feel sorry for you, that is never my intention when telling someone about myself, I just want them to know me, learn from my mistakes, and appreciate the good in their life. To know it could always be worse. And you have to be grateful for what you do have or it will never get better. I lead a good life now, sure it's not perfect, but perfection is boring. I have a healthy and beautiful son, and a loving husband. I have 2 cats and a dog I love, and I live in a good place. There is never a day I go without something now. And my son will never experience that as long as I breathe. And yes stress does more to the body than most people know, which is why I will always be a short little feisty woman Wink haha

I dont believe youve ever been a victim of abuse. You would know that doing things like that is more damaging to women than helpful. The fact is they are victims and its understandable to to be depressed and suicidal. You sound really cruel and I dont think you should be able to publicly speak about anything because clearly you dont know anything about it. I find it rather sick and self righteous of you. Every abuse situation is different. You cant always just "leave" or get over it. Shame on you Anastasia916!


For a nineteen year old, you sure have some deep seated anger issues.

Dragging up a three and a half year old post and complaining about it?

Being a "victim" is all in your attitude. You can blame everyone else in your life for all of your woes. Or, you can go out and get the most out of life in spite of how much you get dumped on.
You can put two different kids in a room full of manure and one will complain about the stench while the other will start digging trying to find the pony...
Both my brother and I grew up in the same home broken up by booze. He has a victim mentality that says his poor life is circumstances' fault. He would have been a success in life if life hadn't treated him so poorly and given him the shaft.
While I, on the other hand, got over it and made something of my life. Put myself through college, have a wife and four wonderful kids to name a few things. This holiday season I have my family to enjoy it with and he has his pity party.
Its all about that old addage: when life hands you a bowl of lemons, just add some sugar and make lemonade.

I do not know what is up your craw, but you sure seem to have issues.

Put your "big girl panties" on and grow up.


I have to agree. Anastasia has been nothing but truly helpful here on the forums and I wouldn't doubt she has been outside of the forums.

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