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MSM & Vitamin C - Cancer


Ok here are the pics, I know you don't need them but maybe somebody else might find them useful. Tongue

My MSM bottle had this measuring spoon. The smaller side is one tsp and the bigger side is one tbsp. Smile Third photo is MSM on my hand where you can see the texture. It looks similar to sugar.




Hi Ladies, thank you for the info.

Do you take the powder with tap water? (Just concerned about the website from my first post).

Do you have to pop a Vit C pill everytime you take the MSM? It's just that I'm currently taking one capsule of Vit C per day (it's 750mg); and wondered if this would be okay. (I'm currently taking this to try and up my progesterone).

BUT re: the Vit C - I've read a thread on here that MSM should be taken with at least 1/4th part of vitamin C. So for example if you take 4000mg of MSM a day you should take it with 1000mg of vitamin C for it to work properly. However, this seems a lot to me, because over 1000mg of Vit C can cause problems (sickness, nausea, diarrhea, etc). And I've read between 6-10mg daily is the recommended amount of MSM, so this will really push the Vit C up.

I've also read that if you take MSM you should take Molybdenum (but I've not heard anyone mention it on here or the long hair forum). It mentions it in this link, however I don't really understand why you should take it (if anyone can simplify for me that would be great) -

Re: the MSM being a detox (skin breakouts & headaches), but I've read drinking plenty of water helps as it cleans the tissues and blood of toxins so might help.


This is what I have done personally and just because it works for me it might mean it wont work for you or joe blogs down the road lol

I use Dr Mercola liposomal vitamin C and find its really tolerable and I can take up to 3000mg no issues at all (spread out) daily but I usually take 2000mg a day. With the msm I have been taking 1 teaspoon in water AND I either take one vit c tablet either with it (1 teaspoon msm) or shortly after (from mem you read re the cancer patients taking up to 10,000 msm and the vit c half an hour later is what I read cause the msm opened up the cells to vit c or something to that effect) so that's why I take it after otherwise I take them at the same time.

I recently had an accident and my naturopath said to me to take a few teaspoons of msm a day and another naturopaty/physical therapist at the A & E said the same, not for ME personally to take 10 thousand but as much as I though my body could handle for healing purposes. So I took up to 3 teaspoons a day over a week or two, NOT at the same time, but spread out, and I took two 1000mg pills of vit c.
I healed up really well btw but I also used some homeopathic remedies.

I wouldn't take any more than one teaspoon at a time and for my msm at home says to take 1/2 a teaspoon daily at first so id try that. Just make sure you get a good brand and do the purity test too. You can find that on youtube.

What is MSM (methylsulfonylmethane) and why do we need it
(1 level teaspoon = about 4 grams or 4000 mg). SAFETY AND DOSAGE. MSM is considered very safe. Toxicity is extremely rare: the lethal dose of MSM in mice ...
- but with that said I might upset your system so start low.

I just found this because I couldn't remember how much msm Peggy said was in a teaspoon. So based on that I think for maintenance purposes il take 2 level teaspoons a day along with 2 liposomal vit C's.

I actually took this above, one teaspoon + one Vit c 1000mg closer to bedtime last night and for the first time in weeks!!! I slept right through Smile

Thanks Ellacraig - sorry, but do you take your MSM with tap water?

When I finish my Vit C I'll look at some others so I can take more than 1 capsule per day (so I can take one after each dose of MSM).

Thanks for the advice on the purity test - I'll definately do that!

I've had a quick look at MSM powder (and capsules for comparison); and the powder all seems to be 100% MSM, whereas capsules contain other ingredients. So, I'm gonna take powder, which seems to be more preferred anyway due to potency. But I've been reading that it's best to use a brand that uses OptiMSM (manufactured in the US and tested for purity). However, after a short search I can only find OptiMSM capsules, not powdered (I'm in the UK). Although I did find this, but it's on ebay, and not sure if I trust ebay on something like this: - . Not sure if you ladies in the US can confirm if this is a known brand?

But as long as I do a purity test I'll be okay (thanks again for that Ellacraig).

Edit: PS - I've just been reading some reviews on brands of MSM and this caught my eye by one review: - Be sure not to use tap water or microwaved water. chlorine will inactivate the msm, and microwaved water is worse than tap water. msm's life is only 12 hours, hense the need to take it twice a day.

AND I've found a MSM powdered product that looks good, it's been tested for 99.7% purity, the brand is NOW (and I remember this name from research I've been doing - I think it was from the long hair forum) - so hopefully this is a good one for breast growth Smile


Yes I take mine with filtered tap water. But as Peggy pointed out and you said its probably right the capsules have fillers :s
And also when I took the capsules they upset my tummy where as the powdered im fine with.
Have you tried Iherb?
They deliver in 4 working days and have a good range.

Thank you. I'll check out iherb.

If I took MSM with water I'd have to buy a filter jug (and filters) = more money, which I really can't afford, what with all the other stuff I'm buying! Smile

I've tried researching, but can't find anything - Can you put MSM into ANY drink. I'm thinking pure fruit juice (orange, apple, etc), and milk?

I'll also have a look and see if I can find any bottled water without fluoride in it.

Thank you


(28-02-2015, 16:57)djt-d Wrote:  Thank you. I'll check out iherb.

If I took MSM with water I'd have to buy a filter jug (and filters) = more money, which I really can't afford, what with all the other stuff I'm buying! Smile

I've tried researching, but can't find anything - Can you put MSM into ANY drink. I'm thinking pure fruit juice (orange, apple, etc), and milk?

I'll also have a look and see if I can find any bottled water without fluoride in it.

Thank you

What do you do for normal drinking water? Im a bit funny with water and all the chemicals. I have this shower filter fitted, costs me 120 every 2 years or maybe 1 year but at least when I shower im not absorbing all the chemicals when my pores are open the most!

Have you looked into say a "britta" filter? might find a cheap one on ebay.

All our local hardware stores have real cheap water jugs with inbuilt filters which you should a good few months worth before you had to replace just the filter.

Put it in juice if its easier. Might even absorb better with citris. You'd best research that. I plan to put it in juice for my husband because he has major joint pain and cant sleep so im going to start him on it today. He'l winge and complain but in juice he wont notice! Just stir it in good.

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