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Soli's Program


So here is my tentative program, begun 2/15/15, super simple at the beginning, adding things as I go.

Maca - 500 mg/day, morning
Swanson's BO - 750 mg/day, 1 cap per meal
PC - tiny dab days 13-26 of my cycle

I also take fermented CLO, green drink and Vit C for general health.
I'll also be adding in protein shakes to up my total protein.
I massage, mostly when I remember throughout the day, but I'd like to get more formal about it, using coconut oil, and trying out cinnamon extract as a stimulator.
I also have listened to Blaketalks, but need to get more regular about it.
I have a noogleberry, but I can't get to it for a few months, so I'll add that on down the line.

Thinking of adding in:
Goat's rue - 1 cup of tea or low tincture dosage
T receptor pathway blocker - SP, maybe red reishi down the line

Is there anything I'm missing?

Xo, Soli

I like your program, its nice and simple. Would definitely recommend adding MSM.
keep us updated on how Maca and BO work together since there isnt much info on it. Can you also track your butt growth for me? I'd like to know if this combo stimulates butt gain.
Best of luck Smile

Hi AquaA!

I've actually been taking the maca for a few months now, mainly because it just makes me feel good. I was on really low doses of PM last year for about 6 months and I think I became E dominant, so initially began the maca to balance things back out again. I just began feeling great, and decided to keep on with it. So far, I've actually lost a few pounds, and overall I'm hoping to reduce my hip measurements, but I'll certainly keep track of where and how changes occur in the booty area, if any!

What I have noticed elsewhere, though, is pretty immediate tingling and tenderness in the boobs. The very first day I took the BO (500 mg/day for the first week) I felt breast activity, though it lasted only part of that first week. I bumped up to 750/day last Sunday, and the tingling and tenderness has increased and continued.

I'm excited to see where the BO gets me!

Xo, Soli

(26-02-2015, 05:22)Soledad46 Wrote:  Hi AquaA!

I've actually been taking the maca for a few months now, mainly because it just makes me feel good. I was on really low doses of PM last year for about 6 months and I think I became E dominant, so initially began the maca to balance things back out again. I just began feeling great, and decided to keep on with it. So far, I've actually lost a few pounds, and overall I'm hoping to reduce my hip measurements, but I'll certainly keep track of where and how changes occur in the booty area, if any!

What I have noticed elsewhere, though, is pretty immediate tingling and tenderness in the boobs. The very first day I took the BO (500 mg/day for the first week) I felt breast activity, though it lasted only part of that first week. I bumped up to 750/day last Sunday, and the tingling and tenderness has increased and continued.

I'm excited to see where the BO gets me!

Xo, Soli

How much maca did you take


I take a maca capsule of 500mg/day.

Xo, Soli

I know it's too early for real results, and the follicular phase will be the true test, but I can't resist sharing the swelling - I just measured at 34.75" bust measurement. 3/4 inch in 16 days! Sore, sore nipples, and like I said, I'll measure again 2 days after my period starts with no expectation of keeping the quarter inch. But I've never had swelling before, so it feels great!


Xo, Soli

Well, the results are in: the 1/4" stayed! Woohoo!
Updated numbers - 34.75" B, 32." UB, 30.5" W, 40.5" H

I added 1000mg/day MSM in the third week, and will up it to 2000mg/day starting today. I also want to add a small dosage of goat's rue and gauge the progress. My massaging was haphazard at best, so I'll continue whenever I remember. Same goes for Blaketalks, haphazard, but I'd like to get more regular with that, as I definitely feel tingles when I listen to it.

Here's my plan for the next month:

Maca - 500 mg/day total, (1 500 mg cap am)
Swanson's BO - 750 mg/day total, (1 250 mg cap per meal)
MSM - 2000 mg/day total, (1 1000 mg cap am, 1 pm)
PC - tiny dab days 13-26 of my cycle

I also take fermented CLO, green protein drink and Vit C for general health.

Thinking of adding in:
T receptor pathway blocker - SP, or red reishi down the line
Cinnamon extract as an add on to massage medium

I will be ordering goat's rue this week. Any recommendations as to tea vs. tincture vs. capsules?

Xo, Soli

Whoops, double post.

Hi soledad,

Just wondering if u can tell where did u ordered it Swanson BO. N why r u using PC in ur program. Do people normally use PC cream in BO program coz they get estrogen dom? Sorry if I missed to read something n u already answered that.

Good luck with u r program

Hi Lily!

I order the BO direct from Swanson's website, here: I am in the US, so the shipping is typically inexpensive and quick. If you are outside the US, I believe some folks order it from Amazon for better shipping deals.

I found out I was somewhat estrogen dominant, so adding a little progesterone cream during my luteal phase helps keep me balanced. I think most folks try to incorporate various constituents to stay/get in balance, and there are other ways to address a progesterone deficiency, like Vitex (chaste berry) and others. I just happened to have the cream, so I'm using that. Smile

My understanding is that BO itself isn't inherently unbalancing, as it addresses the gland as a whole. However, if you start off with an imbalance, it won't really rebalance the system. So adding the PC is my way to keep things relatively even.

Hope that helps!

Xo, Soli

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