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Does maca or fenugreek work? (Male, prepubescent)


I have decided I really don't want to go through a male puberty. But I don't really feel my parents would let me take hormones. I have been looking into different herbs that would help me to have a more feminine figure. I'm not that masculine at this point either. In fact my puberty has started out really feminine. I've gotten longer legs and wider hips and a smaller waistline. I have a pear shape this far along but I'm like really skinny. The only thing feminine about me is my face shape. I just need to basically fill out and get some boobs. I would at least just like to take supplements to at slow down civilization until I'm old enough to take hormones. I have looked up fenugreek saw palmetto and maca and wild yam. I'm just wondering would it work for someone like me and how well? What are the side effects? And do you lactate with these supplements. What was your experience?


It's doubtful that anyone will give you advice other than talk to you parents/healthcare provider. You're way too young for us to give you advice on dosing yourself in good conscience. Please do talk to your parents/doctor if you can about these issues you are having. I believe there are hormone blockers that can sometimes be used by doctors to halt puberty until you are older/more sure of how you feel.

(27-12-2014, 23:18)prettylily Wrote:  It's doubtful that anyone will give you advice other than talk to you parents/healthcare provider. You're way too young for us to give you advice on dosing yourself in good conscience. Please do talk to your parents/doctor if you can about these issues you are having. I believe there are hormone blockers that can sometimes be used by doctors to halt puberty until you are older/more sure of how you feel.

Sorry I didn't look at the thread when I bumped it my bad.

I'd have updated it.

Anyhow my parents won't allow me to transition. They don't believe in it and mostly think homosexuals should be put to death and if I want to live as a woman I must be gay even though I'm not. So it's not an option. I've come across another problem though. i actually am intersex and my parents want me to take T. Dr recommended it since my puberty isn't in the male direction. I personally don't "feel" female at all. I just want to keep my body the way it is which is difficult to do if I have to take testosterone. I am generally pretty average for a guy I socialize with mostly guys and I'm also attracted to girls. It's just I wish my body would stay this way or more feminine. Like I would be more feminine if I were allowed to be.

But yeah I can't really talk to my parents because they don't accept things like this. And it's not just a feeling either. Anyhow thanks for the advice I know you were meaning well by it.

The question was more on what works and what doesn't which is a thread I made already. I learned of likely hormone blockers would also be needed. I just have to figure out how to get around taking testosterone.

I still was wondering how well maca and fenugreek would work and also what the results were would it cause me to lactate because that would be uncomfortable.

I'm sorry to hear that you are in such a difficult situation. Hopefully someone will be able to give you more helpful advice than me.

I meant feeling in the sense that it is something you feel rather than to imply that it was something frivolous or that it would soon pass. But I am sorry if it was offensive.

Good luck!

(28-12-2014, 03:07)prettylily Wrote:  I'm sorry to hear that you are in such a difficult situation. Hopefully someone will be able to give you more helpful advice than me.

I meant feeling in the sense that it is something you feel rather than to imply that it was something frivolous or that it would soon pass. But I am sorry if it was offensive.

Good luck!

It's ok and thanks.

I, too, am very sorry you are going through this with parents who aren't supportive. I want you to know that you are not alone and that you will get through this. In fact, we have a sub-forum here dedicated to gender identity. You might find kindred spirits there who are able to give you the support you need.

I really don't think you would lactate on any herbs. Even if you use a pump and herbs it would be very difficult to get yourself to lactate.
I don't think maca would cause you any negative health issues in appropriate doses. Whenever I am interested in an herb or vitamin/mineral I look it up on WebMD to see what the possible side effects are and proper dosage.

Can you find a doctor in your area who specializes in intersex and can educate your parents on what that means? So many people are clueless about it and education can make a difference. I also hope you have/find a doctor that you feel comfortable with and can let them know that you don't want T and would prefer to be neutral/natural or try female hormones. I'm curious, do you know which intersex condition you have? Did you have a hormone panel done?

Because of your age we all feel very concerned about giving you advice on herbs, etc. Herbs can do harm if not taken appropriately.
That said I have a couple suggestions for you to consider.

Massaging your chest can help stimulate breast development. Here is a thread with links to massage instructions:

Here is a thread that Lotus put together for bio-males growing breasts. It has a lot of information about hormones and what they do.

Here is a link to the Gender Identity sub-forum. You might enjoy reading the stories and experiences there.

As a growing teen it is important for you to be physically active, eat healthy and get plenty of sleep.

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