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Is there a point at which you give up/consider surgery?


I know this is a sensitive topic on this forum and hope that we can have this thread without hurting each others feelings. I know this is an NBE forum, but I think many of us here have at least thought about breast implants.

There are tons of pros and cons to surgery, but there are pros and cons to NBE as well. Both come with health risks.
I really do believe that NBE can result in larger breasts, but it does have limits.

Has anyone else considered breast surgery? Is anyone trying NBE for a certain amount of time and then will consider surgery if NBE doesn't give them the desired results?

For me personally I would NEVER take implants. I think my health is way much more important an with this I'm not talking about the operation on itself.. because this will probabyly succeed. I am talking about the illness and the pain from something unnatural put in a healthy body. You will probably feel very different after doing something radical like that. Further i personally dont really like them because you can tell they are not real so I would be ashamed when walking around in bikini for my breasts more then i already am, lol. And most boys i talked to dont like them and prefer small breasts above implants.

If i was smaller than i am and i couldnt find love then i might have considered it yes... but lucky for me i have a man who accepts me as i am.
As for getting them re done every 10 or so years that is insane and risky and i wouldnt want to go there.

I would never consider implants, but I wonder if anyone else here would consider the fat grafting augmentation?

Please, watch this video on breast implant:

Be Wise, POM


Really.. implants for love? A man who kicks you outta bed because you have too small breasts for him isnt even worth it!
Fat grafting is interesting imo but its very expensive and pretty invasive too.

For me no, because I don't like the look of implants. And they don't feel real from what I have heard. For that reason I woudlnt consider implants. Fat grafting is too expensive and I don't think its guaranteed the fat will stay? Not sure.

I know that people on this forum have had success with NBE but some took years... So knowing its achievable would keep me going. If it worked for others, why not me? That thought and mindset would keep me going, but again everyone is different and for some people I can see surgery being better than the time/commitment/insecurity of NBE also.

I will say, that I have felt many fake boobs! Sounds weird, but I'm really open and outgoing and for some reason women kind of flock to me in bars. Yes I'm straight. And as soon as I start asking about their implants (if they have them), they want me to feel them. I've felt them in clothes, in bras, naked (friends and families), all around the edges, all around the breasts and grabbing whole hand fulls. The women have all been perfectly content letting me inspect the work and actually seem to really enjoy the curiosity/intrigue/education part of it.

This is what I've learned from my "hands-on education". First, YES!! Some implants actually feel like real boobs! I don't care what anyone says, I've felt big real boobs too and some of these fake boobs feel just like that, but also firm, full and fantastic. Every single one of these boob jobs that felt like actual real boobs have been silicone gel implants placed UNDER the muscle. And every single silicone-under-the-muscle girl has not had one single complaint about the surgery or afterwards. Not kidding you, one of the most amazing boobs I felt, this girl had just gotten them 3 months prior to me feeling them. I couldn't beleive it. They felt like big amazing real boobs. I've talked to girls that just got boobs 3 weeks ago and girls who've had them for 15 years and have had 2 surgeries.

*the girls that had a little bit of breast to moderate breast size and/or had some meat on their bones before the implants had better results.

*you HAVE to have some boob if you go over the muscle or you'll regret it. And any doctor that's willing to place them over the muscle with no prior boobage should be reconsidered.

*any doctor that's willing to take a female from AA to DD+ if you are small to medium framed should also be reconsidered.

*the thinner women with little to no breasts beforehand felt great ONLY when it was silicone under the muscle AND a moderate size. Tiny girls with big implants, no matter if they're under the muscle or not, doesn't feel right.

*Saline OVER the muscle has never felt good regardless of her prior breast size. You CAN feel the bags. They literally feel like if you filled a ziplock Baggie 3/4 of the way with water and shoved them under your skin. You CAN feel the bags and you CAN see ripples when they bend over. And it's safe to say that about 70-80% of those women had complaints about their implants.

*Saline UNDER the muscle was 100% better than saline OVER the muscle. But unless they were 7+ years worn in/old, or the woman had previous breast tissue/meat on her bones, they still felt a little fake.

*Every single girl that had saline then switched to gel silicone 100% thinks silicone gel is far better.

* I've only met 2 girls with those anatomically shaped contoured implants and neither of them liked them (and I wasn't a huge fan either).

*Over the muscle will get in the way of future breastfeeding.

*Under the muscle flexes with your pec muscles.

*aerola incisions will mess with nipple sensitivity/feeling

*the 3 week ms new booby that I felt (Silicone under the muscle) was at the bar with her friend who also had implants, but hers were saline under the muscle. They let me both feel them. They went to the same surgeon here too. The saline girl had hers done a year prior and the silicone 3 months prior. Silicone won hands freaking down.

*The only problem is the safety differences between the 2. If saline ruptures, you're deflated, but totally safe as it just absorbs into your body and it's only saline. If silicone gel breaks apart/deteriorates, it travels in your body and attaches to receptors and all kinds of things and over time, well let's just say it's not good. So, best thing to do would be to get them replaced quickly and the pockets cleaned out, ect. But, you need to get MRI scans periodically to check for silicone deterioration since you typically wouldn't notice otherwise.

*every implant needs to be replaced every 6-10 years. So it's a lifetime commitment (or however long you want them in)

*you don't just need money for the first surgery. You need to be able to take off of work afterwards, and even longer just in case it takes you longer to recover than expected, you should stock up on easy foods to eat, entertainment, and you need to have some extra stashed away just in case you get a capsular contracture or something happens to where you need to get something fixed. Some surgeons cover the cost of capsular contracture repair within a certain time frame after the initial surgery, but you still have to pay for anesthesia, ect.

*learn about massaging the implants, don't over exert yourself, look into "quick recovery breast augmentation". It's not a gimmick. They use different surgical tools and surgery techniques that severely speed up recovery time and minimize pain. Learn about different types of anesthesia.

There's pros and cons to both. Wouldn't it just be great if there were no cons though. Lol

I totally feel you!! I've been flip flopping on that since I started NBE. I've thought "Okay, I'd MUCH rather have real boobs anyway, so let's give this NBE thing a go for a while and if I don't get enough growth in a year (or whatever time frame I'm feeling at the moment), then I'm just going to suck it up and get a boob job". Then I jump on realself and look through all of the happy and unhappy girls after augmentation. With a 88% to 95% "worth it" rating, it's hard to not keep considering it. Especially after reading so many women saying they've tried natural methods for years and finally bit the augmentation bullet and their only regret is that they didn't do it sooner. Of COURSE there are risks. And like you said, there's risks involved with what we're doing also. But then I start reading these horror stories and completely freak myself out about it and decide it's not for me. Flip flop, back and forth.

I'm not going to lie, it would be fan-freaking-tastic to go to sleep and wake up an hour later with boobs. I feel like it would be a huge relief since I've been semi-obsessing over NBE for so long and I could stop doing everything (except massage). Buuuuuut, with real boobs, I never have to worry about surgury or anesthesia (which I'm scared of), or sleeping on my stomach, or you know, everything that could go wrong. I'd feel MUCH more proud if they were real boobs, but yeah, fake ones seem easier and are totally instant. It's tough. The fears I have about them keep me deciding no, the instant enhancement keeps me wishing I wasn't scared.

I've just started looking at the fat transfer, which actually looks awesome. But I think the lipo part would be rough and also, I'd have to gain a bunch of body fat first since I'm a skinny Minnie. Not easy with a fast metabolism. But yeah, I'd probably do 2 rounds of fat transfer if I could gain & maintain enough fat. I'd much rather that than implants.

Nope, never considered it. I never put in my mind that there's a possibility of NBE failing and it hasn't. Don't give your body and mind an alternative. Honestly I only started wanting big boobs about 2 years ago after my ex bf made a comment about big boobs, since then I started obsessing. Over a year ago I read a book about the power of the subconscious and that you can make it believe anything, just by constantly affirming it with determination then you will attract things that will make it happen. I started telling myself that I WILL HAVE BIG BOOBS and I simply believed it and so did my body. I never gave implants a thought because I didn't want my subconscious to have that as an option so that I wouldn't attract that. One thing led to the other and I got on the NBE path, now I'm 4 inches bigger in one year and I will get even bigger in 2015 year. You just have to truly believe that it will work. It's not easy, I know, fear always wins over belief but you have to constantly fight any doubts or frustration with positive thinking. Whenever one of my friends refers to my boobs as small, it upsets me and makes me think that I will never get big so I just meditate and visualize myself on the beach running with big boobs or having sex with bigs boobs and I start to enjoy myself and be happy because I remind myself that this is just a matter of time and that just like puberty it didn't happen for me over night.


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