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People who use Progesterone Cream - Please come in!


Ok so ive started my first 1/8th of a teaspoon of bio identical progesterone cream to try and balance me out quickly..

Im freaking out naturally (as I do over everything) but out of sheer desperation due to irregular periods, aching boobs an being an emotional roller coaster..

I cant get my hormones checked because my cycle is all over the show and don't want to throw away a couple of hundred dollars to only be checked on the wrong day.

The stupid thing is, since I stopped taking estrogenic influencing herbs my periods have gone from being perfect to completely ****ed!

My symptons seem to be estro dominant in nature so I hope im doing the right thing!

So I'm pretty sure I've ovulated already and its roughly day 11 since my cycles have shortened greatly and I used 1/8th teaspoon and rubbed half and half on each breast? The tube says to do this every 12 hours but I was thinking just once a day to start?

Any advice on whether to rotate each day where I put it?

Thanks guys.

Ive read that taking bio identical PC cream can only do good and no harm.

BUT are there any side effects known I need to be aware of?


What i would try: take as directed every other day every twelve hrs sounds good. for the next 2 weeks hopefully that will balance it out for the next cycle to come and dont take anything on the days of your menses. And repeat again the next cycle. (only progesterone). Hopefully two cycles will do it.

Id add an anti androgen at the 3rd cycle and take it from there.

Here is an article I found that outlines the things to be cautious of with progesterone cream use. The things to watch out for are towards the end of the article.

These are the two I am going to look out for and keep in mind personally:
2. Chaos with the negative-feedback loop
3. Perceived deficiency in the state of excess

but if I were to get too off balance, I'm thinking a course of maca would eventually help set me straight?

As for how to use it, I'm not too knowledgeable so I'll leave that one open. I started to use PC myself a week ago and love the effect it's having on my breasts. I use veryyyy little. barely eighth a teaspoon, like just a pinchhh.

I found this product and it has PC in I'm reading the reviews to see how people use it to see if it gives any insight. Hope this helps!

(30-12-2014, 05:40)TibetanPrincess Wrote:  What i would try: take as directed every other day every twelve hrs sounds good. for the next 2 weeks hopefully that will balance it out for the next cycle to come and dont take anything on the days of your menses. And repeat again the next cycle. (only progesterone). Hopefully two cycles will do it.

Id add an anti androgen at the 3rd cycle and take it from there.
Thanks soo much Tibetan. Ok I will do again at 10 tonight (12 hrs after first dose) - I was afraid of having "shortness of breath" which I read is possible but It was ok today and I guess if I get shortness of breath tonight I will asleep after my last dose so I wont notice... lol


(30-12-2014, 05:43)simplypurly Wrote:  Here is an article I found that outlines the things to be cautious of with progesterone cream use. The things to watch out for are towards the end of the article.

These are the two I am going to look out for and keep in mind personally:
2. Chaos with the negative-feedback loop
3. Perceived deficiency in the state of excess

but if I were to get too off balance, I'm thinking a course of maca would eventually help set me straight?

As for how to use it, I'm not too knowledgeable so I'll leave that one open. I started to use PC myself a week ago and love the effect it's having on my breasts. I use veryyyy little. barely eighth a teaspoon, like just a pinchhh.

I found this product and it has PC in I'm reading the reviews to see how people use it to see if it gives any insight. Hope this helps!

Thanks love. I will read the article. I keep hearing you cant go wrong as long as you get bio available PC cream so lets hope they are right. And at the end of the day they say "most" of us are estrogen dominant, I mean why wouldn't we be when EVERYTHING food wise is wrapped in sodding plastic, not to mention till receipts are all BPA and I for one handle at least ONE till receipt every single day.
Thanks again Simply.

Keep me updated how you go. I in fact did the same thing today, I used even less than 1/8th and was surprised to find it goes a long way and covers both breasts.


I have been reading non-stop on progesterone as I really think I am progesterone deficient. I like the article on dosage/overdosing on progesterone. It gives me a good idea how much to use. I have been dabbing on a tiny bit over last few days and have noticed my breasts are more perky than before in just those few days time.

Regarding SIGNS:
Menstrual irregularities
Acne, brittle nails, dry cracked skin
Depression, anxiety, mood swings
Low libido, fatigue, foggy thinking
Slow metabolism, weight gain around the midsection, sugar cravings
Migraines, headaches, also joint pain and allergy symptoms

Regarding DOSAGE:
( the article comes from the perspective that progesterone is over dosed for people who take it )
"Because it is not cancer causing and because it is such a beneficial hormones, progesterone USP has been considered so safe that a "more is better" attitude has been adopted. Whereas the ovaries only produce 20-50 mg./day of progesterone, doctors routinely prescribe 200 mg./day. "

"Use a physiological dose. Pharmacies dispensing USP normally recommend 200 mg./day. However, we have noted that this is far more than the ovaries ever produce. If we are using estrogen, we certainly want to get enough progesterone to prevent endometrial hyperplasia (a precancerous condition of the uterus caused by using estrogen alone.) Dr. John Lee states that he found 30 mg./day of progesterone to be enough to prevent hyperplasia in women using estrogen. Using 1/4 tsp. of a moderate strength product such as NuGest 900 twice daily will give you approximately 60 mg/day. Given that nothing absorbs 100%, still this amount should be ample."

After seeing what PC did to my friend and reading a lot in german forums about PC I would not recommend it. Yes I used it myself for 3-4 months, but only a tiny amount and it did not help me at all (only thing it did was that I felt like I overdosed my thyroid meds, I felt shaky). PC will raise your progesterone level, yes, but once you stop your prog. level will be the same like before or even less. PC wont balance your hormones, your body wont start producing its own progesterone, it will temporary mask the problem of being estrogen dominant but its not the solution to the problem.

Edit: And definitely dont use it on your breasts, it should be used at the inner side of your thighs, arms (where you have thin skin).

(02-01-2015, 18:34)peggy Wrote:  After seeing what PC did to my friend and reading a lot in german forums about PC I would not recommend it. Yes I used it myself for 3-4 months, but only a tiny amount and it did not help me at all (only thing it did was that I felt like I overdosed my thyroid meds, I felt shaky). PC will raise your progesterone level, yes, but once you stop your prog. level will be the same like before or even less. PC wont balance your hormones, your body wont start producing its own progesterone, it will temporary mask the problem of being estrogen dominant but its not the solution to the problem.

Edit: And definitely dont use it on your breasts, it should be used at the inner side of your thighs, arms (where you have thin skin).

Thank you Peggy. I took your/the king (lotus) advice and read up on it and that worries me too. I'm thinking just dim for now and things like tumeric and the other prog promoting herbs and exercising more along with my b vitamins etc. Build my own hormones.


(02-01-2015, 18:34)peggy Wrote:  After seeing what PC did to my friend and reading a lot in german forums about PC I would not recommend it. Yes I used it myself for 3-4 months, but only a tiny amount and it did not help me at all (only thing it did was that I felt like I overdosed my thyroid meds, I felt shaky). PC will raise your progesterone level, yes, but once you stop your prog. level will be the same like before or even less. PC wont balance your hormones, your body wont start producing its own progesterone, it will temporary mask the problem of being estrogen dominant but its not the solution to the problem.

Edit: And definitely dont use it on your breasts, it should be used at the inner side of your thighs, arms (where you have thin skin).

That's very good to know. Thank you. I guess it's time to start looking for ways naturally increase progesterone then... because the PC cream is working for me, but I don't want to do anything harmful permanently. hmm..

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