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boyf cant get in my vagina


I need your opinions guys.

Me and my boyf have been trying to have sex for some.months in which we failed to succeed and i gave it up for some months
I tought i had a septate hymen because his penis couldnt get in and i was in huge pain when trying

Today i went to the gynaecologist and she inserted one finger and started going around. It hurted me and i bleed a little. She said i didnt have a septate and that everything is normal
She told me to try to have sex again and relax and to use a lube. She told me if you fail again , come again and i insert 2 fingers.
Im worried because i dont know the reason why he never managed to get in. Next time i will stay more relaxed.

Also anyone knows if this is also a problem and how to fix it: it. Took us time for him.always trying to get in and usually his boner always goes off while trying to do it..? Does this happen to u?

Also anyone has any ideas where to hv sex? We ordered a weekend brrak but we cant always pay... And we are never alone at home. I live with 5 other ppl in my house and i dont have a door in my room. Any ideas?


have you thought about experimenting with dildos? you could always start with a smaller one then move up as you get comfy.
being tense makes a huge difference too. I still have that problem sometimes and ive been married for 8 years and I just have to 'literally" relax my muscles down there and it makes all the difference from pain to no pain. sounds like it might always be rushed and hushed for you guys too with a full house which cant be helping.

Too bad there's no funnel for something like this. One that gradually gets wider the longer it's in you.
As for where you can do it, do either of you have a van? Back in the late `70's everyone had a van with a bed and carpeting in the back, it was like a bedroom on wheels and there were LOTS of vans bouncing up and down!! The saying back then was, "If you see the van a-rockin', don't come a-knockin'!! Otherwise, see if you can find a secluded un-frequented place outside, like a park with a good many trees and nobody uses it after 11:00, or so.
In the mid `80's, I was at my singer's place for rehearsal one evening when Jan (pronounced, "yawn") & Skippy were upstairs in his (Jan's) room having sex. There were about 8 or 9 of us downstairs in the living room, basically 3 or 4 yards away from their room and we could easily hear Skippy moaning and screaming. Once they were done having sex, all of us downstairs applauded and cheered loudly!! LOL. Skippy came down a minute later and was laughing her ass off!! Jan, however, was EXTREMELY pissed at us!! Maybe you just need to suffer an audience and have fun with it! Start yelling stuff like, "PUT THE LAMP UP MY ASS!!!!"
I DON"T see why you have to see a Dr. to have fingers stuck into you, I'm SURE you could do it yourself, or let your boyfriend have all the fun.
I don't know if this'll help, but it might give you an idea or two. I just hope it'll play!!!! I clicked on the play button 15 minutes ago and it STILL hasn't started playing!!!! Last time, a week ago, it only took a second to start playing!!
Anyway, good luck with it. I wish I had that problem!!

Since your gyno says things seem OK down there, I'm wondering if the problem could be another type. Sometimes problems can result in emotional issues that can manifest as physical-- such as vaginal tightness. You might want to examine your feelings about your boyfriend and your life situation. Sometimes our bodies tell us things our minds do not.

There is a condition where your vagina will close itself off. Usually from anxiety, I think.

Have you or your boyfriend had sex before? And have you tried the lube or lots of foreplay before hand? If you're not very slick down there and haven't had sex before, it can be difficult to get his penis in.

(14-12-2014, 15:02)prettylily Wrote:  There is a condition where your vagina will close itself off. Usually from anxiety, I think.

Yes! I've read stories where a couple were going at it and suddenly without knowing it, she just clamped up VERY tightly on him and no matter HOW hard they pulled, he could NOT get free of her!! They had to be taken to the hospital to have some kinds of injection that made her relax enough to let him out!! I can just imagine how painful that'd be for him to have her do that JUST as he's starting to cum in her!!

perhaps you should try a glass of wine or two beforehand Wink lol things are significantly less painful with a bit of alcohol I find. & make it a romantic slow night, like have it start with him kissing up your neck or whatever you like and moving slowly down your body with his kisses, and maybe even have him give you a back massage that moves down to your butt and thighs, nice & slow, just to get you warmed up. & then start with fingering with some coconut oil or lube, and you can even help him get in by kind of spreading yourself for him with your hands

More foreplay between you both, so you become more "excited" (wet and relaxed) , before he tries to enter you.

I'm suprised no one has brought this up. your are a virgin right?

All women have a hymen. this image from a manga i read once will probably help explain if you didn't know.

sorry it's perverted x.x

(21-04-2015, 21:41)Ausha Wrote:  I'm suprised no one has brought this up. your are a virgin right?

All women have a hymen. this image from a manga i read once will probably help explain if you didn't know.

sorry it's perverted x.x

You have some.....interesting taste in manga.


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