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Prolactin levels & Breast Cancer risk?


HuhSorry I hate to "poo poo" over what we are all doing here but read something disturbing this morning about high prolactin levels and elevated breast cancer risk.

Can anyone shed some light on this??

Maybe it only applies to DRUGS that induce lactation but does it also apply to long term usage of the likes of fenugreek, goats rue and other herbs used to help with breastfeeding or AKA what we are using now for breast enlargement??

Thanks in Advance.

Am hoping some of our scholars here can do some research as I'm coming up blind and confused.

Some herbs lower breast cancer risk. There are others like Zen, and Dong Quai that increase or vary risk. There's a risk from an excessive imbalance of either estrogen to progesterone, which is why bcp is given with both progestogens and estrogens together in proportion. Do you have a link to the study?

I haven't read about elevated prolactin levels and breast cancer risk. But hyperprolactima (over excessive prolactin) causes or is a symptom of other serious problems.

Take your pick Huh

thanks lovely. Dunno if I have misread any of this...
And I'd more prolactin equals less estrogen I would have thought high prolactin would lower your risk of BC if anything.. based on what you said above makes me wonder if it's worth throwing out our balance or potentially doing so with herbs period.

I think its an excess of any 1 hormone compared to other interacting hormones. Cell growth is caused indiscriminately among both healthy or nonhealthy tissue by an extreme imbalance of human hormones (and refined foods). Estrogen without progesterone can cause this problem, or progesterone without estrogen. An imbalance is apparent if there are irregular periods, or other symptoms. When both are cycled and are in proper proportion, cancer risks are lowered (as with bcp). It seems that excess prolactin is no different than what an excess in estrogen does. I believe in using herbs that are hormonal but also have anti-cancer properties, these restrict cancer cells and stimulate healthy cells. Fenugreek is such an herb that inhibits breast cancer.

There is also green tea, or ginger, which both reduce cancer risk, but they are also counter productive to NBE. I wonder if cycling these can have use.

Hyperprolactinemia is normal during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Hyperprolactinemia (high prolactin levels) (linked from Medline plus search). looks like a good resource.

I previously oversimplified prolactin and estrogen's effects on each other. Prolactin reduces FSH and LH. Both FSH and LH increase estrogen. But (contrary to what I thought) a current version of Britannica says estrogen increases prolactin. Britannica: Regulation of prolactin secretion <--- this goes over much of what I wrote in the past. (I know its frustrating)

Going back to the links:
Risk of Breast Cancer due to Hyperprolactinemia caused by Antipsychotics (Neuroleptics) can be related to how mood influences prolactin production, and there are herbs that increase prolactin through this route. There are also commercials that are for suing by people who took those medicines and have gynecomastia. (moved to new post)

Pubmed: Prolactin and breast cancer risk.

So lovely what's you're thoughts on nature days formula? I'm mindful of the dong quai and potential associated risk but the percentage in this formula is low... that said being a liquid extract would that make the percentage of DQ higher?

333mg proprietary blend makes each dosage relatively low.
Just have to resize the pic as it won't load.


Fenugreek, Fennel and Blessed thistle are good ingredients. Saw Palmetto works on the male prostate to reduce dht, but I don't know if it works on female organs or on fatty tissue. Adding aromatase and a different anti-DHT would be an improvement.

"Taking dong quai in large amounts for a long period of time is POSSIBLY UNSAFE. Dong quai contains chemicals that are considered to be cancer-causing (carcinogens)." - Medline plus. I'd go by that guideline in quotes. If taking any bit of it, eat whole grain and fruit fiber daily. It looks like dong quai works on mood's effects on prolactin, and dong quai is possibly useful for "hot flashes and night sweats". Botanical modulation of menopausal symptoms: Mechanisms of action?

Bulk herbs usually give a better deal than formulas, and can be mixed to choice and according to cycle. I see the label now, it looks like its strong since says it's the equivalent to 333mg (I guess in phytochemicals) of dried herb. It probably (also) means they extracted it from 333mg dry herb per 1ml. On the label ~ means organic, and + means selectively imported. It'd be better to replace dong quai with nipple stimulation, hops, Pueraria and/or an adaptogen. It's good that their product has organic ingredients and they claim their product isn't tested on animals. If taking dong quai it'd be better than no more than once a week, and only for hotflashes, nightsweats or pms symptoms, then go with something that's not donq quai once the product is finished. Probably I could email them about the dong quai concern.

Review: Risk of Breast Cancer due to Hyperprolactinemia caused by Antipsychotics (Neuroleptics) - There are mixed results by studies on whether prolactin increases, has correlation or causes risk of breast cancer. "As most breast cancers are thought to be fueled by estrogen23, and hyperprolactinemia causes estrogen deficiency24"

Reduction of Estrogen by Hyperprolactinemia is possibly indirectly through it's LH and FSH lowering effects.

Prolactin possibly causes nipple based tumors, or it possibly influences progesterone to cause Progesterone Receptor tumors.

This study can be related to how mood influences prolactin production, and there are herbs that increase prolactin through this route. There are also commercials that are for suing by people who took those medicines and have gynecomastia.

It seems it is important to cycle presence of (phyto) estrogens, progestogens and prolactin proportionately. Breast cancers seem to be promoted by continued dominance of 1 hormone over the other two (and possibly androgens)

I have a prolactinoma.... prolactin secreting pituitary tumor... but my medication drops my prolactin levels which is good for the tumor and i guess breast cancer... but does seem to interfere in any kind of herb induced breast growth..


You might want to read the Britannica link above, its on prolactin. It has a free article pass for prolactin, but I don't know if the access is regional.

It talks about prolactinoma. Maybe you read it already.

It says prolactinoma is more common in women, but in men it is usually diagnosed later because it affects the menstrual cycle more noticeably than testicular function. Then it talks about dopamine like drugs that reduce prolactinoma. I wonder if LH and FSH treat it, or if they possibly complicate things.

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