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Bovine Ovary & our skin?


Hey loves,
I have a quick question hopefully someone will have an answer too.. I really think BO sounds amazing, the permanent growth, the help with tubular breast-- but I know it's basically because it puts our bodies back into puberty..

I *need* to know, has anyone had issues with acne or excess body hair or anything like that on BO? mostly acne..

I was a late bloomer but when puberty was coming to an end, I started breaking out pretty bad (around 18) it lasted for at least a year or 2. I now officially have clear skin and I really don't want to mess with it. Does BO cause acne? How did it work for you?

Thank you lovelies. <3

I've only been taking it for 11 days and I'm already getting acne. Saw Palmetto is supposed to counter that but Swanson brand isn't working. Need to find 85% SP and these don't list percentage. I'm still going for it though.

greetings missboobshirt. sorry, about the skin troubles. i've been taking it, too, but only 1, occasionally 2 caps/day for the last six weeks. not really noticing much but then i'm not taking much, either. not having any skin issues.

every single time i read the word 'acne', i remember a girlfriend from high school. 11th grade, she suddenly got acne and through our senior year. it was bad and really damaged her skin. i remember reading that adding oleic acid to the diet would help but, i really don't know. i remember hurting so, so, so much for my friend.

usually, i'd see this in guys so, i always attributed it to surges in testosterone but now i know that sudden disruptions to hormonal balance can manifest in peculiar and unexpected ways for any of us. i guess that's why i started with just one/day, i'm so cautious. it's almost as if the production of sebum is greater than the body's ability to move it completely out of the pores so, you have to do super gentle skin cleansing almost hour to hour. maybe, the oleic acid in omega 9 oil changes the viscidity which makes the sebum move better, idk, i wish i did have an answer for you. Huh

you didn't say what dosage bo you're taking but, if you're experingcing acne, please stop or reduce. don't let it do permanent damage to you skin. good luck. btw, i'm not taking many of the nbe herbs and oils and dietary items, mostly a minimum of bo and pumping. i got a khangzu 7 weeks ago and possibly i'm becoming a kangzhu addict. also, in the morning, i'm taking a tiny bit of the deer antler velvet tincture called igf-1, i think that's what it's called, but the amount i'm taking is very small. also, i make a drink in the morning with nutritional yeast, a little rice protein, spirulina, msm, gelatin, bio-sil, vit d3, udo's 3-6-9 and a bit of cod liver oil and some other things i throw in just for a thrill, so, nothing much. i sorta hit a small c plateau and trying to get to a d cup. i wish you well with the skin troubles and i hope you outgrow your current boobshirt. cheers, solomé

oops, p.s. also, using a bit of progest cream

(16-11-2014, 06:35)LissaMac Wrote:  I've only been taking it for 11 days and I'm already getting acne. Saw Palmetto is supposed to counter that but Swanson brand isn't working. Need to find 85% SP and these don't list percentage. I'm still going for it though.

try an anti androgen to help you with your acne! like spearmint tea.. or herbs that lower testosterone or are anti androgen. Good luck, and love your skin too!

(16-11-2014, 16:05)solomé_F Wrote:  greetings missboobshirt. sorry, about the skin troubles. i've been taking it, too, but only 1, occasionally 2 caps/day for the last six weeks. not really noticing much but then i'm not taking much, either. not having any skin issues.

every single time i read the word 'acne', i remember a girlfriend from high school. 11th grade, she suddenly got acne and through our senior year. it was bad and really damaged her skin. i remember reading that adding oleic acid to the diet would help but, i really don't know. i remember hurting so, so, so much for my friend.

usually, i'd see this in guys so, i always attributed it to surges in testosterone but now i know that sudden disruptions to hormonal balance can manifest in peculiar and unexpected ways for any of us. i guess that's why i started with just one/day, i'm so cautious. it's almost as if the production of sebum is greater than the body's ability to move it completely out of the pores so, you have to do super gentle skin cleansing almost hour to hour. maybe, the oleic acid in omega 9 oil changes the viscidity which makes the sebum move better, idk, i wish i did have an answer for you. Huh

you didn't say what dosage bo you're taking but, if you're experingcing acne, please stop or reduce. don't let it do permanent damage to you skin. good luck. btw, i'm not taking many of the nbe herbs and oils and dietary items, mostly a minimum of bo and pumping. i got a khangzu 7 weeks ago and possibly i'm becoming a kangzhu addict. also, in the morning, i'm taking a tiny bit of the deer antler velvet tincture called igf-1, i think that's what it's called, but the amount i'm taking is very small. also, i make a drink in the morning with nutritional yeast, a little rice protein, spirulina, msm, gelatin, bio-sil, vit d3, udo's 3-6-9 and a bit of cod liver oil and some other things i throw in just for a thrill, so, nothing much. i sorta hit a small c plateau and trying to get to a d cup. i wish you well with the skin troubles and i hope you outgrow your current boobshirt. cheers, solomé

oops, p.s. also, using a bit of progest cream

well I havent started taking BO yet for this reason. My skin doesn't break out anymore, but I feel for your friend from HS, because that's exactly what happened to me at the time! It was devastating. My skin is clear now, and i'd like to keep it that way!

Let me ask you-- as far as BO goes, does bovine ovary symptoms go away after stopping the supplement? I know that the breast growth is permanent, so what about the side effects? If it does cause acne, how do you get rid of it? does stop taking it all together work?

I never had cystic acne but certainly had acne as a teen.
Mostly black heads on my nose and acne on my chin, between eye brows and between my breasts.
I have noticed that the one or two pimples/zits I tend to sport have disappeared since starting msm and bovine ovary. My skin looks glowing and I can fall asleep in makeup without waking up with a break out.
I am taking 1000mg a day.

(20-11-2014, 04:02)Beckiee Wrote:  I never had cystic acne but certainly had acne as a teen.
Mostly black heads on my nose and acne on my chin, between eye brows and between my breasts.
I have noticed that the one or two pimples/zits I tend to sport have disappeared since starting msm and bovine ovary. My skin looks glowing and I can fall asleep in makeup without waking up with a break out.
I am taking 1000mg a day.

do you think it's because of the msm? maybe it has anti androgen properties? I am happy its working for you though ^^ thats good news its not making you break out like you were when you were a teen Smile are you getting good growth? ^^

I'm taking BO, placenta, msm, collagen, b complex, progesterone, pituitary, and I feel the progesterone has caused more skin issues than the b. Since progesterone increases sebum. It's more of clogged pores than anything. I've started exfoliating and my issues are clearing up. They are very far and few between. My pores are much smaller now than before I started nbe. Hope this helps. Ps I was on spearmint for awhile didn't notice a huge difference for my skin so I stopped. It did help with my digestion though.

I would like to try BO too.. but i'm so scared. I really dont want acne or excess hair growth since i've been there before.
Its hard to take a risk.. boobs or skin?

Took BO (Ultra Breast) for three months about four years ago - no skin issues back then.

Right now, I have been taking Swanson's BO, Pituitary, Multi Glandular and Thyroid for nearly two months and have not had any issues either.

Hair growth on my body has slowed down (wasn't sure in the beginning, but now, after nearly two months, I know for sure...).

Hope this helps and happy growing to all! Smile

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