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FAQ-Supplements for Breast Growth

That's an excellent paper. The diagram does oversimplify methylation, though. TMG (also called betaine) does not participate in the B12/folate cycle. This diagram shows how it works with the enzyme BHMT to convert homocysteine to methionine.

this was awesome! thank you ^^ I saved this page in my favorites Smile

I already have my PM :3

this makes me want to look in fenugreek & now wild yam, I like that wild yam increases progesterone, prolactin, anti-androgen..

but what does phytoestrogens do? & anti-androgen for breasts, does anyone know?

(13-10-2014, 00:00)missboobshirt Wrote:  this was awesome! thank you ^^ I saved this page in my favorites Smile

I already have my PM :3

this makes me want to look in fenugreek & now wild yam, I like that wild yam increases progesterone, prolactin, anti-androgen..

but what does phytoestrogens do? & anti-androgen for breasts, does anyone know?

Hi there missboobshirt,

The reason why Wild Yam is listed to contain progesterone in this thread,

Some of these creams have synthetic, or man-made progesterone added to them, although most don’t advertise this addition; if they do, it is often mentioned as natural progesterone. Wild yam is also sold as a capsule, liquid, dried root, and tincture to be taken by mouth. Some sellers combine it with vitamins, minerals, or other herbs, such as black cohosh (see Black Cohosh). In homeopathic medicine, the wild yam from the Dioscorea villosa plant is used fresh or dried and put in liquid extracts (see Homeopathy). The Chinese yam can also be used fresh or baked with flour or clay. Wild yam capsules and other forms are available in herbal shops and over the Internet. Dosages vary by manufacturer.


The prevailing evidence against synthetic estrogens must be understood alongside evidence about the effects of plant estrogens (phytoestrogens). Foods such as whole grains, dried beans, peas, fruits, broccoli, cauliflower and especially soy products are rich in phytoestrogens. Although scientific evidence suggests that plant-based estrogens offer nutritional benefits and are associated with healthy diets (Cederroth, 2009), the data are conflicting as to whether soy-based diets are beneficial, harmful or neutral in their effects on breast cancer risk (Andres, 2011; Rice, 2006).

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Some of the disparity in the literature may be related to type of soy products or other phytoestrogen-containing vegetables consumed by individuals. For example, although two natural phytoestrogens found in soy — genistein and its metabolite genistin (both referred to as isoflavones because of their chemical structure) — have been shown to increase breast tumor growth in a number of different models, highly processed soy flour that does not contain isoflavones has no effect. Purified soy protein isolates are often processed to contain different concentrations of isoflavones, and their influence on mammary tumors is related to the amount of isoflavone, not the total amount of soy protein consumed (Helfrich, 2008).

Phytoestrogens can promote breast growth, while a potent androgen (DHT) prevents breast growth, anti-androgens (albeit from herb, pharma and even food sources) works to prevent androgens from preventing boob growth.

Supplements that are highlighted in red have an anti-estrogenic effect, (please make sure you understand that they will compromise NBE).


Herbs/plant based and grains used for breast enlargement

  • PUERARIA MIRIFCA- The most potent phytoestrogen, targets E receptors, minor AA (daidzien)
PUERARIA MIRIFICA -Moderate Interaction
  • FENUGREEK- Prolactin stimulate, increases production of estrogen, phytoestrogen, adaptogen
FENUGREEK- Moderate Interaction
  • BLESSED THISTLE- Increases the flow of milk, (causes irritation of GI tract)
BLESSED THISTLE [Image: cn244jfqfz4dozn84.jpg] Minor Interaction
  • NETTLE ROOT-Binds to SHBG, increases estrogen and testosterone
  • SAW PALMETTO-DHT inhibiting effect, decreases progesterone receptors, (Taking saw palmetto along with estrogen pills might decrease the effectiveness of estrogen pills).
SAW PALMETTO -Moderate Interaction
  • HOPS-Activates alpha estrogen receptors which stimulates breast growth, increases SHBG which binds free testosterone
HOPS -Moderate Interaction
  • WHITE PEONY ROOTEstrogenic, blocks 5-ar and pro-aromatase, strong
WHITE PEONY ROOT-Moderate Interaction
  • FENNEL-Promotes milk production, nutrient rich for NBE growth, stimulates the growth of breast tissue
FENNEL -Moderate Interaction
  • WILD YAM-Stimulates hormone production, increases progesterone, prolactin, anti-androgen, and slows the metabolism of estrone, one of the body's own estrogens.
  • DONG QUAI-Balance hormones, assists breast enlargement, improves gland function
DONG QUAI [Image: cn23rercothbnz2vo.gif] Major Interaction
  • RED CLOVER-Minor aromatase inhibitor, highly estrogenic, Binds to alpha estrogen receptor
RED CLOVER Moderate Interaction
  • LICORICE ROOT-Anti-androgenic, activates alpha and beta estrogen receptors and blocks 5-ar, DGL is thought to have fewer side effects
LICORICE ROOT [Image: cn23rercothbnz2vo.gif] Major Interaction
  • ANISE-Stimulates breast growth by increasing E, (1980 study published in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology)
  • BLACK COHOSH-Appears to bind to estrogen receptors, mimics hormonal effects of estrogen, estriol
BLACK COHOSH (not good on the liver)
  • ALFALFANatural phytoestrogens, helps with menopausal symptoms, inhibits bone loss caused by estrogen deficiency
ALFALFA [Image: cn23rercothbnz2vo.gif] Major Interaction
  • CHASTE TREE-Corrects hormone imbalances, increases LH in favor of E and progesterone
CHASTEBERRY -Moderate Interaction
  • MACA ROOT-Abundant in amino acids, phytonutrients, healthy fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals, increase in energy and libido, adaptogen
  • GOATS RUE-Builds breast tissue and increases milk supply
GOAT'S RUE -Moderate Interaction
  • RED REISHI-Significantly reduces levels of 5-alpha reductase (DHT)
REISHI -Moderate Interaction
  • SHATAVARI-Phytoestrogen, normalizes estrogen levels, prolactin source, adaptogen
SHATAVARI -Moderate Interaction
  • ASHWAGANDHA-Adaptogen, restores a sense of well-being, similar to Panax ginseng
ASHWAGANDHA -Moderate Interaction
  • DANDELION ROOT-Upregulates estrogen receptors, uses the estrogen you are putting in
DANDELION- Moderate Interaction
  • DAMIANA-For hormone imbalance, improve poor mammary gland development, suppresses aromatase activity
DAMIANA -Moderate Interaction
  • MILK THISLTE-Cleanses the liver of excess hormones
MILK THISTLE -Moderate Interaction
  • CHINESE SKULLCAP-Inhibits 5-alpha-reductase enzyme
SKULLCAP -Moderate Interaction
  • MARSHMALLOW ROOT-Inhibits Hyaluronidase, increases tissue permeability
MARSHMALLOW -Moderate Interaction
  • WATERCRESS-Increases energy, high in iron and vitamin E
WATERCRESS -Moderate Interaction
  • RED RASPBERRY--Balance hormones, promotes breast health
  • PASSION FLOWER-Calming agent that adds to total well being
PASSIONFLOWER -Moderate Interaction
  • SENNA-To increase absorption and effectiveness of herbs, eliminates toxins
SENNA -Moderate Interaction
  • PYGEUM-Reduces the level of DHT, reduces prolacting levels, Inhibits 5-alpha reductase
  • SPEARMINT-Anti-androgenic properties reduces the level of free testosterone in the blood, while leaving total testosterone and DHEAS unaffected
  • FLAXSEED-Phytoestrogen, increases SHBG, source of omega-3 fatty acids, Flaxseed is both estrogenic and anti-estrogenic (anti aromatase activity).
FLAXSEED -Moderate Interaction
  • OATS-Phytoestrogen, decreases SHBG, source of zinc, iron, vitamins B6, vitamin E and amino acids

  • YOGURT--Rich in vitamins, calcium and minerals, growth factors stimulate fibroblast proliferation, collagen, probiotic , and has lactic acid component
YOGURT -Moderate Interaction
  • PABA- Decreases breakdown of estrogen in your body so you have more free estrogen.
PABA[Image: cn23rercothbnz2vo.gif] Major Interaction
  • COCONUT OIL- Makes connective tissues stronger, superb antioxidant, neutralizes free radicals and slowing down aging, aids in breast feeding, nature's richest source of MCFAs."
  • LADIES MANTLE-The Tannis (6-8%) in LM causes contractions, protects conjunctive and elastic tissues, contains salicylic acid (a mild painkilling action) for painful menstrual periods, It's astringent increases blood flow for circulation and helps with saggy breasts.

Always consult with a medical professional when having concerns about NBE and NBE supplements.

-More to follow-

(The Herb Interactions comes from the FAQ-Herb interaction which Peggy created, thanks again Peggy)

The HERBS highlighted in RED inhibit breast growth.

Hi lotus.
This has been really helpful thread. I just want to ask about green tea to make my understanding clearer.
It has anti-androgenic effects but also anti-estrogenic? Is that right?

(09-11-2014, 12:53)Koko Wrote:  Hi lotus.
This has been really helpful thread. I just want to ask about green tea to make my understanding clearer.
It has anti-androgenic effects but also anti-estrogenic? Is that right?

Yes, it ties up estrogen and testosterone by way of SHBG, reducing each.

Sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) or sex steroid-binding globulin (SSBG) is a glycoprotein that binds to the sex hormones, androgen and estrogen. Other steroid hormones such as progesterone, cortisol, and other corticosteroids are bound by transcortin.

It's also reported to inhibit aromatase , (*albeit rat study). It seems there's plenty of misinformation out there too.

(We also found that P-60 as a whole and some of its constituents exhibited inhibitory effects on human placental aromatase activity by in vitro assay.)

When the students are ready, the master shall arrive. Welcome back Lotus. We all need your understanding of supplements. <3 POM

* Aha moment*

That's why I cant seem to see any progress with my BO program ever since I switched from Reishi to Green tea!

You're amazing Lotus! Big Grin

Any info on Evening Primrose oil?

(14-11-2014, 04:16)WannaBePearShaped Wrote:  Any info on Evening Primrose oil?

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