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Dedicated this time!


(30-05-2010, 06:13)aradiarising Wrote:  I found a 32C Calvin Klein nude colored bra at a thrift store which I'm excited about since they retail way more then the $6 I paid for it. It's a little big to be sure but it's not ridiculously big. I actually feel okay wearing it as long as the shirt isn't too revealing.

And just think, you'll be filling in the extra soon! Wink

Last night I was dog tired but was laying in bed massaging and decided that I could do the rotations massage at night and the tigerlily massage in the shower in the morning! Not sure why I didn't think of it earlier, i'll save time at night when I'm drowsy and there's less friction when you're using water and body wash. When I'm massaging at night the oil doesn't provide a lot of slip and I end up sort of pinching my breasts which hurts.

So I have a quick rant about my mother that is totally unrelated to NBE so feel free to skip over it.

I have had issues with my skin since I was 12 or so, and I'm 20 now. I've been seeing a dermatologist on and off for 6 years and never really gotten my skin to where I'd like it. To be clear though, I have stubborn, little red pimples and blackheads, and more recently milia but that's cleared up. I've never had the terrible cystic acne that one thinks of when you think of someone going to the dermatologist. I've broken out recently (within the last week) and spent this memorial day weekend at my parents since it's close to where I work when I'm down from school. Today my mom put on her concerned face and goes "You should really make an appointment with your derm" Like I don't know my forehead is clustered with little red pimples that won't pop! Like I don't notice the pimples I have and need to be told my skin is freaking out! For the last two days it's been so dry I looked 75, and honestly, where does she come off telling me how to care for my skin when she doesn't wash her face?! *sigh* And she's the one who helped foster the complex I have that no one will like me if I don't have clear skin because she does this EVERY TIME I BREAK OUT. How am I supposed to keep my self-esteem intact if the person who's always supposed to be my biggest cheerleader is telling me my face is so offensive it needs to be checked out by a medical professional? Another thing that frustrates me is that I've told her all this- at least a half dozen times and it doesn't seem to matter.

Rant over- thank you for listening Smile

Let it go in one ear and out the other hun. Some mothers think what they are doing is helping. But either way, have you tried taking collagen tablets? Drinking plenty of water? Taking a multivitamin everyday? Those 3 things really help. Other things that have helped me is, I change out my pillow case every 3 days or so, you don't realize it but a pillow case being clean constantly can make a big difference. Also the only products that have ever worked for me is St. Ives apricot scrub and moisturizers, or Nature's Cure, their papaya system, it has the face cleanser, toner and moisturizer. Those two brands are the only ones that have ever helped me. I've had acne since about 11 or 12 and I still have it if I don't do the things I do and I'm 22 going on 23. But yea, when my mom becomes preachy and starts her crap, I zone her out. It irritates the living crap out of her and it's gotten to the point where she just doesn't even bother lol.

i know how you feel, as wonderfoul as i say my mom is in this forum, she still has some mom ``caracteristics´´:exclamation:, for example, even though she knows im small breasted and have self-steem problems with that issue, my mom thought it would be funny to say that a girl on a tv show looked like a man, because she was tall and with no breasts (just like me)Dodgy the worst of all is that my mom is like a 40DD (and even though theyre big theyre perky, and even though she breastfeeded thw of us for a year each one, theyre still full)and my sister(34D) was also there, laughing along with my mom.Angry

Not mom related but.... what the hell.
Today one of my closest guyfriends at collegue told me and my girlfriends that if his girlfriend had bigger breast he would like her more, hes not a douche, and he really loves his girlfriend, the only difference with other guys is that he says what he thinks(to us only),and when they asked what cup size she was he said:``ermm im not even sure if she needs to wear a cup size, but hers are about the size of Vanessa´s´´ like a teen magazines says ``Tragame tierra´´Blush (swallow me earth)

Nessa don't let it get to you, not all guys feel that way. And he might be a boob man but got with her because of her other qualities like personality, beauty otherwise, morals, likes, things in common, etc. But settled with that she had smaller breasts, maybe you should show him this forum haha. A guy friend of mine mixed a silent subliminal NBE track with all the music on his gf's ipod that she uses to listen to while working out, he did this 2 months ago after I told him about the subliminals and he said they are getting fuller and he thinks she's grown a lil bit. He said he just wanted them a lil bit bigger, she's a tennis player so works out all the time so doesn't have much breasts. I don't think it makes him a jerk, at least he hasn't told her she needs implants! And yea family can be obnoxious about it when you are small, they did that to me when I was a AA. Recently an old friend seen my avatar pic as I have it on my messenger also and he asked if I had a boob job lol. I hadn't talked to him in 2 or 3 years as he was tending to a sick family member and he lives far away. When I told him no, he asked if I had been drinking too much homogenized milk lol, I said no I been doing NBE and went from a 32AA to a 34C/32D he then asked for the info to show to his wife as since having my nephew she lost a good bit of her breasts which she was a 34C before pregnancy and she was looking into implants and he didn't want her to get them. I emailed her the link to this forum, so hopefully she checks it out. So yea, maybe your friend isn't only saying that for him, maybe his gf is self conscious like the rest of us are when we have small breasts and he wishes she had better self esteem.

But when your mom and sis make fun of your breasts, find something they are self conscious about and make fun of that. I have a family member that before her pregnancies was a DD and she use to make fun of my flat chest when we were teens, well she had a flat butt so I use to come back and make fun of her for that. I would say she needs to be careful she doesn't fall over from her boobs being so big and I would say she suffers from the disease known as noassatall and she's just jealous I have a juicy booty lol. She would come back and make beeping noises when I backed up lol. I found that funny though, but the jokes about my chest I didn't. So find something they are insecure about. It's the best way to show them what they are doing to you. When we both got older she told me she was sorry for hurting my feelings back then and I told her I was sorry about the butt jokes.

And ask your mom what her secret is to being big chested having kids and them staying perky and full! I wanna know that secret lol especially since I'm bigger now than before I had my son so I will know for my next pregnancy.

I drink water constantly, have taken a multi every day since I was 15 but I haven't tried collagen! I just shelled out $130 for really nice skin care since my skin reacted really well to it after a facial. I actually have a feeling this current breakout is that purging thing that people say they get when they switch products.
I was in the middle of a Sentence when she said it so I jut quit talking and stared at the wall because I was so mad but we were at the family shop with customers so I didn't want to make a scene.

lmao, i dont really think that theyre intention was to make fun of me(at least not my moms), they just kind of forget that i dont belong to their big breasted women circle, like they dont think that, it might hurt me.

Good skincare should not in anyway make your skin 'purge' toxic. Products which didn't work will do that to you. I am a part time skincare consultant. Good products will make your blackheads or whiteheads move upwards and out from the pores when you clean it. It shouldn't in anyway causes breakout, redness and inflammation. Why most beauticians tell their customers about purging things is because their product is not meeting the expectation and standard that it should perform. This is just trick that is being use customers with limited knowledge trust them.

I have just posted something about skin and our health.

Hope it helps!

(01-06-2010, 02:47)crystalelle Wrote:  I have just posted something about skin and our health.

Hope it helps!

I had heard that a breakout on your forehead was influenced by how much water you drink. It seemed true for me at some points, bigger pimples go away when I up my water intake but this breakout's just like little pores that got inflamed and infected and angry. I feel like I'm on the downhill slope of this breakout though! And it seems like the skin underneath the breakout is of a much nicer texure and tone then what I started with so we'll see how I look when I run out of my pricey skin care!

ETA: just did my evening massage and noticed that I have some major wrinkles on my chest between my boobs! I think it's from the rotation massage, but it could be just a random side story of my unruly skin saga.

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