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Emotional effects of B.O


Hi All,

I'm noticing my emotions are going kind of nuts. Normally, I am a rational person who is also sensitive and intuitive. I feel I typically have a good grasp of how to balance these aspects of self. But lately I am SO IRRATIONAL. I could give details, but it'd end up being a book. I have abandonment/attachment issues from a past relationship. I am very attached to my current boyfriend, who is more of an independent, though very loving type. And my behavior this month, I know, has been both confusing him and freaking him out. And he doesn't know I am pursuing breast growth, taking herbs and B.O. He knows nothing.

I have been freaking myself out. It's very frustrating because I can't seem to control these wild emotions. For me it is dealing with severe anxiety, then depression and sadness, grief, loneliness. Not anger or irritability.

My emotions and worries and fear have been affecting my sleep. To the point that I can't fall asleep for an entire night, minus a few 20 minute blocks that I manage to "nap".

And it seems that all these symptoms grew to this level around one 1 week after taking B.O, and gradually got worse over the second and third weeks. Now I'm feeling pretty nuts in terms of anxiety. Worry worry worry. I'm (for absolutely no rational reason) convincing myself that my boyfriend doesn't love me or miss me. And he tells me he loves me and misses me. It's ridiculous! These feelings keep me up at night!

I have a medical cannabis card, and I usually only smoke or take CBD capsules during my PMS week and ONLY if I'm feeling overwhelmed by my anxiety and depression. But I don't normally need a large quantity. Just enough so I can sleep or so I can concentrate and study. Otherwise I'll be crying all over my books and computer and can't get any work done for school (I'm in grad school). But this past month I've resorted to smoking a lot more just to ease these emotions. I have had to take a large amount just to be able to get some sleep. Or else I stay up all night crying or whatever.

It's freaking ridiculous!!!

I have been taking bovine ovary for a month now. I started with just 200 mg for 4 days, then increased to 400 for a day (or two?) and then 600 mg for a day (or something like that. Gee, I should document this better, right?). Then I moved up to 1000 and have stayed there since.`I'm definitely seeing physical effects. Absolutely. Only one month and I feel growth taking place, and it's definitely not weight gain. My boobs are the most sore I've ever felt in my life. Like touching them is like touching an non insulated wire. And my hips and butt fill out my jeans to the point that getting them past my butt takes effort, and yet the waistband is the same. It's great. I plan to move up to 1200 but I'm kind of apprehensive at this point...

My PMS symptoms seemed to have lasted twice the time they usually do (all those emotions). I noticed more sensations in my uterus during the days leading up to my period, which just started (it was over one week late...). My flow seems normal so far. Not really any cramping though, which is typical for me.

But DEFINITELY very, very, very, very emotional.

Anyone else experience this, and if so, does it get any better? Does it get worse? I'm not sure how to ride this out for the next few months/years (however long it will take) if it's going to be like this the whole time.

I'm wondering if I'm just crazy? Maybe it's just that the weather is changing because the seasons are changing? It's getting darker? Maybe it's school? I mean. I have never experienced myself feeling like this day after day after day for this long. Can it possibly be the B.O.?

Can estrogen really suck this bad?

hey, which BO brand are you using?

I find that I don't experience too much of these except for during a certain part of my cycle, it sounds like low serotonin. 5-HTP can take care of that, I'd try that first since I'm afraid I don't have any experience with BO myself just yet, just using 5-HTP to solve those emotional symptoms. I know what you mean with the change in seasons

I'm taking 2 swansons bo caps a day and I feel like a completely different person every day, each one more emotional unstable than the next. One day i'm angry (which is NOT like me) next day I'm crying all over the place at work because of NOTHING. I worry about anything and everything. I am faithful GF now I'm considering cheating on my BF? Glad someone else is feeling this way. I've taken 5 htp and I thought I was going nuts for sure thinking crazy thoughts. Im going on two months on bo. I'm scared shitless to stop because I dont know how my body will react. WTF is happening to me?

Hi anyover88,

I am taking this brand called Ultra Glandulars. I didn't learn about Swanson's until after I bought these. They weren't expensive though. This brand makes its product from BSE free New Zealand cows, but I didn't like the inactive ingredients. So I bought a bunch of Swanson's and it'll come in the mail soon.

I have definitely tried 5-HTP in the past. I took it in conjuction with several other supplements to work with it. It didn't help me all the much. Sad

I am very, very, very, very certain that my symptoms this very month have been influenced by the bovine ovary. There is no way that my sudden changes in emotions and emotional experience came about any other way. My life is not much different now than it was two months ago, and I have no emotionally triggering life events or situations. And the herbs I've been taking for about 6 months now....shouldn't be an issue either.

I have to say now that I have started my period, I'm feeling more stable. And this is normal for me. So I'll keep reporting my changes.


I totally get you. I don't really get angry, but my anxiety is very pronounced this month. To a point that my normal relaxation techniques I've developed throughout life don't seem to work as well. Many days this month I've felt like my emotions were "out of control". And they compelled me to take actions and risks I normally wouldn't. My boyfriend made a comment last week that he was worried about my anxiety because he noticed it increasing the past few weeks.

I don't think I have the authority to give advice, but I doubt that quitting B.O. would negatively affect you. Again, I'm just guessing based on the fact that ladies who react negatively from birth control seem to feel relief almost as soon as they quit. But again, just because we're all female doesn't mean we have the same hormonal patterns!

I'm glad you responded. The reason I started this thread was to see if there are other ladies experiencing changes in themselves that they know correlate to taking B.O., or who are considering/questioning.

I want to know NOT because I want a reason to stop. Nooooooo. Hahaha. Unfortunately I am willing to endure a little torture for a bit. My body is already showing changes and I like it. But I'm trying to figure out what to add to my regiment to help reduce these symptoms.

5-HTP only works for certain sufferers of depression/anxiety/etc. I am not entirely certain if my emotional issues are serotonin issues. It doesn't always seem so.

Also some thoughts on the Liver. It filters our blood. I know that the Liver is our primary detoxifier. And it is responsible for metabolizing estrogen. When the body is congested with estrogen, it fatigues and weakens the Liver over time. It causes the Liver's function to decrease. This can change with a cleaner body environment and some time and rehabilitation. Our environment is FULL of exogenous estrogens, and this is a problem for many women. Linked to cancers, but also all sorts of diseases and disorders. So many women may not necessarily produce a lot of their endogenous, natural estrogen, but are still congested because of their environment. Like pesticides, plastics, tap water, etc. When your Liver function is compromised it tends to leak toxins back into the blood. This blood has effects on many things, including our brains. This is why people detoxifying their Livers, like recovering alcoholics, or people who've eaten unhealthily for a long time, can be irritable or experience a lot of brain/mental changes.

It's also one reason why we get irritable or have other emotional symptoms during PMS. Our estrogen levels leading up to the period are increasing fairly rapidly until it reaches the highest peak, which stimulates menstruation. Hence why we feel like crap the days leading up to the period. PMS symptoms are taking place as estrogen (estradiol) increases quickly. Then we often feel some relief after we start menstruating.

I'm finding that my symptoms are exactly like those during the days before my cycle, x1000, for pretty much 1.5-2 extra weeks of it. Haha.

5-HTP converts to serotonin both inside and outside of the brain, which could cause heart valve fibrosis. Tryptophan can only be converted to serotonin inside the brain, so it doesn't carry that risk.

(24-10-2014, 18:36)Candace Wrote:  5-HTP converts to serotonin both inside and outside of the brain, which could cause heart valve fibrosis. Tryptophan can only be converted to serotonin inside the brain, so it doesn't carry that risk.

Hmm, it says it's only a theoretical concern and haven't been any reported cases of this associated with 5-htp in decades of study. even the article says "citation needed." Interesting to consider though.


I thought I'd give a quick update. My issues definitely occur mostly during the week before menstruation. Last month I believe it lasted 2 weeks because I had started taking the BO not too long before that. And it caused my cycle to be delayed a week, with my usual PMS symptoms being tremendously stronger for an extra week.

However, I'm now approaching PMS week again, and so far I'm not feeling extra emotional like last month. I feel I have more control over my emotions. I do think it takes time (at least for me) to adjust. I am very positive that this was affected by the BO and not any lack of serotonin, because it is cyclical and clearly related to my sex hormone levels.

Nevertheless, I DO still feel like I am emotionally different now than I was two months ago. I am definitely feeling more feminine still, feeling a lot of sensations and having thoughts that I never had before, especially with my boyfriend. I have been with him for over 2 years, and only now have I become so much more moved by my emotions over him and so......I don't know how else to describe.....feminine! Like nurturing and moved by love emotions (to tears, often). I mean, I never used to cry so much, whether due to sadness or joy. It is so weird to me!

Also I wanted to share that I switched to Swanson's. I am taking 1200 mg daily. I am pleased with the clean ingredients as opposed to the other gross brand I was taking before.

And also I am definitely experiencing changes in my body. I am spilling out of my 32B and 32A bras. I thought I was imagining it. But I am constantly adjusting my boobs, even though the band fits the same, because they are being smushed by the cups and it hurts. I am literally pulling out my boobs at every chance I get (when no one is looking) because they either push the bra up and out or they come out of the cups. One of my bras I cannot even wear because my boobs come out so much my nipples are exposed, and it's obvious through my shirts.

I purchased a 32C bra (of my favorite style, by Timpa). We'll see how it fits.

Also my hips and butt have gotten bigger. Noticeably. Like, other people have noticed. And they don't know my program.

I haven't gained significant weight. I still wear all my same clothing, but fill them out better. My waist is still the same. I honestly think I'm rehabilitating my body and it's finally able to reach the level it was meant to be at. I mentioned in another post some time ago that I had a severe eating disorder for many years and was also very athletic most of my life. The eating disorder definitely stunted my growth because it started at a young age. I didn't have a period for many years, as well. So I believe I did not reach my physical potential, and am experiencing it now.

Hi pascalef,

wow, that sounds really great; it seems that you have found the perfect program for your body then - congratulations! Big Grin

I am in my 2nd cycle of BO (and other glandulars) right now, too. In my case, the BO has made me more balanced and I have not had any PMS symptoms at all prior to my recent period (apart from the desired one - growth pain...).

"More balanced" in my case also means more feminine, as I am a rather masculine type (my body and face do not look like that though), especially when under stress. I had enough stress over these past weeks but did not react to it as I usually would.

Keep it up and let us know how the emotional part evolves, it really is interesting and important for anyone considering the BO option!


Today is 11/8. It has only been 17 days since my first post in this thread, when I last started my period...

...and I seem to be having another period already...Some light pink flow, which is how I usually begin a period (It gets proressively heavier and redder for about two days, then light again, then ends). This is weird.

I had no PMS symptoms. No indications that this would happen. I never have cramping, but I often can feel my IUD kind of spasm a bit. I did feel that very slightly the past few days, but I thought I was imagining things...

Maybe it's because I increased to 1200 mg last week and the estrogen is starting to build up in my body?

I also started taking a blend of herbs for liver detox to help process all the estrogen. Poor liver.

The good news is that I've been feeling emotionally normal and awesome. Like my normal, natural self. Like I can hold my own and feel in control and be assertive. I haven't been feeling extreme emotions at all.

But this is the shortest amount of time between periods I've ever experienced (except for right after getting my IUD 3 years ago...but that's different).

Has anyone else experienced irregularity in the beginning? It might just be that I'm going through a lot of influential life changes/stresses lately and am susceptible to irregularity, and that the BO only exacerbates the irregularity...

I hope I'm not pregnant...I have a copper IUD so it is highly unlikely, but this is very unusual!

Oh, and my new 32C bra fits great. It definitely can stretch to accomodate more growth, but it fits like it should. The same style in 32B fits ok, but my nipples stick out of it, so.......

It's really, really exciting to be wearing a 32C!!!!!!!!! It actually holds up and shapes my boobs right!

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