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Natural ways to increase progesterone


I've have recently had my hormone results back and I have low progesterone.
Peggy kindly advised I could take Agnus Castus. However, I have looked into this and due to my thyroid, and taking medication for this I cannot take this. (I have also read it can shrink your boobs, and make your periods go way off if they are regular before you start AC, which mine are).
Peggy also suggested Maca, however I do not want to take this as it can make your butt grow, and I definitely don't want that.
I am in the UK and from what I've been reading you cannot get progesterone cream without a prescription from your doctor, and you are very lucky if you can get your doctor to prescribe it for you, as it is not something that they will do freely. Though, saying that, I have found some UK websites selling progesterone items, but I'm not sure if it's the right thing, and whether they are reputable as it's suppose to be prescription only.
Therefore, I have done some research and found that if you take Vitamin C at 750mg for 6 months you can considerably increase your progesterone production. (But this is a long time to wait).
I've also read that B6, Zinc, Magnesium can increase progesterone, but I cannot find how much to take, or how long it takes to increase the progesterone levels.
I feel like I am stuck now, and cannot move forward. I am wanting to give Natureday a try, but because I'm struggling to increase my progesterone I don't know what to do. I don't know whether to give it a go and see if it works while my progesterone is low. I just don't know what to do, there must be something, and would appreciate any input. Thank you

There's not much herbally. After a long time your body can balance itself out with proper nutrition. Bran and oysters should give you B6, magnesium, zinc and many other vitamins and minerals just in case you are lacking something else. 8 tsp rice bran a day. 4 oz. oysters a week. 2000 IU vitamin D might be helpful too. And something even more airtight with every single nutrient is this: . If you use supplements they're a bit incomplete compared to food, even multivites, but in that case you'd use 3-5 mg B6 (certainly not more than 25 mg if you can't find 3-5 mg), 20-30 mg zinc, and around 200 mg magnesium. Because of the incompleteness of supplements you might still be missing something necessary for progesterone.

Because that merely balances you out and doesn't provide extra progesterone you don't want too strong of a phytoestrogen. Maybe 100 mg PM not cycled, 1800 mg hops, or red clover or flax. Mainly you'll want fenugreek, shatavari, goat's rue or wild yam for a balanced effect. 2-25 grams based on studies and tradition, though animal studies go higher without harm. Any anti-testosterone is fine too if needed.

Another option if you are on birth control is to switch to 100% progestin birth control and then eventually you can use more phytoestrogens. But because of the risks from any bc don't do it purely for boobs, and get the lowest dose possible. And a low dose likewise means not too much phytoestrogens, maybe 500 mg PM and then only after you've become balanced.

You can give this progesterone boosting binaural a try. It had a near-immediate effect of getting rid of calf edema for me.

This one is the most pleasant breast enhancement video I've used (judged by mood elevation and breast tingling).

Thank you Surfer Joe - would I buy rice bran from the supermarket (grocery store)? How do I eat it/what do I eat it with?
Due to my thyroid I cannot take PM. And also, I thought red clover was an estrogen herb, which I have to stay away from due to my low progesterone level.
Sorry, but what are phytoestrogens? What are the name of these herbs? And what exactly are their role?
You mention fenugreek, shatavari, goat's rue or wild yam - sorry, do you mean taking one of these will increase my progesterone? I am wanting to try Natureday - if I decided to go with one of these herbs, how long should I take it for approximately before starting Natureday, and would I continue taking it while taking Natureday? Also, I was advised to take Natureday as opposed to Wonderup - are you of the same opinion?

Candace - Thank you. I will have a go at the binaural. Do you still use it? If you don't, how long ago did you stop and has your edema stayed away?


Just a heads up. Natureday DOES work to increase breast size (for me). I do suspect it renders you a bit estrogen dominant as for me when I used it over a very short space of time I became very "angry" which was unusual for me and also quite "pms' ey"..

As for maca I'm trying that now. Read a very interesting article that it helps raise progesterone. As far as maca AND thyroid go well that's up in the air as far as I'm concerned but research said that's why you take a break from it If you have a thyroid condition and also as long as your iodine supplementation is up it shouldn't be an issue.

I read hundreds of testimonies and for the most part women experienced both breast/butt rounding and the ones who focused on their bottoms was by choice and exercising that area when taking maca.

Just my 2 cents worth and I'm interested in raising progesterone naturally too hence following post.

(21-10-2014, 22:26)djt-d Wrote:  Candace - Thank you. I will have a go at the binaural. Do you still use it? If you don't, how long ago did you stop and has your edema stayed away?
I have to use it 12 minutes daily to maintain the effect.

(21-10-2014, 22:26)djt-d Wrote:  Thank you Surfer Joe - would I buy rice bran from the supermarket (grocery store)? How do I eat it/what do I eat it with?
Due to my thyroid I cannot take PM. And also, I thought red clover was an estrogen herb, which I have to stay away from due to my low progesterone level.
Sorry, but what are phytoestrogens? What are the name of these herbs? And what exactly are their role?
You mention fenugreek, shatavari, goat's rue or wild yam - sorry, do you mean taking one of these will increase my progesterone? I am wanting to try Natureday - if I decided to go with one of these herbs, how long should I take it for approximately before starting Natureday, and would I continue taking it while taking Natureday? Also, I was advised to take Natureday as opposed to Wonderup - are you of the same opinion?

Candace - Thank you. I will have a go at the binaural. Do you still use it? If you don't, how long ago did you stop and has your edema stayed away?
Rice bran is in health food stores. It tastes like bran. You may eat it plain or on fruit, in smoothies, etc.

Yeah I was suggesting low dose or weak phytoestrogens and then only after you get your progesterone to normal: low dose PM, low dose hops, or any amount of red clover or flax because they are relatively weak (but still too much until you get normal progesterone).

As far as I can tell fenugreek and the other 3 listed seem to increase sensitivity to all hormones. So it doesn't raise progesterone so much as it seems to raise everything. You still can't use too much phytoestrogens even with them but you can use as much of those 4 as you want without causing imbalance. If anything they are balancing.

It would be cheaper and probably more effective than natureday or wonderup to simply use more fenugreek ( or etc.), an anti-testosterone if needed and a weak or low dose phytoestrogen. That's all those two products contain anyway except in low amounts. And then they add many redundant ingredients to seem fancy and distract from how little quantity they have. 3 herbs is plenty. Though natureday might be the better of the two due to the extracts. They may or may not have a high concentration meaning they could pack more in a small space. Still cheaper to buy your own 3 herbs.

Hi Ellacraig

Thank you for your input - it's very welcome.

You say Natureday worked for you - but you have low progesterone - so it must work (for some people at least), with low progesterone. I might give it a try and see if it works for me. - How long did you take it for, did your results stay? Though I'm a bit unsure as I don't want to get estrogen dominant with it.

I think I'm going to take Vit C at 750mg for 6 months to raise my progesterone (along with perhaps B6,Magnesium,Zinc, but I'm not sure if I should continue with 750mg of Vit C after this time, as would my progesterone start to drop if I stopped taking it?

SurferJoe - Thank you. However, please, what are phytoestrogens, what do they do? (sorry but I don't know anything about herbs, I'm just learning). Sorry, just to clarify for me - From your earlier post, are ALL the weak phytoestrogens just fenugreek, shatavari, goat's rue and wild yam. And can I take them now, at 2-25g, whilst my progesterone is low?

I won't know if my progesterone level gets to normal unless I take another saliva test, and I don't think I'll be able to afford another one, so will it be okay to take the 3 low dose/weak phytoestrogens herbs over a long period of time if my progesterone doesn't ever get to normal (as you know, I'm struggling to raise it).

Hi djt
I cant say whether I have/had low progesterone or not as my periods were always very stable so I had no reason to get my hormones checked. That said I have always had pretty heavy periods but when I started herbs/natureday and greenbush (at separate times) everything was exaggerated hormone wise, moods/pms etc only to level back down when I got off the herbs.

When I took natureday the first time I went up nearly a cup size in the first few weeks and I panicked and stopped because I also had very bad pms having started it. So I lost some of that (you cant expect permanent growth in such a short space of time right just swelling) - ND say to stick at it for a good few months plus they say to compliment their programme with good protein and stimulation.
With the Amazon reviews they always had the chance to go back and add comments to their original reviews and you rarely saw someone come back and say "hey they deflated once I stopped" .

But all you can do is try right. Id contact them first though and explain you have low P and see what they advise.
Theres no harm in taking the supplements (vit c/mag/zinc etc) to boost P, they are required vitamens anyway for good health. But if you are taking prescribed medication for thyroid you should definitely run this past your doctor or naturopathic physician to check for interactions with herbs.

Hi Ellacraig

My periods are regular, but I still got my hormones checked as it is advised so much on here before you start any regime. So I thought I'd get it done. I was suprised I had low P as doing Dr Lee's online test I thought I may be estrogent dominant/deficient. I don't have any 'big noticable' signs of low P, so it will be hard to know when I have balanced out without taking another test.

Thanks, I know you've to give ND a good few months to see permanent results, just a bit scared in case I get estrogen dominant, but I'll contact them and see what they say, thank you. Ellacraig, do you know if I did get estrogent dominant through ND would my estrogen levels return back to normal once I stopped? I do remember reading their website about diet, etc, to help with the growth, I can't remember exactly what, but I'll be sure to check it again before I start if I go down this road.

I've already checked with my doctor about taking the vitamins and my thyroid medication, and he didn't know. I don't have a naturopathic physician.

Thank you for the link, I understand nowSmile


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