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Need your help- Pregnancy massage with Fenugreek, any side effect?


Hi All,

I started massage fenugreek oil on my breast 2 weeks ago. I mixed them in to the lotion that I love. And yesterday I found that I'm pregnant. I stop massage the breast now.

Please help me by letting me know is there any side effect in this case? I'm really worry if any side effect to my pregnancy. I asked the doctor at my place but they don't know what kind of herb name Fenugreek, so they have no idea.

Thanks a lot for your input.

Best regards,

Hi Mesusuana! I'm definetely no expert, but my first reaction is i think you should be fine just doing an external. Fenugreek has often been used to help with milk production. Since you are only using it topically, it should not really be "getting into your system", just being absorbed by your breast. Is this your first pregnancy? Your boobs are gonna grow on they're own right now, so i'd say you don't need to be taking or doing anything anyway! My boobs swelled to 32C while pregnant, and a 32D while nursing my first son!! I don't know if using the massage with the extract would do anything to help you retain the size you get while pregnant when your done....but if your just too uncomfortable using it while pregnant, i would say just stop and pick it back up after you give birth.

Congrats on you pregnancySmile!! I have two little boys myself!! They are the best thing to ever happen to me!! -well, besides my husband of course!

Hello mesusuana,

You were right to discontinue massage when you found out you are pregnant.

I don't think that two weeks is long enough to affect anything from using fenugreek so you are OK there.

Do not massage with any herbs or take them internally while pregnant. It can still get to the bloodstream. I would also say that any creams should also be discontinued unless home made such as olive oil alone due to the chemical additives. But you won't be needing anything. If anything, you could use aloe vera cream on your stomach to help it return to normal after delivery.

Once you deliver, and if you need it, fenugreek and goat's rue are good for bringing in milk. For NBE, you will need to be completely dried up before you resume. Breastfeeding your baby is the best thing for both of you.

Good luck,


Fenugreek is sometimes used to induce labor. With this in mind although not enough tests have been made it could cause early problems with pregnancy. Not worth the risk using it at this point.

I don't think taking FG or massaging with it during pregnancy is good but rather harmful since it messes with your hormones which affects your baby.The 2 weeks that you did that for wouldn't cause harm but don't continue with it anymore.

I'd like to add that substances that you apply topically might even be absorbed to a greater extent because they bypass the liver. That's why those hormonal patches are really popular for HRT. You need to take higher dosages when taken orally because the liver inactivates a good deal of them. Patches usually have lower amounts.

So yeah, I agree with all the others. DON'T massage with herbal substances like fenugreek while pregnant!

Oh and congrats Smile

I agree with the others, I wouldn't do anything for NBE until after the baby is born and you are done nursing, personally I would wait a good while after you are dried up just in case because NBE especially herbal can induce the milk glands to start producing milk again and you will start lactating again. Heck Cheryl started lactating with NBE and she is a born male, but recently joined all of us after her operation and is now in womanhood Big Grin I have been looking into NBE since before I had my son. So I knew that FG was used for BREASTFEEDING mothers, not pregnant women. So I did take it for a short time to try to bring my milk production back up when it started to decrease and it helped a lil bit but didn't bring it up enough for him to survive on so we had to start using formula. And I agree that breastfeeding is the best for your baby, as soon as he was switched to formula he started having health problems, but was fine until then. So definitely at least try to breastfed. And I agree with the others that your breasts will grow while pregnant and breastfeeding and you should wait until after to see if you still even want to do NBE. I got to a 34C while pregnant and breastfeeding and I was a 32A before pregnancy. Mine went back down after, but some fortunate ladies keep their pregnancy size. Congrats on the baby!

I also recommend Palmer's cocoa butter lotion, use it everyday on your tummy, hips, butt, breasts, sides, back, etc. to prevent stretch marks. I used it while pregnant everyday, but only on my tummy, silly me. I didn't realize I could get stretchmarks in the other places. But I didn't get any stretchmarks on my tummy, but did on my hips, butt, and breasts. So definitely prevent them otherwise they are hard to get rid of.

Again congrats and hope your pregnancy and birth goes smoothly! Is this your first pregnancy?

congrats! I wouldn't worry too much about it, women do much worse things during pregnancy and since you are discontinuing the massage oil now i wouldn't think the risks are very great. From researching xenoestrogens (chemical estrogens like BPA that mimic our bodies estrogens), the critical time the fetus is affected by excess hormones is around the 10-12th week or so, when the genitals are forming. Pregnant women encounter many foreign estrogens every day at low doses, in the air, the water, cleaning and beauty products, i would say a little external exposure to phytoestrogens will not put you at greater risk than the general population. Big Grin

Hi All,

Sorry I was too busy with my first daughter (14mths old) and could not online earlier.

I'm very appreciated for your advises, I'm definately agreed with you all. I stopped massage with Fenugreek since I find out I'm pregnant.

To Macojaco and Wahaika, Em2727, I'm feeling good when you said I should not worry much with only 2 weeks external used... Smile I can smile now...Smile
Wahaika, yes I used Aloe vera to massage on my tummy at the first pregnancy and it's so good, my tummy have no stretch mark at all.

To Anastasia916, Thanks a lot for recommended using Palmer's cocoa butter lotion, this would be great idea for me. But it's easier to find Aloe vera in my place, so may be I just use this then. Silly me too last pregnant. I only use Aloe very on my tummy and now I got stretch mark on my hip...Smile)

BTW, does any one have experience about NBE while pregnancy? It's just come in my mind when I read Anastasia916 said that "some one keep their pregnancy breast size after breastfed". May be they massage the breast with NON Harmful lotion using for pregnancy?
I'm thinking continue massage my breast with only Aloe vera lotion. Hoping I can keep the pregnancy size after breastfed...Smile

Thanks for your input again,

To Suri,

Yes, I understand what you said. Normally if we take the pill orally it will have to process by the liver first. So as long as the liver is keeping 80%, the breast will only get 20% of the total pill. Thus, massage is easier way to help the breast achive 100% what they need to get.

That's why I was very nervous of my 2 weeks massage with FG before I know I'm pregnant.

But all of you and other input had help me, I should not worry so much as it will impact to my baby...Smile

I still tracking any change and will ask the doctor to check carefully on this pregnancy due to the FG until I know my baby is OK...Smile

Thanks and have a good day,

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