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Advice needed (my 1st post!)


Hello everyone! I've been lurking this forum as a guest for a week and just finally decided to join up. You all seem like a supportive community, so I'll just throw this info out here...

I'm 28, biologically male, and have been wanting a "set" since my early teens. I've been doing a lot of research recently on breast growth in males, and I may just be setting myself up for disappointment. On my VERY tight budget, I have decided to try a few cheap herbal supplements available at Wal-Mart...

So what I ask is, what kind of regimen of spearmint tea, Fenugreek and Saw Palmetto capsules should I take, and what kind of results can I ever hope to expect in what time frame? I've also opted to give NatureDay a shot, if the stuff actually does anything. $30 is a bit daunting for something that may or may not do anything, and possibly leave me feeling horribly disappointed.

Well have you thought about pueraria mirifica?
Ainterol pm powder works out very good value because its so effective I think its probably one of the most commonly used supplement s here. Natureday looks quite expensive I think because as a male you would need to take more for it to work.

I would second that, pueraria mirifica by Ainterol would be your best bet. Your going to have to go mail order ( Amazon is an option or even E-bay )

Another suggestion if you don`t want to go order anything on line would be RED CLOVER and pumpkin seed oil

- Red Clover for estrogen
- pumpkin seed oil for your AA

Those two options should be available quite readily at any health food store. Quite often, A health food store has better prices than wall-mart. Normally I can get a 200 or 300 tab bottle for the same price as a 100 from wall-mart.

Welcome to the Forum.

Amazon has left me feeling surprised and hopeful!
In five minutes I have found, for LESS than the cost of one month of NatureDay, three promising sounding products in the "Frequently bought together" suggestion. Ainterol PM, BO, and Black Cohosh. Although the BO sounds a bit too serious for me! I still wish to function as a man in the bedroom so I'll be leaving this one out. I have not done any research on BC, as I have never heard of it until very recently.

Red Clover and Pumpkin Seed Oil are products I have not read about, what does the abbreviation AA mean? Excuse me for being naive, this is all very new to me!

This is going to take a while... I've opted to use Bing rewards to get the coin needed for these items, in the form of $5 amazon gift cards Blush
I can't have any "funny business" showing up on my bank statement, if you catch what I mean!

And thank you for the welcome Smile

would it be OK to take PM alongside FG and SP? I'm hoping doing so would maximize the effects of the PM. Since SP inhibits Testosterone, and FG promotes breast growth, I believe that they would allow for a more friendly playing field for the PM? Can anyone confirm this?

(20-10-2014, 13:40)GamerGuy Wrote:  Amazon has left me feeling surprised and hopeful!
In five minutes I have found, for LESS than the cost of one month of NatureDay, three promising sounding products in the "Frequently bought together" suggestion. Ainterol PM, BO, and Black Cohosh. Although the BO sounds a bit too serious for me! I still wish to function as a man in the bedroom so I'll be leaving this one out. I have not done any research on BC, as I have never heard of it until very recently.

Red Clover and Pumpkin Seed Oil are products I have not read about, what does the abbreviation AA mean? Excuse me for being naive, this is all very new to me!

This is going to take a while... I've opted to use Bing rewards to get the coin needed for these items, in the form of $5 amazon gift cards Blush
I can't have any "funny business" showing up on my bank statement, if you catch what I mean!

And thank you for the welcome Smile

When you get a chance, look through this thread.

Typically you want a herb that will slow down or stop the conversion of free testosterone to DHT, in the hope that your body will convert some of the excess free testosterone to estrogen. DHT is also what gives you your male features and body shape. More estrogen / less DHT is what you want to aim for.

Everybody`s system is different, I found my chest really started to grow once I added the pumpkin seed oil tabs.

Alright, tomorrow I'll be heading into town, and getting Fenugreek, SP, and spearmint tea to start off with. Whenever I scrape the cash up I'll start up with pueraria mirifica, but that one's a way off. I may even post some before & after shots if things go well Blush

Another question, will my weight/metabolism come into effect? I currently weigh 175 of solid muscle, but with a little bit of belly fat. I also have ADHD and a moderately high metabolism.

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