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Why is Pueraria Mirifica bad for the muscles ?


I wanna take PM in a near future, BUT I´m super worried about a side effect: LOSS OF MUSCLE TONE.
Why can PM may cause that side effect ?
Does anyone know ? Dodgy

I don't know about that, but you can always counter loss of muscle tone with resistance exercise, vitamins, healthy fats and carbohydrates. Normally loss of muscle tone would be because something that decreases appetite or is catabolic (breaks down tissue and turns it into fat) (like unhealthy fats, too much sugars).

Anti-diabetic effects of puerarin, isolated from Pueraria lobata (Willd.), on streptozotocin-diabetogenic mice through promoting insulin expression and ameliorating metabolic function.

According to the article: "intrapancreatic protein levels of insulin receptor substrate-1 (IRS-1) and insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) were up-regulated." This would be good for muscle tone, and for anabolism (tissue building).

This: "endogenous mRNA levels of skeletal muscle insulin receptor (InsR) and peroxisome proliferators-activated receptor α (PPARα) were increased after administration of PR" seems to be specific to your question, but I don't understand what that means, except that it relates to muscle tissue by 'skeletal muscle insulin receptor (InsR).

Then it concludes that puerarin increases insulin, and is anti-diabetic, which would be good for muscle maintenance.
On the other hand, many chemicals that increase sensitivity of receptors, also cause that receptor to lower its activity for now. While this is usually true, taking too much of something that increases sensitivity, while temporarily lowers its activity can damage that receptor (doing the opposite which is decreasing sensitivity).

If you're worried about puerara mirifica's effects on muscle tone, limit its dose, alternate it, and time its use to get better effects. Where did you see that it does that?

Thank you Lovely!! That was very helpful

Hi Dani,

Although PM mimics estrogen, water retention (edema) is something to beware of, the same is true of birth control. Individual metabolism varies, some may experience more side effects than others, and as lovely pointed out, sensitivity levels are likely affected. Additionally E will add subcutaneous fat, albeit not all in the boobs, so be glad it's not visceral fat, lol. In other words, keep it all in balance, don't forget to add PC back in.


well when men start on female hormones to transition they lose muscle tone. it's just an effect of oestrogen i think.

(02-10-2014, 22:00)Lotus Wrote:  Hi Dani,

Although PM mimics estrogen, water retention (edema) is something to beware of, the same is true of birth control. Individual metabolism varies, some may experience more side effects than others, and as lovely pointed out, sensitivity levels are likely affected. Additionally E will add subcutaneous fat, albeit not all in the boobs, so be glad it's not visceral fat, lol. In other words, keep it all in balance, don't forget to add PC back in.


Well, Iam taking FG with FN (7 months) and now I have like a pocket of fat below the belly and a small roll of fat under one of my butt. Is like iam still skinny but with fat despite I do weight trainningSad
Can I take PC in pill form ? ( where I live there isn´t the cream form ) thank you

(02-10-2014, 22:24)isobasic Wrote:  well when men start on female hormones to transition they lose muscle tone. it's just an effect of oestrogen i think.

yes, In the gym where I go many girls (most of them with fake breast) don´t take BCP because they say the muscle doesn´t grow ( I dont know)

@danim , you're welcome.

@isobasic , that sounds like a good answer.

@Lotus , that might be good, idk.

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