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Fibrocystic Breast Disease And Iodine


(27-07-2014, 15:30)peggy Wrote:  Fibrocystic breast disease is a condition called "benign" & "common" by mainstream medicine. Well, it's common, folks (90% of American women suffer), but it's definitely NOT benign. The tissue changes in fibrocystic breast disease absolutely CAN be a precursor to breast cancer, which, BTW, 1 in 7 American women gets now Sad BTW, gals, if you have cyclical breast pain, you have FBD. If you DON'T have cyclical breast pain you probably have FBD. Early FBD is only detectable microscopically. 90%, Ladies.... If you are reading this, act now, don't let your FBD progress. Mine is in the process of healing but jeez I wish I would've known about this long ago. Many years of cyclical pain and feeling at odds with my body have gone by....

Read more:

Very informative Peggy, those statistics are alarming. I would think this could also apply for bio-makes too.

Thanks. Wink

(29-07-2014, 19:58)Lotus Wrote:  
(27-07-2014, 15:30)peggy Wrote:  Fibrocystic breast disease is a condition called "benign" & "common" by mainstream medicine. Well, it's common, folks (90% of American women suffer), but it's definitely NOT benign. The tissue changes in fibrocystic breast disease absolutely CAN be a precursor to breast cancer, which, BTW, 1 in 7 American women gets now Sad BTW, gals, if you have cyclical breast pain, you have FBD. If you DON'T have cyclical breast pain you probably have FBD. Early FBD is only detectable microscopically. 90%, Ladies.... If you are reading this, act now, don't let your FBD progress. Mine is in the process of healing but jeez I wish I would've known about this long ago. Many years of cyclical pain and feeling at odds with my body have gone by....

Read more:

Very informative Peggy, those statistics are alarming. I would think this could also apply for bio-makes too.

Thanks. Wink

Yeh your right Lotus.
Whats more alarming is that you cant get a clean source of iodine from our foods anymore, you have to contend with tainted products from heavy metals and now even radiaition cesium to consider.
In my country too we cant even buy Lugol's or a pure source of iodine as Peggy was helping me try to find some.
Iherb have Iodoral which is close but even that's been out of stock forever and a day Huh

Peggy could you update on this thread the right source of Iodine and its ingredients?

Hi Lotus Smile yes Iodine is also very important for males, to avoid prostate cancer and other cancers.

Ella, both Lugol's and Iodoral contain Iodine (I2) and Potassium Iodide (KI). Both are needed for the body. For example the thyroid gland primarily utilizes ioDIDE....the breasts, on the other hand, primarily utilize ioDINE.

"Because different tissues concentrate different forms of iodine, using a supplement that contains both iodine and iodide is preferable to using a supplement that contains only one form, As mentioned above, the breasts concentrate iodine. The prostate gland concentrates iodine. The thyroid gland and the skin primarily concentrate iodide. Other tissues, including the kidneys, spleen, liver, blood, salivary glands and intestines can concentrate either form. With different tissues responding to different forms of iodine, it would make common sense that a greater therapeutic benefit from iodine will be achieved by using a COMBINATION OF IODINE AND IODIDE. My clinical experience has proven, beyond a doubt, that a combination of IODINE/IODIDE (e.g., Lugol's or Iodoral) is much more effective than an iodide only supplement(e.g., SSKI and most other liquid iodide formulations).",281,2962&q=579

Both Lugol's and Iodoral are available at

I copied this from the curezone forum:

"Most forum users use Lugol's, Iodoral, or nascent iodine (also called detoxified iodine or Atomidine).


Formulation: Iodine 5% + Potassium Iodide (KI) 10% in distilled water. Traditionally used over the last 100 years. Stains badly, unpleasant taste, can cause gastric irritation. Can be used orally or applied to skin (painting). A "drop" is 6.5mg and two drops = approximately 12.5 mg (5 mg iodine, 7.5 mg iodide) or equal to 1 tab Iodoral. Due to recent FDA changes, Lugol's is now available in a lesser formulation..


The tablet form of Lugol's (5%). [Formulation: 5 mg iodine + 7.5 mg Potassium Iodide + colloidal silicon excipient + thin film of pharmaceutical glaze.] 1 tablet = 2 drops Lugol's = 12.5 mg iodine (5 mg iodine + 7.5 mg potassium iodide). Convenient, clean, easy to measure. More expensive than Lugol's


Atomidine One of the Edgar Cayce iodines. 1 drop (0.06 mL) = 600 mcg iodine (from Iodine Trichloride).

See IODINE SOURCES for more nascent iodines.


This form is given to protect people from radiation fallout.
Potassium Iodide (KI) Potassium Iodide is a basic salt made of potassium and iodine. Its symbol is KI (K = Potassium, I = Iodine). It is a commonly available supplement and comes in various strengths; e.g., 225 mcg, 32.5 mg, 65 mg. The Iodide form is believed to be particularly useful for the thyroid. It is not the supplement of choice for the breast since the breast prefers “iodine” not “iodide.”


Not fot oral use. Good for painting or adding to bath water.


Not for oral use, contains alcohol. Could be used for painting."

Thanks for the links and info, peggy!

I think this is important. We all need to be careful with our hormone health. Especially, since so many NBE things increase estrogen or otherwise mess with our hormones.
It seems that from my reading excess estrogen and/or too little progesterone are the hormonal issues at play with fibrocystic breast tissue and breast cancer and a host of other female issues.

Here is another good link about iodine and a ton of other links on the site for further reading.

Here are 7 ways you can naturally increase your progesterone levels (careful with #7 as the cream can lead to excess deposits of progesterone).

Here is a caution to go with the iodine supplementation concept. This doctor does it with lots of patients, but he also has them take selenium to offset any negative side effects.

And before everyone goes and buys iodine to take in massive doses, here is the debate on it. Very good article with lots to think about:

From the article:

The late distinguished researcher Emmanual Cheraskin and his colleagues conducted a survey of reported total number of clinical symptoms and signs (as judged from the Cornell Medical Index Health Questionnaire) and correlated the findings with average iodine consumption. An intake of approximately 1,000 mcg per day correlated with the lowest number of reported symptoms, that is, the highest level of health.34

Abraham and Brownstein argue that the human iodine requirement is 1,500 mcg per day (1.5 mg) which is difficult to achieve without using seaweed, iodized salt or supplementation. They argue that because of widespread bromide and fluoride toxicity, most people today require between 5 and 50 mg per day, amounts only possible with supplementation; they do note that such supplementation should only be taken under the supervision of a physician to monitor iodine status.35

Hey Peggy Smile

I went for my yearly ultrasound. No growth in my two fibroidendonoma s woooo hooooo.

The nodules on my thyroid are growing though...... Sad

Hope u r well Smile

Hi Liberty Smile thanks I am fine, I wrote an update here:

Hi wishinandhopin, thanks for the articles. Smile

Ive been watching a few youtube iodine clips.
Long story short 3mg for breast health and 12mg for overall health is the general concensous. I guess that's where Iodoral have come up with their 12.5mg tabs.
I'm on day 2 now of taking 6mg - I had gastric issues yest but no worse than usual so I don't think taking 6mg had any impact on it. And yes goodness so much on fibrostic breasts and cancer as a result of iodine deficiency.

I'm in the process of watching this one now, its pretty long though but the headline jumped out at me iodine, d3 and omega 3 deficiency.

(28-08-2015, 21:20)ELLACRAIG Wrote:  Ive been watching a few youtube iodine clips.
Long story short 3mg for breast health and 12mg for overall health is the general concensous. I guess that's where Iodoral have come up with their 12.5mg tabs.
I'm on day 2 now of taking 6mg - I had gastric issues yest but no worse than usual so I don't think taking 6mg had any impact on it. And yes goodness so much on fibrostic breasts and cancer as a result of iodine deficiency.

I'm in the process of watching this one now, its pretty long though but the headline jumped out at me iodine, d3 and omega 3 deficiency.

Hey Ella, I haven't been on here for ages.... Just read this. Be careful lovely. I managed to REALLY upset my tummy with iodine to the point where I've been scared to try getting into it again!! Good luck with it xx

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