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Help with problem and am quite worried- advice please


Hi everyone,
I have read quite a lot of posts here and started my NBE for quite a while now - 3 months maybe?

But only in the last month have I started taking herbs. I am 20 yo female, petite frame, short and skinny. I have seen results already from my NBE which I am very happy about, I just know NBE does work - especially after reading so many amazing success stories here! My breasts have definitely filled out if not gotten bigger.

After doing much research I composed a routine which consists of:

SP, PM for follicular phase
SP, FG for luteal phase
PM (home made cream) throughout cycle
Sometimes I will drink Fennel tea twice a day - when I can
Also I do massage with my own home made concoction of essential oils (FG, Fennel, Almond oil base)

I attempted many different recipes but used this one i the end. However since using one of my first mixtures - which I think I put too much fennel essential oil and not enough base oil in - i REALLY damaged the skin of my breasts. I have sensitive face skin and eczema on certain parts of my body. However the skin on my body was fine before - no eczema or rashes. However ever since using the first oil mix I have developed a large rash on my breast skin and I have stopped using the mixture for massage. Does this look like eczema? And what should I do to help clear it up? I was thinking of using aloe vera gel as it is soothing and meant to help eczema.

I think it is the fennel that irritated my skin - it says it is refreshing - I thought it was quite minty and almost stung! If I use the oil again - I would omit Fennel out of it because of the irritation I get from it.

But apart from the skin rash I have noticed changes in my breasts. My left which is larger has become more rounded and soft rather than hard and firm, but more lifted and perky. My right, only recently has filled out a little. However I noticed that it is not soft like my left breast and that there is a hard mass behind my nipple - I don't know if this is the duct tissue - or something more worrying. I am worried because it is much more hard compared to the left breast, and also on the right the mass is only hard on one side of the whole mass if that makes sense.

Or is it just my breasts changing because the left used to be more hard but now that it has filled out the tissue is softer.

I am thinking of starting NB maybe seemingly as I think massage has been so successful for me - not drastic measurable changes but i can definitely see improvements!

Any advice about the skin rash and the breast mass would be greatly appreciated!

I even posted some pics because I am feeling brave and I really do need some advice. The pictures are what my breasts look like now - after doing my NBE routine for about a month. Before they were smaller!



Taking a break from herbs will definitely take care of your skin rash; it is also good to take a break until your other concern is alleviated. The 'Optimum Daily Intake' or 'Daily Recommended Intake' of Vitamins A, B complex, C, D and E without unnatural additives are good for health. It is probably healthy mass because a lot of growth happened rapidly, but it is a risk factor. Drinking green tea is good for those concerns, because it has anti-tumor properties. You may not have anything malignant, but act as if to prevent anything bad by nutritional means. If you are going to use herbs, stick with herbs that have anti-tumor and anticancer properties as a preventative measure. I hope someone else can give you more advice.

(07-09-2014, 01:18)starryeyedchantry Wrote:  Pictures

I don't see any!

(07-09-2014, 01:10)starryeyedchantry Wrote:  Hi everyone,
I have read quite a lot of posts here and started my NBE for quite a while now - 3 months maybe?

But only in the last month have I started taking herbs. I am 20 yo female, petite frame, short and skinny. I have seen results already from my NBE which I am very happy about, I just know NBE does work - especially after reading so many amazing success stories here! My breasts have definitely filled out if not gotten bigger.

After doing much research I composed a routine which consists of:

SP, PM for follicular phase
SP, FG for luteal phase
PM (home made cream) throughout cycle
Sometimes I will drink Fennel tea twice a day - when I can
Also I do massage with my own home made concoction of essential oils (FG, Fennel, Almond oil base)

I attempted many different recipes but used this one i the end. However since using one of my first mixtures - which I think I put too much fennel essential oil and not enough base oil in - i REALLY damaged the skin of my breasts. I have sensitive face skin and eczema on certain parts of my body. However the skin on my body was fine before - no eczema or rashes. However ever since using the first oil mix I have developed a large rash on my breast skin and I have stopped using the mixture for massage. Does this look like eczema? And what should I do to help clear it up? I was thinking of using aloe vera gel as it is soothing and meant to help eczema.

I think it is the fennel that irritated my skin - it says it is refreshing - I thought it was quite minty and almost stung! If I use the oil again - I would omit Fennel out of it because of the irritation I get from it.

But apart from the skin rash I have noticed changes in my breasts. My left which is larger has become more rounded and soft rather than hard and firm, but more lifted and perky. My right, only recently has filled out a little. However I noticed that it is not soft like my left breast and that there is a hard mass behind my nipple - I don't know if this is the duct tissue - or something more worrying. I am worried because it is much more hard compared to the left breast, and also on the right the mass is only hard on one side of the whole mass if that makes sense.

Or is it just my breasts changing because the left used to be more hard but now that it has filled out the tissue is softer.

I am thinking of starting NB maybe seemingly as I think massage has been so successful for me - not drastic measurable changes but i can definitely see improvements!

Any advice about the skin rash and the breast mass would be greatly appreciated!

I even posted some pics because I am feeling brave and I really do need some advice. The pictures are what my breasts look like now - after doing my NBE routine for about a month. Before they were smaller!

If your fennel oil is an essential oil, I would recommend using it diluted with a carrier oil. So for example, I use lavender essential oil diluted with flaxseed oil or Vitamin E oil. You can mix a few drops of your fennel oil with the carrier oil of your choice (olive, flaxseed, apricot oil etc). You should never apply any essential oil undiluted on the skin, or you will get a rash, especially if you have sensitive skin! I believe tea tree oil is the only oil you can apply undiluted, but still be careful if you have sensitive skin.

As for the mass, I grew very quickly and never experienced anything of the like, but I also started out with bigger breasts. If it's painful or preventing you from going about daily activities, see a doctor.

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