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Officially A 34C!


Hey,everyone.Some of you know me here,and some of you don't.I started my NBE during Feb.'09 when the old site was still up.I just wanted to post to share my results,and to motivate others to keep on keeping on.
My 34B bras for the longest were way tight,and I kept putting off getting new ones because I did not want to waste money until I knew they would fit,and also partly for fear of the C's not fitting and i get myself into that negative thinking mode.My B underwires were literally choking me.It hurt to breathe when I had them on,and I would have horrible marks on my breasts from the wire.So,I kept wearing my non-underwire bras that I knew would stretch.Well,for the past couple of months,they seemed loose on me and did not support me very well at all.So,I thought crap-WTF-there is no way I can be shrinking,as I have had to buy bigger bathing suit tops because I was busting out of the ones I was wearing last summer.
So,yesterday,my mom is like let's go see about getting you some more bras after we went tanning.So,I tried on the the 34B's-and they were way to friggin' tight! Lo and behold-I tried on the 34C's and they actually fit like a glove.They actually support me and keep my cleavage squished together like they should,and I can hardly tell I am wearing one.Now my lady lumps just salute and bounce.It is a great feeling.I am still pinching myself.
Of course,mom is like I told you so-you stretched your B's out.So,she treated me to the bras and bought me 4.
Now I can't wait to buy some strapless,as my 34B's just will not stay put where I am too big for them,and if I put the halter strap on with the strapless,they physically hurt me.I am by no means huge,but I do have a rather nice rack now-i actually have boobs.I'm chesty.
So-do not give up my fellow NBE friends.I still want to get bigger.I am getting greedy now,but hey,I made it this far,so I'll get to where I wanna be.I am thinking 34DD.Big Grin


Congrats hun, did you start out a 34B or smaller? I've been wearing my 34C bras lately as well, but the band is a lil loose on me, but my 32C's feel too tight at the moment, I'll see what happens after my period though. I think we all get the booby greed fever haha, I know I have it, I said I wanted to be a small C and would be happy, I achieved that by last December, and I'm still going Wink I believe I'm going to go for a 32DD which I think would be a 34D, I think anything bigger than that might be too big for my petite frame, but we'll see when I get there. Again congrats, it's such a wonderful feeling to grow out of bras, I just found my old sports bras I wore before doing NBE and I just laughed, they look like training bras now! I'm giving them to a friend of mine's lil girl (sad that they fit her and she's only 9!). Good luck getting DD's Smile

oh my gosh Mel congratulations, im really, really happy that you made it, i saw your photos one, on the old site, and you have has some awsome growing.

Hey Mel, well done honey i knew you would get there, 34DD here you come lol i think we all get a little greedy with our boobies and why not, if they are growing and you like it then why not keep going, im really happy for you chick, ill speak to you soon. I hope everything else is ok.
Hugs Cheryl xxxx

hi congratulations on the bigger boobies.. i am now officially jealous.. i am new to this forum.. What form of breast enhancement is the NBE?? i am curious.. i had just started on perfect curves capsules.. u probably have not heard of it.. before i had bought it, i read a lot of reviews on it and it seemed okay.. and now i have read some forums that i does not work.. i am a 32 nearly b... and of course i am still hoping that it works.. i am on my 3rd week. and i do feel soreness but no fullness yet as was supposed to be expected... i am still hoping, but the forums are scaring me.. if it does not work, what would you recommend.. thanks hope u answer.. Smile

Black Hippie-Thanks sweetie!

I was a very loose 34B when I started.I used to be a 36C years ago,and from the front,you could tell where I had lost that mass.The reason I was loose is because there was a big gap from the middle to the top of my breasts between the skin and bra,but I was way too wide for an A.Sighs with relief.I guess a lot of people would be happy with a B,but I was not after being so big with a petite frame.They looked okay from the front view,but from the side they looked like fried eggs.
The 32C's were too tight on me too when I tried them on yesterday,and I'm at my smallest part of the month right now.
Funny how we say we will be happy when we get to.......or will settle for......then once you get there that greed hits.The sizes that we want to achieve seem so much bigger until we reach that size.Plus,I think natural sizes look different than implant sizes of the same size.
I am thinking the same as you.......a 32DD is same as 34D.Same cup size.I am petite,as well,like you,and I have curvy hips and butt,so I wanna balance it out,but we'll see once there.
That is too funny about the sports bra! At least you had the guts to wear one! I didn't! I remember being in the lil girls section back then and thinking,geesh,mine are not that much bigger,and then get the hell out of there! Haha! LOL.
Thanks so much for your comments and the laugh! Plus,you have had awesome results.I have seen you on here and the noogleberry forum.So congrats to you!

Nessa- thank you so much,girl! Mom was pretty sure i would be a small C @ the time those last pics were made,but I wasn't,so I waited.

Cheryl------AAAWWWW,thanks,hon. Damn right-look out 34DD!!!! Here I come!!!!!! I will buy some of the baddest,most expensive,off the chain bras then.Look ou Victoria's Secrets cause I gotta secret of my own! Haha. LOL.

Everything otherwise is ok.I am not noticing the boobie pain so much due to my back pain from hell.I have lived with it almost a year,and it is looking like it is here to stay.I do my functional capabilities eval in 3 days.

You have been a HUGE inspiration to me,as well as many others here....... no pun intended.LOL Heart

Welcome to the forum!

NBE is just a short abbreviation for Natural Breast Enhancement/Enlargement.

I have heard of Perfect Curves.Do not be scared of it not working for you,but do not be disappointed if it does not.It could.

I tried for years without success.This last time I first started,I started on a commercial product that got me going.I had heard that because it was commercial,it was weaker,but I did not let that stop me from staying positive and convincing myself that it would work.I did have my BEST success with an individual program along with massage and heat.

I have recently started pumping and it really helps.Research your herbs,find out what they do,and how much minimum and max you will need for your body size.A lot of it is trial and error.The old site has a lot of info about herbs.Just click the link on bottom of page of this forum.A lot is archived to automatically take you to old forum.

Most commercial products are just weaker is all.Usually,it takes 4-6 weeks to notice some soreness/aches/tingles/heaviness/pains and to notice a little more fullness.Try it for about 3 mos. to give it an honest whirl.

As far as commercial products go,Wonderup has probably the best response to it.Quite a few have had success on this forum with it.Take a look at Milanis pics on the old forum under picture pages (updated).

Do NOT get discouraged,do not be jealous cause you are gonna find something that works for you and have good growth,and then you are gonna inspire and motivate and help someone else in the same shoes (or cups,rather lol ).

I DID add some individual herbs to kick start and punch up my commercial product and I massaged faithfully 2-3 times daily,followed with heating pad about 30 min. with my heating pad afterwards.

Good luck and welcome to your journey.I know we are all on here to grow some boobies,and we want them NOW!,but it will take some time.Just remember you are putting your body through a second puberty.This forum is great,and we will give you a good kick in the butt when you need it to encourage you.

Good luck to you,sweetie! Keep us posted.

Well it's official, I'm a 34C (hopefully will be after the period too) I went to the store here today, I'm in GTMO, Cuba at the moment so we only have one store here, and when they have cute stuff you have to buy it or it will be gone lol. Well they had some bras that were in 2 packs for $10 I was like heck yea, they are the same as what I bought a few months back to wear after pumping, I bought a pack with a solid yellow bra and a orange bra with stars on it in a size 34C, well those fit better without swelling now than they use to, no gaps or anything, but the band would rise in the back as it was too loose. I thought it was cause a 34 band is just too big for me. Well I again bought a pack of 2 34C bras this time it was a pack with a black bra and a leopard pink print, and I brought them home and tried them on and it fit like a glove! No gaps, band fit fine, everything, so I think the orange and yellow one is just stretched from me wearing it after pumping. So looks like at the moment I'm a 32D/34C Big Grin so we can be booby twins Big Grin I'm hoping it still fits like it does now after my period. I know others say they are bigger before their period, then after they deflate, I never experienced that personally, but always better to be safe and wait to see then sorry and disappointed. So crossing my fingers that this is permanent growth if so I'm 37 inches right now, that means I've grown 5 inches since I first started my NBE journey! I wore a top today with the bra built in, I haven't wore it in a while and I got some awesome cleavage in it, I might take some pics in a min to show off the new 34C bras and the new found cleavage in the top, this top use to fit, but I never had cleavage in it before. "and there you have it... cleavage" *quirky smile*

And yea I know what you mean about evening things out with a curvy lower body, my hips are 37 inches and my butt is 39. If I went to even out completely with my butt I'd have to go to a 32E (or maybe it's a 32F?)/34DD. But I dunno I'm 5'1 and tiny, I might tip over all the time Wink

You go girl!!!!!! Yay and congrats! I am 5'1 n 1/2 ". My God,we are boobie twins! Awesome! I will keep my fingers crossed for you,but I bet you are officially the 34C as well.I bet your bra stretched out too!

I have a good feeling for you.5 inches is crazy cool! Yay,Anastasia!!!!!! I know you have worked so hard and you deserve it. LOL Heart

thank you for the encouraging words mel c... with an official 34 c... Smile how long before your boobs got big.. i have read in the internet that there are side effects to taking the fennel seed or fenugreek herbs.. but i do want to take it.. what are your thoughts.. thanks... has anyone tried other individual herbs???

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