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Va-jay-jay Smell Questions


since we talk about boobs, can we please talk about the Vag?
I'm wondering if this has happened to anyone ????

SO my Vag has always been sensitive (& prone to yeast infections) ever since I was a little girl. I'm guessing its cuz i always wore tight clothing...

sometimes i smell myself, & it smells reallllly sweet & sexy & I'm just like wow i smell good LOL
then other times, I'm like, omG is that me!??! its kinda like a tuna fish smell mixed w/ mayo ....EWWW lol.

i still wear tight clothing, but when I'm home, which is 95% of the time, i wear loose pajama shorts w/ no underwear. I always go commando, but I actually want to start wearing underwear again...

anyways, I'm wondering, if anyone knows of any idea as to WHY I smell like tuna fish sometimes?????

~ im vegetarian (no meat, poultry, or fish-includiing tuna!!)
~ i do wear spandex most of the time, but like i said, i wear loose shorts a lot
~ i don't use soaps or douches on my vag, in the shower, i just wash it w/ the water hose using my fingers to open certain parts...& wash it really good & wipe front to back after the bathroom all the time
~ I Don't have any STD's or STI's (i got checked 2 weeks ago, & have been abstinent for about 2 months

i read pineapple juice helps w/ the smell, as well as oranges..
does anyone have any advice?? does PM change the smell??


That is bacterial vaginosis, it is causes from an imbalance of bacteria in your vagina. do you take any supplements or herbs? I use to get it ALL the time after my 4th child. I haven't had it since, so I'm assuming an imbalance of hormones can also cause a change in scent. whenever I take fenugreek it smells like syrup. ha! You could always try that!

(02-09-2014, 20:23)NattyTooty Wrote:  That is bacterial vaginosis, it is causes from an imbalance of bacteria in your vagina. do you take any supplements or herbs? I use to get it ALL the time after my 4th child. I haven't had it since, so I'm assuming an imbalance of hormones can also cause a change in scent. whenever I take fenugreek it smells like syrup. ha! You could always try that!

Always thought those whose bodies smelled of syrup on fenugreek were so lucky..i had to stop taking it as i constantly ponged of curry xD

(02-09-2014, 20:23)NattyTooty Wrote:  That is bacterial vaginosis, it is causes from an imbalance of bacteria in your vagina. do you take any supplements or herbs? I use to get it ALL the time after my 4th child. I haven't had it since, so I'm assuming an imbalance of hormones can also cause a change in scent. whenever I take fenugreek it smells like syrup. ha! You could always try that!

Thanks for your response, Natty!!!! Yes, i take Pueraria Mirifica, Fish oil, Multi-Vitamin, Magniseum/Calcium Supp, Vit B-Complex -- I take all of these every night

For NBE, i heard PM was better/stronger than fenugreek... would taking both fenugreek and PM make me E-dominant???

do you know of any natural cures?? any other herbs that change the smell. or balance the Vag bacteria?? (When I take Anti-biotics i get bad yeast infections, ever since i was little)

thanks again for your response!!!! =D

(02-09-2014, 20:15)RoundFullPerks Wrote:  SO my Vag has always been sensitive (& prone to yeast infections)

supposedly if you eat yogurt, the live cultures in yogurt prevent yeast infections.


best to let your 'fnah fnah' breath/air out when sleeping..aka no undies...just a long t-shirt.

From what I've read, you have a self-cleaning oven and you shouldn't clean it (inside) yourself, that MAY cause MORE yeast infections. If you get one, a solution of water and baking soda should do the trick.
As for the various smells, I would think that has something to do with the time of the month ONLY because I'm told that your ejaculate has different tastes to it at each phase of the month. Keep track of WHEN it has certain smells. Supposedly, your jism will taste very salty (or bitter, I forget which) during your period, bitter (or salty, I forget which) the week after your period, sour, the week after that and SUPER sweet the week before your period.
Tight clothes wore for LONG periods of time and keeping her in a dark place for a long time will most likely cause yeast. A dark, damp place is the best place for it to grow!
I MIGHT suggest you take MSM. Last year, for some reason,, some of my smelly bits were REALLY smelly!! Even seconds after I got out of the shower!! I started taking MSM last Dec. and suddenly all those smells went away!! Maybe it'll work on your sexy pink flower, too!

If you are E dominate, you shouldn't need PM. I think the trick to nbe is balancing your hormones so you can get that growth. PM increases E... I would say definitely try PC, than try MACA if you still don't balance out.

I maybe wrong on what the hormone goal for breast growth is... feel free to chime in anyone as I would like to know. (I'm hoping I'm right, because I love this balanced feeling I have... unlike when I'm on estrogen overload)

TANYA ~ dairy gives me really bad stomach aches & gas (i think I’m lactose intolerant); i do sleep without underwear, i wear really loose shorts - i don’t wear a big shirt cuz i live with my brother & we kinda share a

MISSED ~ thank u for that info on the times of month of smells.. thats pretty interesting.. i’ll try to keep note of this!! What exactly is MSM??? thanks for the advice

NATTY~ i take PM cuz I’m on the progesterone only birth control shot (depo provera)..

I forget the full name, I'm sure someone here can tell you, but, it comes a cream and a capsule, the cream is supposed to be used topically, if you have pain somewhere, rub some in and it SHOULD go away pretty fast. I'm supposing the capsules come in various mg sizes. If I remember correctly, someone here said they'll help your tits grow. I get them 100 in a bottle and I suppose you should only take one a day for a week, then for the next week and three the next and then just maintain that. I had a nasty cold and lost my voice early this year and stopped taking them, and, so far, haven't been able to get back on them. But, before I started taking them I was noticing my farts were smelling like a dead animal and, suddenly, my right armpit started smelling like that, too!! Why only the right, I don't know. About 2 or 3 weeks into taking MSM, all the smells stopped!! I'm pretty sure that it HAS been growing my girls a bit, too!! They fill my bras a little better, now!!
You might be able to find it in a grocery store in the vitamin section, or at places where they specialize in organically grown food.

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