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Thanks Tibetan I will subscribe to your link.
Yes I read that the falling down dream is when you have travelled out of body then come back to it which is the falling sensation.
I HATE THAT feeling!!!
My mums side of the family are very spiritual and have told me things that had my hair standing on end. I too have had some "experiences", some that have terrified me and others quite comforting. I thought I wanted to explore that side of myself more but I know im not emotionally stable enough to deal with that side of life so I suppress it.
I will give more thought to reading into my dreams more. I have had messages before but nothing NBE related.

Understandable! Girl, and everyone else, I wish us all just the best! The strange inner (inner/outer) world is definitely something I can relate to having been totally confounded and disturbed by at times! Divine & Benevolent Love, Peace, Safety, Joy, and Comfort be on us All! Most High Benevolence Bless you all, very much. Love and Light.

PS: Tibetan, have you tried EFT or Ho'oponopono? I meditate pray protection before sleeping and at other time. I also practice grounding. Grounding is such a powerful method, especially grounding and aligning through the root chakra! Part of recovering from what you Are recovering from (thinking good thoughts for ya Smile is strengthening/ loving your non-physical self and remembering that you are not alone, not when you are happy and safe, not when you are unhappy or in danger. I think maybe we all have lessons or whatever in life. I had a certain issue, in my twenties. I was afraid to go to bed! I woke up like I had fought for my life all night long! The second night, in desperation, kind of out of character, I yelled out in desperation, "In the name of Jesus" and boom, suddenly I was stronger and saved from I don't know what with all the power like the prayer warrior I am! Before the third night could happen, I told my (much more traditional Christian) friends about what was happening because I actually was afraid of sleeping. It was a time in my life when my spiritual energy was so high, I could prophesy. Well, long story short, it worked. I am a mystique, so my Spiritual practice and seeking is fairly wide ranging. Youtube is kinda like my biggest "spiritual" resource; everything from receiving free distant healings, to learning about how to heal/help myself and others. Great stuff, as you may know. It's true that sometimes the fight too, is the search. This for example (CAUTION! definitely this video is very hard on the ears! Avoid headphones on first listen!!!), , is an interesting take, amongst many, about dealing with certain things. I wish you much luck, dear child of the universe!

PPS: Longest PS ever! LOL! Luv ya!
Reply Listen to this... Djinn will run away when hearing the quran.

(29-03-2014, 10:07 AM)Daz Wrote: Listen to this... Djinn will run away when hearing the quran.

Thanks for this. Force be with you.
I must mention that Jinns are are good and bad. And we should seek protection against the bad ones and not the entire civilization of jinns. Quran clearly mentions that some are true believers like some humans. Although, we should seek help from the Force only. I truly believe we should leave them alone and stay focused on human's civilization. Remember, what you think about it expands.
Of course, Solomon did communicate with them, but he was given the divine knowledge to do so. Jesus Christ also was given divine knowledge to deal with dark forces. He had a simple formula for dealing with them it was-Just say NO.
Love you all...

Thanks Ladies for all of your feedback! I am at my wits end.

I had an out of body this morning, and this young spirit girl told me her ovaries where enlarged. She said her mother did an x ray/ultrasound (I guess her mother is a some kind of doctor) of her body along with mine.

She said her ovaries were "huge," and told me the measurements ( I totally forgot when I woke up).

I said, "well that can be very dangerous, you might get cancer from all the hormones it feeds it, so don't eat a bunch of junk." She seemed sad.
"You have to watch what you eat, no candy," I told her.

What I did not tie into... this was resulted from sleeping in my body/combining with my soul!

I was with a subdued awareness, even though I knew this girl was sleeping in my body ( I was debating on whether or not I should kill her), it didn't hit me till I asked her, "why are they enlarged?"

She said, " ugh, the dreams you've been having all this time, come on... that's what the girls are worried about."
So I guess the girls are reluctant to do this sleep therapy with me because of the enlarged ovary side effects!

I was so upset, I woke up. I had been on BO for a year. I can tell you ladies, this may very well be the truth. I feel like I might have enlarged ovaries by taking this stuff. I noticed around month 6 or 7, I had more aches and sensitivity in my ovaries during luteal phase (when my hormones where pumpin out big time).

In the past, I have had a spirits tell me of my left breast having that lump and my thyroid being hypo, which where all true!

I can tell you, these girls know of my suicidal thinking as well as my body's health, they don't want me die (so they can use me) and now they don't want to risk their health with giant ovaries, lol!

So, I will not ever go back to BO. I think I got what I needed out of it and perhaps a little more of only God knows what and only time will tell.

I will do PM or topicals. I think 9 months is good on it and a year may be pushing it. I know everyone is different.

I think some ladies have shrunken ovaries so this may work for them long term like a year or two, but you healthy ladies, please be very cautious and careful not to be on it too long, esp if you have nice healthy ovaries. I think this is more for weak/non productive/ menopausal shrunken ovaries and not so much for the young healthy woman or young girl who wants larger breasts. She better be missing a period or have very weak glands!


I think these girls are your guides, it seems they are seeking advice but warning you at the same time.
I hate the thought of BO and how it can enlarge other bodily organs too, scares the *** out of me.

I had a weird dream too where the biggest eagle, ie the size of a Shetland pony dropped down in front of me and just looked at me intently. Freaked the crap out of me but he was just beautiful too.
The fact he dropped down in front of me while I was on the road makes me think I shouldn't drive today. We are in the midst of yet another storm and the wind is worse than Ive ever experienced here :s But I have to drive to work soon :'(

I wish. Trust me, these girls are not my guides. I have a guide, but things just aren't good between us right now. These girls are the same that carve a knife into your skin while you beg them to stop and laugh at you because you got raped by a group of males. She was just telling me she now has gargantuan ovaries for her age from hijacking my body and combining it and that its my fault.

That dream you had could just be a warning or some entity screwing with you. They love ambushing dreamers.

BO just like any glandular is very powerful and has the potential to enlarge that organ. It feeds the glands and they become like a plant that soaked up all the nutrients and enzymes to become Kong sized, lol. So we need to be careful.

(16-04-2014, 08:05 PM)ELLACRAIG Wrote:  I think these girls are your guides, it seems they are seeking advice but warning you at the same time.
I hate the thought of BO and how it can enlarge other bodily organs too, scares the *** out of me.

I had a weird dream too where the biggest eagle, ie the size of a Shetland pony dropped down in front of me and just looked at me intently. Freaked the crap out of me but he was just beautiful too.
The fact he dropped down in front of me while I was on the road makes me think I shouldn't drive today. We are in the midst of yet another storm and the wind is worse than Ive ever experienced here :s But I have to drive to work soon :'(


Still happening. Spirit entities jumping into our bodies nightly. We have perversed our bodies to the point of nonsense. They will drain you. So many of you have the desire to grow so large. I'm guilty of wanting my own perfections. But please do not let thy breasts be bigger than thy brains!

Wake up spiritually and see what is actually happening under the veil of your dreams. They are not at all what they seem. Those thought voices may not be yours, though they seem to be coming from within you. Those are the entities that are aligned within you. Its enslavement. At least know that you are a possible target, don't think for one minute, you are exempt from such other worldly experiences. Christ sends out his Angels for lifting demonics, not your average astral idiot. Just like that man or woman who molested you or beat on you. Its free will amongst us. But he will judge them like he will judge you and I.


I believe you but those are not what you think they are...ahhh, if only people could start to believe that easily.

(29-03-2014, 10:49 PM)pom19 Wrote:  
(29-03-2014, 10:07 AM)Daz Wrote: Listen to this... Djinn will run away when hearing the quran.

Thanks for this. Force be with you.
I must mention that Jinns are are good and bad. And we should seek protection against the bad ones and not the entire civilization of jinns. Quran clearly mentions that some are true believers like some humans. Although, we should seek help from the Force only. I truly believe we should leave them alone and stay focused on human's civilization. Remember, what you think about it expands.
Of course, Solomon did communicate with them, but he was given the divine knowledge to do so. Jesus Christ also was given divine knowledge to deal with dark forces. He had a simple formula for dealing with them it was-Just say NO.
Love you all...

Oh my, finally, I wanted to mention this ahhh. :-D I would hug you right now!


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