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Tubular / Tuberous Breasts


Hello, I went to a plastic surgeon because I have big areolas and flat nipples that don't come out too often or stay out for long when they do. The plastic surgeon told me I have tubular breasts, a deformity and that he could perform nipple repair so my nipples come out but he tested how my nipples acted and did sort of mention that my nipples could be trained to come out....I found that interesting but he didn't expand on that and I was younger at the time and didn't ask him what he meant. I have seen some women post on here about this and I am a new member who decided to seek help from you ladies. I think my tubular breasts may be on the mild side, they look similar to these breasts.

To be honest, I really have no clue why I would have developed tubular breasts. I was a fattie and I ate a lot when I was hitting puberty. I did wear push up bras during puberty that were actually two sizes too big for my boobs lol, so they were actually loose for my boobs. I've read hypothyroidism can cause this too, my mom has that, but I do not. The only other thing I can think of is that I read it can be from pesticides and a lot of women who grew up on a farm have tubular breasts. Well, my grandparents lived on a farm and I visited often while growing up. My mom seems to lack a lot of confidence with her boobs and I always thought it was cause they are small but now I wonder if she has tubular breasts like I do after finding out my boobs are deformed. I do know she used nipple pumps a lot when I was a baby to breast feed me, so that makes me think she might have them because maybe she had trouble getting milk out? Or perhaps it's just that she has flat nipples like I do which makes it hard to breastfeed also. I don't know but I guess I should probably ask her.

I think I'm an A cup, but I always wear B sized bras with push up padding. Oddly, people think my boobs are nice and huge lol. People tend to assume I'm a c cup. Perhaps I might be a small b cup, I'm really not sure.

Anyway, I've been doing some research on this topic lately and I was planning to get implants and have the tubular breasts scored to release the fibrous tissue constricting them at the areola area and also have my areola made smaller which I saw online plastic surgeons do this by cutting out some of the areola and then stitching the new smaller areola to the breasts. The only thing I don't like about this is that I would have scarring all along the edge of my areola and it would also stand out more. :-( The issue with getting these surgeries which consist of nipple repair so the nipple comes out, scoring the base of the breast for tubular breasts, putting in implants to achieve rounder fuller look, and areola reduction, is it costs $20k! And the other issue I have which is even bigger is that it just sounds like a lot for the body to have to take. I hate the idea of implants also because it's not permanent and you have to get them fixed and may have problems from them, it just sounds scary and a lot of surgeries for the future. Not only that, but when I'm old, I may have these heavy sacks to lug around or I may have awful looking boobs if I have them taken out. Then again, sometimes I think it may be all worth it to look normal and confident especially while you are young, because I don't feel normal, I actually feel like a fraud. When the few men I have actually let see me naked actually do see me, I know they were surprised to see the smaller size of my breasts and also the huge areolas etc. My first bf pointed out my huge areolas once. My other bf didn't really seem to touch my boobs too much and didn't try to take my bra off if I left it on, guess he wanted it on too...I noticed the same thing with another guy I hooked up with, he didn't end up touch my boobs at all after he saw one of them and didn't take my bra off. These experiences can be very disheartening for a woman. I'm not sure if any of these guys thought my boobs were deformed or not the right shape.

After finding this forum though, I am thinking now that maybe I could have surgery without implants to correct this deformity? I have seen some plastic surgeons say on some sites when people asked the question if they needed to have implants or could have it corrected without, some said yes it can be corrected without but they did say that implants are recommended to make them rounder etc otherwise you may not be happy with your result. But, I'm wondering if I didn't get implants, if I could just have the fibrous tissue scored and also I believe you have to have an expander for the first surgery beforehand which helps too, and then also get the nipple repair and the areola reduction, wouldn't that achieve making my breasts look normal? Yes, they would be small but then I was thinking after the surgeries, once I'm healed, I could use Noogleberry, massage, and other options to try to increase my breast size.

Please let me know what you think?

I have read on here to try BO or PM along with using Noogleberry and massage but I am actually quite nervous to try supplements that affect hormones, not only that but it seems that it didn't work for anyone with tubular breasts.


I think a non surgical solution could give good results if they are like the link they don't look bad at all and pretty size and shape hardly tuberous you may find correcting the nipples is enough to make you happy with them.
You can correct flat nipples and reduce areola with niplette I just bought another one I loved the shape it gave my nipples and breast before almost like a areola reduction lift.

A noogleberry could round them out choose a dome wider than your breast base and bovine ovary I think is most effective choice for tubular breasts normally pueraria may work as yours are big though.

Sounds like you wear the wrong size bra this will make breasts a unusual shape so wearing the correct size bra and simply using the swoop and scoop method to push all the breast tissue and fat into the cups to do this you need a good bra find the right size measure yourself braless take underbust use this as your band size and lean forward to measure your bust eg underbust 30 overbust 33 would be around a 30c bra size cups vary but the band should be very tight cups slightly loose.

Fellow tubey over here(:

Your story speaks my life. Especially regarding the boyfriend's ignoring your boobs.
My current boyfriend (who blows all of the rest out of the water as selfish, immature boys) is the first to ever give the girls some love. When I told him this fact he was shocked and said that while they aren't as round as many he has seen, they certainly aren't the worst and besides boobs are boobs, they're supposed to be fun/funny.
That was a great perspective I had never considered before him.
I have thought or, and looked in to everything you have as well.
Here is point form what I have learned :
- areola reduction rarely is permanent, especially with contstricted breasts they tend to stretch the areola= scars+ stretched skin, harder to revise later.
-best to be done after breastfeeding (so I'd assume after nb too )
-if surgery is your route, consider fat grafts + rigommoties and the disolvable mesh bra they stitch in to open underboob (if you lack underboob)
What I am doing to improve my breasts is this:
Noogleberry for size increase whilst taping areolas down as they were pulling tissue through.
I'm seeing improvements in my shape and it's only been three weeks , they do return pretty close to the undesired shape when swelling goes down but it hasn't been long enough to have doubts.
Once I've noogled for 2 or 3 years and know for sure I've gained all I can from it, if I am unsatisfied with shape, I imagine I'll have saved up enough money to opt for the aforementioned fat transfer. I will go to Dr.khouri, the Brava pioneer to have this done. I have seen some of his work on his website and am very impressed.
I am hoping that nb + fat transfer if required will round out and increase my busy enough that my nipples will be balanced with my breasts. I also home riggotomies(needle release method) during the fat transfer will release enough constriction that my areolas will never look puffy again (I have faith as I only have the puff when I'm relaxed (cold, swelling etc they do not puff)

Feel free to look at my threads (I believe the most updated thread is 'do you see a difference ' ) to get an idea of how well noogleberry is alone.
Good luck Smile

@Bonita: I have my nipples pierced, I am wondering if niplette can still help with my areola situation (:
Do you think it's worth trying out? There is some nipple behind the bar (they aren't peirced exactly where the nipple starts from the areola) if that helps you make judgment.

Beckums I think you would need to take them out to use most nipple shapers includes niplette I'll post a PIC of what it does for mine, mine are most of the time or at least half the time very flat and wide areola I found niplette worked great in the past unfortunately I lost them after under a week of use travelling.
But they gave such a beautiful hope they do the same this time.

I hope not! Lol I feel the most progress my nip-areola situation has had is thanks to my piercings. Granted It's been 5 years so I can't remember what they looked like before they were pierced but I'd hate to take them out to try niplette for it to be less desirable than my piercings and then not be able to repierce through the scar tissue (ouch!)

Looking forward to your pics.(:

(28-07-2014, 22:08)beckums Wrote:  I hope not! Lol I feel the most progress my nip-areola situation has had is thanks to my piercings. Granted It's been 5 years so I can't remember what they looked like before they were pierced but I'd hate to take them out to try niplette for it to be less desirable than my piercings and then not be able to repierce through the scar tissue (ouch!)

Looking forward to your pics.(:

Its not too bad I have had mine pierced then left them out for a couple years then repierced myself without pain you could maybe just take out and use niplette at night then put piercings back in in the morning if you wanted to try something like that.

(28-07-2014, 18:01)BonitaDDs Wrote:  I think a non surgical solution could give good results if they are like the link they don't look bad at all and pretty size and shape hardly tuberous you may find correcting the nipples is enough to make you happy with them.
You can correct flat nipples and reduce areola with niplette I just bought another one I loved the shape it gave my nipples and breast before almost like a areola reduction lift.

A noogleberry could round them out choose a dome wider than your breast base and bovine ovary I think is most effective choice for tubular breasts normally pueraria may work as yours are big though.

Sounds like you wear the wrong size bra this will make breasts a unusual shape so wearing the correct size bra and simply using the swoop and scoop method to push all the breast tissue and fat into the cups to do this you need a good bra find the right size measure yourself braless take underbust use this as your band size and lean forward to measure your bust eg underbust 30 overbust 33 would be around a 30c bra size cups vary but the band should be very tight cups slightly loose.

Hello, thank you ladies for replying so soon. :-) I never had heard of the nipplette and just googled it. It doesn't seem to state anything about the areola, but says it helps get the nipple to come out. I looked at the picture, but I'm not sure how this would reduce the size of the areola? It looks like it's very small just for the nipple. My areolas are pretty darn huge too they take up a big bulk of my boobs. Can you explain to me how nipplette could help?

As far as bovine ovary, do you know of anyone here who has had success with tubular breasts from bovine ovary?

Hey there.
Niplette works on the areola by using some of the areolas tissue to create a larger nipple. That's what I gather from it.
Anastasia's program for her mild Tuberous breasts included b.o and noogle.
If I remember correctly, she retained upper pole fullness and greatly reduced the tuberous shape. Tibetan113 also has mild Tuberous breasts. She makes an ultra breast tincture that she sells through the market place that she used for herself.
The most important thing about nbe for Tiberius breasts is to have realistic expectations. Nbe can help fill out the poles of your breasts, but it can't stretch the pockets out if there's no infernal space for tissue. Nb is the best for this problem, but it can only do so much. The more tuberous your breasts are (high infra mammary fold, constricted and small width breast base, high lower poles) the less likely you will attain a perfectly round shape. Tibetan and I were discussing it last night and agree that a good plan is once you are happy with all nbe can offer you, if you haven't completely resolved your tuberous shape, aft+ rigottomies could offer slight extra growth along side lower pole fullness. Bare in mind the aforementioned nb can slightly help the nipple, nipplette as well and fat graphs help by making them more proportioned through the size increase of surrounding breast tissue, but realistically areola reduction is the ultimate fixer, but with everything else done I really don't see a point in causing those scars when many people find large areolas attractive.

(29-07-2014, 12:54)beckums Wrote:  Hey there.
Niplette works on the areola by using some of the areolas tissue to create a larger nipple. That's what I gather from it.
Anastasia's program for her mild Tuberous breasts included b.o and noogle.
If I remember correctly, she retained upper pole fullness and greatly reduced the tuberous shape. Tibetan113 also has mild Tuberous breasts. She makes an ultra breast tincture that she sells through the market place that she used for herself.
The most important thing about nbe for Tiberius breasts is to have realistic expectations. Nbe can help fill out the poles of your breasts, but it can't stretch the pockets out if there's no infernal space for tissue. Nb is the best for this problem, but it can only do so much. The more tuberous your breasts are (high infra mammary fold, constricted and small width breast base, high lower poles) the less likely you will attain a perfectly round shape. Tibetan and I were discussing it last night and agree that a good plan is once you are happy with all nbe can offer you, if you haven't completely resolved your tuberous shape, aft+ rigottomies could offer slight extra growth along side lower pole fullness. Bare in mind the aforementioned nb can slightly help the nipple, nipplette as well and fat graphs help by making them more proportioned through the size increase of surrounding breast tissue, but realistically areola reduction is the ultimate fixer, but with everything else done I really don't see a point in causing those scars when many people find large areolas attractive.
Thanks for replying, beckums. I honestly still don't understand how the nipplette would make the areola smaller. I'm not sure where you heard that many people find large areolas attractive?? But in my experience speaking with others and just looking at my own, it is not attractive to me and most people think it's weird, not so attractive. My areolas take up my entire boobs practically, so I just don't get how the nipplette could help me, I really wish it could, but I still don't understand. And I hope it doesn't make a large scary looking nipple if it's trying to make a nipple out of some of the areola tissue. I saw Anastasia pictures before she started her program but her breasts are honestly not tubular, she already had a round shape and some fullness, her breasts were normal to me, the only change I saw was they got bigger. And I actually couldn't find any pictures and progress for Tibetan311 in search engine. Does she have any?

I know a lot about fat transfer to the boobs, I have researched it and I have been to plastic surgeons and I do not recommend it at all. I've had doctors be very honest with me, oddly enough. Fat transfer to the breasts, believe it or not, has more complications and risks than saline implants. It's true it's permanent, but if your body take the fat and doesn't distribute correctly and decides to absorb some and leave some, I have read of women on forums who had this procedure and are now dealing with what look like lumpy looking breasts because this happens. With fat transfer you will most likely need to have the surgery twice because the first time, your body will absorb a certain percentage of the fat and it's a large amount, I forget what the doctor told me it's like 80% of the fat. Same will happen the second time, but you will end up with 40% fat that "hopefully" stays and that will be your new boob size. The procedure may need to be done more than twice to achieve breast size. The boobs is not a good place for fat transfer as I have read in studies online. It can also actually increase breast cancer risk, but it's a great option after breast cancer for breast reconstruction. I just couldn't do it. I'm sorry I just poo-pooed your ideas, I just want to make sure everyone is safe with their breast decisions and these are some things to think about.

I think, although I'm super nervous about this, I may take pictures tomorrow and post a link to photos of my breasts so you nice gals can help me out and tell me how tuberous they are because everything you were saying about high lower poles and high infra mammary fold....all went over my head, I have no idea what all that means lol.

Hey there,
Firstly, I personally found Anastasias lighting difficult to decipher growth, but her persistence and satisfaction is what really made me think of her.
As for Tibetan, h er progress photos really are spaced apart in her program page from page 30 onwards but I think there's one post, if I can find it that shows her breasts at the begining to now. Imo though, the only tuberous shape to her is her areolas (mildly) and she has a constricted base. Other than that she is quite round top wise.
Pictures of yourself will really help determine what's exactly going on.
Personally, my breasts are just really constricted and conular. I am not the classic tuberous breast but I can show you pics from January and last week or so to give you an idea of what nb has done for me (Jan-July 05th was just massage really)
As for fat graft. They have done various studies and it's not that fat increases the risk of cancer, it makes it harder to spot, which is why they do mammograms first, and then after for reference I think like most nbe, if the doctors aren't fimiliar with it in their practice they just throw it out the window. I know that they don't do the procedure if you have breast abnormalities (fibrocystic, fibroadenomas) so those are things I'm lpokingn to fix for myself for the time being. I also know that by using external tissue expansion pre op you Dr.khouri *promises* a fat survival rate of 75-90 percent. As you know, I don't plan to use the fat transfer for the size increase as much as for the less invasive constricted tissue resolution so I guess that's why the lumpy results I've read have not discouraged me, though I do thank you for the consideration of sharing(:

Oh and to ease your nerves. Keep in mind anonymity is a beautiful thing. Take a shot from the neck down or something and you will be unidentifiable.

Also: my boyfriend told me extreme assymetry is less appealing than areola size in his opinion
Furthermore there are websites that fetishize areola size and puffiness.
The t-girls and men who grow on the nb forum are always speaking about their areola envy to us larger areola girls As they use the nipple pumps to try to grow their areolas to look more feminen . I have read 'why do you girls want masculine nipples?!' A few times on that forum. It seems that its really only the girls who have the puffy areolas that are bothered by them. Don't get me wrong , in the words of missed miss, I 'shot holes in to' my nipples at the young age of 16 to help lessen the visual aspect of my areolas so I feel you on the size thing. If you don't have much herniation (what looks like tissue pushing through the areola because of the fibrous ring associated with t-breasts or if you tape your areolas like I am, nb should help you grow and by growing your breast and areola will begin to be more proportioned to each other.
Also i bave noticed that nb has lightened my areola. So that's something to look forward to .(:

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